2,299 research outputs found
Aktionsart, agentividad y reciprocidad en español
La reciprocidad se manifiesta en español tanto a través de predicados inherentemente recíprocos como a través de predicados complementados por diversas expresiones recíprocas propias del español tales como uno P otro, entre sí y mutuamente. En este artículo prestaremos atención a buena parte de estas construcciones tratando de dilucidar cuáles son las características léxicas comunes e indispensables para obtener la interpretación recíproca. Para ello, prestaremos especial atención a la estructura léxico-conceptual y el aspecto léxico, modo de acción o Aktionsart de los predicados que reciben la interpretación recíproca. Primero veremos las características léxicas generales que presentan estas construcciones y la posibilidad de manifestar dichas características con verbos de todo tipo atendiendo a su estructura sintáctica (transitivos, inergativos e inacusativos). Seguidamente, haremos una revisión del comportamiento de las construcciones recíprocas con los distintos tipo de verbos atendiendo al Aktionsart o aspecto léxico (estados, actividades, realizaciones y logros).In Spanish, reciprocity is expressed either by means of inherent reciprocal predicates or by predicates complemented by several reciprocal expresssions such as uno P otro (each other), entre sí (among them), and mutuamente (mutually)
Spanish Anticausative Inherent Reciprocals and Syntactic Reciproclas with Se
Este artículo explora la anticausatividad en español centrándose en un tipo de construcciones poco abordadas en este sentido. A pesar de la aparente homogeneidad formal de las construcciones recíprocas con se, este trabajo demuestra que hay dos tipos de estructuras bien diferenciadas y dependientes de propiedades semánticas asociadas con sus respectivas estructuras eventivas, dentro del heterogéneo marco de análisis de la inacusatividad. Este trabajo muestra que el clítico es una marca morfológica de concordancia en todas ellas, pero manifiesta diferentes funciones en cada una de las construcciones recíprocas: núcleo expletivo de Voz con casarse, núcleo causativo con mezclarse y una anáfora en posición de objeto con el resto de recíprocos sintácticos transitivos.Within the debate about the heterogeneity of unaccusative structures, the aim of this paper is to distinguish two types of Spanish marked anticausative inherent reciprocals (AIRs) from other syntactic reciprocals (SRs) with se. Several diagnostics show that AIRs such as mezclarse ‘get mixed’ are symmetric, unaccusative, telic, and show causative alternations, while SRs are transitive and vary in their aspectual properties and do not show causative alternations. The en/durante ‘in/for’ adverbials test reveals that there are two types of AIRs: achievements such as casarse ‘get married’, and degree achievements such as mezclarse ‘get mixed’. Although the clitic is an agreement marker in these reciprocal constructions, it is an expletive voice head with casarse, a causative head with mezclarse, and an anaphor merged in the internal argument position in SRs. Differences between AIRs and SRs depend on semantic properties associated to their respective event structures.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA
El aprendizaje del contraste indefinido/imperfecto a través del concepto de aspecto
How learners of Spanish language develop past tense verbal morphology is a recurrent topic in the linguistics literature of the last decades. This is due to the fact that students of Spanish language find difficult to learn the imperfecto/indefinido contrast, as the research about this topic in the applied linguistics field has shown. The first aim of this paper is to show the results of several L2 learner language analysis. Secondly, and based on the results previously presented, we will present a didactic proposal with the aim to promote the development of the imperfecto/indefinido contrast and the appropriate construction of narrative structure
The complexity of environmental education: teaching ideas and strategies from teachers
Ponencia de 7th International Conference on Intercultural Education “Education, Health and ICT for a
Transcultural World”, EDUHEM 2016The research presented tries to understand and analyze the conceptions that the teachers keep from different levels of education (primary, secondary, and higher education), about the paradigm in which are placed in the treatment of Environmental Education (EE ), as well as methodological strategies used and / or designed for practice. This work argues with the intention of detecting possible reductionism, determinism and fragmentation, in the conceptions of teachers. To do this quantitative techniques have been combined, by using a questionnaire, with qualitative techniques, through the interview in depth; which has allowed us to know and analyze the current situation of the participating teachers in their conceptions of EE, as well as methodological aspects used in its treatment. For this, it conducted an investigation of descriptive-interpretative type with 58 teaching participants, of different educational levels and they teach different subjects and / or disciplines. The results make visible that there is interest in a reflective view closer to the complex thought in the treatment of EE, howev er we check reductionism associated with the difficulties of their practic
Enfoques para el estudio didáctico de conceptos del cálculo
En este artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre resultados de investigaciones relacionadas con la comprensión de conceptos del cálculo presentes en la Educación Secundaria y Universitaria, como parte del avance de la configuración del estado del arte de una investigación
doctoral en Educación Matemática. Las reflexiones presentadas se enmarcan en trabajos adelantados en programas de investigación sobre los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de temas relacionados con el análisis matemático, bajo diferentes enfoques epistemológicos como el cognitivo y sociocultural, y aproximaciones como la onto-semiótica. En cuanto a la metodología utilizada, se trata de una revisión documental para establecer descripciones, análisis o conclusiones
La transgresión y la expresión erótica en algunos cuentos de Germán Espinosa
En este artículo se hace un recorrido por los cuentos: “Noticias de un convento frente al mar”, “La Orgía”, “Los pastorales de Longo”, “Capgras, Gelineau” y “Romanza para murciélagos”; escritos por Germán Espinosa, en una búsqueda literaria del sentido que en ellos adquieren los conceptos de prohibición, transgresión y erotismo -- Además, señala cómo las experiencias transgresoras de los personajes superan las barreras morales y sociale
Transición, violencia y movimiento social: conceptualización y visibilidad de la violencia doméstica en Uruguay 1984-1995
This paper analyzes the transformations of the interpretative framework with respect to violence, within the Women and Feminist Movement of Uruguay between 1984 and 1995. The research seeks to account for the process of construction of the category of domestic violence and its relationship with the disputes of sense about democracy, through the analysis of the press of the time -particularly the feminist press-. The results confirm that the conceptualization, visibility and concretion of the first tools for dealing with domestic violence are the result of a sustained work of the Women and Feminist Movement of Uruguay.El presente trabajo analiza las transformaciones del marco interpretativo respecto a la violencia, dentro del Movimiento de mujeres y feminista del Uruguay entre 1984 y 1995. La investigación busca dar cuenta del proceso de construcción de la categoría de violencia doméstica y su relación con las disputas de sentido sobre la democracia, a través del análisis de prensa de época -particularmente de la prensa feminista-. Los resultados permiten afirman que la conceptualización, visibilización y concreción de las primeras herramientas para el abordaje de la violencia doméstica son fruto de un trabajo sostenido del Movimiento de mujeres y feminista del Uruguay
Methodology to analyze the effectiveness of ESD in a higher degree in education: a case study
This paper presents a methodology to evaluate (1) to what extent students of a higher degree in the field of education acquire sustainability competencies, and (2) to determine whether the subjects that develop Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) achieve their learning objectives. The methodology is applied to a case study. The instruments used are the sustainability survey and the sustainability presence map developed by the EDINSOST project. The survey consists of 18 questions, and has been answered by 104 first-year students and 86 fourth-year students belonging to the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education Teaching at the University of Seville. The Mann-Whitney U test has been used to compare the results of the two students groups, and Cohen’s D has been used to measure the effect size. Students only obtain significant improvements, with 95% confidence, in three questions: Q4 (I know procedures and resources to integrate sustainability in the subjects), Q5 (I analyze the opportunities presented in the subjects to plan educational projects to integrate sustainability) and Q6 (I design educational projects from the perspective of sustainability), all concerning critical thinking and creativity. An improvement is also detected in question Q11 (I know how to develop myself satisfactorily in community educational projects, encouraging participation), with a confidence of 90%. Surprisingly, no subject in the curriculum develops the learning outcomes concerning questions Q4, Q5 and Q6, and only one subject develops the learning outcomes regarding question Q11. However, up to five subjects declare development of the learning outcomes regarding questions in which there is no improvement in student learning. These results suggest that the subjects are failing to reach their ESD learning objectives, and that the students are either trained in sustainability outside the university or the subject learning guides do not reflect the work done by the students throughout their studies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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