102 research outputs found

    Novi nalaz velikookog psa lisice, Alopias superciliosus Lowe, 1841, u sjeverozapadnom Sredozemlju s pregledom svih dosadašnjih nalaza u Sredozemlju

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    On 9th September 2015 the head of a shark belonging to the genus Alopias, was landed at Camogli harbour in the Ligurian Sea (North Western Mediterranean). The specimen has been caught 16 miles far from the coast (44° 06’ N, 008° 57’ E) as by-catch of the mesopelagic swordfish longline, but only the head was recovered, due to the predatory/scavenging activity by other shark specimens. The specimen was a female of big-eye thresher shark Alopias superciliosus a highly migratory species worldwide distributed in tropical and temperate waters but rarely caught in the Mediterranean Sea. The present record is the northenmost reported for this species in the Mediterranean area and the sixth in Italian waters.Dana 9. rujna 2015. godine pronađena je glava morskog psa roda Alopias u luci Camogli na Ligurskom moru (sjeverozapadni Mediteran). Primjerak glave je ulovljen 16 milja daleko od obale (44 ° 06 ‘N, 008 ° 57’ E) tijekom lova na sabljarke mezopelagičnim parangalom, te je zbog grabežljivosti i uklanjanja drugih primjeraka morskih pasa, utvrđena samo glava. Primjerak glave je pripadao ženki morskog psa Alopias superciliosus, koji spada u visoko migratorne vrste rasprostranjene širom svijeta u tropskim i umjerenim vodama, no rijetko su ulovljene u Sredozemnom moru. Ovaj je nalaz najsjeverniji za ovu vrstu u Sredozemlju i ujedno je šesti nalaz za talijanske vode

    Una metodologia per l’analisi metrologica e progettuale dei macella romani

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    Lo studio riguarda una classe di monumenti, i macella romana, esaminati da un punto di vista prevalentemente analitico che consenta di sperimentare criteri metrologi applicabili all’impianto planimetrico dell’edificio.Una proposta metodologica di questo genere non può prescindere da un approccio multidisciplinare che coniuga lo studio storico bibliografico con l’elaborazione dei dati metrologici condotta con l’ausilio delle più moderne tecniche informatiche.Il fine è quello di ottenere dati utili a definirne i criteri progettuali del macellum, un monumento di forte valenza simbolica, nell’intento di contestualizzarli nell’ambito del contesto politico-sociale che ne ha determinato la genesi. In questa sede sono riportati a scopo esemplificativo i casi dei macella di Saepinum e Morgantina

    Nora (Pula, CA) - Ex base della Marina Militare La struttura a esedra dell’area Omega. Un esempio di documentazione digitale di un monumento in fase di scavo

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    Abstract: Since 2013, the University of Cagliari has been operating in the sector of the Punic-Roman city of Nora, formerly occupied by a Navy base. The investigations allowed to bring to light a sector characterized by the presence of a large space paved with andesite blocks and marked by the presence of monumental and decorative structures connected with the use of water. Among these, here is analyzed an exedra structure, whose study and relief is accompanied by a processing of a digital model performed through the use of photogrammetric software. Riassunto: Dal 2013 l’Università di Cagliari opera nel settore della città punico-romana di Nora occupato in passato da una base della Marina Militare. Le indagini hanno permesso di portare alla luce un settore caratterizzato dalla presenza di un ampio spazio pavimentato con basoli di andesite e segnato dalla presenza di strutture monumentali e decorative connesse con l’acqua. Tra queste, ne viene qui analizzata una conformata a esedra, il cui studio e rilievo è corredato da una elaborazione di un modello digitale eseguito attraverso l’uso di software fotogrammetrico.

    Prvi dokumentirani zapis o Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810. (Perciformes, Stromatoidea) duž kalabrijskih obala (Južna Italija, Središnji Mediteran)

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    The first record of Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810 off Calabrian coast (Southern Italy, Central Mediterranean) is reported. The specimen, a male of 361 mm total length, was found at a depth of 7 m during a scientific visual census research activity, in March 2017. The sighting was located off the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria (Paola: 39.355453N, 16.029192E). The present finding represents the 1st documented record for the Tyrrhenian coast of the Calabria region.Objavljen je prvi podatak o Tetragonurus cuvieri Risso, 1810. godine u blizini kalabrijske obale (Južna Italija, Središnji Mediteran). Primjerak mužjaka ukupne dužine 361 mm, pronađen je na dubini od 7 m, u ožujku 2017. godine u blizini Tirenske obale Calabrie (Paola: 39.355453N, 16.029192E). Ovaj nalaz predstavlja prvi dokumentirani zapis za Tirensku obalu pokrajine Calabria

    Fin systems comparative anatomy in model Batoidea Raja asterias and Torpedo marmorata: Insights and relatioships between musculo-skeletal layout, locomotion and morphology

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    The macroscopic and microscopic morphology of the appendicular skeleton was studied in the two species Raja asterias (order Rajiformes) and Torpedo marmorata (Order Torpediniformes), comparing the organization and structural layout of pectoral, pelvic, and tail fin systems. The shape, surface area and portance of the T. marmorata pectoral fin system (hydrodynamic lift) were conditioned by the presence of the two electric organs in the disk central part, which reduced the pectoral fin surface area, suggesting a lower efficiency of the "flapping effectors" than those of R. asterias. Otherwise, radials' rays alignment, morphology and calcification pattern showed in both species the same structural layout characterized in the fin medial zone by stiffly paired columns of calcified tiles in the perpendicular plane to the flat batoid body, then revolving and in the horizontal plane to continue as separate mono-columnar rays in the fin lateral zone with a morphology suggesting fin stiffness variance between medial/lateral zone. Pelvic fins morphology was alike in the two species, however with different calcified tiles patterns of the 1st compound radial and pterygia in respect to the fin-rays articulating perpendicularly to the latter, whose tile rows lay-out was also different from that of the pectoral fins radials. The T. marmorata tail-caudal fin showed a muscular and connective scaffold capable of a significant oscillatory forward thrust. On the contrary, the R. asterias dorsal tail fins were stiffened by a scaffold of radials-like calcified segments. Histomorphology, heat-deproteination technique and morphometry provided new data on the wing-fins structural layout which can be correlated to the mechanics of the Batoid swimming behavior and suggested a cartilage-calcification process combining interstitial cartilage growth (as that of all vertebrates anlagen) and a mineral deposition with accretion of individual centers (the tiles). The resulting layout showed scattered zones of un-mineralized matrix within the calcified mass and a less compact texture of the matrix calcified fibers suggesting a possible way of fluid diffusion throughout the mineralized tissue. These observations could explain the survival of the embedded chondrocytes in absence of a canalicular system as that of the cortical bone

    Postmortem Electrical Conductivity Changes of Dicentrarchus labrax Skeletal Muscle: Root Mean Square (RMS) Parameter in Estimating Time since Death

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    Electric impedance spectroscopy techniques have been widely employed to study basic biological processes, and recently explored to estimate postmortem interval (PMI). However, the most-relevant parameter to approximate PMI has not been recognized so far. This study investigated electrical conductivity changes in muscle of 18 sea bass specimens, maintained at different room temperatures (15.0◦C; 20.0◦C; 25.0◦C), during a 24 h postmortem period using an oscilloscope coupled with a signal generator, as innovative technology. The root mean square (RMS) was selected among all measured parameters, and recorded every 15 min for 24 h after death. The RMS(t) time series for each animal were collected and statistically analyzed using MATLAB®. A similar trend in RMS values was observed in all animals over the 24 h study period. After a short period, during which the RMS signal decreased, an increasing trend of the signal was recorded for all fish until it reached a peak. Subsequently, the RMS value gradually decreased over time. A strong linear correlation was observed among the time series, confirming that the above time-behaviour holds for all animals. The time at which maximum value is reached strongly depended on the room temperature during the experiments, ranging from 6 h in fish kept at 25.0◦C to 14 h in animals kept at 15.0◦C. The use of the oscilloscope has proven to be a promising technology in the study of electrical muscle properties during the early postmortem interval, with the advantage of being a fast, non-destructive, and inexpensive method, although more studies will be needed to validate this technology before moving to real-time field investigations

    How do cardiologists select patients for dual antiplatelet therapy continuation beyond 1 year after a myocardial infarction? Insights from the EYESHOT Post-MI Study

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    Background: Current guidelines suggest to consider dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) continuation for longer than 12 months in selected patients with myocardial infarction (MI). Hypothesis: We sought to assess the criteria used by cardiologists in daily practice to select patients with a history of MI eligible for DAPT continuation beyond 1 year. Methods: We analyzed data from the EYESHOT Post-MI, a prospective, observational, nationwide study aimed to evaluate the management of patients presenting to cardiologists 1 to 3 years from the last MI event. Results: Out of the 1633 post-MI patients enrolled in the study between March and December 2017, 557 (34.1%) were on DAPT at the time of enrolment, and 450 (27.6%) were prescribed DAPT after cardiologist assessment. At multivariate analyses, a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with multiple stents and the presence of peripheral artery disease (PAD) resulted as independent predictors of DAPT continuation, while atrial fibrillation was the only independent predictor of DAPT interruption for patients both at the second and the third year from MI at enrolment and the time of discharge/end of the visit. Conclusions: Risk scores recommended by current guidelines for guiding decisions on DAPT duration are underused and misused in clinical practice. A PCI with multiple stents and a history of PAD resulted as the clinical variables more frequently associated with DAPT continuation beyond 1 year from the index MI

    Una metodologia per l'analisi metrologica e progettuale dei macelli romani

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    The study concerns a class of monuments, macella Roman, examined by an analytical point of view, mainly that allow the testing criteria applicable Metrologists planimetric building. A methodological proposal of this kind can not be separated from a multidisciplinary approach that combines historical study with bibliographic data processing metrological conducted with the aid of the most modern techniques. The goal is to obtain useful data to define the design criteria of macellum, a monument of great symbolic value, in order to contextualize them within the socio-political context that led to its genesis. Here are given as examples the cases of the slaughter of Saepinum and Morgantina.Lo studio riguarda una classe di monumenti, i macella romana, esaminati da un punto di vista prevalentemente analitico che consenta di sperimentare criteri metrologi applicabili all’impianto planimetrico dell’edificio. Una proposta metodologica di questo genere non può prescindere da un approccio multidisciplinare che coniuga lo studio storico bibliograficocon l’elaborazione dei dati metrologici condotta con l’ausilio delle più moderne tecniche informatiche. Il fine è quello di ottenere dati utili a definirne i criteri progettuali del macellum, un monumento di forte valenza simbolica, nell’intento di contestualizzarli nell’ambito del contesto politico-sociale che ne ha determinato la genesi. In questa sede sono riportati a scopo esemplificativo i casi dei macella di Saepinum e Morgantina