274 research outputs found

    Plutonic‐Squishy Lid: A New Global Tectonic Regime Generated by Intrusive Magmatism on Earth‐Like Planets

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    The thermal and chemical evolution of rocky planets is controlled by their surface tectonics and magmatic processes. On Earth, magmatism is dominated by plutonism/intrusion versus volcanism/extrusion. However, the role of plutonism on planetary tectonics and long‐term evolution of rocky planets has not been systematically studied. We use numerical simulations to systematically investigate the effect of plutonism combined with eruptive volcanism. At low‐to‐intermediate intrusion efficiencies, results reproduce the three common tectonic/convective regimes as are usually obtained in simulations using a viscoplastic rheology: stagnant‐lid (a one‐plate planet), episodic (where the lithosphere is usually stagnant and sometimes overturns into the mantle), and mobile‐lid (similar to plate tectonics). At high intrusion efficiencies, we observe a new additional regime called “plutonic‐squishy lid.” This regime is characterized by a set of small, strong plates separated by warm and weak regions generated by plutonism. Eclogitic drippings and lithospheric delaminations often occur close to these weak regions, which leads to significant surface velocities toward the focus of delamination, even if subduction is not active. The location of the plate boundaries is strongly time dependent and mainly occurs in regions of magma intrusion, leading to small, ephemeral plates. The plutonic‐squishy‐lid regime is also distinctive from other regimes because it generates a thin lithosphere, which results in high conductive heat fluxes and lower internal mantle temperatures when compared to a stagnant lid. This regime has the potential to be applicable to the Early Archean Earth and present‐day Venus, as it combines elements of both protoplate tectonic and vertical tectonic models

    Mode I fracture characterization of human bone using the DCB test

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    Purpose – Fracture characterization of human cortical bone under pure mode I loading was performed in this work. The purpose of this paper is to validate the proposed test and procedure concerning fracture characterization of human cortical bone under pure mode I loading. Design/methodology/approach – A miniaturized version of the double cantilever beam (DCB) test was used for the experimental tests. A data reduction scheme based on crack equivalent concept and Timoshenko beam theory is proposed to overcome difficulties inherent to crack length monitoring during the test. The application of the method propitiates an easy determination of the Resistance-curves (R-curves) that allow to define the fracture energy under mode I loading from the plateau region. The average value of fracture energy was subsequently used in a numerical analysis with element method involving cohesive zone modelling. Findings – The excellent agreement obtained reveals that the proposed test and associated methodology is quite effective concerning fracture characterization of human cortical bone under pure mode I loading. Originality/value – A miniaturized version of traditional DCB test was proposed for cortical human bone fracture characterization under mode I loading owing to size restrictions imposed by human femur. In fact, DCB specimen propitiates a longer length for self-similar crack propagation without undertaking spurious effects. As a consequence, a R-curve was obtained allowing an adequate characterization of cortical bone fracture under mode I loading

    Bone turnover markers for early detection of fracture healing disturbances: A review of the scientific literature

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    Imaging techniques are the standard method for assessment of fracture healing processes. However, these methods are perhaps not entirely reliable for early detection of complications, the most frequent of these being delayed union and non-union. A prompt diagnosis of such disorders could prevent prolonged patient distress and disability. Efforts should be directed towards the development of new technologies for improving accuracy in diagnosing complications following bone fractures. The variation in the levels of bone turnover markers (BTMs) have been assessed with regard to there ability to predict impaired fracture healing at an early stage, nevertheless the conclusions of some studies are not consensual. In this article the authors have revised the potential of BTMs as early predictors of prognosis in adult patients presenting traumatic bone fractures but who did not suffer from osteopenia or postmenopausal osteoporosis. The available information from the different studies performed in this field was systematized in order to highlight the most promising BTMs for the assessment of fracture healing outcome

    Extraction of pharmacokinetic evidence of drug-drug interactions from the literature

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    Drug-drug interaction (DDI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality and a subject of intense scientific interest. Biomedical literature mining can aid DDI research by extracting evidence for large numbers of potential interactions from published literature and clinical databases. Though DDI is investigated in domains ranging in scale from intracellular biochemistry to human populations, literature mining has not been used to extract specific types of experimental evidence, which are reported differently for distinct experimental goals. We focus on pharmacokinetic evidence for DDI, essential for identifying causal mechanisms of putative interactions and as input for further pharmacological and pharmacoepidemiology investigations. We used manually curated corpora of PubMed abstracts and annotated sentences to evaluate the efficacy of literature mining on two tasks: first, identifying PubMed abstracts containing pharmacokinetic evidence of DDIs; second, extracting sentences containing such evidence from abstracts. We implemented a text mining pipeline and evaluated it using several linear classifiers and a variety of feature transforms. The most important textual features in the abstract and sentence classification tasks were analyzed. We also investigated the performance benefits of using features derived from PubMed metadata fields, various publicly available named entity recognizers, and pharmacokinetic dictionaries. Several classifiers performed very well in distinguishing relevant and irrelevant abstracts (reaching F10.93, MCC0.74, iAUC0.99) and sentences (F10.76, MCC0.65, iAUC0.83). We found that word bigram features were important for achieving optimal classifier performance and that features derived from Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms significantly improved abstract classification. We also found that some drug-related named entity recognition tools and dictionaries led to slight but significant improvements, especially in classification of evidence sentences. Based on our thorough analysis of classifiers and feature transforms and the high classification performance achieved, we demonstrate that literature mining can aid DDI discovery by supporting automatic extraction of specific types of experimental evidence.National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine Program, grant 01LM011945-01 "BLR: Evidence-based Drug-Interaction Discovery: In-Vivo, In-Vitro and Clinical," a grant from the Indiana University Collaborative Research Program 2013, "Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction from Large-scale Mining of Literature and Patient Records," as well as a grant from the joint program between the Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento (Portugal) and National Science Foundation (USA), 2012-2014, "Network Mining For Gene Regulation And Biochemical Signaling.

    Determinants of linear growth from infancy to school-aged years: a population-based follow-up study in urban Amazonian children

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    Background: Although linear growth during childhood may be affected by early-life exposures, few studies have examined whether the effects of these exposures linger on during school age, particularly in low-and middle-income countries. Methods: We conducted a population-based longitudinal study of 256 children living in the Brazilian Amazon, aged 0.1 y to 5.5 y in 2003. Data regarding socioeconomic and maternal characteristics, infant feeding practices, morbidities, and birth weight and length were collected at baseline of the study (2003). Child body length/height was measured at baseline and at follow-up visits (in 2007 and 2009). Restricted cubic splines were used to construct average height-for-age Z score (HAZ) growth curves, yielding estimated HAZ differences among exposure categories at ages 0.5 y, 1 y, 2 y, 5 y, 7 y, and 10 y. Results: At baseline, median age was 2.6 y (interquartile range, 1.4 y-3.8 y), and mean HAZ was -0.53 (standard deviation, 1.15); 10.2% of children were stunted. In multivariable analysis, children in households above the household wealth index median were 0.30 Z taller at age 5 y (P = 0.017), and children whose families owned land were 0.34 Z taller by age 10 y (P = 0.023), when compared with poorer children. Mothers in the highest tertile for height had children whose HAZ were significantly higher compared with those of children from mothers in the lowest height tertile at all ages. Birth weight and length were positively related to linear growth throughout childhood; by age 10 y, children weighing >3500 g at birth were 0.31 Z taller than those weighing 2501 g to 3500 g (P = 0.022) at birth, and children measuring >= 51 cm at birth were 0.51 Z taller than those measuring <= 48 cm (P = 0.005). Conclusions: Results suggest socioeconomic background is a potentially modifiable predictor of linear growth during the school-aged years. Maternal height and child's anthropometric characteristics at birth are positively associated with HAZ up until child age 10 y.Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific DevelopmentBrazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientific DevelopmentCNPq [551359/2001-3, 502937/2003-3, 307728/2006-4, 470573/2007-4]CNPqSao Paulo Research FoundationSao Paulo Research FoundationFAPESP [2007/53042-1, 2008/57796-3]FAPESPOrganization of American StatesOrganization of American States [20100656

    Developmental regulation of CB1-mediated spike-time dependent depression at immature mossy fiber-CA3 synapses

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    Early in postnatal life, mossy fibres (MF), the axons of granule cells in the dentate gyrus, release GABA which is depolarizing and excitatory. Synaptic currents undergo spike-time dependent long-term depression (STD-LTD) regardless of the temporal order of stimulation (pre versus post and viceversa). Here we show that at P3 but not at P21, STD-LTD, induced by negative pairing, is mediated by endocannabinoids mobilized from the postsynaptic cell during spiking-induced membrane depolarization. By diffusing backward, endocannabinoids activate cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptors probably expressed on MF. Thus, STD-LTD was prevented by CB1 receptor antagonists and was absent in CB1-KO mice. Consistent with these data, in situ hybridization experiments revealed detectable level of CB1 mRNA in the granule cell layer at P3 but not at P21. These results indicate that CB1 receptors are transiently expressed on immature MF terminals where they counteract the enhanced neuronal excitability induced by the excitatory action of GABA

    Variability of systemic and oro-dental phenotype in two families with non-lethal Raine syndrome with FAM20C mutations

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    Background: Raine syndrome (RS) is a rare autosomal recessive bone dysplasia typified by osteosclerosis and dysmorphic facies due to FAM20C mutations. Initially reported as lethal in infancy, survival is possible into adulthood. We describe the molecular analysis and clinical phenotypes of five individuals from two consanguineous Brazilian families with attenuated Raine Syndrome with previously unreported features. Methods: The medical and dental clinical records were reviewed. Extracted deciduous and permanent teeth as well as oral soft tissues were analysed. Whole exome sequencing was undertaken and FAM20C cDNA sequenced in family 1. Results: Family 1 included 3 siblings with hypoplastic Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI) (inherited abnormal dental enamel formation). Mild facial dysmorphism was noted in the absence of other obvious skeletal or growth abnormalities. A mild hypophosphataemia and soft tissue ectopic mineralization were present. A homozygous FAM20C donor splice site mutation (c.784 + 5 g > c) was identified which led to abnormal cDNA sequence. Family 2 included 2 siblings with hypoplastic AI and tooth dentine abnormalities as part of a more obvious syndrome with facial dysmorphism. There was hypophosphataemia, soft tissue ectopic mineralization, but no osteosclerosis. A homozygous missense mutation in FAM20C (c.1487C > T; p.P496L) was identified. Conclusions: The clinical phenotype of non-lethal Raine Syndrome is more variable, including between affected siblings, than previously described and an adverse impact on bone growth and health may not be a prominent feature. By contrast, a profound failure of dental enamel formation leading to a distinctive hypoplastic AI in all teeth should alert clinicians to the possibility of FAM20C mutations

    A randomised clinical study to determine the effect of a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins on plaque oral microbiome ecology

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    The numerous species that make up the oral microbiome are now understood to play a key role in establishment and maintenance of oral health. The ability to taxonomically identify community members at the species level is important to elucidating its diversity and association to health and disease. We report the overall ecological effects of using a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins compared to a control toothpaste on the plaque microbiome. The results reported here demonstrate that a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins can augment natural salivary defences to promote an overall community shift resulting in an increase in bacteria associated with gum health and a concomitant decrease in those associated with periodontal disease. Statistical analysis shows significant increases in 12 taxa associated with gum health including Neisseria spp. and a significant decrease in 10 taxa associated with periodontal disease including Treponema spp. The results demonstrate that a toothpaste containing enzymes and proteins can significantly shift the ecology of the oral microbiome (at species level) resulting in a community with a stronger association to health