18 research outputs found


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    Eindampfanlage fuer Kartoffelfruchtwasser und enzymatisch vorbehandeltes Prozesswasser mit Bruedenkondensatreinigung Abschlussbericht

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    The potato starch industry is characterised by huge waste water streams. The waste is very good suitable as a natural fertiliser for agriculture. By separating water from waste with pre concentrating by reverse osmosis, evaporating and biological cleaning of the water it is possible to get a concentrate which is well defined and has a good quality. So the concentrate is fit for change from disposal to sell. In near future the water should be finished to be recycled for further use in the production. Disposal is integrated in the production process (PIUS) and the most sophisticated an the cheapest way to handle the waste water streams. The spot of the concept is a state of the art evaporation plant working in 2 steps which was realised especially for the behaviours of Emsland-Staerke in Emlichheim. Despite to this, the concept can be taken to solve the environmental problems in other areas of the food stuff industry. (orig.)Die Kartoffelstaerkeindustrie ist durch Kampagnebetrieb grosse Abwassermengen charakterisiert. Deren Inhaltsstoffe sind gut fuer die landwirtschaftliche Verwertung geeignet. Durch Trennung von Wasser und Inhaltsstoffen mittels Vorkonzentrierung durch Umkehrosmose, Verdampfung und biologischer Abwasserreinigung gelingt es, ein vermarktungsfaehiges Konzentrat zu erhalten und die gute fachliche Praxis bei der landwirtschaftlichen Verwertung einzuhalten. Das Wasser soll mittelfristig so aufbereitet werden, dass eine Wiederverwertung in der Produktion moeglich ist. Die Entsorgung ist prozessintegriert und im Vergleich zu alternativen Entsorgungskonzepten sowohl im Investment als auch in den Betriebskosten am preiswertesten. Kernpunkt des Konzeptes ist eine moderne, 2stufige Verdampfungsanlage, die individuell auf den Betrieb zugeschnitten wurde. Gleichwohl ist das Konzept als ganzes auf andere Bereiche der Lebensmittelindustrie ohne weiteres uebertragbar. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 2148(8028) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Points of View: Herbert Bayer’s Exhibition Catalogue for the 1930 Section Allemande

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    Sigfried Giedion called Herbert Bayer’s exhibition catalogue for the 1930 'Section Allemande' a “minor typographical masterpiece.” Like similar catalogues, it is inexpensive, provides an inventory list, has an introduction, functions as a guide, and is illustrated. However, the majority of its images are of installations, not their contents. Bayer accommodates the catalogue type for applied arts exhibitions by listing installations as objects, but he confronts the type by showing installations as display contexts that establish points of view, emulating, idealizing and interpreting the experience of the exhibition. By independently constructing ways of seeing and understanding the exhibition, the catalogue resists being an appendage to the exhibition, despite their close relationship. Giedion may have viewed Bayer’s catalogue as an important but secondary work of graphic design, but this article argues that it is of primary significance as an exhibition catalogue, an unusual essay on the book typology that is conscious of its history while moving outside — to other types of book design and to exhibitions — to transform it

    Bidirectional induction of the cognate receptor-ligand alpha 4/VCAM-1 pair defines a novel mechanism of tumor intravasation

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    Engagement of cell surface adhesion receptors with extracellular constituents and with cellular counter-receptors is crucial for the extravasation of blood-borne neoplastic cells and their seeding at distant sites; however, the early events of tumor dissemination-ie, the intravasation step(s)-have been largely neglected. A role for the alpha4beta7 integrin was hypothesized to explain the high leukemogenicity exhibited by one (NQ22) among several T-cell lymphomas studied. To clarify the mechanisms of early aggressivity, the behavior of highly and poorly leukemogenic cell lines were compared in vitro. Cocultivation of physically separated leukemic cells with resting endothelial cells resulted in the up-regulation of VCAM-1 expression. NQ22 cells expressed mRNA of different cytokines that up-regulate VCAM-1 and at higher levels than cells of a nonaggressive lymphoma, and they migrated more efficiently through an activated endothelial cell layer. With the use of neutralizing antibodies against interferon-gamma, granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, it was determined that TNF-alpha is one of the soluble factors released by NQ22 cells involved in the up-regulation of VCAM-1. The finding that vascular cells within the early local growth were strongly positive for VCAM-1 indicated that NQ22 cells could activate endothelial cells also in vivo. Finally, cocultivation of preleukemic alpha4(-)NQ22 cells with TNF-alpha-activated endothelial cells induced the expression of alpha4 integrins on the former cells. Reciprocal up-regulation and engagement of alpha4/VCAM-1 pairs determined the sequential transmigration and intravasation steps, and similar mechanisms might affect the aggressivity of human T lymphoblastic lymphomas