1,065 research outputs found

    On the Nature of the Bursting X-Ray Pulsar GRO J1744-28

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    The unusual properties of the bursting X-ray pulsar GRO J1744-28 are explained in terms of a low-mass X-ray binary system consisting of an evolved stellar companion transferring mass through Roche-lobe overflow onto a neutron star, implying that the inclination of the system is < 18 degrees. Interpretation of the QPO at frequency nu(QPO) = 40 Hz using the beat-frequency model of Alpar \& Shaham and the measured period derivative with the Ghosh \& Lamb accretion-torque model implies that the persistent X-ray luminosity of the source is approximately equal to the Eddington luminosity and that the neutron star has a surface equatorial magnetic field = 2e10 [40 Hz/nu(QPO)] G for standard neutron star parameters. This implies a distance to GRO J1744-28 of ~ 5 [nu(QPO)/40 Hz]^{1/6} b^{1/2} kpc, where b < 1 is a correction factor that depends on the orientation of the neutron star.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, uuencoded gzipped tarred file. Uses AAS macros v. 4. Revised shortened paper, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Finding Galaxy Clusters using Voronoi Tessellations

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    We present an objective and automated procedure for detecting clusters of galaxies in imaging galaxy surveys. Our Voronoi Galaxy Cluster Finder (VGCF) uses galaxy positions and magnitudes to find clusters and determine their main features: size, richness and contrast above the background. The VGCF uses the Voronoi tessellation to evaluate the local density and to identify clusters as significative density fluctuations above the background. The significance threshold needs to be set by the user, but experimenting with different choices is very easy since it does not require a whole new run of the algorithm. The VGCF is non-parametric and does not smooth the data. As a consequence, clusters are identified irrispective of their shape and their identification is only slightly affected by border effects and by holes in the galaxy distribution on the sky. The algorithm is fast, and automatically assigns members to structures.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. It uses aa.cls (included). Accepted by A&

    Comment on ``Antiferromagnetic Potts Models''

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    We show that the Wang-Swendsen-Koteck\'y algorithm for antiferromagnetic qq-state Potts models is nonergodic at zero temperature for q=3q=3 on periodic 3m×3n3m \times 3n lattices where m,nm,n are relatively prime. For q≥4q \ge 4 and/or other lattice sizes or boundary conditions, the ergodicity at zero temperature is an open question

    A semi-parametric approach to estimate risk functions associated with multi-dimensional exposure profiles: application to smoking and lung cancer

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    A common characteristic of environmental epidemiology is the multi-dimensional aspect of exposure patterns, frequently reduced to a cumulative exposure for simplicity of analysis. By adopting a flexible Bayesian clustering approach, we explore the risk function linking exposure history to disease. This approach is applied here to study the relationship between different smoking characteristics and lung cancer in the framework of a population based case control study

    New Method for the Extrapolation of Finite-Size Data to Infinite Volume

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    We present a simple and powerful method for extrapolating finite-volume Monte Carlo data to infinite volume, based on finite-size-scaling theory. We discuss carefully its systematic and statistical errors, and we illustrate it using three examples: the two-dimensional three-state Potts antiferromagnet on the square lattice, and the two-dimensional O(3)O(3) and O(∞)O(\infty) σ\sigma-models. In favorable cases it is possible to obtain reliable extrapolations (errors of a few percent) even when the correlation length is 1000 times larger than the lattice.Comment: 3 pages, 76358 bytes Postscript, contribution to Lattice '94; see also hep-lat/9409004, hep-lat/9405015 and hep-lat/941100

    On generalized cluster algorithms for frustrated spin models

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    Standard Monte Carlo cluster algorithms have proven to be very effective for many different spin models, however they fail for frustrated spin systems. Recently a generalized cluster algorithm was introduced that works extremely well for the fully frustrated Ising model on a square lattice, by placing bonds between sites based on information from plaquettes rather than links of the lattice. Here we study some properties of this algorithm and some variants of it. We introduce a practical methodology for constructing a generalized cluster algorithm for a given spin model, and investigate apply this method to some other frustrated Ising models. We find that such algorithms work well for simple fully frustrated Ising models in two dimensions, but appear to work poorly or not at all for more complex models such as spin glasses.Comment: 34 pages in RevTeX. No figures included. A compressed postscript file for the paper with figures can be obtained via anonymous ftp to minerva.npac.syr.edu in users/paulc/papers/SCCS-527.ps.Z. Syracuse University NPAC technical report SCCS-52

    Supramolecular self-assembly of polyoxometalates and cyclodextrin: Progress and perspectives

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    In this study, we present a comprehensive overview of supramolecular self-assemblies comprising cyclodextrins (CDs) and polyoxometalates (POMs). We summarize the recent advancements in supramolecular POM–CD systems, including their structures, functions, and applications. Subsequently, we focus on the self-assembly behavior of CDs and POMs, encompassing the formation of inclusion complexes, host–guest interactions, and the development of hybrid materials. In addition, we discuss the remarks on future outlooks and hope that this review will serve as a valuable reference for researchers engaged in the fields of supramolecular/POM chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology

    Diseño de 1600 ML de adoquinado, ubicado en los barrios: anexo a la villa Victoria de julio, Antonio Mendoza y Rubén Ulloa; en el casco urbano de Tipitapa, municipio de Managua

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    El desarrollo de nuestro país se basa en elementos fundamentales, como: agricultura industria, ganadería, comercio, turismo, etc. Pero el factor determinante entre estos es el sistema nacional de transporte es decir: transporte terrestre, transporte aéreo, transporte marítimo, etc. el cual es el enlace principal para el desarrollo de la sociedad. En Nicaragua el transporte terrestre es el más utilizado por la población, y debido al aumento de la movilización de vehículos con motores más potentes por las vías, obliga a la modernización de la infraestructura vial, permitiendo un tránsito más seguro y eficiente. El incremento de la red vial está vinculado directamente con la economía de nuestro país, pues su papel es primordial en las actividades que se realizan a diario en los diferentes sectores que aportan a la economía nacional. Actualmente la construcción de nuevas vías de comunicación, rehabilitación de carreteras y mejoras de los caminos ya existentes debe ser una necesidad para los gobiernos, ya que constituyen un componente fundamental para el bienestar y desarrollo de la sociedad, además su diseño debe adoptar las condiciones necesarias para obtener una obra de calidad; cumpliéndose en el todos los principios y normas correspondientes al diseño de carreteras. El presente trabajo denominado ‘‘Diseño de 1600 ML de calle, ubicados en los barrios: Anexo la Villa Rubén Ulloa, Villa Victoria de Julio y Antonio Mendoza localizados en el casco urbano de Tipitapa, municipio de Managua’’. Muestra en su contenido los estudios, métodos y normas aplicables para elaborar: el diseño geométrico de la vía, diseño hidráulico y de la estructura de pavimento, tomando en cuenta las especificaciones correspondientes al diseño de carreteras en Nicaragua
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