1,840 research outputs found

    Machine Learning representation of loss of eye regularity in a drosophila neurodegenerative model

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    The fruit fly compound eye is a premier experimental system for modeling human neurodegenerative diseases. The disruption of the retinal geometry has been historically assessed using time-consuming and poorly reliable techniques such as histology or pseudopupil manual counting. Recent semiautomated quantification approaches rely either on manual region-of-interest delimitation or engineered features to estimate the extent of degeneration. This work presents a fully automated classification pipeline of bright-field images based on orientated gradient descriptors and machine learning techniques. An initial region-of-interest extraction is performed, applying morphological kernels and Euclidean distance-to-centroid thresholding. Image classification algorithms are trained on these regions (support vector machine, decision trees, random forest, and convolutional neural network), and their performance is evaluated on independent, unseen datasets. The combinations of oriented gradient C gaussian kernel Support Vector Machine [0.97 accuracy and 0.98 area under the curve (AUC)] and fine-tuned pre-trained convolutional neural network (0.98 accuracy and 0.99 AUC) yielded the best results overall. The proposed method provides a robust quantification framework that can be generalized to address the loss of regularity in biological patterns similar to the Drosophila eye surface and speeds up the processing of large sample batche

    Un caso de síndrome de mano ajena fronto-calloso

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    Setenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2001-2002)Diferentes estudios teóricos (Feinberg, y cols., 1992; Baynes y cols. 1997; Doody y Jankovic 1992) han mostrado que el síndrome de la mano ajena (Brion y Jedynak 1972) puede tener dos manifestaciones que son: mano ajena con afectación callosa y mano ajena de afectación fronto-callosa. Este estudio presenta el caso de una mujer de 63 años relacionado con este último síndrome. Ingresada por torpeza en miembros inferiores, alteración del habla, hemiparesia derecha y cefalea. Las técnicas de neuroimagen mostraron signos indirectos de infarto en la arteria cerebral anterior izquierda que afectaban al área motora suplementaria y el cuerpo calloso. Las pruebas neuropsicológicas evaluaron funciones de atención, lenguaje, memoria, gnosias, praxias y funciones ejecutivas. Los resultados de las pruebas indicaron déficits en distintas funciones cognitivas superiores entre las que destacaba el síndrome de utilización compulsiva de objetos. Para profundizar en el análisis de este síndrome se planteó un estudio Resonancia Magnética Funcional del que se desprende que el área premotora contralateral es la responsable de los movimientos de la mano ajena

    Tribenuron-methyl metabolism and the rare Pro197Phe double mutation together with 2,4-D metabolism and reduced absorption can evolve in Papaver rhoeas with multiple and cross herbicide resistance to ALS inhibitors and auxin mimics

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    Multiple resistance mechanisms to ALS inhibitors and auxin mimics in two Papaver rhoeas populations were investigated in wheat fields from Portugal. Dose-response trials, also with malathion (a cytochrome P450 inhibitor), cross-resistance patterns for ALS inhibitors and auxin mimics, alternative herbicides tests, 2,4-D and tribenuron-methyl absorption, translocation and metabolism experiments, together with ALS activity, gene sequencing and enzyme modelling and ligand docking were carried out. Results revealed two different resistant profiles: one population (R1) multiple resistant to tribenuron-methyl and 2,4-D, the second (R2) only resistant to 2,4-D. In R1, several target-site mutations in Pro197 and enhanced metabolism (cytochrome P450-mediated) were responsible of tribenuron-methyl resistance. For 2,4-D, reduced transport was observed in both populations, while cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism was also present in R1 population. Moreover, this is the first P. rhoeas population with enhanced tribenuron-methyl metabolism. This study reports the first case for P. rhoeas of the amino acid substitution Pro197Phe due to a double nucleotide change. This double mutation could cause reduced enzyme sensitivity to most ALS inhibitors according to protein modelling and ligand docking. In addition, this study reports a P. rhoeas population resistant to 2,4-D, apparently, with reduced transport as the sole resistance mechanism.This work has been supported by the Asociacion de Agroquimicos y Medio Ambiente, Spain. Joel Torra acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (grant Ramon y Cajal RYC2018–023866-I) and by the Spanish State Research Agency, Spain (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund, EU (ERDF) through the projects AGL2017-83325-C4-2-R and PID2020-113229RB- C42. The field surveys made in Portugal were supported by Foundation for Science and Technology through the project UIDB/05064/2020 (VALORIZA). Jorge Lozano-Juste group is funded by grants RYC2020- 029097-I and PID2021-128826OA-I00 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci ́on (MCIN, Spain), AEI and the ERDF

    Transformation architecture for multi-layered WebApp source code generation

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    The evolution of Web technologies leads to software premature obsolescence requiring technology-independent representations to increase the reuse rates during the development process. They also require integration into service-oriented architectures to exchange information with different Web systems supporting runtime interoperability. Web Applications (WebApps) run on devices with different capabilities and limitations increasing the complexity of the development process. To address these challenges, different proposals have emerged to facilitate the development of WebApps, which is still an open research field with many challenges to address. This paper presents a model transformation architecture based on software standards to automatically generate full stack multi-layered WebApps covering Persistence, Service, and Presentation layers. This transformation architecture also generates the set of test cases to test WebApp business logic. The proposed transformation architecture only requires a UML platform-independent class model as an input to generate fully functional Web applications in a three-tier architecture including the three layers, while most proposals focus on the generation of the Presentation layer. In addition, this architecture employs software industry standards to enable an easy integration into third-party tools and development environments. The transformation Architecture proposed has been empirically validated on the case study of a fully functional travel management WebApp that is generated using a UML class diagram employing a third-party tool integrated into the same integrated development environment

    Fabrication of novel Si-doped hydroxyapatitefgelatine scaffolds by rapid prototyping for drug delivery and bone regeneration

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    Porous 3-D scaffolds consisting of gelatine and Si-doped hydroxyapatite were fabricated at room temperature by rapid prototyping. Microscopic characterization revealed a highly homogeneous structure, showing the pre-designed porosity (macroporosity) and a lesser in-rod porosity (microporosity). The mechanical properties of such scaffolds are close to those of trabecular bone of the same density. The biological behavior of these hybrid scaffolds is greater than that of pure ceramic scaffolds without gelatine, increasing pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cell differentiation (matrix mineralization and gene expression). Since the fabrication process of these structures was carried out at mild conditions, an antibiotic (vancomycin) was incorporated in the slurry before the extrusion of the structures. The release profile of this antibiotic was measured in phosphate-buffered saline solution by high-performance liquid chromatography and was adjusted to a first-order release kinetics. Vancomycin released from the material was also shown to inhibit bacterial growth in vitro. The implications of these results for bone tissue engineering applications are discusse

    Development of a novel splice array platform and its application in the identification of alternative splice variants in lung cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarrays strategies, which allow for the characterization of thousands of alternative splice forms in a single test, can be applied to identify differential alternative splicing events. In this study, a novel splice array approach was developed, including the design of a high-density oligonucleotide array, a labeling procedure, and an algorithm to identify splice events.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The array consisted of exon probes and thermodynamically balanced junction probes. Suboptimal probes were tagged and considered in the final analysis. An unbiased labeling protocol was developed using random primers. The algorithm used to distinguish changes in expression from changes in splicing was calibrated using internal non-spliced control sequences. The performance of this splice array was validated with artificial constructs for <it>CDC6</it>, <it>VEGF</it>, and <it>PCBP4 </it>isoforms. The platform was then applied to the analysis of differential splice forms in lung cancer samples compared to matched normal lung tissue. Overexpression of splice isoforms was identified for genes encoding <it>CEACAM1</it>, <it>FHL-1</it>, <it>MLPH</it>, and <it>SUSD2. </it>None of these splicing isoforms had been previously associated with lung cancer.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This methodology enables the detection of alternative splicing events in complex biological samples, providing a powerful tool to identify novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for cancer and other pathologies.</p

    Desarrollo de la técnica de FICTION como nueva herramienta para el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de pulmón

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    El cáncer de pulmón es una de las causas de muerte más frecuentes en el mundo occidental. La supervivencia global de los pacientes no supera el 15% a los 5 años, debido principalmente a que la mayor parte de los casos se diagnostican en estadios avanzados. Además de la prevención primaria, mediante la reducción del consumo de tabaco, son necesarias nuevas tecnologías para el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad. Estudios recientes han demostrado que el TAC helicoidal del tórax es efectivo en la detección de nódulos pulmonares malignos en estadios precoces. En la actualidad se está valorando su eficacia en series amplias de pacientes de alto riesgo. Recientemente se ha desarrollado una nueva técnica de citogenética molecular, el FICTION (Fluorescence Immunophenotyping and Interphase Cytogenetics as a Tool for the Investigation of Neoplasms). Esta técnica permite el análisis simultáneo de marcadores inmunofenotípicos y alteraciones genéticas presentes en las células tumorales. El objetivo de nuestro proyecto es su puesta a punto para el estudio de muestras de esputo y lavado broncoalveolar de pacientes con cáncer de pulmón. El fin último es estudiar la posibilidad de que esta técnica pueda ser utilizada, junto con el TAC helicoidal, en programas de detección precoz de cáncer de pulmón, para pacientes de alto riesgo. En este trabajo presentamos una revisión de la contribución de las distintas técnicas de citogenética al estudio del cáncer de pulmón y la metodología de trabajo que vamos a llevar a cabo en nuestro proyecto

    Role of drug transporters in the sensitivity of acute myeloid leukemia to sorafenib

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    [EN]Chemoresistance often limits the success of the pharmacological treatment in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Although positive results have been obtained with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), such as sorafenib, especially in patients with Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3)-positive AML, the success of chemotherapy is very heterogeneous.The sensitivity to sorafenib-induced cell death (MTT test and anexin V/7-AAD method) was evaluated in five different cell lines: MOLM-13, OCI-AML2, HL-60, HEL and K-562. The transportome was characterized by measuring mRNA using RT-qPCR. Drug uptake/efflux was determined by flow cytometry using specific substrates and inhibitors. The cytostatic response to sorafenib was: MOLM-13»OCI-AML2>HL- 60>HEL≈K-562. Regarding efflux pumps, MDR1 was highly expressed in HEL>K- 562≈MOLM-13, but not in OCI-AML2 and HL-60. BCRP and MPR3 expression was low in all cell lines, whereas MRP4 and MRP5 expression was from moderate to high. Flow cytometry studies demonstrated that MRP4, but not MRP5, was functional

    Formulation and characterization of mucoadhesive controlled release matrix tablets of captopril

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    The purpose of this study is to characterize controlled release matrix tablets of captopril and to find out the physicochemical properties that have an effect on the mucoadhesion process. The hydrophilic matrix tablets contain captopril, microcrystalline cellulose, barium sulfate, ascorbic acid, ethylcellulose N100, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K15M, talc, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide. The physicochemical properties of the formulations have been characterized using confocal microscopy, contact angle, and scanning electron microscopy. The potential mucoadhesion capabilities of the formulations were assessed measuring the surface free energy, the polar and dispersive forces, the spreading coefficients, the surface roughness, and the network structure of the hydrophilic matrix tablets. The results show that when the concentration of HPMC K15M increases, the spreading coefficients of polymer over mucus and mucus over polymer are more positive, thus increasing the contact between the matrix tablets with the mucus layer. The formulation that contains 15% of HPMC K15M is the formulation that presents a greater swelling capacity, a greater increase in surface roughness, and larger pores within the matrix. This formulation has a higher chain mobility and more free macromolecular chains able to diffuse in the mucus layer. Therefore, this formulation has the greatest potential mucoadhesion capability

    New update to the guidelines on testing predictive biomarkers in non-small-cell lung cancer: a National Consensus of the Spanish Society of Pathology and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology

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    Biomarkers; Non-small cell lung cancerBiomarcadors; Carcinoma de pulmó de cèl·lules no petitesBiomarcadores; Carcinomas de pulmón de células no pequeñasEl carcinoma de pulmón de no célula pequeña (CPNCP) presenta el mayor número de dianas terapéuticas identificadas, algunas de ellas con utilidad terapéutica. En la actualidad se considera imprescindible en estos pacientes determinar las mutaciones de EGFR, BRAF, KRAS y MET, las traslocaciones de ALK, ROS1, NTRK y RET y la expresión de PD-L1. El uso de la secuenciación masiva (next-generation sequencing [NGS]) facilita el diagnóstico molecular de forma precisa y permite determinar otras mutaciones emergentes, como la mutación de HER2 y los biomarcadores predictivos de respuesta a inmunoterapia. En este consenso, un grupo de expertos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del CPNCP seleccionado por la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica (SEAP) y la Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) ha evaluado la información actualmente disponible y propone una serie de recomendaciones para optimizar la determinación y utilización en la práctica clínica diaria de los biomarcadores.Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) presents the greatest number of identified therapeutic targets, some of which have therapeutic utility. Currently, detecting EGFR, BRAF, KRAS and MET mutations, ALK, ROS1, NTRK and RET translocations, and PD-L1 expression in these patients is considered essential. The use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) facilitates precise molecular diagnosis and allows the detection of other emerging mutations, such as the HER2 mutation and predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy responses. In this consensus, a group of experts in the diagnosis and treatment of NSCLC selected by the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) have evaluated currently available information and propose a series of recommendations to optimize the detection and use of biomarkers in daily clinical practice.SEOM y SEAP agradecen el apoyo financiero de este proyecto en forma de colaboración sin restricciones en la logística por parte de AstraZeneca y Roche