907 research outputs found

    Frequency dependent effective conductivity of two-dimensional metal-dielectric composites

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    We analyze a random resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC)(RLC) lattice model of 2-dimensional metal-insulator composites. The results are compared with Bruggeman's and Landauer's Effective Medium Approximations where a discrepancy was observed for some frequency zones. Such a discrepancy is mainly caused by the strong conductivity fluctuations. Indeed, a two-branches distribution is observed for low frequencies. We show also by increasing the system size that at pcp_c the so-called Drude peak vanishes; it increases for vanishing losses.Comment: 7 pages including all figures, accepted in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Discrimination and mapping of REEs litho-geochemical anomalies by multi-fractal modeling

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    The purpose of this paper is to delineate and map of anomalies of rare earth elements (REEs), Dy in this paper, using the litho-geochemical data in Saghand area, Central Iran. In Saghand area, REEs deposits were generated in the form of metasomatism, especially metasomatite rock units. Alkaline magmatism and metasomatism phenomena progressively have caused the transformation of the primary rocks of the area into metasomatite rocks, including amphibol-albite metasomatite, albitite me taso matite and amphibole metasomatite [1]. Dy anomalies, in the western parts of the area, are in microdiorite, metasomatite porphyry and acidic volcanic rocks. These rock units are suitable for substitution of REEs in radioactive minerals and related to epidote alterations. In the central part of the study area, Dy is located in metasomatite rocks and sub-volcanic quartz-diorite units with metamorphosed volcanic rocks and related to chloritic alterations. The concentration-area (C-A) fractal model applied to classify the Dy anomalies in the study area describes the spatial distribution of geochemical data based on the spatial relationship of geochemical concentrations with the occupied areas [2, 3]. Considering the thresholds obtained by the C-A log-log plots of Dy (i.e., 100 ppm, 157.76 ppm and 251.18 ppm), the final litho-geochemical anomaly models were generated and correlated with the geological map (Figs. 1). Considering the generated models, high intensive geochemical anomalies of Dy are situated in the western and central parts of the study area within the metasomatic, porphyry microdioritic and acidic volcanic rocks associated with epidote alterations

    Partial discharges location in power transformers using piezoceramic sensors

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    The detection and the spatial localization of partial discharges in high-voltage electrical machines are considered as an effective method in predictive maintenance that can provide valuable information on the health of the insulation system and allow to determine accurately the location of the risky insulation elements, which in turn will avoid any premature equipment’s deterioration by scheduling preventive maintenance action. After confirming in a previous published paper the efficiency of a new generation of piezoceramics sensors (high temperature ultrasonic transducers) to detect and characterize partial discharges, we are going to investigate, in this work, a second potential of this technology to locate the partial discharge sources by relying on its ability to detect acoustic signals emitted by partial discharge sources. We will present experimental results, demonstrating the effectiveness of these sensors to locate partial discharges sources and, we will also present an algorithm for calculating the partial discharge foci, based on the acoustic wave flight time

    Analysis and Control of mortar Quality with ultrasonic wave attenuation

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    Wave propagation and attenuation on mortar material are discussed in this paper with a Non Destructive Testing (NDT) which can be used to characterize samples of mortars and effect of microstructure of sand in their hardening. Samples were manufactured using same water/cement ration (w/c) 0.65, and cement/sand ration (c/s) 0.5 in order to simulate the attenuation. The characterization of attenuation in mortar material has been performed by ultrasonic reflection technique using a transducer with central frequency 0.5MHz. It is shown that sand particle size exercises significant influence on the evolution of attenuation, the attenuation parameters give information about average state of the hardening of the mortar itself

    Growth performance and biochemical composition of nineteen microalgae collected from different Moroccan reservoirs

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    Macro- and microalgae have recently received much attention due to their valuable chemical constituents. In order to increase existing data, the authors studied nineteen microalgae species isolated from different reservoirs in the Fez region (northern Morocco), undertaking experiments to determine for each species the specific growth rate, their total amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids and the influence of the growth phase on these chemical constituents. Conditions of cultivation were as follows: light intensity equal to 300 μmol photons m-2 s-1, with a temperature regime of 25/20°C (day/night) and a 16/8 (light/dark) photoperiod cycle. The growth rates of the nineteen studied species of microalgae showed a wide variation between species, ranging from 0.27 g l-1 d-1 for Chlamydomonas ovalis to 3.64 g l-1 d-1 for Chlorococcum wemmeri. Protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents varied greatly between taxa and within genera. Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Chlamydomonas ovalis, Chlorococcum sp., Hyaloraphidium contortum, Scenedesmus protuberans, and Synechocystis aquatilis tended to synthesize proteins, the concentrations exceeding 20% dry weight (DW). Ankistrodesmus falcatus, Ankistrodesmus sp., Chlorococcum wemmeri, Coenocystis sp., Isocystis sp., Lyngbya bergei, Oscillatoria amphibia, Polytoma papillatum, Scenedesmus protuberans, Scenedesmus sp. and Synechocystis aquatilis showed a high capacity for lipid storage, greater than 20% DW. For carbohydrate contents, only Scenedesmus protuberans and Scenedesmus quadricauda showed an excessive level compared to other scanned species with 29.21% and 24.76% DW, respectively

    Activity Recognition and Prediction in Real Homes

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    In this paper, we present work in progress on activity recognition and prediction in real homes using either binary sensor data or depth video data. We present our field trial and set-up for collecting and storing the data, our methods, and our current results. We compare the accuracy of predicting the next binary sensor event using probabilistic methods and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, include the time information to improve prediction accuracy, as well as predict both the next sensor event and its mean time of occurrence using one LSTM model. We investigate transfer learning between apartments and show that it is possible to pre-train the model with data from other apartments and achieve good accuracy in a new apartment straight away. In addition, we present preliminary results from activity recognition using low-resolution depth video data from seven apartments, and classify four activities - no movement, standing up, sitting down, and TV interaction - by using a relatively simple processing method where we apply an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter to extract movements from the frames prior to feeding them to a convolutional LSTM network for the classification.Comment: 12 pages, Symposium of the Norwegian AI Society NAIS 201

    Action video game play and transfer of navigation and spatial cognition skills in adolescents who are blind

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    For individuals who are blind, navigating independently in an unfamiliar environment represents a considerable challenge. Inspired by the rising popularity of video games, we have developed a novel approach to train navigation and spatial cognition skills in adolescents who are blind. Audio-based Environment Simulator (AbES) is a software application that allows for the virtual exploration of an existing building set in an action video game metaphor. Using this ludic-based approach to learning, we investigated the ability and efficacy of adolescents with early onset blindness to acquire spatial information gained from the exploration of a target virtual indoor environment. Following game play, participants were assessed on their ability to transfer and mentally manipulate acquired spatial information on a set of navigation tasks carried out in the real environment. Success in transfer of navigation skill performance was markedly high suggesting that interacting with AbES leads to the generation of an accurate spatial mental representation. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between success in game play and navigation task performance. The role of virtual environments and gaming in the development of mental spatial representations is also discussed. We conclude that this game based learning approach can facilitate the transfer of spatial knowledge and further, can be used by individuals who are blind for the purposes of navigation in real-world environments
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