165 research outputs found

    Programación didáctica: Historia del Arte en Segundo de Bachillerato

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2021-2022[ES] La programación didáctica es el instrumento fundamental de la docencia, de forma que a través de ella planificaremos los objetivos, el desarrollo y la evaluación de la asignatura. Concretamente, esta programación se diseña para la materia de Historia del Arte en 2º de Bachillerato, en Castilla y León. Mediante nuestra propuesta, tratamos de cumplir de forma rigurosa los requerimientos normativos que rigen toda programación, a través de una base científica sólida. Como resultado, esperamos que el alumnado comprenda el significado del arte en cada periodo histórico de un modo significativo, integrado, competencial y estimulante.[EN] The Teaching Programme is the essential tool for teaching, since it allows to plan the aims, the development and the assessment of our subject. In particular, this programme is designed for Art History in the second year of Bachillerato, in Castilla y León. Through our proposal, we intend to accomplish the normative requirements in a precise way, by solid scientific basis. As a result, we expect our students to understand the meaning of art in each moment of History, in a significant, global, competential and exciting way

    La evaluación de impacto social de la cultura: el caso de PROMIO, red de cines independientes

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    La cultura puede producir impactos diversos. De todos ellos, el económico es el que suele recibir mayor interés; no obstante, las manifestaciones culturales tienen una dimensión social fundamental, terreno en el cual pueden generar efectos muy relevantes. Por ello, la evaluación de impacto social merece atención en la gestión y concretamente en la política cultural, pues evidenciar las implicaciones sociales de la cultura sirve de apoyo a la toma de decisión y puede contribuir a la permanencia de sectores que causen impactos positivos. Así pues, desarrollamos una propuesta metodológica a través de la evaluación de la red PROMIO, el circuito de cines independientes más destacado de España. Esta asociación cubre la demanda de un producto fílmico de distribución minoritaria –independiente, clásico, experimental, emergente… – y genera una actividad complementaria muy enriquecedora. Con ello, aspira a diversificar la oferta, contrarrestar la homogeneidad y avasallamiento de la industria y contribuir al desarrollo cultural y social del entorno. Consideramos que un sector de este perfil puede causar impactos sociales positivos, lo que respalda la necesidad de evaluarlo en el contexto de desventaja competitiva de la exhibición independiente. Así, pretendemos generar información cualitativa y cuantitativa que oriente las decisiones respecto a las demandas de PROMIO: un reconocimiento legal equivalente al de sus homólogos europeos y ayudas públicas.Máster en Economía de la Cultura y Gestión Cultura

    Segmentally homologous neurons acquire two different terminal neuropeptidergic fates in the Drosophila nervous system

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. In this study, we identify the means by which segmentally homologous neurons acquire different neuropeptide fates in Drosophila. Ventral abdominal (Va)-neurons in the A1 segment of the ventral nerve cord express DH31 and AstA neuropeptides (neuropeptidergic fate I) by virtue of Ubx activity, whereas the A2-A4 Va-neurons express the Capa neuropeptide (neuropeptidergic fate II) under the influence of abdA. These different fates are attained through segment-specific programs of neural subtype specification undergone by segmentally homologous neurons. This is an attractive alternative by which Hox genes can shape Drosophila segmental neural architecture (more sophisticated than the previously identified binary “to live” or “not to live” mechanism). These data refine our knowledge of the mechanisms involved in diversifying neuronal identity within the central nervous systemThis study was supported by grant number: BFU2013-43858-

    El renacimiento de un vitral y sus problemas legales

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    En 1921, al conmemorarse el centenario de la independencia del Perú, la colonia italiana residente en nuestro país donó el Museo de Arte Italiano (MAI). El arquitecto italiano Gaetano Moretti se encargó del proyecto del edificio y Mario Vannini Parenti seleccionó las obras y los detalles ornamentales en Italia. El 11 de noviembre de 1923 se entregó oficialmente el museo. Tanto el diseño como el decorado del edificio representan el arte italiano del pasado: elementos de la arquitectura de Bramante, relieves y detalles decorativos inspirados en Donatello, Guiberti, Miguel angel y Botticelli. La fachada se completa con los escudos de las principales ciudades italianas y dos gigantescos mosaicos con los personajes más notables de la historia italiana. &nbsp

    El renacimiento de un vitral y sus problemas legales

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    En 1921, al conmemorarse el centenario de la independencia del Perú, la colonia italiana residente en nuestro país donó el Museo de Arte Italiano (MAI). El arquitecto italiano Gaetano Moretti se encargó del proyecto del edificio y Mario Vannini Parenti seleccionó las obras y los detalles ornamentales en Italia. El 11 de noviembre de 1923 se entregó oficialmente el museo. Tanto el diseño como el decorado del edificio representan el arte italiano del pasado: elementos de la arquitectura de Bramante, relieves y detalles decorativos inspirados en Donatello, Guiberti, Miguel angel y Botticelli. La fachada se completa con los escudos de las principales ciudades italianas y dos gigantescos mosaicos con los personajes más notables de la historia italiana

    Imported eosinophilic fever with myositis: A diagnostic challenge

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    A 39-year-old caucasian man presented to our hospital in Barcelona with fever, dry cough, headache and weight loss of 4 kg. Symptoms started 5 days after returning from a 21-day travel to Malaysia. His physical examination was unremarkable except for a splenomegaly. Laboratory tests showed mild elevation of transaminases, elevated levels of lactate dehydrogenase (468 UI/L) and a normal blood cell count. Blood cultures, thick and thin blood smear and serologic tests for dengue, chikungunya, HIV, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus 6, parvovirus B19, Toxoplasma spp and Rickettsia conorii were negative

    Does Progressive Introduction of Benznidazole Reduce the Chance of Adverse Events in the Treatment of Chagas Disease?

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    In this retrospective cohort study, we aimed to assess whether introducing benznidazole at escalating doses reduces the probability of adverse events or treatment discontinuation compared with a full-dose scheme. We collected data from patients who had chronic " - " infection and underwent treatment from July 2008 to January 2017 in a referral center in Madrid. Dose was adjusted to body weight (5 mg/kg/day), with treatment introduction with full dose or escalating dose according to local consensus and protocols. Among the 62 patients treated, benznidazole was introduced at full dose in 28 patients and on escalating dose in the remaining 34. We found no statistical differences in the number of adverse events, treatment discontinuations, days of treatment, or sociodemographic profiles. There is insufficient evidence to support escalating dose as a strategy for reducing the adverse effects of benznidazole. Further research is needed to evaluate this strategy

    Relevance of screening for Chagas and viral hepatitis in Bolivian migrants

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    © 2020 Elsevier España, S.L.U. Objectives: Given the scarcity of data regarding prevalence of various infectious diseases in Latin-American countries, our study aims to assess the burden of T. cruzi, S. stercoralis, HIV and viral hepatitis in Latin-American migrants, with a focus on Bolivian migrants. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational study of 565 screening evaluations in adults (≥18 years) carried out at our International Healthcare referral service in Barcelona. We reviewed structured clinical records and microbiological results of patients attended between February 2012 and April 2015. Results: The median age was 35 years and 74% were women. Of the population screened, 87% were of Bolivian origin. We found a 48% prevalence of T. cruzi, 16% of S. stercoralis, 0.2% of HIV, 0.2% HBV and 0.2% HCV. Conclusions: These results support the relevance of screening for T. cruzi and S. stercoralis in Bolivian migrants but challenge the pertinence of systematic screening for HBV in this population

    Ocean dynamics shapes the structure and timing of Atlantic Equatorial Modes

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    A recent study has brought to light the co‐existence of two distinct Atlantic Equatorial Modes during negative phases of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability: the Atlantic Niño and Horse‐Shoe (HS) mode. Nevertheless, the associated air‐sea interactions for HS mode have not been explored so far and the prevailing dynamic view of the Atlantic Niño has been questioned. Here, using a forced ocean model simulation, we find that for both modes, ocean dynamics is essential to explain the equatorial SST variations, while air‐sea fluxes control the off‐equatorial SST anomalies. Moreover, we demonstrate the key role played by ocean waves in shaping their distinct structure and timing. For the positive phase of both Atlantic Niño and HS, anomalous westerly winds trigger a set of equatorial downwelling Kelvin waves (KW) during spring‐summer. These dKWs deepen the thermocline, favouring the equatorial warming through vertical diffusion and horizontal advection. Remarkably, for the HS, an anomalous north‐equatorial wind stress curl excites an upwelling Rossby wave (RW), which propagates westward and is reflected at the western boundary becoming an equatorial upwelling KW. The uKW propagates to the east, activating the thermocline feedbacks responsible to cool the sea surface during summer months. This RW‐reflected mechanism acts as a negative feedback causing the early termination of the HS mode. Our results provide an improvement in the understanding of the TAV modes and emphasize the importance of ocean wave activity to modulate the equatorial SST variability. These findings could be very useful to improve the prediction of the Equatorial Modes