418 research outputs found

    Theories in Community Psychology: Do They Matter and Why?

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    Jason, Stevens, Ram, Miller, Beasley, and Gleason’s (2016) Theories in the field of community psychology challenges community psychology to reflect on its scientific maturation. It is noteworthy that the title of their analysis refers to the field rather than the discipline of community psychology. Typically, a field designates a line of inquiry or area of study within a recognized scientific and professional base of substantive expertise, i.e., a discipline. I would posit that a sine qua non of a science-based community psychology discipline would be foundational knowledge built upon accepted theoretical explanations of how the physical, psychosocial, political, economic, cultural, and related salient setting characteristics shape human behavior and well-being. Jason et al. (2016) correctly question whether, after nearly a half century, the scientific community in general recognizes community psychology and the social scientific community specifically as a theory-based discipline. Therein lies their question! To that the current discussion add my question i.e., do they matter and why

    Theories in Community Psychology: Do They Matter and Why?

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    Jason, Stevens, Ram, Miller, Beasley, and Gleason’s (2016) Theories in the field of community psychology challenges community psychology to reflect on its scientific maturation. It is noteworthy that the title of their analysis refers to the field rather than the discipline of community psychology. Typically, a field designates a line of inquiry or area of study within a recognized scientific and professional base of substantive expertise, i.e., a discipline. I would posit that a sine qua non of a science-based community psychology discipline would be foundational knowledge built upon accepted theoretical explanations of how the physical, psychosocial, political, economic, cultural, and related salient setting characteristics shape human behavior and well-being. Jason et al. (2016) correctly question whether, after nearly a half century, the scientific community in general recognizes community psychology and the social scientific community specifically as a theory-based discipline. Therein lies their question! To that the current discussion add my question i.e., do they matter and why

    Species Diversity and Population Structure in Worm-snails of the Dendropoma genus in Palau

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    This report is a preliminary analysis of the mitochondrial genetic diversity of worm-snails (Gastropods, Vermetidae) in Palau. Worm-snails are suspension-feeding gastropods that have tubular uncoiled shells attached to the substrate. Some aggregate to form reefs of their own, forming mats along the water’s edge. There are here used as a model to understand connectivity of populations across Palau. Samples were collected at 12 different areas with a total of 199 samples overall. Samples were dissected to extract DNA and a fragment of the COI mtDNA gene was then amplified by PCR and sequenced. Pairwise genetic distances were calculated with the software Mega v5.2.2 and used to build a histogram and a distance tree. Results showed that there were a total of 5 groups of species across Palau. Four out of the five species had limited ranges but the last one was widely distributed. The results highlight a strong spatial genetic structure among populations that suggest long-term isolation coupled or not with selective processes

    DĂ©veloppement, caractĂ©risation et potentiels thĂ©rapeutiques d’Elactiv’, une protĂ©ine Ă©lastique biomimĂ©tique, inspirĂ©e de la tropoĂ©lastine humaine

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    Elastin-like peptides are excellent examples of biomimetic polymers recently proposed in regenerative medicine, particularly for soft tissue engineering (skin, blood vessels, lung ...) for which modeling is a complex task requiring functional elasticity to insctruct cells properelly. Fine-tuning of ELP’s primary structure can modulate or improve physicochemical, structural and functional properties of the native protein. In addition, the adjustment of ELP physicochemical characteristics through external stimuli (temperature, pH) defined them as intelligent polymers. These bioactive polymers thus provide a wide range of very promising applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery, although this has been under-explored until then. In this thesis, we have developed, characterized and evaluated therapeutic potentials of Elactiv', a synthetic elastic protein inspired by the unique structure of the human tropoelastin, the soluble precursor of elastin. Elactiv’ retains physicochemical characteristics (thermoresponsive behavior, self-assembly properties) and biological functions of the native protein (proliferation, differentiation and survival of human keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, susceptibility to enzymatic degradation). Besides, Elactiv’ is able to incorporate into neosynthesized elastic fibers by healthy dermal fibroblasts, and to induce fibrillar tropoelastin synthesis by pathological fibroblasts, Williams-Beuren syndrome, which do not synthesize or very few elastic fibres. A hydrogel formed exclusively of Elactiv’ allowed to access to mechanical properties of the scaffold and to verify its biocompatibility in vitro and its safety and resorption in vivo. Finally, the association of Elactiv' protein to poly(L-lysine) dendrigrafts, highly functionalizable synthetic polymers, enabled to evolve the hydrogel's architecture to a hybrid biomaterial in order to increase its mechanical and biological properties for skin tissue engineering. Taken together, biomimetic and therapeutic potentials of Elactiv' protein make it a promising candidate for soft tissue regenerationLes peptides Ă©lastiques (ELP, Elastin-like peptide) sont d'excellents exemples de polymĂšres biomimĂ©tiques rĂ©cemment proposĂ©s en mĂ©decine rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative, en particulier dans le domaine de l'ingĂ©nierie tissulaire des tissus mous (peau, vaisseaux sanguins, poumons
) pour lesquels la modĂ©lisation est complexe car l'instruction correcte des cellules nĂ©cessite une Ă©lasticitĂ© fonctionnelle. L'ajustement prĂ©cis de la structure primaire des ELP peut moduler voire amĂ©liorer les propriĂ©tĂ©s physico-chimiques, structurales et fonctionnelles de la protĂ©ine native. De plus, la capacitĂ© des ELP Ă  ajuster leurs caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques en rĂ©ponse Ă  des stimuli externes (tempĂ©rature, pH), les dĂ©finit comme des polymĂšres intelligents. Ces polymĂšres bioactifs offrent ainsi une large gamme d'applications trĂšs prometteuses encore trĂšs peu explorĂ©es dans les technologies d'ingĂ©nierie tissulaire et les systĂšmes d'administration de mĂ©dicaments. Dans ce travail de thĂšse, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ©, caractĂ©risĂ© et Ă©valuĂ© les potentiels thĂ©rapeutiques d'une protĂ©ine Ă©lastique synthĂ©tique, Elactiv', inspirĂ©e de la structure unique de la tropoĂ©lastine humaine, prĂ©curseur soluble de l'Ă©lastine. Elactiv' conserve les caractĂ©ristiques physico-chimiques (comportement thermosensible, propriĂ©tĂ©s d'autoassemblage) et les fonctions biologiques de la protĂ©ine native (prolifĂ©ration, diffĂ©renciation et survie des fibroblastes dermiques et kĂ©ratinocytes humains, sensibilitĂ© Ă  la dĂ©gradation enzymatique). De plus, Elactiv' possĂšde la particularitĂ© in vitro de s'incorporer dans les fibres Ă©lastiques nĂ©o-synthĂ©tisĂ©es par des fibroblastes dermiques sains, et d'induire la synthĂšse de tropoĂ©lastine fibrillaire par des fibroblastes pathologiques, syndrome de Williams-Beuren, qui ne synthĂ©tisent pas ou trĂšs peu de fibres Ă©lastiques. Un hydrogel formĂ© exclusivement d'Elactiv' a permis d'accĂ©der aux propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques de l'ensemble et de vĂ©rifier sa biocompatibilitĂ© in vitro et son innocuitĂ© et sa rĂ©sorption in vivo. Enfin, l'association de la protĂ©ine Elactiv' aux dendrigrafts de poly(L-lysine), polymĂšres synthĂ©tiques hautement fonctionnalisables, a permis de faire Ă©voluer l'architecture de l'hydrogel vers un biomatĂ©riau hybride dans le but d'augmenter ses propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques et biologiques. Ainsi, les potentiels biomimĂ©tiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de la protĂ©ine Elactiv' en font un candidat prometteur pour la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration des tissus mou

    Endiguements et risques d’inondation en milieu tropical. L’exemple de l’üle de la RĂ©union

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    L’üle de la RĂ©union (OcĂ©an Indien) possĂšde tous les records mondiaux de pluviomĂ©trie entre 12heures et 15 jours. Ces pluies de grande intensitĂ© d’origine cyclonique ou liĂ©es aux advections de masses nuageuses trĂšs humides gĂ©nĂšrent de graves inondations. Les crues brutales dans des ravines peu profondes sur des planĂšzes rĂ©centes et les divagations torrentielles sont frĂ©quentes pendant la saison cyclonique. Les plaines d’ennoyage littorales et les cĂŽtes basses ont Ă©tĂ© Ă  de nombreuses reprises submergĂ©es par les eaux marines. Le dĂ©bordement des mares dans les Ăźlets des cirques volcaniques constitue un rĂ©el danger. Cependant face Ă  ces diffĂ©rents alĂ©as seuls les espaces urbains littoraux, notamment le chef-lieu Saint-Denis, ont «bĂ©nĂ©ficié» d’importants investissements pour des endiguements systĂ©matiques. Cette volontĂ© politique rĂ©guliĂšrement renouvelĂ©e dans les contrats de plan État RĂ©gion depuis 1980 (cyclone Hyacinthe) a favorisĂ© l’urbanisation et a crĂ©Ă© une vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© extrĂȘme derriĂšre les digues. Dans ce dĂ©partement d’outre mer balayĂ© par les cyclones tropicaux, l’utopie sĂ©curitaire a engendrĂ© un risque d’inondation nouveau et important pour les dĂ©cennies Ă  venir.Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) holds all the world records for pluviometry (between 12 hours and 15 days). These highly intense rains are either of cyclonic origin or linked to advections of very humid cloud formations and generate serious floods. Brutal rising of water levels in shallow ravines on recent planezes (lava plateaux) and torrential divagations are frequent. The coastal flood plains and the low coasts have been submerged by sea water on several occasions. The overflowing of ponds in the volcanic mountain hamlets represents a real danger. However, faced with these different hazards only the coastal towns and more precisely the capital Saint Denis have benefitted from heavy investments in dykes. This political decision, regularly renewed in regional planning contracts since 1980 (Cyclone Hyacinth) has created urbanization and led to extreme vulnerability behind the dykes. In this overseas departement swept by tropical cyclones, for safety’s sake, a new and intense risk of flooding has been created for decades to come

    Réactions d'amination et d'oxylation palladocatalysées : devenir de l'intermédiaire nucléopalladé

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    Although the Pd(II)-catalyzed addition of nucleophiles to olefins has been much described in literature, the in-depth mechanism of such type of process is far from being a simple matter. Indeed, nucleopalladation and allylic C-H activation are two competing reactivities sharing the same type of substrates and reaction conditions. Accordingly, we have undertaken a study aimed at understanding the detailed mechanism of oxidative Pd(II)-catalyzed cyclizations of unsaturated nitrogen based- and oxygen based- nucleophiles. The results of this study strongly suggest the existence of a rapid equilibrium between the substrate and the corresponding cyclic NucleoPalladated Intermediate (NuPI), which can further evolve via easy ÎČ-H elimination when a distocyclic H position is involved. In this case, the NuPI is qualified as an evolving species. Contrarily, when only a proxicyclic H position is available, ÎČ-H elimination is totally or partially forbidden. In this case, the NuPI is qualified as a dormant species. Then, the formation of the NuPI being reversible, C-H activation will take place affording the corresponding vinylic heterocycle. In a second part, we managed to achieve the otherwise forbidden proxicyclic ÎČ-H elimination by using specific aerobic conditions. Mechanistic studies revealed the importance of the presence of chloride conter-ion as well as the use of monophosphine. At the same time, we also demonstrated that the aminopalladation step took place according to a trans stereochemistry. This reaction led to the formation of new functionalized methylidene-pyrrolidinones.Les rĂ©actions d’addition de nuclĂ©ophiles sur des olĂ©fines catalysĂ©es au palladium (II) suscitent depuis plusieurs annĂ©es un intĂ©rĂȘt considĂ©rable. Les mĂ©canismes entrant en jeu lors de ce type de rĂ©actions ne sont toutefois pas si Ă©vidents, nuclĂ©opalladation et activation de liaisons C-H allylique Ă©tant deux types de rĂ©activitĂ©s ayant lieu avec les mĂȘmes substrats et conditions rĂ©actionnelles. Nous avons alors rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude permettant de dĂ©finir les mĂ©canismes entrant en jeu lors de cyclisations oxydantes de nuclĂ©ophiles azotĂ©s et oxygĂ©nĂ©s insaturĂ©s catalysĂ©es au Pd(II). Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude suggĂšrent l’existence d’un Ă©quilibre rapide entre le substrat et l’IntermĂ©diaire NuclĂ©oPalladĂ© (INuP) correspondant. Ce dernier peut alors subir une ÎČ-H Ă©limination lorsqu’un hydrogĂšne en position distocyclique est disponible. Dans ce cas, l’INuP est considĂ©rĂ© comme une espĂšce Ă©veillĂ©e. En revanche, lorsque seul un hydrogĂšne en position proxicyclique est disponible, la dĂ©shydropalladation est partiellement ou totalement interdite, l’INuP est alors considĂ©rĂ© comme une espĂšce dormante. La formation de ce dernier Ă©tant rĂ©versible, l’activation de la liaison C-H aura alors lieu, permettant l’obtention d’hĂ©tĂ©rocycles vinyliques. Nous sommes ensuite parvenus Ă  rĂ©aliser cette ÎČ-H Ă©limination proxicyclique jusqu’alors jugĂ©e impossible, et ce en utilisant des conditions aĂ©robies bien spĂ©cifiques. Des Ă©tudes mĂ©canistiques ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’importance de la prĂ©sence d’un contre-ion chlorure, ainsi que de l’utilisation d’une monophosphine. Nous avons Ă©galement pu dĂ©montrer que l’étape d’aminopalladation procĂšde via une stĂ©rĂ©ochimie trans. Cette rĂ©action a permis l’obtention de nouvelles mĂ©thylidene-pyrrolidinones fonctionnalisĂ©es

    Integrative study of a new cold-seep mussel (Mollusca: Bivalvia) associated with chemosynthetic symbionts in the Marmara Sea

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    Recently, small Idas-like mussels have been discovered living on carbonate crusts associated with cold-seeps in the Marmara Sea. These mussels, here referred to as Idas-like nov. sp., differ morphologically and genetically from another species identified as Idas aff. modiolaeformis, living in the same type of ecosystem in the Nile Deep-Sea Fan (eastern Mediterranean Sea). A phylogenetic analysis confirms the distinction between the two species, which belong to highly divergent lineages. Carbon stable isotope values, as well as the detection of thiotroph-related bacteria in the gill tissue, support the presence of a symbiotic, thiotroph-derived nutrition. In contrast, Idas aff. modiolaeformis displays six different types of symbionts. Finally our size-frequency data suggest that the recruitment is continuous in the examined area. The present study extends the documented distribution of symbiont-bearing mussels to the Marmara Sea, and contributes to the characterisation of biological communities in this recently explored area

    Characteristic of macroinvertebrates abundance in cascade-pond system at Universitas Indonesia Campus, West Java, Indonesia

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    Catchment area of cascade-pond system at Universitas Indonesia (UI) campus is an area with high population density. The high population density has led to increasing impervious cover since it has to provide the housing needs. Increasing of impervious cover affected stream quality in the catchment area. The state of aquatic system quality can be assessed among others using biotic index and observed macroinvertebrates distribution. The management of UI campus plans to reduce the negative effect of decreasing the aquatic system quality by conducting audit the health state of cascade-pond system. The objective of this study is to examine the characteristics of macroinvertebrates abundance at cascade-pond system at UI campus. Macroinvertebrates are commonly used as indicator of pollution level at aquatic system. Sampling is conducted using biomonitoring method, and is carried out at cascade-pond system, which consisted of six ponds, by two times repetitions. The identification of any individual macroinvertebrates caught during the sampling is conducted in the laboratory. The characteristics of macroinvertebrates were assessed based on Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) Index dan Family Biotic Index (FBI).The results indicates that there is a tendency of improving diversity of macroinvertebrate in the downstream direction of the cascade-pond system

    Cobalt-Catalyzed alpha-Arylation of Substituted alpha-Bromo alpha-Fluoro beta-Lactams with Diaryl Zinc Reagents : Generalization to Functionalized Bromo Derivatives

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    A cobalt-catalyzed cross-coupling of alpha-bromo alpha-fluoro beta-lactams with diarylzinc or diallylzinc reagents is herein disclosed. The protocol proved to be general, chemoselective and operationally simple allowing the C4 functionalization of beta-lactams. The substrate scope was expanded to alpha-bromo lactams and amides, alpha-bromo lactones and esters as well asN- and O-containing heterocycles.Peer reviewe
