3,126 research outputs found

    Defining a baseline complexity model for ERP systems over SaaS

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    Our research investigates applying the Software as a Service (SaaS) model for hosted applications to more complex business systems such as an Enterprise Resource Management System (ERP). This application of the service model is still in its infancy and we present some challenges to the technology. We will initially be defining a measure of complexity for business systems and applying this as a baseline to complex business systems within a pure SaaS model on the cloud, considering the elements making up SaaS and inter-relating these with this definition of business complexity. In this research we will be applying elements of Complex Systems Theory, Network Complexity Theory and Programmatic Complexity Models, in extending these for our own application to this service model within this complex business context

    Ontological analysis for dynamic data model exploration

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    Increasing access to data and computational resources allows use to use more expressive approaches to data analysis. We propose using established statistical metrics to assist the automatic analysis of free text transcripts. The meaningful concepts from a domain and their axiomatic relationships can be captured in an ontology. This provides an aggregate model which describes the domain. However, the fine detail from individual elements and their characteristics are subsumed by the whole. Keeping multiple 'micro models' of the data, along with meta information allows a range of different view points. This can be applied to free text documents that within a domain where significant information is carried by one or a few instances such as in the analysis of interview transcripts. This paper presents a framework that utilises ontological tools to create domain models in a way that it allows for a distributed and parallel implementation necessary for big data analysis

    Multisubband ensemble Monte Carlo analysis of tunneling leakage mechanisms in ultrascaled FDSOI, DGSOI, and FinFET devices

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    Leakage phenomena are increasingly affecting the performance of nanoelectronic devices, and therefore, advanced device simulators need to include them in an appropriate way. This paper presents the modeling and implementation of direct source-to-drain tunneling (S/D tunneling), gate leakage mechanisms (GLMs) accounting for both direct tunneling and trap-assisted tunneling, and nonlocal band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) phenomena in a multissubband ensemble Monte Carlo (MS-EMC) simulator along with their simultaneous application for the study of ultrascaled fully depleted silicon-on-insulator, double-gate silicon-on-insulator, and FinFET devices. We find that S/D tunneling is the prevalent phenomena for the three devices, and it is increasingly relevant for short-channel lengths

    Treating triple negative breast cancer cells with erlotinib plus a select antioxidant overcomes drug resistance by targeting cancer cell heterogeneity

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    Among breast cancer patients, those diagnosed with the triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) subtype have the worst prog-nosis. TNBC does not express estrogen receptor-alpha, progesterone receptor, or the HER2 oncogene; therefore, TNBC lacks targets for molecularly-guided therapies. The concept that EGFR oncogene inhibitor drugs could be used as targeted treatment against TNBC has been put forth based on estimates that 30-60% of TNBC express high levels of EGFR. However, results from clinical trials testing EGFR inhibitors, alone or in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy, did not improve patient outcomes. Results herein offer an explanation as to why EGFR inhibitors failed TNBC patients and support how combining a select antioxidant and an EGFR-specific small molecule kinase inhibitor (SMKI) could be an effective, novel therapeutic strategy. Treatment with CAT-SKL-a re-engineered protein form of the antioxidant enzyme catalase-inhibited cancer stem-like cells (CSCs), and treatment with the EGFR-specific SMKI erlotinib inhibited non-CSCs. Thus, combining the antioxidant CAT-SKL with erlotinib targeted both CSCs and bulk cancer cells in cultures of EGFR-expressing TNBC-derived cells. We also report evidence that the mechanism for CAT-SKL inhibition of CSCs may depend on antioxidant-induced downregulation of a short alternative mRNA splicing variant of the methyl-CpG binding domain 2 gene, isoform MBD2c

    The new low-toxic histone deacetylase inhibitor S-(2) induces apoptosis in various acute myeloid leukemia cells

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    Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) induce tumour cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis, and some of them are currently used in cancer therapy. Recently, we described a series of powerful HDACi characterized by a 1,4-benzodiazepine (BDZ) ring hybridized with a linear alkyl chain bearing a hydroxamate function as Zn(++)-chelating group. Here, we explored the anti-leukaemic properties of three novel hybrids, namely the chiral compounds (S)-2 and (R)-2, and their non-chiral analogue 4, which were first comparatively tested in promyelocytic NB4 cells. (S)-2 and partially 4– but not (R)-2 – caused G0/G1 cell-cycle arrest by up-regulating cyclin G2 and p21 expression and down-regulating cyclin D2 expression, and also apoptosis as assessed by cell morphology and cytofluorimetric assay, histone H2AX phosphorylation and PARP cleavage. Notably, these events were partly prevented by an anti-oxidant. Moreover, novel HDACi prompted p53 and α-tubulin acetylation and, consistently, inhibited HDAC1 and 6 activity. The rank order of potency was (S)-2 > 4 > (R)-2, reflecting that of other biological assays and addressing (S)-2 as the most effective compound capable of triggering apoptosis in various acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cell lines and blasts from patients with different AML subtypes. Importantly, (S)-2 was safe in mice (up to 150 mg/kg/week) as determined by liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow histopathology; and displayed negligible affinity for peripheral/central BDZ-receptors. Overall, the BDZ-hydroxamate (S)-2 showed to be a low-toxic HDACi with powerful anti-proliferative and pro-apototic activities towards different cultured and primary AML cells, and therefore of clinical interest to support conventional anti-leukaemic therapy
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