469 research outputs found

    Productivity and impact of the Unisinos’ Postgraduate Program in Biology and the consequences of its interruption for Brazilian science

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    On 22 July 2022, the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), a private institution and community university in southern Brazil, announced the interruption of 12 of its postgraduate programmes, including the Postgraduate Program of Biology (PPG Biologia), whose professors founded the journal, Neotropical Biology and Conservation. We conducted a bibliometric analysis of papers published by PPG Biologia in the past 20 years to assess its impact on biological research at a national level. The number of publications and citations increased constantly over the years, with publications growing exponentially. Although most collaborations with other research programmes occurred inside Brazil, a significant number of studies were co-authored by researchers from other countries from at least four continents. The main research lines focused on biological sciences, ecology, sociology, education, environmental sciences and genetics. Despite being affected by the decrease in research funding and the reduction of personnel, PPG Biologia kept its high impact score according to the national evaluation, above that of most programmes in private universities and similar to public ones. With a team of renowned researchers working on different and sometimes unique research lines, the interruption of PPG Biologia will harm the progress of biological research and conservation across the Neotropical realm


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    The distribution of wintering seabirds is influenced by biotic and abiotic oceanic processes. Ocean productivity is a main parameter at small and large scales, but the role of abiotic parameters at large scales may be explored indeed. Thus, we conduced bird counting between Rio grande and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) onboard NApOc Ary Rongel from 11 until 13 april, 2009. The samples comprised 10 minutes each hour, from sunrise until sunset. Abiotic data were collected by NApOc Ary Rongel equipments. Data were analysed through CDA, PCA of species and CDA functions, and Multiple Regressions of CDA functions with sum of all Antarctic and Subantarctic abundances, and sum of all tropical and subtropical abundances. We verified Through PCA Thalassarche chlororhynchos and T. chrysostoma are associated with greater wind speed and air temperature, Calonectris diomedea and Puffinus gravis are associated with greater depths, sea temperature and atmospheric pressure. As a group, Antarctic / Subantarctic species are associated with higher wind speed, higher air temperature, lower atmospheric pressures and lower depths. Tropical / subtropical birds did not responded to any CDA functions. At small scales, seabirds tend to respond to gradients of productivity, chlorophyll concentrations, depth and salinity. Nonetheless at larger scales, Seabirds may be mainly driven by wind, associated with low pressures zones. At larger scales, the ability of disperse over greater distances may play a fundamental role.RELACIONES DE AVES MARINAS ANTÁRTICAS Y SUBANTARTICAS CON VARIABLES ABIOTICAS DEL SUR Y SURESTE DE BRASIL. La distribución de las aves marinas migratorias está inluenciada por procesos oceánicos bióticos y abióticos. La productividad oceánica es un parámetro principal a pequeña y gran escala, no obstante el rol de los parámetros abióticos a grandes escalas debe continuar siendo investigado. De esta manera, realizamos censos de aves entre Río grande y Río de Janeiro (Brasil) a bordo de  NApOc Ary Rongel, desde el 11 al 13 de Abril de 2009. Cada registro comprendió 10 minutos cada hora, desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer. Los datos abióticos fueron colectados por los equipamientos electrónicos instalados en NApOc Ary Rongel. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de CDA, PCA de especies y funciones de CDA y regresión múltiple de funciones de CDA con la suma de todas las abundancias de especies de Antártida y Subantártida observadas y la suma de las abundancias de especies tropicales y subtropicales. Veriicamos a través de PCA que Thalassarche chlororhynchos y T. chrysostoma están asociados con mayor velocidad del viento y temperatura del aire, mientras que Calonectris diomedea y Pufinus gravis están asociados a mayores profundidades, temperatura supericial del mar y presión atmosférica. Las especies antárticas/subantárticas, tomadas como un grupo, están asociadas con mayor velocidad del viento, mayor temperatura del aire, menor presión atmosférica y menor profundidad. Las aves del grupo Tropical/subtropical no respondieron a ninguna función de CDA. A menor escala ( 100 km), la distribución y abundancia de las aves marinas pueden estar principalmente inluenciadas por el viento, asociado con zonas de baja presión. A mayores escalas, la habilidad de dispersión a mayores distancias puede desempeñar un rol fundamental. Palabras clave: Aves marinas en el mar; asociación; batimetría, dispersión; hidrografía; migración; océano abierto; invierno.RELAÇÃO DAS AVES MARINHAS ANTÁRTICAS E SUBANTÁRTICAS COM VARIÁVEIS ABIÓTICAS NO SUL E SUDESTE DO BRASIL. A distribuição de aves marinhas migratórias é inluenciada por processos oceânicos bióticos e abióticos. A produtividade oceânica é o principal parâmetro em pequena e larga escalas. No entanto, o papel dos parâmetros abióticos em grande escala pode ser investigado. Dessa forma, foram realizadas contagens de aves entre o Rio Grande e o Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) a bordo do NApOc Ary Rongel de 11 a 13 de abril de 2009. Cada amostragem se deu durante 10 minutos de cada hora, do amanhecer ao entardecer. Os dados abióticos foram coletados por meio dos equipamentos instalados no NApOc Ary Rongel. Os dados foram analisados por meio de CDA, PCA das espécies e funções de CDA e regressão múltipla das funções de CDA com a soma de todas as abundâncias das espécies originárias da Antártica e Subantártica, bem como a soma das abundâncias das espécies oriundas da região tropical e subtropical. Verificou-se por meio da PCA que Thalassarche chlororhynchos e T. chrysostoma encontram-se associados com maior velocidade do vento e temperatura do ar, enquanto que Calonectris diomedea e Pufinus gravis ocorrem associados a maiores profundidades, temperatura marinha e pressão atmosférica. Como grupo, as espécies Antárticas / Subantárticas ocorrem associadas a maior velocidade do vento, maior temperatura aérea, pressão atmosférica mais baixa e menor profundidade. As aves Tropicais / Subtropicais não apresentaram respostas a quaisquer das funções de CDA. Em escala pequena (100km), contudo, a distribuição e abundância das aves marinhas podem estar relacionadas principalmente ao vento associado a zonas de baixa pressão. Ainda em grande escala, a habilidade de dispersão por grandes distâncias pode desempenhar papel fundamental.  Palavras-Chave: Aves marinhas no mar; associação; batimetria; dispersão; hidrograia; migração;  oceano aberto; inverno

    Reversible Switching of Spiropyran Molecules in Direct Contact With a Bi(111) Single Crystal Surface

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    Photochromic molecular switches immobilized by direct contact with surfaces typically show only weak response to optical excitation, which often is not reversible. In contrast, here, it is shown that a complete and reversible ring-opening and ring-closing reaction of submonolayers of spironaphthopyran on the Bi(111) surface is possible. The ring opening to the merocyanine isomer is initiated by ultraviolet light. Switching occurs in a two-step process, in which after optical excitation, an energy barrier needs to be overcome to convert to the merocyanine form. This leads to a strong temperature dependence of the conversion efficiency. Switching of the merocyanine isomer back to the closed form is achieved by a temperature increase. Thus, the process can be repeated in a fully reversible manner, in contrast to previously studied nitrospiropyran molecules on surfaces. This is attributed to the destabilization of the merocyanine isomer by the electron-donating nature of the naphtho group and the reduced van der Waals interaction of the Bi(111) surface. The result shows that molecules designed for switching in solutions need to be modified to function in direct contact with a surface

    Comparação antropométrica e somatotípica de jovens tenistas a partir da lateralidade

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar e comparar o perfil antropométrico e somatotípico de jovens tenistas classificados em dois grupos maturacionais. Também foi objetivo comparar as variáveis antropométricas entre os lados dominante e não-dominante, e comparar o perfil somatotípico calculado a partir de medidas obtidas nos lados dominante e não-dominante. A amostra foi composta por 23 jogadores de tênis do sexo masculino com idades entre 11-17 anos. Os participantes foram classificados em dois grupos a partir do cálculo da distância do pico de velocidade de crescimento em estatura (PVE). Os jogadores que apresentaram valor do PVE inferior a 0 foram incluídos ao grupo denominado PRÉPVE (n=9), enquanto os sujeitos com valor maior ou igual à 0 foram classificados como PÓSPVE (n=14). As variáveis antropométricas e os componentes do somatotipo foram calculadas a partir de medidas obtidas em ambos os lados do corpo. Foram observadas assimetrias (diferença significante entre os lados) de diâmetro ósseo de punho e dobra cutânea tricipital no grupo PÓSPVE, assimetrias de diâmetro ósseo de úmero e perímetro de braço contraído em ambos os grupos. O somatotipo médio calculado para o lado dominante do grupo PRÉPVE foi 2,9 – 4,5 – 3,7 e para o lado não-dominante 3,0 – 4,3 – 3,7, ambos classificados como ectomesomorfo. O grupo PÓSPVE para o lado dominante foi classificado como ectomesomorfo (2,8 – 4,4 – 3,5), e o lado não-dominante como mesomorfo-ectomorfo (2,9 – 4,0 – 3,5). Em esportes com predominância unilateral deve-se ter cautela no cálculo do somatotipo a partir dolado direito, como é proposto originalmente, podendo levar a uma interpretação equivocada do perfil somatotípico do atleta, especialmente para aqueles com maturação somática avançada

    Isoform Diversity of Giant Proteins in Relation to Passive and Active Contractile Properties of Rabbit Skeletal Muscles

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    The active and passive contractile performance of skeletal muscle fibers largely depends on the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform and the stiffness of the titin spring, respectively. Open questions concern the relationship between titin-based stiffness and active contractile parameters, and titin's importance for total passive muscle stiffness. Here, a large set of adult rabbit muscles (n = 37) was studied for titin size diversity, passive mechanical properties, and possible correlations with the fiber/MHC composition. Titin isoform analyses showed sizes between ∼3300 and 3700 kD; 31 muscles contained a single isoform, six muscles coexpressed two isoforms, including the psoas, where individual fibers expressed similar isoform ratios of 30:70 (3.4:3.3 MD). Gel electrophoresis and Western blotting of two other giant muscle proteins, nebulin and obscurin, demonstrated muscle type–dependent size differences of ≤70 kD. Single fiber and single myofibril mechanics performed on a subset of muscles showed inverse relationships between titin size and titin-borne tension. Force measurements on muscle strips suggested that titin-based stiffness is not correlated with total passive stiffness, which is largely determined also by extramyofibrillar structures, particularly collagen. Some muscles have low titin-based stiffness but high total passive stiffness, whereas the opposite is true for other muscles. Plots of titin size versus percentage of fiber type or MHC isoform (I-IIB-IIA-IID) determined by myofibrillar ATPase staining and gel electrophoresis revealed modest correlations with the type I fiber and MHC-I proportions. No relationships were found with the proportions of the different type II fiber/MHC-II subtypes. Titin-based stiffness decreased with the slow fiber/MHC percentage, whereas neither extramyofibrillar nor total passive stiffness depended on the fiber/MHC composition. In conclusion, a low correlation exists between the active and passive mechanical properties of skeletal muscle fibers. Slow muscles usually express long titin(s), predominantly fast muscles can express either short or long titin(s), giving rise to low titin-based stiffness in slow muscles and highly variable stiffness in fast muscles. Titin contributes substantially to total passive stiffness, but this contribution varies greatly among muscles

    Light-induced photoisomerization of a diarylethene molecular switch on solidsurfaces

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    Diarylethenes are molecular switches, the state of which can efficiently be controlled by illumination with ultraviolet or visible light. To use the change in the molecular properties when switching between the two states for a specific function, direct contact with solid surfaces is advantageous as it provides immobilization. Here we present a study of a diarylethene derivate (T-DAE, 1,2-bis(5-methyl-2-phenylthiazol-4-yl)cyclopent-1-ene) in direct contact with highly ordered graphite as well as with semimetallic Bi(1 1 1) surfaces by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy and simulated spectra based on density functional theory. On both surfaces, the molecule can be switched from its open to its closed form by 325–475 nm broadband or ultraviolet illumination. On the other hand, back isomerization to the ring-open T-DAE was not possible

    Projected distributions of Southern Ocean albatrosses, petrels and fisheries as a consequence of climatic change

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    Given the major ongoing influence of environmental change on the oceans, there is a need to understand and predict the future distributions of marine species in order to plan appropriate mitigation to conserve vulnerable species and ecosystems. In this study we use tracking data from seven large seabird species of the Southern Ocean (black‐browed albatross Thalassarche melanophris, grey‐headed albatross T. chrysostoma, northern giant petrel Macronectes halli, southern giant petrel M. giganteus, Tristan albatross Diomedea dabbenena, wandering albatross D. exulans and white‐chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis, and on fishing effort in two types of fisheries (characterised by low or high‐bycatch rates), to model the associations with environmental variables (bathymetry, chlorophyll‐a concentration, sea surface temperature and wind speed) through ensemble species distribution models. We then projected these distributions according to four climate change scenarios built by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change for 2050 and 2100. The resulting projections were consistent across scenarios, indicating that there is a strong likelihood of poleward shifts in distribution of seabirds, and several range contractions (resulting from a shift in the northern, but no change in the southern limit of the range in four species). Current trends for southerly shifts in fisheries distributions are also set to continue under these climate change scenarios at least until 2100; some of these may reflect habitat loss for target species that are already over‐fished. It is of particular concern that a shift in the distribution of several highly threatened seabird species would increase their overlap with fisheries where there is a high‐bycatch risk. Under such scenarios, the associated shifts in distribution of seabirds and increases in bycatch risk will require much‐improved fisheries management in these sensitive areas to minimise impacts on populations in decline