150 research outputs found

    Designer peptide delivery systems for gene therapy

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    AbstractGene therapy has long been hailed as a revolutionary approach for the treatment of genetic diseases. The enthusiasm that greeted the harnessing of viruses for therapeutic DNA delivery has been tempered by concerns over safety. These concerns led to the development of alternative strategies for nucleic acid delivery to cells. One such strategy is the utilization of cationic peptides for the condensation of therapeutic DNA for delivery to its target. However, success of DNA as a therapy relies on its delivery to the nucleus of target cells, a process that is complicated by the many hurdles encountered following systemic administration. Non-viral peptide gene delivery strategies have sought inspiration from viruses in order to retain DNA delivering potency, but limit virulence. This review summarizes the progression of peptide-based DNA delivery systems, from rudimentary beginnings to the recent development of sophisticated multi-functional vectors that comprise distinct motifs with dedicated barrier evasion functions. The most promising peptides that achieve cell membrane permeabilization, endosomal escape and nuclear delivery are discussed.</jats:p

    New insight into the causes, consequences, and correction of hematopoietic stem cell aging

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    Aging of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is characterized by lineage bias, increased clonal expansion, and functional decrease. At the molecular level, aged HSCs typically display metabolic dysregulation, upregulation of inflammatory pathways, and downregulation of DNA repair pathways. Cellular aging of HSCs, driven by cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors, causes a predisposition to anemia, adaptive immune compromise, myelodys, plasia, and malignancy. Most hematologic diseases are strongly associated with age. But what is the biological foundation for decreased fitness with age? And are there therapeutic windows to resolve age-related hematopoietic decline? These questions were the focus of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) New Investigator Committee Fall 2022 Webinar. This review touches on the latest insights from two leading laboratories into inflammatory- and niche-driven stem cell aging and includes speculation on strategies to prevent or correct age-related decline in HSC function

    TASEP modelling provides a parsimonious explanation for the ability of a single uORF to derepress translation during the integrated stress response

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    Translation initiation is the rate-limiting step of protein synthesis that is downregulated during the Integrated Stress Response (ISR). Previously, we demonstrated that most human mRNAs that are resistant to this inhibition possess translated upstream open reading frames (uORFs), and that in some cases a single uORF is sufficient for the resistance. Here we developed a computational model of Initiation Complexes Interference with Elongating Ribosomes (ICIER) to gain insight into the mechanism. We explored the relationship between the flux of scanning ribosomes upstream and downstream of a single uORF depending on uORF features. Paradoxically, our analysis predicts that reducing ribosome flux upstream of certain uORFs increases initiation downstream. The model supports the derepression of downstream translation as a general mechanism of uORF-mediated stress resistance. It predicts that stress resistance can be achieved with long slowly decoded uORFs that do not favor translation reinitiation and that start with initiators of low leakiness

    Mechanisms of hypertension during and after orthotopic liver transplantation in children

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    The aim of this study was to assess the hormonal alterations that may mediate the systemic hypertension that develops in patients during the perioperative period of orthotopic liver transplantation. We studied nine pediatric patients without previous hypertension or renal disease during six time points, starting before transplantation and ending at 48 hours after surgery. Hypertension developed in all patients in association with central venous pressures <10 mm Hg. Free water clearance was negative in all nine patients. Vasopressin levels increased intraoperatively but fell as hypertension developed. Atrial natriuretic factor levels increased as systemic blood pressure rose. A high level of plasma renin activity was observed in four patients with renal insufficiency. In six patients, postoperative 24-hour urinary norepinephrine excretion was within the normal age-adjusted range. These findings suggest that the combination of cyclosporine, corticosteroids, and, in some patients, an elevated plasma renin activity prevents the kidney from responding to the acute volume and salt overload with an appropriate diuresis and natriuresis, thus leading to systemic hypertension. The treatment of hypertension after liver transplantation may include salt restriction, diuretics, and, in those patients with a low creatinine excretion index, anglotensin coverting enzyme inhibitors. © 1989 The C. V. Mosby Company

    Default Risk and Equity Returns: A Comparison of the Bank-Based German and the U.S. Financial System

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    In this paper, we address the question whether the impact of default risk on equity returns depends on the financial system firms operate in. Using an implementation of Merton's option-pricing model for the value of equity to estimate firms' default risk, we construct a factor that measures the excess return of firms with low default risk over firms with high default risk. We then compare results from asset pricing tests for the German and the U.S. stock markets. Since Germany is the prime example of a bank-based financial system, where debt is supposedly a major instrument of corporate governance, we expect that a systematic default risk effect on equity returns should be more pronounced for German rather than U.S. firms. Our evidence suggests that a higher firm default risk systematically leads to lower returns in both capital markets. This contradicts some previous results for the U.S. by Vassalou/Xing (2004), but we show that their default risk factor looses its explanatory power if one includes a default risk factor measured as a factor mimicking portfolio. It further turns out that the composition of corporate debt affects equity returns in Germany. Firms' default risk sensitivities are attenuated the more a firm depends on bank debt financing

    AMD1 mRNA employs ribosome stalling as a mechanism for molecular memory formation.

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    In addition to acting as template for protein synthesis, messenger RNA (mRNA) often contains sensory sequence elements that regulate this process1,2. Here we report a new mechanism that limits the number of complete protein molecules that can be synthesized from a single mRNA molecule of the human AMD1 gene encoding adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1 (AdoMetDC). A small proportion of ribosomes translating AMD1 mRNA stochastically read through the stop codon of the main coding region. These readthrough ribosomes then stall close to the next in-frame stop codon, eventually forming a ribosome queue, the length of which is proportional to the number of AdoMetDC molecules that were synthesized from the same AMD1 mRNA. Once the entire spacer region between the two stop codons is filled with queueing ribosomes, the queue impinges upon the main AMD1 coding region halting its translation. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this mechanism is highly conserved in vertebrates and existed in their common ancestor. We propose that this mechanism is used to count and limit the number of protein molecules that can be synthesized from a single mRNA template. It could serve to safeguard from dysregulated translation that may occur owing to errors in transcription or mRNA damage

    Mutant calreticulin knockin mice develop thrombocytosis and myelofibrosis without a stem cell self-renewal advantage.

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    Somatic mutations in the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone calreticulin (CALR) are detected in approximately 40% of patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). Multiple different mutations have been reported, but all result in a +1-bp frameshift and generate a novel protein C terminus. In this study, we generated a conditional mouse knockin model of the most common CALR mutation, a 52-bp deletion. The mutant novel human C-terminal sequence is integrated into the otherwise intact mouse CALR gene and results in mutant CALR expression under the control of the endogenous mouse locus. CALRdel/+ mice develop a transplantable ET-like disease with marked thrombocytosis, which is associated with increased and morphologically abnormal megakaryocytes and increased numbers of phenotypically defined hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Homozygous CALRdel/del mice developed extreme thrombocytosis accompanied by features of MF, including leukocytosis, reduced hematocrit, splenomegaly, and increased bone marrow reticulin. CALRdel/+ HSCs were more proliferative in vitro, but neither CALRdel/+ nor CALRdel/del displayed a competitive transplantation advantage in primary or secondary recipient mice. These results demonstrate the consequences of heterozygous and homozygous CALR mutations and provide a powerful model for dissecting the pathogenesis of CALR-mutant ET and PMF
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