57 research outputs found

    Piana del Lago (Montefiascone) : campagnes de fouille 2020‑2022

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    Données scientifiques produites :archeo.ens.frSitué sur la rive méridionale du lac de Bolsena (fig. 1‑2), en contrebas de la colline de Cornos, et face à l’isola Martana, le sanctuaire de Piana del Lago a été découvert en 1987 lors de l’implantation d’un réseau d’épuration des eaux, et fouillé à diverses reprises par la Soprintendenza Archeologica per l’Etruria Meridionale entre 1987 et 1988, puis entre 2000 et 2005, sous la direction d’Irene Berlingò et de Valeria D’Atri. Dans l’aire de prè..

    La tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina (Viterbe)Campagne de fouilles 2017

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    La septième campagne de fouilles sur le site de la tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina, placée sous le régime de la concession octroyée par le Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo à l’École normale supérieure de Paris, s’est déroulée du 3 juillet au 5 août 2017 sous la direction scientifique de Vincent Jolivet et sous la direction opérationnelle d’Edwige Lovergne, en étroite collaboration avec la Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’area metropolitan..

    La tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina (Viterbe)

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    De rares sources du début du XXe siècle – deux photographies (fig. 1) et un plan avec section (fig. 2) – font état de la présence d’une tombe monumentale que ces sources localisent près du petit oppidum de Cordigliano, 1 km au nord de la cité étrusco-romaine de Civita Musarna, fouillée par l’École française de Rome entre 1983 et 2003. Cette tombe, qui ne figure sur aucune des nombreuses publications archéologiques consacrées depuis à cette zone, était considérée comme détruite jusqu’en 1998, ..

    La tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina (Viterbe)

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    La sixième campagne de fouilles sur le site de la tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina, placée sous le régime de la concession octroyée par le Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività culturali e del turismo à l’École normale supérieure de Paris, s’est déroulée du 4 juillet au 5 août 2016 sous la direction scientifique de Vincent Jolivet et sous la direction opérationnelle d’Edwige Lovergne, en étroite collaboration avec la Soprintendenza archeologica del Lazio e dell’Etruria meridionale (inspectri..

    La tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina (Viterbe)

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    La quatrième campagne de fouilles sur le site de la tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina, placée sous le régime de la concession octroyée par le Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo à l’École française de Rome, s’est déroulée du 7 juillet au 4 août 2014 sous la direction scientifique de Vincent Jolivet et sous la direction opérationnelle d’Edwige Lovergne et de Pascal Neaud (INRAP), en étroite collaboration avec la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Etruria Meri..

    Investigating optimum sample preparation for infrared spectroscopic serum diagnostics

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    Biofluids, such as serum and plasma, represent an ideal medium for the diagnosis of disease due to their ease of collection, that can be performed worldwide, and their fundamental involvement in human function. The ability to diagnose disease rapidly with high sensitivity and specificity is essential to exploit advances in new treatments, in addition the ability to rapidly profile disease without the need for large scale medical equipment (e.g. MRI, CT) would enable closer patient monitoring with reductions in mortality and morbidity. Due to these reasons vibrational spectroscopy has been investigated as a diagnostic tool and has shown great promise for serum spectroscopic diagnostics. However, the optimum sample preparation, optimum sampling mode and the effect of sample preparation on the serum spectrum are unknown. This paper examines repeatability and reproducibility of attenuated total reflection (ATR) compared to transmission sampling modes and their associated serum sample preparation with spectral standard deviation of 0.0015 (post pre-processing) achievable for both sampling modes proving the collection of robust spectra. In addition this paper investigates the optimum serum sample dilution factor for use in high throughput transmission mode analysis with a 3-fold dilution proving optimum and shows the use of ATR and transmission mode spectroscopy to illuminate similar discriminatory differences in a patient study. These fundamental studies provide proof of robust spectral collection that will be required to enable clinical translation of serum spectroscopic diagnostics

    La tombe monumentale de Grotte Scalina (Viterbe)

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    La campagne de fouille de 2012 (2 juillet-15 août), à laquelle ont participé 14 archéologues, a été menée en collaboration avec la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Etruria Meridionale, sous le contrôle de l’inspectrice de la zone, la dott.ssa Valeria D’Atri. Les travaux ont été financés pour partie par le CNRS (UMR 8546-AOROC), pour partie par un Plan Pluri-Formation (PPF) du département des Sciences de l’Antiquité de l’École normale supérieure de Paris ; l’École française de Rome ..

    Developing and understanding biofluid vibrational spectroscopy : a critical review

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    Vibrational spectroscopy can provide rapid, label-free, and objective analysis for the clinical domain. Spectroscopic analysis of biofluids such as blood components (e.g. serum and plasma) and others in the proximity of the diseased tissue or cell (e.g. bile, urine, and sputum) offers non-invasive diagnostic/monitoring possibilities for future healthcare that are capable of rapid diagnosis of diseases via specific spectral markers or signatures. Biofluids offer an ideal diagnostic medium due to their ease and low cost of collection and daily use in clinical biology. Due to the low risk and in vasiveness of their collection they are widely welcomed by patients as a diagnostic medium. This review under scores recent research within the field of biofluid spectroscopy and its use in myriad pat hologies such as cancer and infectious diseases. It highlights current progresses, advents, and pitfalls within the field and discusses future spectroscopic clinical potentials for diagnostics. The requirements and issues surrounding clinical translation are also considered

    Biofluid infrared spectro-diagnostics : pre-analytical considerations for clinical applications

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    Several proof-of-concept studies on vibrational spectroscopy of biofluids have demonstrated that the methodology has promising potentials as a clinical diagnostic tool. However, these studies also show that there is lack of standardised protocol in sample handling and preparation prior to spectroscopic analysis. One of the most important sources of analytical errors is the pre-analytical phase. For the technique to be translated into clinics, it is clear that a very strict protocol needs to be established for such biological samples. This study focuses on some of the aspects of the pre-analytical phase in the development of high=throughput Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of some of the most common biofluids such as serum, plasma and bile. Pre-analytical considerations that can impact either the samples (solvents, anti-coagulants, freeze-thaw cycles....) and/or spectroscopic analysis (sample preparation such as drying, deposit methods, volumes. substrates. operators dependence...) and consequently on the quality and the reproducibility of spectral data will be discussed in the report

    Biofluid Diagnostics by FTIR Spectroscopy: A Platform Technology for Cancer Detection

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    Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) has been largely employed by scientific researchers to improve diagnosis and treatment of cancer, using various biofluids and tissues. The technology has proved to be easy to use, rapid and cost-effective for analysis on human blood serum to discriminate between cancer versus healthy control samples. The high sensitivity and specificity achievable during samples classification aided by machine learning algorithms, offers an opportunity to transform cancer referral pathways, as it has been demonstrated in a unique and recent prospective clinical validation study on brain tumours. We herein highlight the importance of early detection in cancer research using FTIR, discussing the technique, the suitability of serum for analysis and previous studies, with special focus on pre-clinical factors and clinical translation requirements and development
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