165 research outputs found

    Baseline characterization of aquaculture systems in Kwara State Nigeria

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    Presentation from the Training in the application of characterization surveys and use of CAPI for enumerators in Kwara, Nigeria

    Estructura, dinámica y perspectivas del desarrollo económico del departamento del Magdalena

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    La elaboración del presente trabajo pretende abordar de manera analítica los planteamientos que en materia de desarrollo formula y ejecuta el nivel departamental en torno a los criterios de eficiencia y eficacia de las acciones gubernamentales, conceptos alrededor de los cuales se tejen gran cantidad de confusiones. En nuestro caso la eficiencia está referida a hacer bien alguna acción, mientras que la eficacia se refiere a la acción o acciones que se deben ejecutar. " En ese sentido este trabajo responde a la necesidad de plantearse una reflexión sobre la eficiencia y eficacia en la formulación de las políticas, programas y proyectos de desarrollo del departamento del Magdalena, en el marco del modelo económico vigente y con una orientación al análisis de los aspectos del desarrollo económico, habida cuenta que el proceso de reorganización del Estado le asigna a este ente territorial la responsabilidad y competencia de la 'poción del desarrollo económico dentro de su territorio" .Considerando que la planificación del desarrollo territorial parte de las particularidades económicas, sociales, políticas, ambientales e institucionales de cada región, el presente trabajo toma como referencia las interrelaciones e interdependencias de estos factores, pero sólo explora para efectos de análisis la variable económica, con la información que aceptamos pertinente revisar, analizar y evaluar, y que a nuestro concepto debe referenciarse como base importante y punto de partida en la elaboración de políticas, programas, planes y proyectos de desarrollo de carácter estatal. En algunos temas, el trabajo se extiende con la intención de que se constituya, además del análisis establecido como límite, en un documento didáctico que sirva de apoyo e instrumento que contiene información básica para la planificación territorial. Como marco de referencia para la orientación general del trabajo propuesto se hace un análisis de la dinámica económica nacional, regional y departamental con la finalidad de establecer niveles de coherencia con el orden económico mundial actual, el cual se desarrolla en función de la articulación de las regiones con el entorno universal y alrededor de las relaciones económicas efectivas y potenciales. En ese sentido se estudia si la gestión del desarrollo nacional y departamental articulan las realidades económicas externas vigentes, y las realidades locales que a su vez inciden en los aspectos del desarrollo territorial. En este punto se toca cuáles han sido los efectos ocasionados por la implantación de un nuevo modelo económico que varió de manera fundamental el esquema de acumulación de nuestro país, el cual pasó de un esquema proteccionista a un esquema de libre competencia, sin considerar las condiciones propias de nuestro territorio. También se analiza la economía en el departamento y los principales sistemas de producción agropecuaria practicados, los cuales se constituyen en la mayor fuente de ingresos del departamento y en el sector con mayor participación en el producto interno bruto departamental, y se hace un rápido análisis de la actividad turística en el departamento y un recorrido en torno a sus potencialidades geográficas, naturales y ambientales

    Fisiologia vegetal do estômato na prática - relato de experiência

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Uma das maiores dificuldades encontradas na educação básica de ensino consiste em desenvolver atividades práticas que despertem a curiosidade dos alunos. O PIBID Ciências Biológicas desenvolve uma série de atividades nas escolas públicas de Dois vizinhos, entre as quais se destaca o auxílio na execução e ou elaboração de aulas práticas, materiais didáticos e projetos, juntamente com os professores de ciências e biologia. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho é relatar a execução de uma aula prática de botânica para alunos do 8o ano do ensino fundamental no Colégio Estadual Leonardo Da Vinci, em Dois Vizinhos, PR. Ao realizar a atividade proposta, os alunos preparam e manipularam materiais, observando estruturas microscópicas dos vegetais. A importância da aula prática é realmente reconhecida para o aprendizado dos alunos, mostrando a interação do aluno com o professor e destes com o conteúdo previsto no currículo escola

    Update on indications, complications, and outcomes of scleral contact lenses

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    Background: The role of scleral contact lenses (SCLs) has increasingly expanded since the first lens was fitted more than a century ago. While it was initially prescribed for the management of severely compromised corneas, the indications for modern SCL use have expanded to include less severe diseases. In this review, we aimed to provide an up-to-date overview of the current indications, complications, and outcomes for the various types of SCLs. Methods: In this narrative review, we thoroughly searched the PubMed/MEDLINE database for literature published from January 1980 to November 2021. Only relevant up-to-date English references were included. Furthermore, the figures in this manuscript were derived from our unit’s patient documentation. Results: Currently, SCLs can successfully be used to manage ocular surface diseases, visually rehabilitate irregular corneas, and correct irregular refractive errors. Although newer materials have yielded the same visual outcomes with fewer complications, these consequences still occur in approximately one-third of contact lens wearers, including difficulties in insertion and/or removal, discomfort or pain, and developing either halos, blurriness, or haze. Even though most of these complications are minor and can be easily treated, a good practice is essential to avoid sight-threatening complications such as microbial keratitis. Conclusions: SCLs are indispensable in ophthalmic clinics. The development of better-quality SCLs has increased the number of indications and improved the achievable visual rehabilitation. The future of developing improvements in SCL design, materials, and fit, and the expansion of their indication range is promising

    Challenges to diabetes self-management for adults with type 2 diabetes in low-resource settings in Mexico City: A qualitative descriptive study

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    Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in Mexico is one of the highest in the world, with high morbidity and mortality, and difficulty meeting glycemic targets. The purpose of this study was to identify the challenges for T2D self-management as perceived by both adults with T2D and health care providers in primary health clinics from Seguro Popular in Mexico City. Methods: This was a qualitative descriptive study conducted in three Seguro Popular primary care clinics in Mexico City using convenience sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants and data were analyzed using a content analysis approach. Results: The sample included 20 adults with T2D [52.5 years old (SD = 9.9), diagnosed with T2D for 12.3 years (SD = 6.3), mean A1C of 9.8% (SD = 2.4), 80% female, 90% with financial insecurity] and 19 providers [primarily female (78.9%), mean age of 41.6 years old (SD = 11.4), 12.3 mean years in practice (SD = 8.50)]. Personal challenges included cultural beliefs, lack of resources, challenges to lifestyle modification, lack of family support/competing demands, and mental health issues. System level challenges included lack of resources, perceived quality of care, and patient engagement barriers. Conclusions: Evidence-based diabetes self-management programs need to become more accessible, taking into consideration the social determinants of health and building upon current initiatives to improve early diagnosis and treatment of T2D. Cultural beliefs, personal control, and low health literacy influence diabetes self-management in adults with T2D with limited resources. Mental health and financial challenges of adults with T2D will require multidisciplinary team-based care. Future research on best practices to implement and scale-up evidence-based patient-centered T2D prevention and DSME programs for the poor and underserved is warranted in Mexico and world- wide

    Basic psychological needs and job satisfaction in Swiss in-service special education students

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    In welchem Zusammenhang stehen die Arbeitsbedingungen von Sonderpädagog*innen im integrativen Berufsalltag mit ihrer Arbeitszufriedenheit? Diese Frage ist hochaktuell, da im Kontext der wachsenden Integrationsbemühungen der Personalbedarf in integrativen Settings der Sonderpädagogik zunimmt, während frühzeitige Berufsausstiege den Personalmangel verschärfen. Ein zentraler Aspekt der Arbeitsbedingungen gemäß der Self-Determination Theory ist die Erfüllung der psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse soziale Eingebundenheit, Kompetenzerleben und Autonomie. Um die psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse im Arbeitsalltag von Schweizer Sonderpädagog*innen zu untersuchen, wurden problemzentrierte Interviews mit 30 berufsbegleitend Studierenden der Sonderpädagogik durchgeführt, die in integrativen Settings arbeiten. Mittels inhaltlich strukturierender und evaluativer qualitativer Inhaltsanalyse wurden die psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse mit der aktuellen Arbeitszufriedenheit in Beziehung gesetzt. Über viel Autonomie wird in Bezug auf das individuelle Unterrichten im direkten Kontakt mit den Schüler*innen berichtet, für die Arbeitszufriedenheit scheint aber die Autonomie auf Team- und Professionsebene relevanter zu sein. Zentral ist hier vor allem die Förderung einer konstruktiven Zusammenarbeit durch die Schulleitung, aber auch die Stärkung der Sonderpädagog*innen in ihrer Berufsrolle. (DIPF/Orig.)What are the working conditions of special education teachers (SET) in inclusive settings, and how are they related to job satisfaction? These questions are highly topical, as in the context of growing integration efforts, staffing needs in inclusive special education settings are increasing while early career exits are exacerbating staff shortages. A critical aspect of working conditions, according to self-determination theory, are the basic psychological needs of relatedness, competence, and autonomy. To explore basic psychological needs in Swiss SET, we conducted problem-centered interviews with 30 in-service SET students already working in inclusive school settings. The interviews were analyzed with structuring and evaluative qualitative content analysis to explore the relationship between basic psychological needs and job satisfaction. Perceived autonomy was highest in individual teaching situations, in direct contact with the students; however, team autonomy as well as autonomy at the level of Special Education as a profession seemed to be more relevant for job satisfaction. How school leaders support team cooperation and strengthen SET in their professional role seem to be crucial factors in this context. (DIPF/Orig.

    Exploring Andean High-Altitude Lake Extremophiles through Advanced Proteotyping

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    Quickly identifying and characterizing isolates from extreme environments is currently challenging while very important to explore the Earth′s biodiversity. As these isolates may, in principle, be distantly related to known species, techniques are needed to reliably identify the branch of life to which they belong. Proteotyping these environmental isolates by tandem mass spectrometry offers a rapid and cost-effective option for their identification using their peptide profiles. In this study, we document the first high-throughput proteotyping approach for environmental extremophilic and halophilic isolates. Microorganisms were isolated from samples originating from high-altitude Andean lakes (3700-4300 m a.s.l.) in the Chilean Altiplano, which represent environments on Earth that resemble conditions on other planets. A total of 66 microorganisms were cultivated and identified by proteotyping and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Both the approaches revealed the same genus identification for all isolates except for three isolates possibly representing not yet taxonomically characterized organisms based on their peptidomes. Proteotyping was able to indicate the presence of two potentially new genera from the families of Paracoccaceae and Chromatiaceae/Alteromonadaceae, which have been overlooked by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing approach only. The paper highlights that proteotyping has the potential to discover undescribed microorganisms from extreme environments

    Academia virtual twenty

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    El presente documento busca demostrar la viabilidad de un nuevo servicio, el cual se tiene intención de introducir al mercado nacional. Tanto la compañía como el servicio comparten el nombre de Twenty, el cual se basa en una academia virtual de nivel de educación superior para apoyar a los estudiantes con respecto a ciertas materias o temas que son considerados como dificultosos de aprender en la universidad. Este concepto de negocio fue planteado y validado mediante profundas investigaciones y una serie de experimentos para tener como resultado un servicio que satisfaga las necesidades de nuestro público: una academia virtual de apoyo a los universitarios. Posterior a dichas investigaciones, se pudo concluir que nuestro público objetivo se componía de estudiantes universitarios, de 18 a 24 años, que deseen reforzar sus conocimientos en los cursos que no han conseguido entender completamente. La falta de tiempo, preparación o entendimiento de los cursos fue identificada como la causa principal. ​En conclusión, luego de haber realizado el lanzamiento de nuestro producto en el mercado, se obtuvieron diferentes críticas constructivas con respecto al servicio que se ofrece, con los cuales pudimos realizar mejoras continuas a Twenty. Gracias a ello, se logrará alcanzar el propósito de la organización: Crear una alternativa donde los estudiantes no solo puedan tomar clases, sino también puedan comprender mejor las más difíciles y utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos en su futuro profesional.The current document contains and proves the viability of a new service, which intends to be introduced in the national market. Both the company and the brand are called Twenty, which is based on a virtual academy for university level students to post-graduation students about difficult courses or subjects in college. The business concept was raised and validated through deep research and a series of experiments that resulted in a service which satisfies the needs of our target: a virtual academy which support university students from between 18 to 24 years old who wish to reinforce their knowledge of the courses that they haven’t managed to understand completely in their respective courses. The lack of time, preparation and understanding of the courses were identified as the main cause. In conclusion, after launching the product in the market, we received some constructive criticism, and we have improved Twenty greatly. Thanks to that, we’ve achieved the primary purpose of the organization: Create an alternative option where students can not only take classes but to better understand the most difficult ones and use the knowledge they gain in their professional futures.Trabajo de investigació

    A Physiotherapy Treatment Plan for Post-COVID-19 Patients That Improves the FEV1, FVC, and 6-Min Walk Values, and Reduces the Sequelae in 12 Sessions

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causal agent of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a pandemic disease declared in 2020. The clinical manifestations of this pathology are heterogeneous including fever, cough, dyspnea, anosmia, headache, fatigue, taste dysfunction, among others. Survivors of COVID-19 have demonstrated several persistent symptoms derived from its multisystemic physiopathology. These symptoms can be fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain, dry and productive cough, respiratory insufficiency, and psychoemotional disturbance. To reduce and recover from the post-COVID-19 sequelae is fundamental an early and multifactorial medical treatment. Integral post-COVID-19 physiotherapy is a tool to reduce dyspnea, improve lung capacity, decrease psychoemotional alterations, as well as increase the muscle strength affected by this disease. Thus, the aim of this study was to establish a novel physiotherapeutic plan for post-COVID-19 patients, evaluating the effect of this treatment in the reduction of the sequelae in terms of lung capacity, cardio-respiratory, and muscular strength improvements. This was a cross-sectional study in which a protocol of 12 sessions in 4 weeks of physiotherapy was implemented in the patients enrolled. We conducted a medical assessment, an interview, a DASS-21 test, a spirometry, a 6-min walk test, and a hand dynamometer test to evaluate the post-COVID condition of patients before and after the sessions. A total of 42 patients participated in the program. Results of this work showed a decrease of around 50% of post-COVID-19 sequelae and an improvement in the psychoemotional status of patients. Also, we observed an increase of 7.16% in the FEV1 value and 7.56% for FVC. In addition, the maximal functional capacity increased by 0.577 METs, the 6-min walk test performance increased by 13%, and the SpO2 improved by 1.40%. Finally, the handgrip strength test showed an improvement in the left hand and right hand of 2.90 and 2.24 Kg, respectively. We developed this study to propose a novel methodology to provide information for a better treatment and management of post-COVID-19 patients

    Multi-stakeholder perception analysis of the status, characteristics, and factors affecting small-scale carp aquaculture systems in Bangladesh

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    Inland aquaculture is essential for the food and livelihoods of millions of small-scale producers across the global South. Very diverse actions from national governments, civil sector and international organizations have been seeking to enhance the performance of small-scale aquaculture systems. However, many of these efforts are constrained by the general lack of information about the status and characteristics of the sector. In many cases, data are unavailable, highly aggregated or outdated, thus failing to provide a clear picture of the situation on the ground to inform relevant efforts. Bangladesh is one such country, where, on the one hand, the aquaculture sector is extremely important for national economic growth, rural development and food and nutrition security, but on the other hand suffers from a general lack of quality data to inform relevant actions. In this study, we report the findings generated though eight workshops that engaged 215 stakeholders involved in the Bangladesh small-scale carp aquaculture sector. By leveraging the expertise of the participants, we obtain an overarching picture of the characteristics of small-scale carp production models around the country. The findings suggest a large variability of production models and levels of intensification, which are mainly based on polyculture involving species such as rohu, catla, and mrigal. These systems have been roughly categorized in four types characterized by different levels of intensification and dominant species, which are present across the country with varied socio-economic, infrastructure and environmental conditions. The study also identified an unfolding shift in the last years, from subsistence-based to commercially oriented production. In terms of market preference, quite different carp attributes are valued among small-scale producers across the country, with large size of carp, its rapid growth and the availability of improved strains being the most valued. As aquaculture, and particularly carp aquaculture, is important for rural development in Bangladesh by sustaining households’ income and livelihoods in different ways, we argue for the need to undertake more detailed studies to understand the characteristics and performance of these types of small-scale aquaculture systems. This will be indispensable for informing policies and actions that aim to target more effectively the different types of producers, and to improve the overall performance and sustainability of the sector