6,080 research outputs found

    Las fiestas de la fortuna : sermones de los cinco gloriosos martires San Arcadio, San Probo, San Paschasio, San Eutichiano y San Paulilo ...

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: []4, A4, B

    The costs and consequences of not reaching an Education Pact in Spain

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    En el contexto de un debate por un Pacto de Estado por la Educación en España, el objetivo de este artículo es describir y cuantificar los costes y consecuencias de no alcanzar dicho acuerdo en torno a las políticas y decisiones fundamentales asociadas al éxito escolar de cada alumno. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un breve análisis del sistema educativo español y se discute el impacto que las rigideces e inercias del mismo están teniendo sobre el alumnado, con especial incidencia a aquellos provenientes de entornos socioeconómicos más vulnerables. A partir de diversos estudios empíricos y nuevas aportaciones, se cuantifica el impacto, en términos de aprendizaje, cohesión social, empleo y crecimiento, de no establecer objetivos de país que pudieran surgir de un amplio acuerdo en materia de Educación. Los resultados son relevantes y justifican una urgente llamada a la acción a los partidos políticos y los agentes educativosIn the context of the ongoing debate to reach a National Pact on Education in Spain, this article identifies and attempts to quantify the costs and consequences of failing to reach such Pact, i.e. of not building political consensus around the key policies and fundamental decisions associated to quality learning for all students. We carry out a brief analysis of the Spanish education system and discuss the negative impact that its rigidity and inertia have had on students, particularly on those from low socioeconomic background. With some existing empirical studies and adding new estimations, we quantify the impact of failing to agree on long-term goals in terms of learning, social cohesion, employment and economic growth. The conclusions are relevant and compelling, and warrant an urgent call for action to political parties and education stakeholder

    The Aznalcóllar mine-tailing spill: trace elements in remediated soils

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    The Aznalcóllar mine-tailing spill (25th April 1998) affected about 2700 ha of agricultural land. Approximately 6 million cubic meters of slurry inundated both riverbanks of the Agrio and Guadiamar rivers. Slurry was composed of acidic water loaded with heavy metals and other toxic elements, and sludge consisting of finely divided metal sulphides: pyrite with arsenopyrite (75-80%) and sphalerite and galena (5%). A strip 40 km long and 300 m wide along both rivers was covered by a layer (0-30 cm thick) of black sludge. Severe heavy metal pollution was observed in the superficial layer (0-20 cm) of most of the sludge-affected soils. Generally, in soils with more than 20% of elay, concentration of heavy metals below the 20-cm depth decreased to values close to the background level of the Guadiamar valley soils. In coarser soils, heavy metal pollution penetrated below this depth, being noticeable down to at least 50-80 cm (Cabrera et al.,1999). Remediation works started soon after the accident and consisted in: 1) removal of the sludge from the surface soils together with a layer of soil of 5 to 20 cm; 2) deep ploughing (20 cm) to mix soil within the ploughed depth; 3) application of amendments (e.g.lime, Fe-rich soil, compost, manure). To know the effectiveness of the remediations works, total and available trace elements were determined in soils of two affected areas of the Guadiamar river valley.Peer reviewe

    Simulations expérimentale et numérique de réfractaires verriers électrofondus riches en zircone

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    International audienceLes réfractaires électrofondus à Très Haute Teneur en Zircone sont utilisés dans la construction des fours verriers. Le fond de la zone fusion est constitué de dalles de THTZ (88%vol ZrO2, 12%vol phase vitreuse), matériau choisi pour sa faible conductivité thermique, sa forte réfractarité et son inertie chimique. Le THTZ est élaboré par électrofusion, coulé dans des moules puis refroidi de manière contrôlée jusqu'à température ambiante, domaine où le matériau se caractérise par un comportement fragile. Lors de la première mise en chauffe du four ("attrempage"), des contraintes internes d'origine thermique sont générées au sein des dalles. L'objectif de l'étude est alors d'estimer ce champ de contraintes. L'étude a tout d'abord consisté à simuler expérimentalement la chauffe d'une dalle de THTZ dans un four verrier pendant l'attrempage. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé et utilisé un dispositif expérimental consistant à poser une dalle de THTZ instrumentée en thermocouples sur une plaque chauffée à une vitesse contrôlée. Les données thermiques ainsi obtenues ont permis, via un calcul numérique thermique (code de calcul ZéBuLoN, Centre des Matériaux), de déterminer les coefficients d'échange aux interfaces dalle/air et dalle/plaque chauffante. Puis, à partir de cela, un calcul numérique mécanique nous a permis de déterminer les contraintes générées par l'attrempage dans la dalle

    Optimization of a portable NIR device for the optical supervision of milk coagulation process

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    The coagulation of milk is the fundamental process in cheese-making, which is based on a gel formation as consequence of physicochemical changes taking place in the casein micelles. Monitoring the whole process of milk curd formation is a dedicated process for dairy researchers and cheese companies. In addition to advances in composition-based applications by means of NIR spectroscopy, researchers are pursuing dynamic applications that show promise especially with regard to tracking a sample in situ during processing The objective of this work is to propose an original portable NIR equipment to supervise the milk coagulation process. The experiments have been carried out on sheep and goat milk, by immersion of the probe directly in the liquid and acquiring spectrum each 1 minute during the 30 minutes of coagulation process. The increasing values of transflected light registered allow identifying, based on PCA analysis, the different kinetics that occur along the gel formation and the time to reach the optimal gel firmness to cut the cur

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    An Asymptotically-Optimal Sampling-Based Algorithm for Bi-directional Motion Planning

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    Bi-directional search is a widely used strategy to increase the success and convergence rates of sampling-based motion planning algorithms. Yet, few results are available that merge both bi-directional search and asymptotic optimality into existing optimal planners, such as PRM*, RRT*, and FMT*. The objective of this paper is to fill this gap. Specifically, this paper presents a bi-directional, sampling-based, asymptotically-optimal algorithm named Bi-directional FMT* (BFMT*) that extends the Fast Marching Tree (FMT*) algorithm to bi-directional search while preserving its key properties, chiefly lazy search and asymptotic optimality through convergence in probability. BFMT* performs a two-source, lazy dynamic programming recursion over a set of randomly-drawn samples, correspondingly generating two search trees: one in cost-to-come space from the initial configuration and another in cost-to-go space from the goal configuration. Numerical experiments illustrate the advantages of BFMT* over its unidirectional counterpart, as well as a number of other state-of-the-art planners.Comment: Accepted to the 2015 IEEE Intelligent Robotics and Systems Conference in Hamburg, Germany. This submission represents the long version of the conference manuscript, with additional proof details (Section IV) regarding the asymptotic optimality of the BFMT* algorith

    The Manipulation of Materials as a Teaching Resource in Childhood Education

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    Los materiales son elementos indispensables en educación infantil por el alto marco de influencia que ejercen estos en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje en los niños y niñas. De esta manera el estudio y la investigación de los materiales y recursos que se utilizan en las primeras etapas educativas, como el conocimiento de todo los materiales y recursos disponibles, la realización de una buena clasificación y selección del material en el aula, contribuirá a un mejor aprendizaje y proporcionará una fuente educativa donde poder acudir para ofrecer a los infantes una educación de calidad y en vías a la excelencia.The materials are essential elements in early childhood education because of their high influence in the teachings / learnings for children, so that way the study and research of materials and resources used in the early stages of education, like knowledge of all the materials and resources, the making of a good classification and the selection of the material in the classroom will all contribute to a better learning, and provide an educational resource where we could turn for offering a quality education to the infants and directed for excellence

    Percepció de la relació fill-pares i vincles d'amistat parental, en infants i preadolescents

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    La família és el primer i més important agent socialitzador en la infància a causa que durant aquest període els infants aprenen habilitats socials, actituds i altres capacitats necessàries per a adaptar-se al context en el qual viuen. El propòsit d'aquest treball és establir la relació entre els estils de criança dels fills i les relacions d'amistat entre iguals en la infància i la preadolescència. Aquest estudi va comprendre 841 estudiants de 8 a 13 anys. Els instruments utilitzats van ser: la versió argentina (Minzi, Sacchi i Moreno) del Children Report of Parental Behavior (CRPBI), de Schaeffer, i la també versió argentina (Moreno) de la Friendship Quality Scale, de Bukowksi. Els resultats van indicar que els pares que actuen amb fermesa, però amb amor i acceptació 'afecte' en compte de poder o control estricte i patològic, faciliten els vincles d'amistat dels fills amb els companys. Es van analitzar les variables dels pares per a la mare i el pare separat. En la infantesa s'observa una acceptació paterna i materna més baixa i un major control patològic que en la preadolescència. Els xics presentaren una mitjana menor d'acceptació paterna i materna que no les xiques

    Relationships between texture and water holding capacity, in the range pF 4,2-6,0, in Western Andalusia soils

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    El presente trabajo se ocupa del estudio de la relación entre la textura y la retención de humedad en el margen de pF 4,2 a 6,0 (agua no utilizable) para suelos tipos de Andalucía Occidental. El análisis de los resultados que se exponen muestra una fuerte dependencia del contenido de humedad y la proporción de elementos finos. Para el ámbito de pF entre 4,2 y 4,6 es la fracción <0.02 mm la determinante de la retención de humedad mientras que para pF de 4,6 a 6,0, por el contrario, es la fracción <0,002 mm la que controla el almacenamiento de agua. A partir de las relaciones encontradas, conocida la composición granulométrica de un suelo de esta región, se puede estimar su contenido de humedad a un pF determinado dentro del margen estudiado.The present paper deals with the relation between texture and moisture retention in the range pF 4.2-6.0 (non available water) for typical soils in Western Andalusia. The analysis of results shows that moisture retention is highly dependent on the content of line particles. For pF values between 4.2 and 4.6, retention is controlled by the fraction of particles <0.02 mm, whereas for the range 4.6-6.0, particles <0.002 mm are predominant. The relations found are useful to deduce the moisture retention of similar soils in our regiin from mechanical analysis data ...Die vorliegende Arbeít febasst sich mit der Bestimmung der Beziehungen zwischen der Textur auf der einen Seite und dem Wassergehalt bei pF von 4.2 bis 6,0 (Tates Wasser) auf der anderen Seite, der Böden van West Andalusien. Die Regressionanalyse der Ergebnissen zeigen einen starken Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wassergehalt und der feinsten Kornfraktionen der Böden. Im pF-Bereich von 4,2 bis 6,0 wird der Wassergehalt bei Kornfraktion < 0,02 mm kontroliert, wahrend fürden pF-Bereich 4,6-6,0 wird der Wassergehalt bei Kornfraktion < 0,002 mm beeinflusst. Wenn man die Ergebnisse der Schlämmanalyse des Bodens dieser Gebiet hat, kann der Wassergehalt bei verschiedener pF-Werte im Bereich 4,2-6,0 durch die gefundene Korrelatione ermittelt werden