160 research outputs found

    Identificação de desperdícios numa empresa de enchimento de aerossóis

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia IndustrialÉ um facto conhecido que na maioria das empresas o tempo das atividades de valor acrescentado de um produto apenas representa uma pequena parte do total disponível: a maior parte do tempo é consumida em atividades sem valor acrescentado. Estão identificados sete tipos clássicos de atividades sem valor acrescentado (desperdícios): Produção excessiva, esperas, transportes, sobreprocessamento, inventários, defeitos e movimentações. Para potenciar a identificação de todos estes desperdícios, existe uma ferramenta visual que permite analisar detalhadamente os fluxos de materiais e de informação no sistema, denominada Value Stream Mapping (VSM). Esta ferramenta é bem aceite pela comunidade académica e pela comunidade industrial, mas são vários os autores que procuram estudá-la e aperfeiçoá-la, dando origem a novas vertentes. Embora sendo esta ferramenta bastante popular, vários aspetos relevantes da produção não são identificados por ela abrindo espaço para propostas de novas ferramentas para o mesmo propósito. O objetivo desta dissertação é o de introduzir uma nova ferramenta, o Waste Identification Diagram, com uma grande vertente visual, para o apoio à gestão na identificação dos desperdícios, servindo de base para a identificação de oportunidades de melhoria. Uma vez identificadas essas oportunidades de melhoria, podem ser projetados estados futuros e as ações necessárias para que sejam atingidos. Tanto o VSM como o proposto WID foram usados com o objetivo de identificar os desperdícios existentes na área de formulação de uma empresa de contract manufacturing de produtos em aerossol, antes de um projeto de remodelação dessa área. Os desperdícios foram identificados, descobriram-se as fontes desses desperdícios e foi apresentada uma proposta de funcionamento no futuro que inclui uma proposta de layout futuro para a área. Esta proposta de funcionamento permite melhorias no tempo de atravessamento, na percentagem de valor acrescentado, nos custos de operação e de manutenção, bem como a simplificação da gestão da área. Foram também comparadas as ferramentas de identificação de desperdícios, onde se podem verificar algumas das vantagens do Waste Identification Diagram em relação ao Value Stream Mapping.It is a known fact that in most companies the value added time for a given product only represents a small part of the total time spent in that product: the majority of that time is consumed by activities which don’t add any value to the product. Seven types of activities without value added (wastes) are identified: excessive production, waiting, transportation, over-processing, inventory, defects and movement. To enhance the identification of all these wastes, there is a visual tool that allows the thorough analysis of the material and information flows, called Value Stream Mapping (VSM). This tool is well accepted by both academic and industrial communities, but several authors are still studying and perfecting it, giving birth to some new strands. Even though this is a popular tool, several relevant aspects of the production are not identified by it, and there is some space for the proposal of new tools to the same purpose. The objective of this thesis is to introduce a new tool, Waste Identification Diagram, with great visual character, to support management identifying waste and proposing improvements. Once these improvements are identified, future states and the actions to get to these states can be projected. Both VSM and the proposed WID were used to identify the wastes in the blending area of a contract manufacturing company of aerosol products, before a layout improvement project in that area. The wastes were identified, their sources were found, and a proposal for future operation was presented, which includes a proposal for the area layout. This proposal is shown to allow improvements in the throughput time, value added time, operation and maintenance costs, as well as making the area management simpler. The tools for waste identification were also compared, and the main advantages of Waste identification Diagram over Value Stream Mapping were shown

    Costo económico del tratamiento de las úlceras por presión : una aproximación teórica

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    O presente artigo consiste numa abordagem teórica sobre a problemática dos custos económicos das úlceras por pressão. Parte-se do conhecimento do problema, numa perspetiva conceptual, para, de seguida, apresentar resultados de estudos de prevalência, a partir dos quais foram delineados estudos de impacto económico. O objectivo deste artigo é o de reflectir sobre os custos económicos associados às úlceras por pressão, quer numa perspetiva global, considerando a repercussão financeira, quer numa vertente personalista, atendendo aos custos intangíveis. Relativamente ao impacto económico das úlceras por pressão, foi efectuada uma estimativa ao nível da Região Autónoma dos Açores do custo total do tratamento por ambiente de cuidados. Nos cuidados domiciliários o custo com o tratamento de todas as categorias é calculado em 7.086.415 euros; nos cuidados hospitalares, em 1.723.509 euros, e nos cuidados prestados em lares de idosos, em 1.002.562 euros. Nos Açores, a estimativa do custo total do tratamento das úlceras por pressão, considerando todas as suas categorias, ronda os 9.812.486 euros. Quanto ao impacto emocional associado, este tem elevados custos para pessoa e para os familiares, nomeadamente pelo sofrimento gerado. De facto, as úlceras por pressão acarretam elevados custos económicos associados ao tratamento, bem como custos intangíveis pelo sofrimento vivenciado por pessoas e cuidadores.RESUMEN: El presente artículo consiste en una reflexión teórica sobre el problema de los costos económicos de las úlceras por presión. Se empieza por el conocimiento del problema, desde una perspectiva conceptual, y, a continuación, se presentan los resultados de estudios de prevalencia, a partir de los cuales se diseñaron estudios de impacto económico. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar sobre los costos económicos asociados a las úlceras por presión tanto en una perspectiva global, considerando la repercusión financiera, como en una vertiente personalista, de acuerdo a los costos intangibles. En cuanto al impacto económico de las úlceras por presión, se realizó una estimación de la Región Autónoma de Açores del costo total del tratamiento por ámbito de atención. En la atención domiciliaria el costo con el tratamiento de todas las categorías se estima en € 7.086.415, en la atención hospitalaria, se estima € 1.723.509 y en la atención en los asilos se estima en €1.002.562. En Açores, el costo total estimado del tratamiento de las úlceras por presión en todas las categorías, es de alrededor de € 9.812.486. En cuanto al impacto emocional asociado, éste tiene elevados costos para la persona y para los familiares, principalmente, por el sufrimiento causado. De hecho, las úlceras por presión implican altos costos económicos asociados con el tratamiento, así como, costos intangibles generados por el sufrimiento experimentado por los individuos y los cuidadores.ABSTRACT: The present study consisted of a theoretical approach to the problem posed by the economic costs associated with pressure ulcers (PUs). The initial aim was to assess the target problem from a conceptual perspective and then to report the results of prevalence studies that formed the basis for investigations of the disease’s economic impact. The purpose of the present article is to discuss the economic costs associated with PUs from both the global point of view (appraising their financial repercussion) and the individual point of view (addressing the intangible costs). Regarding the economic impact of the costs associated with PUs, the total cost of treatment per healthcare setting was estimated relative to the Autonomous Community of Azores. The total cost of all the PU categories was EUR 7,086,415 in the homecare setting, EUR 1,723,509 in the hospital setting, and EUR 1,002,562 in older people’s homes. Therefore, the estimated total treatment cost of all the PU categories was approximately EUR 9,812,486 in Azores. However, the emotional impact of this disease imposes high costs on patients and their relatives as a function of the resultant suffering. Indeed, PUs impose high costs not only related to the treatment but also related to the intangible costs of the suffering caused to patients and their caregivers.Project ICE 2 – Investigação Científica em Enfermagem – Estudo do “Custo Económico das Úlceras por Pressão na Macaronésia” (MAC/1/A029) de Iniciativa Comunitária – Programa de Cooperação Transnacional Madeira-Açores-Canárias 2007-2013info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fruta Dragão: validar a capacidade produtiva da pitaia vermelha. Levantamento da situação da cultura no Algarve.

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    A diversificação da fruticultura do Algarve pode passar pela introdução de espécies frutícolas exóticas. De entre estas, a pitaia (Hylocereus sp.) é uma das que parecem ter melhores possibilidades de adaptação. Este fruto apresenta altas produções, com viabilidade económica em terrenos de pequenas dimensões (uma boa solução para pequenos agricultores) nas condições de clima e solos do Algarve e é também um fruto que tem registado um aumento acentuado de procura e de preço. A pitaia é uma planta trepadeira que necessita de uma estrutura que suporte a planta. Necessita de climas relativamente quentes, apresentando bom desenvolvimento em regiões cuja temperatura média se situa entre 18 e 26ºC. Nas condições do Algarve é necessário estabelecer uma relação entre as condições edafoclimáticas e a produtividade e qualidade do fruto. Para desenvolver a cultura da pitaia no Algarve foi constituído um grupo operacional cujo objetivo principal visa inovar ao nível das tecnologias de produção para a pitaia vermelha, de polpa vermelha e de polpa branca, permitindo ter produção durante um período tão longo quanto possível, com vista à satisfação do mercado nacional e internacional. Pretende-se analisar as características das 2 espécies: Hylocereus costaricensis e Hylocereus undatus, testando a produtividade, rusticidade e qualidade dos frutos (incluindo as características organoléticas) de cada uma. Começou-se por fazer um levantamento da situação desta cultura em Portugal, recolhendo informação sobre parcelas de pitaia e plantas isoladas, tanto em agricultores profissionais como em amadores. Estão também a ser instalados vários campos de ensaio/recolha de dados, englobando as duas espécies de pitaia vermelha. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito deste grupo operacional, serão divulgados numa página web (www.frutadragao.com), num manual técnico e em ações de divulgação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    3D Thermo-hygro-mechanical approach for simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC slab under the combined effects of applied loads and restrained shrinkage

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    The design of reinforced concrete (RC) structures that meet safety, functionality and aesthetic requirements during their lifespan, without unforeseen maintenance costs, depends on adequate design practices that allow engineers to properly control and predict crack widths on concrete. Even though there is a wide body of design codes and recommendations providing methodologies for reinforcement design on elements subjected to applied loads or imposed deformations, they do not provide unambiguous rules for RC structures under the combined effect of these actions, which is a typical situation in RC slabs applied in buildings. This is motivated by the lack of knowledge about the complex interactions that take place between self-imposed deformations, viscoelasticity and the effect of applied loads. This work intends to contribute for deepening the knowledge on this subject by performing a 3D thermo-hygro-mechanical analysis on a highly restrained slab in service load conditions, in which the temperature and moisture fields of the slab are determined in order to take into account the non-uniform distribution of stresses (in space and time) due to hydration and drying shrinkage. This analysis shows that the real restraint forces applied to the slab are in fact just a mere fraction of the those that would be expected in a hypothetical tie subjected to total restraint due to the loss of rigidity caused by crack development induced by a combination of flexural and self-induced stressesPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to the Research Project IntegraCrete (PTDC/ECM-EST/1056/2014 -POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016841) as well to the Research Units ISISE (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633) and CONSTRUCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-0074

    Reinforcement design for the combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: a design challenge

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    The quantification of the necessary reinforcement for crack width control in highly restrained RC slabs still remains a subject of discussion in both scientific and practitioner communities, particularly when the simultaneous effects of applied loads and restrained shrinkage deformations are considered. Indeed, different authors/designers follow distinct approaches to deal with the problem. This is however a very important matter, because in slabs, the quantity of reinforcement is frequently determined by Service Limit States (SLS) of cracking. Therefore, the use of different design criteria for SLS can bring different performance levels, and also different global costs (e.g. reinforcement can be overdesigned, or under designed and then repairs may be in order). In such context, this paper presents and analyses the results of a design challenge launched by the research teams at UMinho and UPorto to a set of design offices. The design challenge consists in the sizing of the necessary reinforcement to satisfy adequate cracking performance in a highly restrained slab. All information about geometry, materials, loads and boundary conditions are provided in the design challenge sheet provided to participants. A total of 7 teams have provided answers to this design challenge. Results are treated anonymously in regard to participating teams. A discussion is held with basis on common and differentiating points, and finally an analysis of the authors using non-linear finite element analysis is made, targeting to better assist interpretation of the expectable behaviour of reinforcement solutionsPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to the Research Projects PTDC/ECM/099250/2008, EXPL/ECM-EST/1323/2013 and PTDC/ECM-EST/1056/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016841), as well to the Research Units ISISE (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633) and CONSTRUCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457) is gratefully acknowledged. A word of acknowledgment is also given to the participants in the design challenge, with fundamental importance for the discussion held herein. The authors would also like to acknowledge the benefits of cross-linking research through the network of COST Actio

    Co-pyrolysis of pre-treated biomass and wastes to produce added value liquid compounds

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    ABSTRACT: It is imperative to find novel environmental friendly liquid fuels to be used in the long distance transportation sector. Pyrolysis of wastes may have an important role in the near future to attain this goal. Biomass pyrolysis has also been widely studied by several researchers, but besides the potentialities of such technology, the bio-oil obtained still has to overcome some challenges related to its unsuitable properties to be used in conventional combustion devices. On the contrary, plastics pyrolysis produces oils, whose main compounds are hydrocarbons, thus they can be used in conventional engines without complex and high cost upgrading processes. Thus, co-pyrolysis of plastics blended with biomass may be a suitable option to produce alternative liquid fuels from wastes. The biomass selected for this study was Eucalyptus globulus wastes, because it has been mostly used in the pulp and paper industry in Iberian Peninsula, which has produced high amounts of wastes. On the other hand, PE (polyethylene) was the plastic chosen, because of the huge wastes amounts generated per year. With the aim of facilitating biomass pyrolysis and to increase the production of liquid compounds with suitable properties to be used as fuels, an alternative to the conventional biomass pyrolysis was studied. First eucalyptus wastes were pre-treated by diluted acid hydrolysis, which removed the hemicellulose fraction, produced added value sugar-based compounds and upgraded the remaining solids to better conditions for pyrolysis. Several pathways were studied, including untreated and pre-treated eucalyptus, blended with different contents of PE wastes. The best technical option is the co-pyrolysis of pre-treated eucalyptus mixed with PE, as the highest liquids yields were produced. However, this process needs to be further studied and the economic viability of the overall process still needs to be proven.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of experimental conditions on co-pyrolysis of pre-treated eucalyptus blended with plastic wastes

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    ABSTRACT: Eucalyptus has been largely used in the pulp and paper industry in Iberian Peninsula, due to its fast growth and high productivity. This eucalyptus utilisation has generated high amounts of wastes, including leaves, branches and stumps. Hence, these wastes were selected for the co-pyrolysis studies to produce liquid fuels or raw materials. As an alternative to the conventional biomass pyrolysis, biomass was pre-treated under mild acidic conditions to obtain valuable sugar-rich stream to be used in fermentation and the solids rich in lignin were mixed with PE (polyethylene) wastes to be used in co-pyrolysis. The pre-treatment process seems to have weakened initial macromolecular structure of eucalyptus wastes and thus might have helped chemical bonds breakdown during co-pyrolysis. The results obtained so far have shown that PE presence seems to have favoured the biomass conversion. The effect of experimental conditions using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was studied. There was a good agreement between theoretical and experimental data. The highest liquid yield (78 % wt) was obtained at 380 ºC and for the reaction time of 20 min. These conditions led to the lowest gases yield (7 % wt) and also to the lowest solids yield (14 % wt).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of scatter radiation in the shielding of radiography procedures

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    Scattered radiation is the largest contributor to patient dose and the main cause for stochastic effects (1-3). Evaluate the use of radiological protections and attenuating materials depending on the scattered radiation which the patient is subject, analyzing the appropriate placement of the protections is extremely important for the improvement of the radiographer clinical practice (4-7). Therefore, the purpose of this research is to ascertain the best way to protect irradiated patients, particularly children and pregnant women.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Calpain inhibition reduces ataxin-3 cleavage alleviating neuropathology and motor impairments in mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado–Joseph Disease (MJD) is the most prevalent autosomal dominantly inherited cerebellar ataxia. It is caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the ATXN3 gene, which translates into a polyglutamine tract within the ataxin-3 protein. Present treatments are symptomatic and do not prevent disease progression. As calpain overactivation has been shown to contribute to mutant ataxin-3 proteolysis, translocation to the nucleus, inclusions formation and neurodegeneration, we investigated the potential role of calpain inhibition as a therapeutic strategy to alleviate MJD pathology. For this purpose, we administered orally the calpain inhibitor BDA-410 to a lentiviral mouse model of MJD. Western-blot and immunohistochemical analysis revealed the presence of N- and C-terminal mutant ataxin-3 fragments and the colocalization of large inclusions with cleaved caspase-3 in the mice brain. Oral administration of the calpain inhibitor BDA-410 decreased both fragments formation and full-length ataxin-3 levels, reduced aggregation of mutant ataxin-3 and prevented cell injury and striatal and cerebellar degeneration. Importantly, in correlation with the preserved cerebellar morphology, BDA-410 prevented motor behavioural deficits. In conclusion, BDA-410 alleviates Machado–Joseph neuropathology and may therefore be an effective therapeutic option for MJD

    The comparison of Imagery ability in elite, sub-elite and non-elite swimmers

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    The ability to generate and control mental images is present in all of us, but it differs from person to person. Therefore, it is important to understand that imagery ability can be changed through training and experimentation, it is not a fixed ability (Cumming & Williams, 2012). The aim of this study is to compare imagery ability in elite, sub-elite and non-elite athletes in a sport which involves closed and continuous motor skills, such as swimming. 79 swimmers (male N = 37; female N = 42) at an average age of 17 took part in this study. In order to assess imagery ability, the Movement Imagery Questionnaire 3 was used, Portuguese version (Mendes et al., 2016). After analysis of the results, these show that in each and every imagery modality, the scores in the three groups differ significantly. In kinesthetic and external visual imagery the elite and sub-elite groups’ scores, although not statistically different from each other, are significantly higher than those of the non-elite group. In internal visual imagery, the differences between all the compared pairs of groups are statistically significant. The elite group got the highest scores, followed by the sub-elite group average scores and finally the non-elite group average scores. According to these results, the conclusion is that athletes with better performance show greater imagery ability and that apparently the external visual imagery proved to be the best intervention method among swimming athletes.La capacidad de controlar y generar imágenes mentales está presente en todos los individuos, pero varía de sujeto a sujeto, por lo tanto, es importante entender que la habilidad de visualización mental es una capacidad que se puede modificar con el entrenamiento y la experimentación, y no una habilidad fija (Cumming & Williams, 2012; Hall, 2001). El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue el de comparar la habilidad de visualización mental en practicantes de Elite, Sub-Elite y No-Elite, en una modalidad deportiva con habilidades motoras cerradas y continuas, la natación. En este estudio participaron 79 sujetos practicantes de Natación (N = 76) (género masculino N = 37, género femenino N = 42) con una edad media de 17 años (DE = 3,1). Se definieron tres niveles de práctica, el grupo de Elite (N = 29), el grupo Sub-Elite (N = 27) y No-Elite (N = 23). Para evaluar la habilidad de visualización mental se utilizó el Movement Imagery Questionnaire - 3, versión portuguesa (Mendes et al., 2015). Después de analizar los resultados verificamos que en todas y cada una de las modalidades de visualización mental, las medias obtenidas en los tres grupos (Elite, Sub-Elite y No-Elite) muestran diferencias significativas. De acuerdo con estos resultados podemos concluir que los atletas con mejor rendimiento deportivo muestran una mejor capacidad de visualización mental y que, aparentemente, la modalidad visual externa resultó como el mejor método de intervención para practicantes de Natación.A habilidade de controlar e gerar imagens mentais está presente em todos os indivíduos, mas varia de sujeito para sujeito. Consequentemente, é importante entender que a habilidade de imagery é uma capacidade que pode ser modificável com o treino e a experimentação, e não uma habilidade fixa (Cumming & Williams, 2012; Hall, 2001). O objetivo do nosso estudo foi comparar a habilidade de imagery em praticantes de Elite, Sub-Elite e Não-Elite, numa modalidade com habilidades motoras fechadas e contínuas, a Natação. Neste estudo, participaram 79 sujeitos praticantes de Natação (N = 76) (sexo masculino N = 37; sexo feminino N = 42), com uma média de idades de 17 anos (SD = 3.1). Foram definidos três níveis de prática, sendo o grupo de Elite (N = 29), o grupo Sub-Elite (N = 27) e Não-Elite (N = 23). Para avaliar a habilidade de imagery, foi utilizado o Movement Imagery Questionnaire - 3, versão portuguesa (Mendes et al., 2015). Após a análise dos resultados, verificámos que em todas e em cada uma das modalidades do imagery, as médias obtidas nos três grupos (Elite, Sub-Elite e Não-Elite) apresentam diferenças significativas. De acordo com estes resultados, podemos concluir que atletas com melhor performance desportiva revelam uma melhor capacidade de imagery e que aparentemente a modalidade visual externa se revelou como melhor método de intervenção em praticantes de Natação