2,830 research outputs found

    Simulation of Impedance Measurements at Human Forearm Within 1 KHz to 2 MHz

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    This work presents a simulation analysis of the bioimpedance measurements at human forearm. The Ansys® High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) has been used to analyze the electrical response of a section of human forearm with three domains of di-electric behavior- fat, muscle and artery (blood). The impedance values were calculated as the ratio of the output voltage at the electrodes to the applied known current (1mA). A model was developed and was simulated for impedance values obtained within a frequency range of 1 kHz to 2MHz. The measurements were done at three instances of radial artery diameter. The maximum resistance and reactance values were calculated as 445Ω and 178.5Ω, 356Ω and 138Ω, and 368Ω and 144.3Ω for diameters 2.3mm, 2.35mm, and 2.4mm respectively. The set of impedance values obtained followed Cole-plot trend. The results obtained were found to be in excellent agreement with the Cole theory. The set of values obtained at three different diameters reflected the effect of blood flow on impedance values

    Climate services for health: from global observations to local interventions

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    Despite the wealth of available climate data available, there is no consensus on the most appropriate product choice for health impact modelling and how this influences downstream climate-health decisions. We discuss challenges related to product choice, highlighting the importance of considering data biases and co-development of climate services between different sectors

    Synthetic use of the primary kinetic isotope effect in hydrogen atom transfer: generation of α-aminoalkyl radicals.

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    addresses: School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Geoffrey Pope Building, Stocker Road, Exeter, UKEX4 4QD. [email protected]: Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright © 2010 Royal Society of ChemistryThe extent to which deuterium can act as a protecting group to prevent unwanted 1,5-hydrogen atom transfer to aryl and vinyl radical intermediates was examined in the context of the generation of α-aminoalkyl radicals in a pyrrolidine ring. Intra- and intermolecular radical trapping following hydrogen atom transfer provides an illustration of the use of the primary kinetic isotope effect in directing the outcome of synthetic C-C bond-forming processes

    DeepBrain: Functional Representation of Neural In-Situ Hybridization Images for Gene Ontology Classification Using Deep Convolutional Autoencoders

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    This paper presents a novel deep learning-based method for learning a functional representation of mammalian neural images. The method uses a deep convolutional denoising autoencoder (CDAE) for generating an invariant, compact representation of in situ hybridization (ISH) images. While most existing methods for bio-imaging analysis were not developed to handle images with highly complex anatomical structures, the results presented in this paper show that functional representation extracted by CDAE can help learn features of functional gene ontology categories for their classification in a highly accurate manner. Using this CDAE representation, our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art classification rate, by improving the average AUC from 0.92 to 0.98, i.e., achieving 75% reduction in error. The method operates on input images that were downsampled significantly with respect to the original ones to make it computationally feasible

    Incident venous thromboembolic events in the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER)

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    <p>Background: Venous thromboembolic events (VTE), including deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, are common in older age. It has been suggested that statins might reduce the risk of VTE however positive results from studies of middle aged subjects may not be generalisable to elderly people. We aimed to determine the effect of pravastatin on incident VTE in older people; we also studied the impact of clinical and plasma risk variables.</p> <p>Methods: This study was an analysis of incident VTE using data from the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER), a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of pravastatin in men and women aged 70-82. Mean follow-up was 3.2 years. Risk for VTE was examined in non-warfarin treated pravastatin (n = 2834) and placebo (n = 2865) patients using a Cox's proportional hazard model, and the impact of other risk factors assessed in a multivariate forward stepwise regression analysis. Baseline clinical characteristics, blood biochemistry and hematology variables, plasma levels of lipids and lipoproteins, and plasma markers of inflammation and adiposity were compared. Plasma markers of thrombosis and hemostasis were assessed in a nested case (n = 48) control (n = 93) study where the cohort was those participants, not on warfarin, for whom data were available.</p> <p>Results: There were 28 definite cases (1.0%) of incident VTE in the pravastatin group recipients and 20 cases (0.70%) in placebo recipients. Pravastatin did not reduce VTE in PROSPER compared to placebo [unadjusted hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) 1.42 (0.80, 2.52) p = 0.23]. Higher body mass index (BMI) [1.09 (1.02, 1.15) p = 0.0075], country [Scotland vs Netherlands 4.26 (1.00, 18.21) p = 0.050 and Ireland vs Netherlands 6.16 (1.46, 26.00) p = 0.013], lower systolic blood pressure [1.35 (1.03, 1.75) p = 0.027] and lower baseline Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) score [1.19 (1.01, 1.41) p = 0.034] were associated with an increased risk of VTE, however only BMI, country and systolic blood pressure remained significant on multivariate analysis. In a nested case control study of definite VTE, plasma Factor VIII levels were associated with VTE [1.52 (1.01, 2.28), p = 0.044]. However no other measure of thrombosis and haemostasis was associated with increased risk of VTE.</p> <p>Conclusions: Pravastatin does not prevent VTE in elderly people at risk of vascular disease. Blood markers of haemostasis and inflammation are not strongly predictive of VTE in older age however BMI, country and lower systolic blood pressure are independently associated with VTE risk.</p&gt

    Biometrics in forensic science: challenges, lessons and new technologies

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    Biometrics has historically found its natural mate in Forensics. The first applications found in the literature and over cited so many times, are related to biometric measurements for the identification of multiple offenders from some of their biometric and anthropometric characteristics (tenprint cards) and individualization of offender from traces found on crime-scenes (e.g. fingermarks, earmarks, bitemarks, DNA). From sir Francis Galton, to the introduction of AFIS systems in the scientific laboratories of police departments, Biometrics and Forensics have been "dating" with alternate results and outcomes. As a matter of facts there are many technologies developed under the "Biometrics umbrella" which may be optimised to better impact several Forensic scenarios and criminal investigations. At the same time, there is an almost endless list of open problems and processes in Forensics which may benefit from the introduction of tailored Biometric technologies. Joining the two disciplines, on a proper scientific ground, may only result in the success for both fields, as well as a tangible benefit for the society. A number of Forensic processes may involve Biometric-related technologies, among them: Evidence evaluation, Forensic investigation, Forensic Intelligence, Surveillance, Forensic ID management and Verification.\ud The COST Action IC1106 funded by the European Commission, is trying to better understand how Biometric and Forensics synergies can be exploited within a pan-European scientific alliance which extends its scope to partners from USA, China and Australia.\ud Several results have been already accomplished pursuing research in this direction. Notably the studies in 2D and 3D face recognition have been gradually applied to the forensic investigation process. In this paper a few solutions will be presented to match 3D face shapes along with some experimental results

    All thresholds of maternal hyperglycaemia from the WHO 2013 criteria for gestational diabetes identify women with a higher genetic risk for type 2 diabetes

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    This is the final version. Available from F1000Research via the DOI in this record.Data availability Underlying data Data is not freely available due to it consisting of potentially identifiable information, and as such is held securely to protect the interests of research participants in line with the guidance from the relevant ethics committees. However, the ethics committees will allow data analysed and generated in this study to be available to researchers through open collaboration. For access to the data used in this study please contact Dr Rachel Freathy ([email protected]) and Professor William Lowe Jr ([email protected]) in relation to HAPO and Dr Rachel Freathy and Professor Fidelma Dunne ([email protected]) in relation to Atlantic DIP. Requests will be reviewed as soon as possible on receipt and will be facilitated with an agreement to ensure that data is transferred and held securely and results of new analyses shared with the relevant study investigators. The websites describing the studies and other data available are https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?study_id=phs000096.v4.p1 for HAPO and http://atlanticdipireland.com/for Atlantic DIP. Extended data Figshare: Extended data Wellcome Open Research 16097.pdf. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14180033 The file contains an extended data table with sensitivity analyses adjusting the genetic scores for maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and age and a figure with a directed acyclic graph (DAG) showing how the relationships between the genetic scores and GDM diagnostic category are not driven by maternal pre-pregnancy BMI or age.Background: Using genetic scores for fasting plasma glucose (FPG GS) and type 2 diabetes (T2D GS), we investigated whether the fasting, 1-hour and 2-hour glucose thresholds from the WHO 2013 criteria for gestational diabetes (GDM) have different implications for genetic susceptibility to raised fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes in women from the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) and Atlantic Diabetes in Pregnancy (DIP) studies. Methods: Cases were divided into three subgroups: (i) FPG ≥5.1 mmol/L only, n=222; (ii) 1-hour glucose post 75 g oral glucose load ≥10 mmol/L only, n=154 (iii) 2-hour glucose ≥8.5 mmol/L only, n=73; and (iv) both FPG ≥5.1 mmol/L and either of a 1-hour glucose ≥10 mmol/L or 2-hour glucose ≥8.5 mmol/L, n=172. We compared the FPG and T2D GS of these groups with controls (n=3,091) in HAPO and DIP separately. Results: In HAPO and DIP, the mean FPG GS in women with a FPG ≥5.1 mmol/L, either on its own or with 1-hour glucose ≥10 mmol/L or 2-hour glucose ≥8.5 mmol/L, was higher than controls (all P <0.01). Mean T2D GS in women with a raised FPG alone or with either a raised 1-hour or 2-hour glucose was higher than controls (all P <0.05). GDM defined by 1-hour or 2-hour hyperglycaemia only was also associated with a higher T2D GS than controls (all P <0.05). Conclusions: The different diagnostic categories that are part of the WHO 2013 criteria for GDM identify women with a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes as well as a risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes.Wellcome TrustNational Institute for Health ResearchEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentNational Human Genome Research InstituteNational Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney DiseasesAmerican Diabetes AssociationIreland Health Research Boar

    Unexpected Consequences: Women’s experiences of a self-hypnosis intervention to help with pain relief during labour.

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    Background Self-hypnosis is becoming increasingly popular as a means of labour pain management. Previous studies have produced mixed results. There are very few data on women’s views and experiences of using hypnosis in this context. As part of a randomized controlled trial of self-hypnosis for intra-partum pain relief (the SHIP Trial) we conducted qualitative interviews with women randomized to the intervention arm to explore their views and experiences of using self-hypnosis during labour and birth. Methods Participants were randomly selected from the intervention arm of the study, which consisted of two antenatal self-hypnosis training sessions and a supporting CD that women were encouraged to listen to daily from 32 weeks gestation until the birth of their baby. Those who consented were interviewed in their own homes 8-12 weeks after birth. Following transcription, the interviews were analysed iteratively and emerging concepts were discussed amongst the authors to generate organizing themes. These were then used to develop a principal organizing metaphor or global theme, in a process known as thematic networks analysis. Results Of the 343 women in the intervention group, 48 were invited to interview, and 16 were interviewed over a 12 month period from February 2012 to January 2013. Coding of the data and subsequent analysis revealed a global theme of ‘unexpected consequences’, supported by 5 organising themes, ‘calmness in a climate of fear’, ‘from sceptic to believer’, ‘finding my space’, ‘delays and disappointments’ and ‘personal preferences’. Most respondents reported positive experiences of self-hypnosis and highlighted feelings of calmness, confidence and empowerment. They found the intervention to be beneficial and used a range of novel strategies to personalize their self-hypnosis practice. Occasionally women reported feeling frustrated or disappointed when their relaxed state was misinterpreted by midwives on admission or when their labour and birth experiences did not match their expectations. Conclusion The women in this study generally appreciated antenatal self-hypnosis training and found it to be beneficial during labour and birth. The state of focused relaxation experienced by women using the technique needs to be recognized by providers if the intervention is to be implemented into the maternity service

    Selfish-herd behaviour of sheep under threat

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    Flocking is a striking example of collective behaviour that is found in insect swarms, fish schools and mammal herds [1]. A major factor in the evolution of flocking behaviour is thought to be predation, whereby larger and/or more cohesive groups are better at detecting predators (as, for example, in the ‘many eyes theory’), and diluting the effects of predators (as in the ‘selfish-herd theory’) than are individuals in smaller and/or dispersed groups [2]. The former theory assumes that information (passively or actively transferred) can be disseminated more effectively in larger/cohesive groups, while the latter assumes that there are spatial benefits to individuals in a large group, since individuals can alter their spatial position relative to their group-mates and any potential predator, thus reducing their predation risk [3]. We used global positioning system (GPS) data to characterise the response of a group of ‘prey’ animals (a flock of sheep) to an approaching ‘predator’ (a herding dog). Analyses of relative sheep movement trajectories showed that sheep exhibit a strong attraction towards the centre of the flock under threat, a pattern that we could re-create using a simple model. These results support the long-standing assertion that individuals can respond to potential danger by moving towards the centre of a fleeing group [2]