39 research outputs found

    Habitat quality affects the condition of Luciobarbus sclateri in the Guadiamar River (SW Iberian Peninsula): Effects of disturbances by the toxic spill of the Aznalcóllar mine

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    This study analyzes the somatic condition of southern Iberian barbel Luciobarbus sclateri (Günther, 1868) in the Guadiamar River (SW Iberian Peninsula). This river was seriously affected by a toxic spill of about 4 million cubic meters of acidic water and 2 million cubic meters of mud rich in heavy metals. Once the spill removal works concluded, sites affected and unaffected by the accident were sampled to study its effects on the fish fauna. The ecological variables registered were related to water quality, physical state of reaches, ecological quality, resources exploited by fish, and potential intra-specific interactions. From an initial 15 ecological variables, seasonal water flow and pH explained most of the variation in barbel condition. This study shows that the Guadiamar River, 56 months after the accident, is still undergoing a recovery process where, beyond ecological variables, proximity to the affected area is the most influential factor for fish condition. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    A review on the eco-epidemiology and clinical management of human granulocytic anaplasmosis and its agent in Europe

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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is the agent of tick-borne fever, equine, canine and human granulocytic anaplasmosis. The common route of A. phagocytophilum transmission is through a tick bite, the main vector in Europe being Ixodes ricinus. Despite the apparently ubiquitous presence of the pathogen A. phagocytophilum in ticks and various wild and domestic animals from Europe, up to date published clinical cases of human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) remain rare compared to the worldwide status. It is unclear if this reflects the epidemiological dynamics of the human infection in Europe or if the disease is underdiagnosed or underreported. Epidemiologic studies in Europe have suggested an increased occupational risk of infection for forestry workers, hunters, veterinarians, and farmers with a tick-bite history and living in endemic areas. Although the overall genetic diversity of A. phagocytophilum in Europe is higher than in the USA, the strains responsible for the human infections are related on both continents. However, the study of the genetic variability and assessment of the difference of pathogenicity and infectivity between strains to various hosts has been insufficiently explored to date. Most of the European HGA cases presented as a mild infection, common clinical signs being pyrexia, headache, myalgia and arthralgia. The diagnosis of HGA in the USA was recommended to be based on clinical signs and the patient’s history and later confirmed using specialized laboratory tests. However, in Europe since the majority of cases are presenting as mild infection, laboratory tests may be performed before the treatment in order to avoid antibiotic overuse. The drug of choice for HGA is doxycycline and because of potential for serious complication the treatment should be instituted on clinical suspicion alone

    Maternal factors associated with birth weight in term infants, Colombia, 2002-2011

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    ABSTRACT: The study aimed to identify maternal factors associated with birth weight in Colombia from 2002 to 2011. This was a descriptive study based on data from the Live Birth Registry of Colombia, Administrative Department of Vital Statistics. Birth weight was classified as low birth weight < 2,500g, insufficient birth weight 2,500-2,999g, normal birth weight 3,000-3,999g, and high birth weight ≥ 4,000g. Data analysis used Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and multinomial logistic regression. Women with increased likelihood of low birth weight newborns were 35 years or older (OR = 1.4; 95%CI: 1.39-1.4), had little schooling (OR = 1.1; 95%CI: 1.1-1.1), were single (OR = 1.1; 95%CI: 1.1-1.2), without prenatal care (OR = 1.9; 95%CI: 1.9-2.0), and lived in rural areas (OR = 1.2; 95%CI: 1.1-1.2). Women with higher prevalence of high birth weight newborns were 35 years or older (OR = 1.1; 95%CI: 1.1-1.1) and had four or more children (OR = 2.1; 95%CI 2.0-2.1). Insufficient birth weight showed a similar pattern to low birth weight. In conclusion, social, demographic, and maternal factors influence the birth weight of newborns in Colombia.RESUMEN: El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores maternos asociados con el peso al nacer, en Colombia, entre 2002-2011. Fue un estudio descriptivo, basado en información del Registro de Nacido Vivo de Colombia del Departamento Administrativo de Estadísticas Vitales, se clasificó el peso al nacer como: bajo peso al nacer < 2.500g, peso insuficiente 2.500- 2.999g, peso adecuado 3.000-3.999g y macrosomía ≥ 4.000g. Para el análisis se utilizó la U Mann-Whitney, Kruskall Wallis y un modelo de regresión logística multinomial. Las mujeres con mayor probabilidad de recién nacidos con bajo peso fueron las de 35 años o más (OR = 1,4; IC95%: 1,39- 1,4), con bajo nivel educativo (OR = 1,1; IC95%: 1,1-1,1), solteras (OR = 1,1; IC95%: 1,1-1,2), sin asistencia a controles prenatales (OR = 1,9; IC95%: 1,9-2,0) y de la zona rural (OR = 1,2; IC95%: 1,1-1,2). Las mujeres con mayor prevalencia de recién nacidos macrosómicos fueron de 35 años o más (OR = 1,1; IC95%: 1,1-1,1) y de 4 hijos o más (OR = 2,1; IC95%: 2,0-2,1). El peso insuficiente tuvo un comportamiento similar al bajo peso al nacer. En conclusión, los factores sociodemográficos y maternos influencian el peso al nacer de recién nacidos de mujeres colombianas

    Family visitors and companions of hospitalized elderly and adults: analysis of the experience from the perspective of the nursing working process Familiares visitantes y acompañantes de adultos y ancianos hospitalizados: análisis de la experiencia bajo la perspectiva del proceso de trabajo en enfermería Familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos hospitalizados: análise da experiência na perspectiva do processo de trabalho em enfermagem

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    This is a qualitative study using Grounded Theory as the methodological reference and the Process of Work in Nursing as the theoretical reference in order to understand the role assumed by nurses regarding hospital norms and routines applied to family visitors and companions of adult and elderly patients in a teaching hospital. Data analysis identified the theme: defining the modality of family support during hospitalization. This theme aggregates two main categories: becoming the family visitor and becoming the family companion. Through the analysis, it could be observed how established rules, which aims at disciplining and developing an efficient work in the hospital, can expose the lack of autonomy in the work process to modify relations in this context and how the familiar appropriation, as part of the health team, is far from being considered in the institutions.<br>Se trata de un estudio cualitativo que utiliza como referencial metodológico la Grounded Theory y como referencial teórico el Proceso de Trabajo en Enfermería para comprender el rol asumido por el enfermero frente a las normas y rutinas hospitalarias, de los familiares visitantes y de los acompañantes de adultos y ancianos internados en un hospital universitario. El análisis de los datos permitió la identificación del tema: definiéndose la modalidad de apoyo familiar durante la hospitalización, que reúne dos categorías principales: tornándose un familiar visitante y tornándose un familiar acompañante. Por medio del análisis, se puede profundizar la comprensión acerca de las reglas establecidas que, con el objetivo de disciplinar y hacer eficiente el trabajo desarrollado en el hospital, permite explicar la ausencia de autonomía en el proceso de trabajo, para de esta forma, modificar las relaciones en este contexto y resaltar la integración a la institución del familiar como parte del equipo de salud.<br>Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, utilizando-se como referencial metodológico a Grounded Theory e como referencial teórico o Processo de Trabalho em Enfermagem, para compreender o papel assumido pelo enfermeiro perante as normas e rotinas hospitalares, relativas aos familiares visitantes e acompanhantes de adultos e idosos internados em um Hospital Universitário. A análise dos dados permitiu a identificação do tema: definindo-se a modalidade de apoio familiar durante a hospitalização, que reúne duas categorias principais: tornando-se familiar visitante e tornando-se familiar acompanhante. Por meio da análise, pôde-se aprofundar a compreensão do quanto as regras estabelecidas, com o objetivo de disciplinar e tornar eficiente o trabalho desenvolvido no hospital, podem explicitar o desprovimento de autonomia no processo de trabalho, para modificar as relações nesse contexto e o quanto a apropriação do familiar como parte da equipe de saúde, está distante de ser pensada no concreto das instituições

    The Tour de France: An Updated Physiological Review

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    From its initial inception in 1903 as a race premised on a publicity stunt to sell newspapers, the Tour de France had grown and evolved over time to become one of the most difficult and heralded sporting events in the world. Though sporting science and the Tour paralleled each other, it was not until the midlate 1980s, and especially the midlate 1990s (with the use of heart-rate monitors) that the 2 began to unify and grow together. The purpose of this brief review is to summarize what is currently known of the physiological demands of the Tour de France, as well as of the main physiological profile of Tour de France competitors.2.247 JCR (2012) Q1, 39/80 Physiology; Q2, 19/84 Sport sciencesUE