1,230 research outputs found

    O agravo de instrumento previsto no novo Código de Processo Civil: relação com o Jurisprudencialismo de Antonio Castanheira Neves

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    Neste trabalho será apresentado, de um lado, as características do agravo de instrumento, em especial as hipóteses de cabimento, como era previsto no antigo CPC e no novo CPC, somado ao entendimento do STJ acerca do tema, e, de outro, o método hermenêutico proposto por Castanheira Neves, na obra metodologia jurídica. Faz-se necessária a problematização da questão para apurar o que o legislador consagrou no novo CPC, ao estipular um rol legal de cabimento do agravo de instrumento, e o que o STJ vem interpretando da referida norma e, por fim, comparar à aplicabilidade da metodologia de Castanheira Neves. Assim, o objetivo do artigo é evidenciar, à luz do método proposto por Castanheira Neves, se a interpretação do novo Código de Processo Civil tem alguma relação com a metodologia construída pelo autor Antonio Castanheira Neves

    Magnetic and multiferroic properties of dilute Fe-doped BaTiO3 crystals

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    Combining and coupling both magnetic and electric properties in one single phase multiferroic material has attracted high interest recently to enable a broad range of novel devices and applications. To evaluate one potential route toward new multiferroics, we have studied 0.5% Fe-doped BaTiO3 single crystals and measured the ferroelectric, magnetic, and multiferroic properties. X-ray absorption spectroscopy shows the presence of Fe3+, and magnetic measurements confirmed that this has a significant impact on the magnetic properties. Doping of iron introduces paramagnetism from lone iron atoms as well as what appears to be a weak ferromagnetism. Multiferroicity and magnetoelectric (ME) coupling were observed in the polarization-electric field hysteresis loops with an applied magnetic field, yet there was no direct evidence that ME coupling persists when the sample was in the defect dipole-aligned state

    A participação do investigado no Inquérito Policial

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    Busca-se por meio deste artigo fazer uma análise crítica sobre a participação do investigado no Inquérito Policial à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988. Para tanto, faz-se necessário perpassar pelos principais sistemas processuais adotados no ordenamento jurídico diante do atual Estado Democrático de Direito, bem como analisar a abrangência do art. 5°, inciso LV da CRFB/88 e do art. 14 do Código de Processo Penal, visando propiciar uma reflexão sobre a atual forma de participação do investigado na fase pré processual Palavras-chaves: DIREITOS FUNDAMENTAIS, INQUÉRITO POLICIAL, PARTICIPAÇÃO DO INVESTIGADO THE INVESTIGATED PARTICIPATION IN POLICE INVESTIGATION ABSTRACT The aim is to through this article make a critical analysis of the participation of the police inquiry investigated in the light of the 1988 Federal Constitution Therefore, it is necessary to pervade the main procedural systems adopted in the legal system before the current democratic state and to examine the scope of art. 5 °, item LV CRFB / 88 and the art. 14 of the Criminal Procedure Code, in order to provide a reflection on the current form of participation of the investigation in the pre procedural stage. Keywords: FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, POLICE INVESTIGATION, INVESTIGATED PARTICIPATION Data da submissão: 31/03/2015 Data da aceitação: 27/07/201

    VVV-WIT-04: An extragalactic variable source caught by the VVV Survey

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    We report the discovery of VVV-WIT-04, a near-infrared variable source towards the Galactic disk located ~0.2 arcsec apart from the position of the radio source PMN J1515-5559. The object was found serendipitously in the near-IR data of the ESO public survey VISTA Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV). Our analysis is based on variability, multicolor, and proper motion data from VVV and VVV eXtended surveys, complemented with archive data at longer wavelengths. We suggest that VVV-WIT-04 has an extragalactic origin as the near-IR counterpart of PMN J1515-5559. The Ks-band light-curve of VVV-WIT-04 is highly variable and consistent with that of an Optically Violent Variable (OVV) quasar. The variability in the near-IR can be interpreted as the redshifted optical variability. Residuals to the proper motion varies with the magnitude suggesting contamination by a blended source. Alternative scenarios, including a transient event such as a nova or supernova, or even a binary microlensing event are not in agreement with the available data.R.K.S. acknowledges support from CNPq/Brazil through projects 308968/2016-6 and 421687/2016-9. P.W.L. is supported by STFC Consolidated Grant ST/R000905/1. Support for the authors is provided by the BASAL CONICYT Center for Astrophysics and Associated Technologies (CATA) through grant AFB-170002, and the Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism, Programa Iniciativa Cient´ıfica Milenio through grant IC120009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS). D.M. acknowledges support from FONDECYT through project Regular #1170121

    Are people who participate in cultural activities more satisfied with life?

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    The influence of various aspects of life on wellbeing has been extensively researched. However, despite little empirical evidence, participation in leisure activities has been assumed to increase subjective wellbeing. Leisure is important because it is more under personal control than other sources of life satisfaction. This study asked whether people who participate in cultural leisure activities have higher life satisfaction than people who do not, if different types of leisure have the same influence on life satisfaction and if satisfaction is dependent on the frequency of participation or the number of activities undertaken. It used data from UKHLS Survey to establish associations between type, number and frequency of participation in leisure activities and life satisfaction. Results showed an independent and positive association of participation in sport, heritage and active-creative leisure activities and life satisfaction but not for participation in popular entertainment, theatre hobbies and museum/galleries. The association of reading hobbies and sedentary-creative activities and life satisfaction was negative. High life satisfaction was associated with engaging in a number of different activities rather than the frequency of participation in each of them. The results have implications for policy makers and leisure services providers, in particular those associated with heritage recreation. Subjective wellbeing measures, such as life satisfaction, and not economic measures alone should be considered in the evaluation of services. The promotion of leisure activities which are active and promote social interaction should be considered in programmes aimed at improving the quality of life

    Bird-Like Anatomy, Posture, and Behavior Revealed by an Early Jurassic Theropod Dinosaur Resting Trace

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    BACKGROUND: Fossil tracks made by non-avian theropod dinosaurs commonly reflect the habitual bipedal stance retained in living birds. Only rarely-captured behaviors, such as crouching, might create impressions made by the hands. Such tracks provide valuable information concerning the often poorly understood functional morphology of the early theropod forelimb. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we describe a well-preserved theropod trackway in a Lower Jurassic ( approximately 198 million-year-old) lacustrine beach sandstone in the Whitmore Point Member of the Moenave Formation in southwestern Utah. The trackway consists of prints of typical morphology, intermittent tail drags and, unusually, traces made by the animal resting on the substrate in a posture very similar to modern birds. The resting trace includes symmetrical pes impressions and well-defined impressions made by both hands, the tail, and the ischial callosity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The manus impressions corroborate that early theropods, like later birds, held their palms facing medially, in contrast to manus prints previously attributed to theropods that have forward-pointing digits. Both the symmetrical resting posture and the medially-facing palms therefore evolved by the Early Jurassic, much earlier in the theropod lineage than previously recognized, and may characterize all theropods

    Morphology and Nanomechanics of Sensory Neurons Growth Cones following Peripheral Nerve Injury

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    A prior peripheral nerve injury in vivo, promotes a rapid elongated mode of sensory neurons neurite regrowth in vitro. This in vitro model of conditioned axotomy allows analysis of the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to an improved neurite re-growth. Our differential interference contrast microscopy and immunocytochemistry results show that conditioned axotomy, induced by sciatic nerve injury, did not increase somatic size of adult lumbar sensory neurons from mice dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons but promoted the appearance of larger neurites and growth cones. Using atomic force microscopy on live neurons, we investigated whether membrane mechanical properties of growth cones of axotomized neurons were modified following sciatic nerve injury. Our data revealed that neurons having a regenerative growth were characterized by softer growth cones, compared to control neurons. The increase of the growth cone membrane elasticity suggests a modification in the ratio and the inner framework of the main structural proteins

    Increased lytic efficiency of bovine macrophages trained with killed mycobacteria

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    Innate immunity is evolutionarily conserved in multicellular organisms and was considered to lack memory until very recently. One of its more characteristic mechanisms is phagocytosis, the ability of cells to engulf, process and eventually destroy any injuring agent. We report the results of an ex vivo experiment in bovine macrophages in which improved clearance of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) was induced by pre-exposure to a heat killed M. bovis preparation. The effects were independent of humoral and cellular adaptive immune responses and lasted up to six months. Specifically, our results demonstrate the existence of a training effect in the lytic phase of phagocytosis that can be activated by killed mycobacteria, thus suggesting a new mechanism of vaccine protection. These findings are compatible with the recently proposed concept of trained immunity, which was developed to explain the observation that innate immune responses provide unspecific protection against pathogens including other than those that originally triggered the immune response.Funding for these studies was provided by the EU project WildTBVac (Contract #613799) and by grants from the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y alimentaria (INIA, RTA2011-00049) and the Ministry of Science (MINECO, AGL2014-56305) and European Funds Regional Development (FEDER).Peer Reviewe
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