155 research outputs found

    Electron Mass Operator in a Strong Magnetic Field and Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking

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    The electron mass operator in a strong magnetic field is calculated. The contribution of higher Landau levels of virtual electrons, along with the ground Landau level, is shown to be essential in the leading log approximation. The effect of the electron dynamical mass generation by a magnetic field is investigated. In a model with N charged fermions, it is shown that some critical number N_{cr} exists for any value of the electromagnetic coupling constant alpha, such that the fermion dynamical mass is generated with a doublet splitting for N < N_{cr}, and the dynamical mass does not arise at all for N > N_{cr}, thus leaving the chiral symmetry unbroken.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX4, 3 figure

    Clinical and hygienic assessment of bone mineral density in population of ecologically contrasting territories.

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    Disorder of the relationship between biotic and abiotic elements against the background of anthropogenic stress on the human body affects the course of bone remodeling. It is bone tissue in the human body that has the greatest cumulative properties with respect to many xenobiotics, lead in particular. The accumulation of lead in the bone leads to the replacement of calcium ions by ions of the abiotic element and causes further changes in the bone structure: inhibition of growth processes, decreased density, the development of osteopenia and osteoporosis. In the article, a comparative hygienic analysis of bone mineral density levels (according to T-score) in industrial (n=68) and control (n=70) areas was conducted. The T-score, calculated at the LI-LIV level obtained by the method of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used and was evaluated according to the recommendations of the WHO. The formation of a homogeneous sample of persons for the study was conducted according to the place of residence, age, sex, absence of diseases and regular intake of drugs leading to a decrease in bone mass. Summarizing the results, it should be noted that the population of Dniprо city has a more negative and significant decrease in the bone mineral density (according to the T-score) compared to the same values of the control areas – 2.15-4.6 times and Ukraine's – 1.39-4.21 times. According to WHO recommendations, T-score indices for residents of industrial territory indicate to the presence of osteopenia, while among residents of the control area, the norm for this indicator is noted. Consequently, there is an effect of man-made including lead, pollution of the environment on the level of bone mineral density in the industrial city this contributes to the development of osteoporotic changes in the population

    The law-enforcement system in the civil rights and freedoms protection system: the international comparative aspect

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    The article focuses on the problem of place determination of law-enforcement agencies in the civil rights and freedoms protection system. The emphasis is given to the analysis of international legal instruments in this sphere, in particular: the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The article has proved that law enforcement agencies are mainly aimed at ensuring and protection of human and citizen civil rights and freedoms in all spheres of social relations

    Postslaughter state of muscle tissue of pigs depending on the duration of pre-slaughter fasting

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    Changes in the muscle tissue microstructure lead to changes in meat quality. One of the causes of the myopathy development is animal stress. Pigs experience the strongest stress during pre-slaughter holding. The study of the postmortem meat structure depending on fasting time is a topical task. The objects of the research were samples of m. L. dorsi obtained after slaughter from pigs that differed in fasting time: 4 (group 1), 8 (group 2), 10 (group 3), 16 (group 4) and 18 (group 5) hours (N = 20, n = 4). Investigation of the microstructure and morphometric measurements were carried out on preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Myopathic changes in muscle tissue were assessed using a semi-quantitative method developed earlier. All studied samples were characterized by the uniform condition of muscle tissue. Statistically significant differences between individual groups were observed regarding the number and area of giant fibers, sarcomere length, diameter of muscle fibers and proportion of muscle fibers, which diameter was lower or higher by 1/3 than the mean fiber diameter. An increase in the pre-slaughter holding time reduced the number and area of giant fibers (r = –0.8437 and –0.5796, respectively), as well as the diameter of “normal” fibers (r = –0.5337), which positively influenced pork quality. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were characterized by the presence of signs of moderate and pronounced myopathy. Only one carcass with pronounced myopathic signs was revealed in each of groups 4 and 5. In group 4, one carcass did not have signs of myopathy. Pre-slaughter holding during 4, 8 and 10 hours led to deterioration of pork quality. The recommended fasting time is 16 hours

    Atomic levels in superstrong magnetic fields and D=2 QED of massive electrons: screening

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    The photon polarization operator in superstrong magnetic fields induces the dynamical photon "mass" which leads to screening of Coulomb potential at small distances z1/mz\ll 1/m, mm is the mass of an electron. We demonstrate that this behaviour is qualitatively different from the case of D=2 QED, where the same formula for a polarization operator leads to screening at large distances as well. Because of screening the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom at the magnetic fields Bm2/e3B \gg m^2/e^3 has the finite value E0=me4/2ln2(1/e6)E_0 = -me^4/2 \ln^2(1/e^6).Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure


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    Purpose. To determine the contribution of the real contact spots distribution in the total conductivity of the conductors contact.Methodology. The electrical contact resistance research was carried out on models. The experimental part of this work was done on paper with a graphite layer with membranes (the first type) and conductive liquids with discrete partitions (the second type).Findings. It is shown that the contact electrical resistance is mainly determined by the real area of metal contact. The experimental dependence of the electrical resistance of the second type model on the distance between the electrodes and the potential distribution along the sample surface for the first type model were obtained. The theoretical model based on the principle of electric field superposition was considered. The dependences obtained experimentally and calculated by using the theoretical model are in good agreement.Originality. The regularity of the electrical contact resistance formation on a large number of membranes was researched for the first time. A new model of discrete electrical contact based on the liquid as the conducting environment with nuclear membrane partitions was developed. The conclusions of the additivity of contact and bulk electrical resistance were done.Practical value. Based on these researches, a new experimental method of kinetic macroidentation that as a parameter of the metal surface layer deformation uses the real contact area was developed. This method allows to determine the value of average contact stresses, yield point, change of the stress on the depth of deformation depending on the surface treatment.Цель работы. Определить вклад реального распределения пятен контакта в общую проводимость контакта проводников.Методы исследования. Исследования электрического сопротивления стягивания осуществлялись на моделях. Экспериментальная часть данной работы выполнялась на бумаге с графитовым слоем с перемычками (первый тип) и на электропроводящих жидкостях с дискретными перегородками (второй тип).Полученные результаты. Показано, что контактное электросопротивление в основном определяется величиной фактической площади контакта металлов. Получены экспериментальные зависимости электросопротивления модели второго типа от расстояния между электродами и распределение потенциала по поверхности образца для модели первого типа. Рассмотрена теоретическая модель, основанная на принципе суперпозиции электрических полей. Зависимости, полученные экспериментально и рассчитанные с помощью теоретической модели, хорошо согласуются.Научна новизна. Впервые исследованы закономерности формирования электрического сопротивления стягивания на большом количестве перемычек. Разработана новая модель дискретного электрического контакта на основе жидкости в качестве проводящей среды с перемычкой из ядерной мембраны. Сделаны выводы о аддитивности контактного и объемного электросопротивления.Практическая ценность. На основе результатов данных исследований была разработана новая экспериментальная методика кинетического макроидентирования, что в качестве параметра деформирования поверхностного слоя металлов использует площадь фактического контакта. Данная методика позволяет определять величину средних контактных напряжений, границу текучести, изменение напряжений по глубине деформирования в зависимости от режимов обработки поверхности.Мета роботи. Визначити вклад реального розподілу плям контакту у загальну провідність контакту провідників.Методи дослідження. Дослідження електричного опору стягування здійснювались на моделях. Експериментальна частина даної роботи виконувалась на папері з графітовим шаром з перетинками (перший тип) і на електропровідних рідинах з дискретними перегородками (другий тип).Отримані результати. Показано, що контактний електроопір в основному визначається величиною фактичної площі контакту металів. Отримано експериментальні залежності електроопору моделі другого типу від відстані між електродами та розподіл потенціалу по поверхні зразка для моделі першого типу. Розглянуто теоретичну модель, засновану на принципі суперпозиції електричних полів. Залежності, отримані експериментально і розраховані за допомогою теоретичної моделі, добре узгоджуються.Наукова новизна. Вперше досліджені закономірності формування електричного опору стягування на великій кількості перетинок. Розроблена нова модель дискретного електричного контакту на основі рідини як провідного середовища з перетинкою з ядерної мембрани. Зроблено висновки про адитивність контактного і об’ємного електроопору.Практична цінність. На основі результатів даних досліджень була розроблена нова експериментальна методика кінетичного макроідентування, що в якості параметра деформування поверхневого шару металів використовує площу фактичного контакту. Дана методика дозволяє визначати величину середніх контактних напружень, межу плинності, зміну напружень по глибині деформування у залежності від режимів обробки поверхні

    Minimal invasive surgery for patients with urolithiasis with early postoperative rehabilitation in Truskavets

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    Introduction. Undoubtedly, technological progress, the "conquest" of civilization leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation. It affects the human body, causing a violation of homeostasis, due to disorders in it.The purpose of the work. In view of the above, the task was to study the peculiarities of the process of the use of minimally invasive techniques in patients with urolithiasis treated in the period from 2012 to 2017 in the urological department of the Truskavets City Hospital and in the private office of lithotripsy Ya.V. Feciak in the complex with the use of medical water "Naftusya" during treatment and in the early postoperative period as a means of metaphysics of recurrent stone formation and quicker rehabilitation of patients.Materials and methods of research. The treatment of 1757 patients with urolithiasis in the urological department of Truskavets city hospital and the private office of lithotripsy Ya.V. Fetsiak for the period of 2012 - 2017. The study included 681 patients with kidney stones, 1045 patients - with ureteric stones and 31 patients with urinary bladder specimens. 357 contact nephrolithotripsy, 491 contact ureterolithotripsy (CULT), 27 contact cystolithotripsy and 2074 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) sessions were performed for these patients. Men were 946 (54%), women 811 (46%). The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 84 years. The size of the concretions localized in the ureter ranged from 0.6 cm to 3.4 cm and, as a rule, was 0.9-1.2 cm. The maximum size of the kidney stone was 9.5 cm, and the average size varied within 1 , 4-27cm.ESWL was performed on the Dornier Compact S machine. In the 882 patients, 2074 procedures were carried out for the ESWL, which was 2.35 procedures per patient. In the planned period, 71% of patients, 29% in urgent (at the height of the renal colic or within the next 30 hours) were treated.Results In the contingent of patients treated with ESWL, medical water "Naftusya" was used before the crushing session and exchange course for 2-3 weeks three times a day at a temperature of 17-20 degrees C in an amount of 10 ml per kilogram of weight per day. Patients, who used contact lithotripsy "Naftusya" were prescribed from the second day after the operation, that is, when in the postoperative period, complete peristalsis of the colon was restored. Doses were identical, as in patients with ESWL.Our long experience in treating patients with urolithiasis has shown recurrence of stone formation in 10-15% of patients with urolithiasis within five years of intervention. The latter is much lower compared to the literature without the use of water "Naftusya".Conclusions1. ESWL - an effective out-patient method of removing concretions from the urinary tract.2. Contact lithotripsy, along with ESWL - modern methods for the elimination of concretions from urinary tract with short bed day and minimization of surgical trauma.3. Therapeutic water "Naftusya" - an effective means of metaphysics of urolithiasis.4. Early postoperative rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis is possible only on the territory of Truskavets.5. The use of water "Naftusya" can significantly reduce the recurrence of stone formation in patients with urolithiasis, which makes this balneotherapy a "gold standard" in metaphilactics and early post-operative rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis

    Assessment of adaptability parameters in hulled oat germplasm accessions in terms of their yield in the environments of Kirov Province

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    Background. Studying the gene pool of a crop under specific soil and climate conditions makes it possible to predict the breeding value of germplasm, while its subsequent inclusion in the breeding process ensures the development of adaptable cultivars capable of implementing their productive potential in large-scale agriculture.Materials and methods. Stability (Si2) and plasticity (bi; PUSS), Ambient Condition Index (Ij), Homeostatic (Hom), Stress Resistance, and Stability Index (Is) were calculated for 12 hulled oat (Avena sativa L.) accessions at the FARC of North-East.Results. Accessions 2981 IG100720 (USA) and k-15293 BORYNA (Poland) showed the best stress resistance, while the highest genetic flexibility was observed in 2981 IG100720 (USA), 3007 IG100848 (Germany), 5330 СSI  590/05,  and k-15178 ‘Begunok’ (Russia). Sources of intensive-type hulled oats: k-15330 CSI 590/05 (Russia) (bi = 1.36)  and  k-15331 CSI 2167/03 (Russia) (bi = 1.60),  were  identified for their higher yield values: 856 and 889 g/m2 under improved growing conditions in 2017, and 365 and 285 g/m2 under dry conditions in 2016, respectively. Medium-intensive accessions k-15178 ‘Begunok’ (Russia) (bi = 1.07), and ‘Skrokolik’ (k-15321, Russia) (bi = 0.97) were identified for the best plasticity. The reference cv. ‘Krechet’ (Si2 = 0.06) demonstrated high yield stability.Conclusion. Sources were selected for hulled oat breeding: 2981 IG100720 (USA), 3007 IG100848 (Germany), and k-15293 BORYNA (Poland), with high stress resistance and plasticity, and plastic sources k-15178 ‘Begunok’ and k-15321 ‘Skrokolik’ (Russia), with stable high yield under varying environmental conditions