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    With a growing interest in sustainability, a number of universities have engaged in educating the future leaders, decision makers, scientists, and engineers on how their decisions can help societies become more sustainable. This paper presents the process for developing the Bachelor's degree curriculum in Engineering for Sustainable Development at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. The process was initiated in response to a request from top management of the university to a small committee of faculty members to prepare a draft of the degree's curriculum structure. Subsequently, a wider committee was appointed to design the courses' content and to refine the degree's structure. The process of developing a new degree posed a number of challenges, such as connectivity of courses and the curricular contribution to sustainability. These challenges were overcome by: using Concept Maps to help characterise and to overcome the challenges of inter-connecting courses by providing a systemic framework through a qualitative graphical tool titled, the 'Sustainability Tool for Assessing UNiversities' Curricula Holistically' (STAUNCH®). This tool helped the faculty team to develop a quasi-quantitative approach to the courses' coverage and their individual and collective contribution to education of their students for sustainability. The two methods provided a broader, more holistic, and systemic approach when developing a degree, because it allowed assessing the needed connectivity among curriculum courses from a systemic perspective, as well as evaluating the contribution of environmental, economic, and social issues in the degree. The systematic process followed in developing this degree curriculum can help other institutions to design and implement their own sustainability curricula. This can ensure that they develop sustainability-educated and empowered students, who can be change agents in making societies more sustainable

    Попередній розгляд кримінальної справи як етап здійснення оціночної діяльності судді

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    Здійснено науково­теоретичне дослідження питання оціночного аспекту діяль­ності судді при попередньому розгляді кримінальної справи, що виражається через оцінку матеріалів кримінальної справи та доказів в тому числі. Зроблено висновок, що попередній розгляд кримінальної справи є етапом оціночної діяльності судді, який роз­починається із з’ясування ним обов’язкових питань, передбачених законодавцем при попередньому розгляді справи, та завершується прийняттям конкретного рішення у справі, що відображає елементи оцінки в такій діяльності.Осуществлено научно­-теоретическое исследование вопроса оценочного аспекта деятельности судьи при предварительном рассмотрении уголовного дела, который выражается в оценке материалов уголовного дела и доказательств в том числе. Сде­лано заключение о том, что предварительное рассмотрение уголовного дела является этапом оценочной деятельности судьи по уголовному делу, который начинается с рас­смотрения им обязательных вопросов, предусмотренных законодателем при предвари­тельном рассмотрении дела, и заканчивается принятием конкретного решения по делу, которое указывает на элементы оценки в такой деятельности.The theoretical research of issue of appraisal aspect of judge's activity within preliminary criminal case consideration, that is expressed through appraisal of criminal case materials (including proofs) is conducted in the research article. As a result of research the conclusion is made, that preliminary consideration of a criminal case is the stage of court's appraisal activity within a criminal case, beginning from investigation of questions, determined by leg­islation as obligatory to investigate at the preliminary case consideration and concluding by passing of concrete judgment in a case, which expresses the elements of appraisal in such activity

    Near-Field Directionality Beyond the Dipole Approximation: Electric Quadrupole and Higher-Order Multipole Angular Spectra

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    Within the context of spin-related optical phenomena, the near-field directionality is generally understood from the quantum spin Hall effect of light, according to which the transverse spin of surface or guided modes is locked to the propagation direction. So far, most previous works have been focused on the spin properties of circularly polarized dipolar sources. However, in near-field optics, higher-order multipole sources (e.g., quadrupole, octupole, and so on) might become relevant, so a more in-depth formulation would be highly valuable. Building on the angular spectrum representation, we provide a general, analytical, and ready-to-use treatment in order to address the near-field directionality of any multipole field, particularizing to the electric quadrupole case. Besides underpinning and upgrading the current framework on spin-dependent directionality, our results may open up new perspectives for engineering light-matter coupling at the nanoscale.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Supplemental Material (19 pages). Supplemental tools (calculator of angular spectra and animation) available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.267790

    Malabsorción inducida por fármacos. Revisión de los casos notificados al Sistema Español de Farmacovigilancia

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los casos notificados al SEFV – H por problemas de malabsorción en relación con el consumo de fármacos y describir sus características. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en la base de datos FEDRA en el período comprendido entre 1982 hasta el 19 de marzo de 2019 de notificaciones por malabsorción derivada del uso de fármacos. Un total de 77 notificaciones cumplieron los criterios de consulta previamente definidos. De 171 reacciones adversas reportadas, 139 tenían relación con la malabsorción (81,3%). Respecto a la gravedad de los casos reportados, 63 (81,8%) fueron catalogados como graves, incluyendo un caso mortal. En referencia a los fármacos implicados en estas, olmesartan medoxomil estaba implicado en 50 notificaciones (64,9%), hidroclorotiazida en 16 (20,8%), amlodipino en 11 (14,3%), vacuna frente a rotavirus humano en 4 (5,2%) y titanio y níquel en 3 notificaciones cada uno (3,9%). Las reacciones adversas reportadas con mayor frecuencia fueron malabsorción intestinal (61%), diarrea (23,4%), enteropatía tipo esprúe (15,6%) e intolerancia a la lactosa (14,3%). En los casos en los que hubo una reexposición al fármaco implicado (7,8%) se volvió a observar la reacción adversa. El resto de los casos se presentaban sin reexposición al fármaco o información insuficiente. En conclusión, la malabsorción es una reacción adversa poco notificada, pero de carácter grave en la mayoría de los casos. Sobre los fármacos que en las notificaciones guardan relación con la malabsorción, se podría considerar al olmesartan como causante de enteropatías diversas, en concreto enteropatía tipo Esprúe. Tras haber encontrado una señal que relaciona la vacuna frente al rotavirus humano y la aparición de intolerancia a la lactosa, se deberían realizar más investigaciones para estudiar el fenómeno.Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietétic

    La deriva del debate en la televisión española y la generalización de las tertulias como género imperante en formatos híbridos

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    Esta presentación tuvo por objeto exponer un análisis crítico y diacrónico de los principales ejemplos de programas de debate sobre la actualidad ofrecidos en los principales canales estatales españoles, tanto públicos como privados, desde 2004 a 2017.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Modular evolution of the carnivoran pelvic girdle: a three-dimensional morphometric approach

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    Martín-Serra, A., Figueirido, B., Serrano, F., Palmqvist, P. MODULAR EVOLUTION OF THE CARNIVORAN PELVIC GIRDLE: A THREE-DIMENSIONAL MORPHOMETRIC APPROACH. 75th meeting of Vertebrate Palaeontology. Dallas (Texas). Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology Supplement (Program and Abstracts) P. 176The pelvic girdle is a key skeletal structure within the appendicular skeleton in quadrupedal mammals. The pelvis anchors many important muscles and connects the hind limb to the axial skeleton. However, unlike other appendicular bones, each hemipelvis is composed of three different girdle bones: ilium, ischium and pubis. Here we investigate if the functional and developmental interactions among these bones accounts for the integration and modularity of the pelvis in mammalian carnivores. We use carnivorous mammals as a case study because our recent work has demonstrated that their appendicular skeleton is also integrated by functional reasons. A series of landmarks in 3D on one half of the pelvic girdle were digitized in a wide sample of living carnivorans. The landmarks were divided into four basic developmental units: illium, ischium, pubis and acetabulum. The latter was considered as a different unit because it interacts with the femoral head during development. Later, we tested different modularity hypotheses that consider all possible modules formed by the combination of these four developmental units. For each hypothesis, we calculated the RV coefficient, a proxy for morphological covariation. We compared each specific hypothesis with a distribution of RV coefficients resulting from randomly-defined modules to assess for statistical significance. One of the hypotheses with more statistical support separates the four original units as modules, which indicates a strong influence of development. Other supported hypotheses clearly point towards an association between the ischium and the pubis, with the illium and acetabulum more or less independent. However, these hypotheses cannot be unequivocally ascribed to functional interactions, because the ischium and the pubis also share some developmental processes. These results clearly indicate that the carnivoran pelvic girdle preserves a developmental modular structure with little modification attributable to functional adaptations, which agrees with previous studies that showed that the pelvis is conservative within each carnivoran family.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Shiny Dashboard for Monitoring the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

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    [Abstract] Real-time monitoring of events such as the recent pandemic caused by COVID-19, as well as the visualization of the effects produced by its expansion, has highlighted the need to join forces in fields already widely used to working hand in hand, such as medicine, biology and information technology. Our dashboard is developed in R and is supported by the Shiny package to generate an attractive visualization tool: COVID-19 Spain automatically produces daily updates from official sources (Carlos III Research Institute and Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Welfare) in cases, deaths, recovered, ICU admissions and accumulated daily incidence. In addition, it shows on a georeferenced map the evolution of active, new and accumulated cases by autonomous community allowing to travel in time from the origin to the last available day, which allows to visualize the expansion of infections and serves as a visual support for epidemiological studies.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/16Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/4

    Ultra-thin 3D silicon sensors for neutron detection

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    We present a novel neutron detector based on an ultra-thin 3D silicon sensor with a sensitive volume only 10 µm thick. This ultra-thin active volume allows a high gamma-ray rejection, a key requirement in order to discriminate the signal coming from the neutrons in a mixed neutron-gamma ray environment. The device upper-side is covered with a novel boron-based compound that detects neutrons by means of the 10B(n,α)7Li nuclear reaction. The performance of test devices has been investigated first with a gamma-ray source to evaluate the gamma-ray rejection factor, and then with an 241AmBe neutron source to assess the neutron-gamma ray discrimination properties.Peer reviewe