513 research outputs found

    Análisis crítico del tratamiento de la violencia contra las mujeres en los informativos televisivos. La proximidad al hecho.

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    Basándose en el tratamiento que los medios de comunicación otorgan a la violencia contra las mujeres en los informativos audiovisuales, esta investigación pretende demostrar cómo la variable de la proximidad al hecho puede llegar a influir en el trato que la noticia en cuestión reciba, así como en el grado de especialización informativa, en clave de género, por parte del redactor encargado de cubrir el suceso. Nos hemos centrado en cuatro casos acaecidos en la misma provincia para ser analizados desde tres medios públicos de carácter nacional y de diferente proximidad a lo acontecido. La naturaleza de estos medios se debe a que, como públicos que son, están obligados más que ningún otro a hacer prestación de ese servicio público, que en este caso pasa por el correcto tratamiento de la violencia de género en los informativos televisivos, tal y como dicta la Ley Orgánica de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género 1/2004. Como estratégica de análisis se ha utilizado el análisis crítico del discurso, además de las entrevistas realizadas a los redactores encargados de cubrir las noticias, así como las llevadas a cabo a los expertos en violencia contra las mujeres de diferentes ámbitos. Se ha pretendido realizar un aporte novedoso, global y más completo, además de abrir nuevas líneas de investigación en el campo de los estudios de género

    Preliminary study of natural reservoirs as sentinels of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia chaffeensis in Soria, northern Spain

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    The serum of foxes and red deer from the Prov- ince of Soria (northern Spain) was screened in indirect immunofluorescence assays to deter- mine whether these animals could be used as sentinels of the tick-borne pathogens Anaplas- ma phagocytophilum and Ehrlichia chaffeensis. The results suggest that foxes and red deer would not make good sentinels in epidemiol- ogical studies on E. chaffeensis in this region, although red deer could be used as such for the study of A. phagocytophilum transmission

    An Algorithm Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform with Splines for the Automatic Measurement of QT Dispersion: Validation and Application in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is considered a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. QT interval is an electrocardiographic parameter that quantifies the duration of ventricular repolarization. An increase of its spatial variability measured from the selected leads of a standard electrocardiogram (ECG), named QT dispersion (QTd), is considered a risk factor for malign ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death in the CKD. An algorithm for automatic measurement of QTd in the ECG leads DI, aVF and V2 using the continuous wavelet transform with splines is presented. Validation of QRS complex detection has been done on records from MIT-BIH database, and the accuracy is 99.5%. Validation of detection of QRS wave onset and T wave end has been done on records from CSE and QT databases, and the measurements were within the tolerance limits for deviations with respect to the manual measurements defined by the experts. The algorithm was applied in two studies. In the first study, QTd was evaluated in normal subjects and patients with CKD. In the second study, QTd was analyzed in patients with CKD before, during and after the hemodialysis treatment. In both studies, the algorithm had a good performance for the QTd analysis

    El marco jurídico de las CMSP. Reflexiones a propósito de la experiencia en Irak

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    En los últimos quince años, funciones tradicionalmente desempeñadas por el Estado han ido siendo traspasadas a compañías militares y de seguridad privadas. Ciertos Estados y otro tipo de actores están recurriendo cada vez más a estas compañías en contextos de conflicto armado o en situaciones de reconstrucción postbélica. En Irak el fenómeno ha alcanzado unas dimensiones sin precedentes desde el inicio del proceso de externalización. El empleo de compañías militares y de seguridad privadas suscita numerosas cuestiones en lo relativo a su responsabilidad y control. Se afirma en ocasiones que hay un vacío legal en lo concerniente a las actuaciones de estas compañías. Sin embargo, existen normas tanto a nivel internacional como nacional: Derecho Internacional Humanitario, legislación iraquí y legislación de Estados Unidos resultan aplicables a este sector. Sin embargo, como demuestra el análisis del caso de Irak, los conceptos y la normativa vigentes son insuficientes para tratar el fenómeno. Es necesario emprender un proceso de adaptación de las normas para hacer frente a las nuevas realidades

    Cohesión y Adaptabilidad Familiar en Estudiantes de un Centro Pre Universitario de Huacho, 2017

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    Esta investigación empleó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en el centro pre universitario de Huacho-2017. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 118 estudiantes, quienes cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. El Objetivo general fue: determinar el nivel de cohesión y adaptabilidad familiar en los estudiantes de un centro pre universitario, El instrumento usado uso para la recolección de datos fue la Escala de Cohesión y Adaptabilidad familiar de Olson (Faces III) (1985) y posteriormente adaptada por Reusche en (1994). El análisis de datos fue descriptivo según el programa estadístico IBM SPSS 21. Los Resultados fueron: el 56,8% presenta nivel de Cohesión rango alto y el 51,7% nivel de Adaptabilidad rango alto. Caracterizándose por la extrema separación emocional y poco involucramiento entre sus miembros, donde las familias poseen un funcionamiento familiar poco saludable y con tendencia a la disfuncionalidad; palabra clave: cohesión y adaptabilidad FamiliarTesi

    Effects of Gender and Age on Retrospective Time Judgements

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    This study provides additional empirical evidence for research concerning the effects of gender and age on retrospective time judgements using data obtained from a Spanish database with more than 40,000 individual observations on time estimations. Statistical analyses were performed using the Levene F-test and the t-test of variances and means, respectively. The most important results of the study are as follows: (a) differences in time estimation in relation to gender largely depend on the age groups analysed, with greater differences observed in the younger age group; and (b) although there are some differences regarding age, they are related to certain age groups, particularly the youngest age group

    A structural model of the relationships between optimism and perceived emotional intelligence on bullying victimization and health.

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    Bullying is a relationship in which an individual, or a group of individuals, intentionally and repeatedly perpetrates aggressive behaviors towards someone unable to defend himself/herself. Traditional forms of bullying consist of physical, verbal and covert forms of aggressive behaviors. Recently, the new phenomenon of cyberbullying has emerged. This relatively new form of bullying is defined as a behavior displayed through electronic or digital media. Multiple variables have been related to bullying victimization including perceived emotional intelligence (PEI) and optimism. Both variables have implications on the manner in which people cope with stressful experiences as could be bullying, which in turn could affect the level of perceived health. However, there are no studies that have considered all these variables simultaneously. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to examine, via structural equation modelling, the independent contribution of EI and optimism on bullying victimization and perceived physical health in adolescents. A total of 650 secondary school students (317 boys and 333 girls, with ages ranged from 11 to 18) participated in the study. The participants completed measures of PIE (TMMS-24; Fernández-Berrocal et al., 2004), optimism (General Mood Subscale of the Emotional Quotient Inventory-Youth Version; Bar-On and Parker, 2000), bullying (School Victimization Scale; Cava et al., 2010), cyberbullying (Cyber-Victimization Scale; Buelga et al., 2012), and physical health (KIDSCREEN-10 Index; Raven-Sieberer et al., 2004). Results gave partial empirical support to the hypothesized model, and shows significant relationships between the variables: optimism on clarity and repair dimensions of IE (but not on the attention subscale), optimism and attention (but not clarity and repair dimensions) on bullying, and bullying on health. Together these findings shed light on those factors that should be considered when developing prophylactic strategies within adolescents to become more resilient to the adverse effects of bullying behavior.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Riparian or phreatophile woodland and shrubland vegetation in the Central Chilean biogeographic region: phytosociological study

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    The Mediterranean territory in Chile is an extensive area whose natural vegetation has suffered the impact of man-made activities far more severely than anywhere else in the country. Its northernmost section (the Atacama and Coquimbo regions) is characterised by ombroclimates that range from ultra-hyperarid to arid, and by highly irregular river courses with limited spaces for phreatophilic vegetation that have been exploited by humans as fertile farmlands. However, in the river valleys of the Central Chilean biogeographic province, where the ombroclimate is at least semiarid, there may be permanent watercourses that drain from the Andean mountain range towards the Pacific Ocean that contain representations of riparian or phreatophilic vegetation linked to riverbanks or alluvial terraces, in spite of the inevitable human influence. We studied the most conspicuous plant communities with the most highly developed biomass in these riparian environments, namely willow stands dominated by Salix humboldtiana and accompanied by some autochthonous woody species, in order to clarify their floristic composition and their correct ordination within the syntaxonomy of Chilean vegetation. The data collected suggest the existence of a phytosociological association: Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae ass. nova, as the majority association in the Central Chilean province. Another possible association which replaces this (Baccharido salicifoliae-Myrceugenietum lanceolatae prov.) is also proposed in the transition to a humid ombroclimate and Temperate macrobioclimate.The floristic contents of these Chilean communities are compared with other associations dominated by Salix humboldtiana described for other territories bordering Chile: Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. However, given that they are all located in a Tropical macrobioclimate and their companion flora is therefore clearly different from the flora present in the Chilean communities, we propose the creation of a new phytosociological class to include these syntaxonomically: Mayteno boariae-Salicetea humboldtianae class. nova. This work also ascribes the association Tessario absinthioidis-Baccharidetum marginalis (representing a prior dynamic stage to Otholobio glandulosi-Salicetum humboldtianae) to the class Tessario integrifoliae-Baccharideteasalicifoliae.S

    Perceived Health, Physical Activity and Sport among the Elderly of Spain

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    Purpose: It determines if participating in sports and/or physical activity influences perceived health among the elderly. Basic procedures: Data were drawn from a population subsample of subjects aged 65 - 79 years old that took part in a survey conducted in 2008 by the IESA-CSIC. A regression model was performed with perceived health status with the dependent variable and sociodemographic characteristics and physical activity as independent variables. Results: Physical activity is closely associated to per-ceived health, although sport has little influence on this relationship. Conclusions: Doing exercise or feeling that one is physically active makes the elderly feel better about their health status. However, this age group practises few sports and sport is not found to have an important or constant influence on self-perceived health status among the elderly

    Epidural Analgesia in Labour from a Sociological Perspective - A Case Analysis of Andalusia, Spain

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    In this chapter we analyse health as a social concept, focusing specifically on the role of women in medicine as subjective and passive elements of medical practice. This approach will serve as the basis of our analysis of the use of epidural analgesia during childbirth, which is explored in the second part of the chapter. In the first part we deal with pain as a social element and provide an overview of the history of pain and the evolution of treatment for pain.Peer Reviewe