18 research outputs found

    An Overview of the BFO - Basic Formal Ontology - and Its Applicability for Satellite Systems

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    This work aims to present an overview of the top-level ontology BFO - Basic Formal Ontology - and its applicability for Satellite Systems. As an upper level ontology, the BFO was designed to be extended, providing the basis for the specification of detailed representational artifacts about scientific information domains. These aspects and the challenges of satellite systems complexity and large size compose a suitable scenario for the creation of a specialized dialect to improve efficiency and accuracy when modeling such systems. By analyzing BFO based ontologies in other disciplines and existing satellite models it is possible to describe an application for satellite systems, which can provide a foundation for the creation of a concrete ontology to be applied on satellite modeling

    Strategic Planning: a model based on Systems Engineering

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    This work has the main motivation to propose an approach based on Systems Engineering to expand the scope of Organizational Strategic Planning. The proposed method was idealized considering the approaches of Chiavenato & Sapiro (2003) and Loureiro (1999). It is considered that the proposed method was more adequate than the traditional models previously applied

    Space Mission Architecture Trade off Based on Stakeholder Value

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    Abstract. One the most difficult aspects of system conceptualization process is to recognize, understand and manage the trade-offs in a way that maximizes the success of the product. This is particularly important for space projects. In this way, a major part of the system engineer's role is to provide information that the system manager can use to make the right decisions. This includes identification of alternative architectures and characterization of those elements in a way that helps managers to find out, among the alternatives, a design that provides a better combination of the various technical areas involved in the design. Space mission architecture consists of a broad system concept which is the most fundamental statement of how the mission will be carried out and satisfy the stakeholders. The architecture development process starts with the stakeholder analysis which enables the identification of the decision drivers, then, the requirements are analysed for elaborationg the system concept. Effectiveness parameters such as performance, cost, risk and schedule are the outcomes of the stakeholder analysis which are labelled as decision drivers to be used in a trade off process to improve the managerial mission decisions. Thus, the proposal presented herein provides a means for innovating the mission design process by identifying drivers through stakeholder analysis and use them in a trade off process to obtain the stakeholder satisfaction with effectiveness parameters

    Space Thermal and Vacuum Environment Simulation

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    The space simulation chambers are systems used to recreate as closely as possible the thermal environmental conditions that spacecraft experience in space, as well as also serve to space components qualification and material research used in spacecraft. These systems analyze spacecraft behavior, evaluating its thermal balance, and functionalities to ensure mission success and survivability. The objective of this chapter is to give a broad overview on space simulation chambers, describe which are the environmental parameters of space that can be simulated in this type of ground test facilities, types of the space environment simulators, class of phenomena generated inside, and the technological evolution of these systems from its conception. This chapter describes the basic systems and devices that compose the space simulation chambers

    Análise de Frameworks para Seleção das Técnicas de Mitigação de Falhas Causadas pela Radiação Espacial em FPGAs COTS / Framework Analysis for Selecting Techniques to Mitigate Failures Caused by Space Radiation in COTS FPGAs

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    Os sistemas espaciais exigem componentes eletrônicos com qualificação espacial, ou seja, ”endurecidos” contra radiação. Devido a fatores relacionados à redução de custos dos projetos de sistemas espaciais e ao embargo comercial de componentes e materiais “endurecidos”, os dispositivos eletrônicos do tipo COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) tornaram-se relevantes para a engenharia de componentes, principalmente os FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array). Entretanto, os engenheiros de componentes precisam aplicar técnicas de mitigação de falhas nos FPGAS COTS que serão utilizadas nos projetos de sistemas espaciais. Portanto, o artigo possui como objetivo analisar os dois principais frameworks Disponível na literatura para seleção das técnicas de mitigação de falhas causadas pela radiação espacial em FPGAs COTS, comentando os pontos fracos e fortes de cada um deles, e especificar o que é necessário para aperfeiçoá-los

    A systems engineering and concurrent engineering framework for the integrated development of complex products

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    The aims of this research are to investigate the development of complex products (e.g. cars, satellites, aeroplanes), to identify areas for improvement and to make a contribution to those areas. The premise is that the shortcomings of a component design focused concurrent engineering (CE) and of a product focused systems engineering (SE) can be addressed by seeking a 'total view framework' that encompasses both, CE and SE. A broader scope of product development becomes necessary for coping with the complexity of the current very dynamic manufacturing business environment. Initial work was to undertake a comprehensive literature review drawing out the perceived needs in general as well as the particular needs of the space and automotive industries. This was supplemented with periods spent in industry with a major automotive manufacturer. It was found that complex product manufacturing industry faces a very dynamic and highly competitive global marketplace. In such a dynamic environment, the ongoing success of a development organisation is translated by its capacity to continuously shorten development cycle time, reduce cost, manage risks and, at the same time, improve product performance. The achievement of these objectives is highly dependent on the organisation's ability to cope with changes and with the complexity that may result from them. This involves identifying the elements that are likely to change and the interactions among them very early in the product development life cycle, in its conceptual stage. These elements are not only part of the product itself but are also part of the product life cycle processes and their performing organisations. Traditional development approaches provide only a partial picture of these elements and their interactions. For example, the traditional automotive approach fails to capture the interactions among the product elements. It uses a component approach that treats the product as a set of isolated components rather then as an integrated system. CE tools treat life cycle process elements in isolation of each other. Traditional satellite SE approach develops the product as a system but does not consider its life cycle processes as part of the system. In order to cope with product inherent complexity and with the complexity that may arise from changes, it is necessary to adopt an integrated development approach for complex product development....

    Towards Automatic Systems Architecting

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    This article intends to shed new light on the system design process. We here suggest the possibility of combining simulation features of an executable meta-language called Object-Process Network (OPN) with the descriptive power of well-known modeling languages such as Object-Process Methodology (OPM), Structured Analysis (SA) or SysML. In the Systems Architecture domain, a great issue one always faces is the great number of options to be considered when designing a system. We must keep in mind that modeling the space of options is actually different from modeling the system of interest. The traditional modeling tools allow us to specify a unique solution, when we should consider the whole set of feasible architectures. On the other hand, OPN is able to help architects to assess all these possible configurations but, as a decision-support tool, it doesnt offer the descriptive power OPM, SA and SysML do.Pages: 113-12

    Leading the Web in Concurrent Engineering

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    National audienceLeading the Web in Concurrent Engineerin