18 research outputs found

    Cluster Analysis for Diminishing Heterogeneous Opinions of Service Quality Public Transport Passengers

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    [EN] One of the principal measures that public transport administrations are following for reaching a sustainable transportation in the cities consists on attract a higher number of citizens towards the use of public transport modes, by offering high quality services. Collecting users opinions is the best way of detecting where the service is failing and which aspects are been provided successfully. The main problem that has to be faced for analyzing service quality is the subjective nature of its measurement, offering heterogeneous assessments among passengers about the service. Stratifying the sample of users on segments of passengers which have more uniform opinions about the service can help to reduce this heterogeneity. This stratification usually is conducted based on the social and demographic characteristics of the passengers. However, there are more advance techniques that permits to identify more homogeneous groups of users. One of these techniques is the Cluster Analysis, which is a data mining technique that can be used for segmenting the sample of passengers on groups that share some common characteristics, and that have more homogeneous perceptions about the service. This technique has been applied in other fields of transport engineering but it has never been applied for searching homogeneous groups of users with regards to service quality evaluation in a public transport service. For this reason, the aim of this work is to find groups of passengers that perceive the quality of the service in a more homogeneous way, and to apply to this clusters a suitable statistic technique that permit us to discover which are the variables that more influence the passengers¿ overall evaluation about the service. The comparison among the results of each cluster will show considerable differences among them and also with the results obtained using the global sample.This study is sponsored by the Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Economía of the Junta de Andalucía (Spain) through the Excellence Research Project denominated Q-METROBUS-Quality of service indicator for METROpolitan public BUS transport services . The authors also acknowledge the Granada Consorcio de Transportes for making the data set available for this study. Likewise, Griselda López wishes to express her acknowledgement to the regional ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the regional government of Andalusia (Spain) for their scholarship to train teachers and researchers in Deficit AreasDe Oña, R.; López-Maldonado, G.; Díez De Los Ríos, F.; De Oña, J. (2014). Cluster Analysis for Diminishing Heterogeneous Opinions of Service Quality Public Transport Passengers. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 162:459-466. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.227S45946616

    Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Rational manipulation of mRNA folding free energy allows rheostat control of pneumolysin production by Streptococcus pneumoniaeThe contribution of specific factors to bacterial virulence is generally investigated through creation of genetic "knockouts" that are then compared to wild-type strains or complemented mutants. This paradigm is useful to understand the effect of presence vs. absence of a specific gene product but cannot account for concentration-dependent effects, such as may occur with some bacterial toxins. In order to assess threshold and dose-response effects of virulence factors, robust systems for tunable expression are required. Recent evidence suggests that the folding free energy (?G) of the 5' end of mRNA transcripts can have a significant effect on translation efficiency and overall protein abundance. Here we demonstrate that rational alteration of 5' mRNA folding free energy by introduction of synonymous mutations allows for predictable changes in pneumolysin (PLY) expression by Streptococcus pneumoniae without the need for chemical inducers or heterologous promoters. We created a panel of isogenic S. pneumoniae strains, differing only in synonymous (silent) mutations at the 5' end of the PLY mRNA that are predicted to alter ?G. Such manipulation allows rheostat-like control of PLY production and alters the cytotoxicity of whole S. pneumoniae on primary and immortalized human cells. These studies provide proof-of-principle for further investigation of mRNA ?G manipulation as a tool in studies of bacterial pathogenesis.National Institutes of Health (www.nih.gov) (R01 AI092743 and R21 AI111020 to A.J.R.). F.E.A. was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (www.fct.pt) SFRH/BD/33901/2009 and the Luso-American Development Foundation (www.flad.pt). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Identification and structural analysis of the tripartite α-pore forming toxin of Aeromonas hydrophila

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    The alpha helical CytolysinA family of pore forming toxins (α-PFT) contains single, two, and three component members. Structures of the single component Eschericia coli ClyA and the two component Yersinia enterolytica YaxAB show both undergo conformational changes from soluble to pore forms, and oligomerization to produce the active pore. Here we identify tripartite α-PFTs in pathogenic Gram negative bacteria, including Aeromonas hydrophila (AhlABC). We show that the AhlABC toxin requires all three components for maximal cell lysis. We present structures of pore components which describe a bi-fold hinge mechanism for soluble to pore transition in AhlB and a contrasting tetrameric assembly employed by soluble AhlC to hide their hydrophobic membrane associated residues. We propose a model of pore assembly where the AhlC tetramer dissociates, binds a single membrane leaflet, recruits AhlB promoting soluble to pore transition, prior to AhlA binding to form the active hydrophilic lined pore

    The double life of autophagy proteins

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    Micología podológica

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    El presente trabajo fue publicado en parte en la Revista Española de Podología puesto que sus autores lo llevaron al congreso de Valencia. A pesar de ello, y gracias a la amabilidad de todos cuantos lo firman, publi­camos a continuación el trabajo íntegramente, ya que nos parece que el tema tratado, y por cierto muy bien, merece toda nuestra atención y la mayor difusión posible

    Micología podológica

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    El presente trabajo fue publicado en parte en la Revista Española de Podología puesto que sus autores lo llevaron al congreso de Valencia. A pesar de ello, y gracias a la amabilidad de todos cuantos lo firman, publi­camos a continuación el trabajo íntegramente, ya que nos parece que el tema tratado, y por cierto muy bien, merece toda nuestra atención y la mayor difusión posible