187 research outputs found

    Risk of survival of commercial micro and small enterprises

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar os fatores condicionantes do risco de sobrevivência das MPE comerciais da tecelagem tradicional de Resende Costa (MG). Os dados utilizados são referentes a uma pesquisa em 69 estabelecimentos comerciais, realizada no mês julho de 2009. Para operacionalizar o modelo de probabilidade foi utilizada a regressão logística em que a variável dependente se constituiu a partir de variáveis que poderiam reproduzir a organização e estrutura do comércio. O modelo obtido, baseado nos estudos de SEBRAE (2007), Lussie e Corman (2006) e Ercolin (2006), foi significativo para todos os testes de significância, com um poder preditivo de 94,2%. As variáveis que representam a tendência de crescimento da comercialização, inovação dos produtos, tempo de atividade comercial, cursos e treinamentos definiram a função que possibilita a previsão de empreendimentos com maior probabilidade de sobrevivência no mercado. Desta maneira este estudo mostrou uma contribuição aos estudos sobre mortalidade das micro e pequenas empresas, sugerindo-se ampliação geográfica da amostra e das variáveis abordadas.This study was carried out to investigate the conditioning factors of risk in survival of the weaving stores of Resende Costa (MG). The data come from a survey in 69 stores, held last July 2009. According to SEBRAE (2007), Lussie e Corman (2006) e Ercolin (2006), the model of logistic regression was used and the dependent variable was formed from variables that could reproduce the organization and structure of the enterprises. The model was significant for all tests of significance, with a predictive power of 94.2%. The variables that represent the 'growing trend of trading', 'product innovation', 'time in the market', 'courses and training' defined the function that allows the prediction of enterprises most likely to survive in the marketplace. Thus this study showed a contribution to studies about mortality of micro and small enterprises, suggesting geographical expansion of both the sample and the variables

    Quilotórax bilateral espontâneo após vômitos excessivos em criança

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    ResumoObjetivoRelatar o caso de uma criança com quilotórax bilateral devido a etiologia pouco frequente: lesão do ducto torácico após quadro de vômitos excessivos.Descrição do casoMenina, sete anos, apresentava edema facial crônico iniciado após quadro de hiperemese. À avaliação, também apresentava derrame pleural bilateral, com líquido quiloso obtido na toracocentese. Após extensa investigação clínica, laboratorial e radiológica da etiologia do quilotórax, foi definido ser secundário a lesão do ducto torácico por aumento da pressão intratorácica pela manifestação inicial de vômitos, corroborado por achados de linfocintilografia.ComentáriosÀ exceção do período neonatal, o quilotórax é achado infrequente de efusão pleural em crianças. As causas são diversas, incluindo trauma, neoplasia, infecção e doenças inflamatórias; contudo, etiologia como a aqui descrita é pouco relatada na literatura.AbstractObjectiveTo report the case of a child with bilateral chylothorax due to infrequent etiology: thoracic duct injury after severe vomiting.Case descriptionGirl, 7 years old, with chronic facial swelling started after hyperemesis. During examination, she also presented with bilateral pleural effusion, with chylous fluid obtained during thoracentesis. After extensive clinical, laboratory, and radiological investigation of the chylothorax etiology, it was found to be secondary to thoracic duct injury by the increased intrathoracic pressure caused by the initial manifestation of vomiting, supported by lymphoscintigraphy findings.CommentsExcept for the neonatal period, chylothorax is an infrequent finding of pleural effusion in children. There are various causes, including trauma, malignancy, infection, and inflammatory diseases; however, the etiology described in this study is poorly reported in the literature

    Sintomas depressivos entre idosos internados aumentam a chance de mortalidade após a alta hospitalar

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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de sintomas depressivos em uma amostra de idosos hospitalizados, bem como a sua relação com o prognóstico do paciente 90 e 180 dias após a alta hospitalar. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com 213 idosos internados em um hospital geral-secundário da zona sul da cidade de São Paulo, durante os anos de 2016-2017. Os participantes foram solicitados a responder questionários sobre dados pessoais, sintomas depressivos e variáveis de confusão, tendo sido contatados novamente aos 90 e 180 dias após a alta. Um modelo de regressão logística foi ajustado individualmente para indicadores de saúde; a hipótese nula foi refutada quando p<0,05. Nesse sentido, um total de 42,5% dos idosos internados tinham sintomas depressivos. Aos 90 dias, 26% deles relataram piora do estado de saúde, 20,5% foram reinternados e 18,7% evoluíram para óbito, prevalências que aumentaram aos 180 dias. A presença de sintomas depressivos aumentou a chance de mortalidade depois de 180 dias da alta hospitalar. Dessa forma, concluímos que a prevalência de sintomas depressivos nessa amostra foi superior à encontrada em estudos anteriores. Desperta a atenção que esses sintomas interferem negativamente na chance de mortalidade após a alta hospitalar, de tal forma que sugerimos a identificação precoce e o tratamento desses sintomas durante a internação dos pacientes

    Effect of orthodontic treatment on tooth autotransplantation : systematic review of controlled clinical trials

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    This systematic review was focused on evaluating tooth autotransplantation, considering its impacts on the teeth, bone, soft tissues, and aesthetics in orthodontic patients. A bibliographic search was conducted without limitations on year of publication or language in the databases of PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Medline Complete, Cochrane, Clinical Trials, and Trials Central. For triage of articles, indications, surgical planning, orthodontic movement, risk factors for treatment, and long-term follow-ups were considered. For outcomes, the results with reference to teeth, alveolar bone, periodontal tissues, and esthetic satisfaction were considered. Risk of bias was evaluated using the methodological index for nonrandomized studies-MINORS. The results showed 10 controlled clinical trials, and no randomized clinical trials were found. The selected studies included 715 patients and 934 autotransplanted teeth among which there were premolars, molars, and anterior teeth evaluated in the long term, indicating that orthodontics associated with autotransplantation indicated a result that was generally clinically acceptable. The quality of the set of evidence was considered medium due to the presence of different methodological problems, risk of bias, and significant heterogeneity in the evaluated studies. There was a sufficient body of evidence that justified autotransplantation in patients who needed orthodontic movement. In teeth, there was an increase in root resorption influenced by orthodontics, but without impacting on the general clinical result in the long term. Bone and periodontal tissue do not appear to be affected by orthodontics. The patient’s aesthetic satisfaction was not considered in the studies


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    There are few studies on the effects of fire on the seasonal semideciduous forest of the Cerrado region. This study aimed to assess the effect of fire on Semideciduous forest fragments located in the Altamiro Moura Pacheco State Park (AMPSP). The study area is located in the central state of Goiás. A total of 10 plots (50 x 20 m; 1,000 m2) were drawn in the remaining forests seeking to portray two areas: area which underwent forest fire (burned area; B) and unburned area (unburned; UB). A total of 771 individuals with DBH (≥ 5 cm) were identified. A total of 303 individuals were recorded in the burned area (B), comprising 28 families, 41 genera and 47 species, while the unburned area (UB) had 468 individuals comprising 25 families, 43 genera and 50 species. The species Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, Emmotum nitens (Benth.), Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam, Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão and Luehea candicans Mart. had the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) values and occur in both areas. The percentage of dead trees differed between the areas, where the burned area had a mortality of 12.69% and the unburned area of 7.29% in regards to the number of individuals. Density per plot was the only parameter that differed between the areas, where the burned area (B) had the lowest values. The fire affected all diameter classes, demonstrating the fragility of this vegetation type in regards to fire. The fire had a greater effect on trees in the smaller diameter classes, reducing the frequency of individuals in the burned area and changing height distribution, which may have favored the establishment of lianas and invasive species.

    Imaging findings in COVID-19 pneumonia

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    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2), emerged in Wuhan city and was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Although the virus is not restricted to the lung parenchyma, the use of chest imaging in COVID-19 can be especially useful for patients with moderate to severe symptoms or comorbidities. This article aimed to demonstrate the chest imaging findings of COVID-19 on different modalities: chest radiography, computed tomography, and ultrasonography. In addition, it intended to review recommendations on imaging assessment of COVID-19 and to discuss the use of a structured chest computed tomography report. Chest radiography, despite being a low-cost and easily available method, has low sensitivity for screening patients. It can be useful in monitoring hospitalized patients, especially for the evaluation of complications such as pneumothorax and pleural effusion. Chest computed tomography, despite being highly sensitive, has a low specificity, and hence cannot replace the reference diagnostic test (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction). To facilitate the confection and reduce the variability of radiological reports, some standardizations with structured reports have been proposed. Among the available classifications, it is possible to divide the radiological findings into typical, indeterminate, atypical, and negative findings. The structured report can also contain an estimate of the extent of lung involvement (e.g., more or less than 50% of the lung parenchyma). Pulmonary ultrasonography can also be an auxiliary method, especially for monitoring hospitalized patients in intensive care units, where transfer to a tomography scanner is difficult

    Fire efect on the seasonal forest structure in the cerrado biome

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    There are few studies on the effects of fire on the seasonal semideciduous forest of the Cerrado region. This study aimed to assess the effect of fire on Semideciduous forest fragments located in the Altamiro Moura Pacheco State Park (AMPSP). The study area is located in the central state of Goiás. A total of 10 plots (50 x 20 m; 1,000 m2) were drawn in the remaining forests seeking to portray two areas: area which underwent forest fire (burned area; B) and unburned area (unburned; UB). A total of 771 individuals with DBH (≥ 5 cm) were identified. A total of 303 individuals were recorded in the burned area (B), comprising 28 families, 41 genera and 47 species, while the unburned area (UB) had 468 individuals comprising 25 families, 43 genera and 50 species. The species Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan, Emmotum nitens (Benth.), Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam, Tapirira guianensis Aubl., Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão and Luehea candicans Mart. had the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) values and occur in both areas. The percentage of dead trees differed between the areas, where the burned area had a mortality of 12.69% and the unburned area of 7.29% in regards to the number of individuals. Density per plot was the only parameter that differed between the areas, where the burned area (B) had the lowest values. The fire affected all diameter classes, demonstrating the fragility of this vegetation type in regards to fire. The fire had a greater effect on trees in the smaller diameter classes, reducing the frequency of individuals in the burned area and changing height distribution, which may have favored the establishment of lianas and invasive species