65 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Pada Kajian ini akan dibahas tentang jiwa dalam al-Qur'an. Dimana konsepjiwa tersebut terdiri dari al-Qalb, dan al-aql, masing-masing akan dibahas tentang hakikat, fungsi, dan ciri-cirinya. Kata kunci : Al-Qur'an, Qalb, Aq

    Esensi Kurikulum dalam Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan Islam

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    Curriculum discussion based on philosophy of Islamic education is a must to do. Because the philosophy of Islamic education is a compass and the foundation for various activities and educational activities to achieve educational goals. Islamic education curriculum is all efforts and educational activities that help learners in growing their personality in accordance with the nature of human creation, which makes it as obedient and faithful servant of God, as well as the bearer of the mandate as the khalifah of Allah who will prosper the earth.The principles of Islamic education curriculum are fundamental foundations that must be adhered to in implementing and developing the curriculum, of course, in the philosophical view of Islamic education, these principles are closely related to the source of Islamic values are the Qur\u27an and as-Sunnah. There are four principles of Islamic education curriculum : religious principles, principles of philosophy, psychological principles, and social principles.In the perspective of Islamic educational philosophy, the formulation of educational curriculum characteristics is a reflection of Islamic values, which are of course sourced from the Qur\u27an and as-Sunnah, formed in philosophy and manifested in all practices or activities and educational experiences. Finally Islamic philosophy of education asserts that the scope of Islamic education curriculum should be directed to the activities that cultivate human beings, whether as a servant to God (abd Allah), as well as human beings as khalifa

    Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Kinestetik dengan Meniru Kegiatan Shalat Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di TKIT Bunayya 7

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    Rumusan masalah penelitian ini: Bagaimana kecerdasan kinestetik anak, bagaimana gerakan meniru sholat anak dan adakah hubungan antara kecerdasan kinestetik dengan meniru kegiatan sholat di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Terpadu Bunayya 7 T.A 2019/2020. Penelitiam ini bertujuan untuk: Mengetahui kecerdasan kinestetik anak, mengetahui gerakan meniru shalat anak dan mengetahui hubungan yang signifikan antara kecerdasan kinestetik anak dengan meniru kegiatan sholat di TKIT Bunayya 7 Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang masuk ke dalam jenis penelitian korelasi. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 53 anak juga, dikarenakan jumlah populasi tidak sampai dengan 100 sehingga cara menentukan sampel memakai teknik total sampling ialah teknik yang menentukan sampel dengan memakai semua populasi. Data diperoleh uji linearitas dan uji hipotesis (menggunakan korelasi produk moment). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai thitung (9,782 ≥ ttabel 1,675). Hal ini bermakna bahwa terdapat hubungan secara signifikan antara kecerdasan kinestetik dengan meniru gerakan shalat anak usia 5-6 tahun di TKIT Bunayya 7 Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Dengan demikian Ha diterima


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    The rapid growth of the business world is reasonable with fierce competition fornew and similar industries. This phenomenon requires companies in manufacturingto compete competitively as experienced by the animal feed industry, especiallyshrimp feed. Marketing of shrimp feed at the end of 2019 increased after decliningsince the first quarter of the third quarter. According to the head of the aquaculturedivision of the Association of Animal Feed Entrepreneurs (GPMT) Haris Muhtadi,the transmission occurred because of an outbreak of disease attacking shrimp andafter the outbreak ended, shrimp production began to compete again. There aremany ways that companies, especially those engaged in shrimp feed, do so. Startingfrom creating low prices to making brand variations with a certain quality measurethat is used as a price differentiator between these products. To get around this, thecompany must have the right strategy and policy, namely by paying attention to thecost of production of its products. The purpose of determining the cost of goodsmanufactured at PT. Central Proteina Prima, Tbk. This is to analyze the differencein cost of goods manufactured between the methods used by the company and thecost of goods manufactured with the full cost and variable cost methods. This studyuses a qualitative descriptive method and the data source is secondary data. Theresults of the study to determine the cost of production is the shrimp feed factory ofPT. Central Proteina Tbk Medan issued a production cost per kilogram of Rp.14.103.5. Meanwhile, the variable cost of the method according to the previoustheory, the value per kilogram is smaller, namely Rp. 14,049, with a difference ofRp. 54.5 per kilogram. If the company sets a price of Rp 19,745 per kilogram usingthe same method, then determining the cost of goods manufactured 0.5% is moreeffective using the theoretical variable cost method. This difference occurs becauseof the grouping of raw material costs and direct labor costs which affect factoryoverhead costs and the cost of goods manufactured

    Evaluasi Aktivitas Sitotoksik Dan Indeks Selektivitas Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) Terhadap Model Sel Kanker Kolon Secara In Vitro

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    Kanker kolon merupakan jenis kanker yang memiliki tingkat insidensi tertinggi ketiga pada pria dan kedua pada wanita. Pengobatan terhadap kanker ini  salah satunya adalah kemoterapi. Beberapa jenis obat kemoterapi telah mengalami resistensi, sehingga penting untuk pengembangan obat baru atau pendamping obat yang telah ada. Daun afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) memiliki aktivitas sebagai antikanker, namun selektivitas ekstrak ini terhadap sel kanker masih perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari nilai indeks selektivitas (IS) dari ekstrak etil asetat daun afrika (EEADA) melalui perbandingan nilai half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) dari hasil uji aktivitas sitotoksik dengan metode Microculture Tetrazolium Technique (MTT). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen in vitro dengan menggunakan metode posttest only control group design. Metode penelitian dimulai dari pembuatan simplisia, pembuatan EEADA menggunakan metode maserasi, uji sitotoksisitas EEADA pada sel Vero dan WiDr menggunakan uji MTT, serta penentuan IS dari EEADA. EEADA mempunyai nilai IC50 sebesar 9,07, menunjukkan  aktivitas sitotoksik yang sangat kuat terhadap sel WiDr, namun tidak selektif hanya terhadap sel kanker (IS3)

    Studi Komparasi Regulasi Belajar Antara Mahasiswa Yang Berkuliah Di Luar Negeri Dengan Mahasiswa Yang Berkuliah Di Dalam Negeri

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    This study aims to find out the differences in self-regulated learning in Indonesian students who study abroad and Indonesian students who study in the country. Researchers use comparative research with quantitative approaches. The subjects of this study were Indonesian students who studied abroad and Indonesian students who studied in the country with a sample of 114 people, 57 Indonesian students who studied abroad and 57 Indonesian students who studied abroad. Sampling is determined by non-probability sampling. In data collection, researchers use a likert-based scale consisting of a learning regulatory scale. Data analysis method used in this study using T-test analysis of two free samples (Independent Sample T-Test) using computer program SPSS version 21.0. The results of the study with a 95% confidence level showed that there is no difference in learning regulation between Indonesian students studying abroad and Indonesian students studying in the country with a coefficient of difference in independent sample t-test of 0.162 with p > 0.05.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan regulasi belajar pada mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di luar negeri dan mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di dalam negeri. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian komparasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di luar negeri dan mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di dalam negeri dengan jumlah sampel 114 orang, masing-masing 57 mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di luar negeri dan 57 mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di dalam negeri. Pengambilan sampel ditentukan dengan non-probability sampling. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan skala berbasis skala likert yang terdiri dari skala regulasi belajar. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis uji-T dua sampel bebas (Independent Sample T-Test) dengan menggunakan computer program SPSS versi 21.0. Hasil dari penelitian dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan regulasi belajar antara mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di luar negeri dengan mahasiswa Indonesia yang berkuliah di dalam negeri dengan koefisien perbedaan independent sample t-test sebesar 0,162 dengan p > 0.05

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Cacat Produk Pelumas Kemasan Lithos Dengan Menggunakan Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Pada PT. X

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang usaha pelumas. Perusahaan ini memproduksi dan mendistribusikan produk pelumas baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Penelitian ini meneliti pada filling station kemasan lithos. Pada Filling station kemasan lithos terdiri dari 6 filling line (FL), yaitu FL-1, FL-2, FL-3, FL-4, FL-5, dan FL-6. Pada tiap filling line ditemukan beberapa material reject yang jumlahnya tidak sedikit setiap harinya, seperti pada material botol, kardus, capper, dan label yang menyebabkan proses produksi tidak maksimal dan produk yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang ditentukan oleh perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu melakukan analisis untuk menemukan faktor penyebab cacat produk pelumas kemasan lithos yang paling kritis selama proses produksi berlangsung dengan menggunakan failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) berdasarkan risk priority number (RPN). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa material reject yang paling banyak terdapat pada material capper yaitu sebesar 51,2% kemudian material label sebesar 21%, material botol sebesar 14,7% dan material kardus sebesar 13,1%. Berdasarkan perhitungan nilai resiko prioritas pada metode FMEA, didapatkan nilai RPN tertinggi sebesar 294 untuk material reject capper. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka usulan perbaikan yang diberikan adalah melakukan visual inspection dan melakukan pergantian vendor material capper untuk mendapatkan kualitas yang lebih baik


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    Curriculum discussion based on philosophy of Islamic education is a must to do. Because the philosophy of Islamic education is a compass and the foundation for various activities and educational activities to achieve educational goals. Islamic education curriculum is all efforts and educational activities that help learners in growing their personality in accordance with the nature of human creation, which makes it as obedient and faithful servant of God, as well as the bearer of the mandate as the khalifah of Allah who will prosper the earth.The principles of Islamic education curriculum are fundamental foundations that must be adhered to in implementing and developing the curriculum, of course, in the philosophical view of Islamic education, these principles are closely related to the source of Islamic values are the Qur'an and as-Sunnah. There are four principles of Islamic education curriculum : religious principles, principles of philosophy, psychological principles, and social principles.In the perspective of Islamic educational philosophy, the formulation of educational curriculum characteristics is a reflection of Islamic values, which are of course sourced from the Qur'an and as-Sunnah, formed in philosophy and manifested in all practices or activities and educational experiences. Finally Islamic philosophy of education asserts that the scope of Islamic education curriculum should be directed to the activities that cultivate human beings, whether as a servant to God (abd Allah), as well as human beings as khalifa

    Analisis Sistem Klaim Asuransi Pertanian Persfektif Etika Bisnis Islam (Studi Pada Kelompok Tani di Kecamatan Kualuh selatan)

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    In general, the purpose of insurance for the agricultural sector is to provide protection or reimbursement against the risk of crop failure due to pests, diseases, or natural disasters. Currently the insurance business is not focused on life insurance, health insurance, or education insurance, but there is insurance for agriculture, namely rice farming insurance (autp). In Insurance, the insurance claim system is a method or method of paying compensation in the event of a loss in something that is insured, but the insurer has the right to determine how to pay compensation to the insured with the terms and mechanisms provided by the insured. However, the insurance business system offered by the insurer must be in accordance with Islamic business ethics as well as morality, containing concrete values and norms that guide and guide human life in all life. Ethics as a critical and rational reflection helps humans act freely, but can be held accountable. This study aims to analyze how the agricultural insurance compensation system works and whether the Claim System is in accordance with Islamic business ethics, a study of existing Lubung Desa farmer groups in Sei Dua Village, Kualuh Selatan District, using a qualitative research method
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