80 research outputs found

    Purine and pyrimidine antagonism in a pyrimidine-deficient mutant of Neurospora

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    The present study is concerned with the inhibition of growth of the pyrimidine-deficient Neurospora mutant, No. 1298, by the naturally occurring purine ribonucleotides and ribonucleosides. This experimentally produced strain, unlike the wild type, is unable to synthesize the pyrimidine ribonucleosides on a medium containing inorganic salts, carbohydrate, and biotin. Normal growth takes place, however, when the medium is supplemented with either cytidine or uridine or the corresponding nucleotides. It has been found that adenosine and adenosine-3-phosphate (yeast adenylic acid) inhibit the utilization of the pyrimidine compounds to a varying degree. An amount of adenine nucleoside which is sufficient to inhibit growth completely on the quantity of cytidine used has no inhibitory effect on an equivalent amount of uridine. The addition of an equimolar amount of uridine to a mixture of cytidine and adenosine in which no growth takes place results in the elimination of the antagonism. In contrast to the effect of adenosine and adenylic acid on this mutant strain of Neurospora, adenine shows no inhibitory properties at comparable concentrations. A similar inhibitory effect on the utilization of the pyrimidine nucleosides was found for guanosine and guanylic acid, but larger amounts of these compounds were required to produce inhibition under the same conditions. Guanine like adenine failed to cause inhibition at moderate concentrations

    Purine and pyrimidine antagonism in a pyrimidine-deficient mutant of Neurospora

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    The present study is concerned with the inhibition of growth of the pyrimidine-deficient Neurospora mutant, No. 1298, by the naturally occurring purine ribonucleotides and ribonucleosides. This experimentally produced strain, unlike the wild type, is unable to synthesize the pyrimidine ribonucleosides on a medium containing inorganic salts, carbohydrate, and biotin. Normal growth takes place, however, when the medium is supplemented with either cytidine or uridine or the corresponding nucleotides. It has been found that adenosine and adenosine-3-phosphate (yeast adenylic acid) inhibit the utilization of the pyrimidine compounds to a varying degree. An amount of adenine nucleoside which is sufficient to inhibit growth completely on the quantity of cytidine used has no inhibitory effect on an equivalent amount of uridine. The addition of an equimolar amount of uridine to a mixture of cytidine and adenosine in which no growth takes place results in the elimination of the antagonism. In contrast to the effect of adenosine and adenylic acid on this mutant strain of Neurospora, adenine shows no inhibitory properties at comparable concentrations. A similar inhibitory effect on the utilization of the pyrimidine nucleosides was found for guanosine and guanylic acid, but larger amounts of these compounds were required to produce inhibition under the same conditions. Guanine like adenine failed to cause inhibition at moderate concentrations

    CO2 Utilization and Storage in Shale Gas Reservoirs: Experimental Results and Economic Impacts

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    AbstractNatural gas is considered a cleaner and lower-emission fuel than coal, and its high abundance from advanced drilling techniques has positioned natural gas as a major alternative energy source for the U.S. However, each ton of CO2 emitted from any type of fossil fuel combustion will continue to increase global atmospheric concentrations. One unique approach to reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions involves coupling CO2 based enhanced gas recovery (EGR) operations in depleted shale gas reservoirs with long-term CO2 storage operations. In this paper, we report unique findings about the interactions between important shale minerals and sorbing gases (CH4 and CO2) and associated economic consequences. Where enhanced condensation of CO2 followed by desorption on clay surface is observed under supercritical conditions, a linear sorption profile emerges for CH4. Volumetric changes to montmorillonites occur during exposure to CO2. Theory-based simulations identify interactions with interlayer cations as energetically favorable for CO2 intercalation. In contrast, experimental evidence suggests CH4 does not occupy the interlayer and has only the propensity for surface adsorption. Mixed CH4:CO2 gas systems, where CH4 concentrations prevail, indicate preferential CO2 sorption as determined by in situ infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. Collectively, these laboratory studies combined with a cost-based economic analysis provide a basis for identifying favorable CO2-EOR opportunities in previously fractured shale gas reservoirs approaching final stages of primary gas production. Moreover, utilization of site-specific laboratory measurements in reservoir simulators provides insight into optimum injection strategies for maximizing CH4/CO2 exchange rates to obtain peak natural gas production

    Assessing hippocampal functional reserve in temporal lobe epilepsy:A multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data

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    Assessing the functional reserve of key memory structures in the medial temporal lobes (MTL) of pre-surgical patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) remains a challenge. Conventional functional MRI (fMRI) memory paradigms have yet to fully convince of their ability to confidently assess the risk of a post-surgical amnesia. An alternative fMRI analysis method, multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA), focuses on the patterns of activity across voxels in specific brain regions that are associated with individual memory traces. This method makes it possible to investigate whether the hippocampus and related structures contralateral to any proposed surgery are capable of laying down and representing specific memories. Here we used MVPA-fMRI to assess the functional integrity of the hippocampi and MTL in patients with long-standing medically refractory TLE associated with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis (HS). Patients were exposed to movie clips of everyday events prior to scanning, which they subsequently recalled during high-resolution fMRI. MTL structures were delineated and pattern classifiers were trained to learn the patterns of brain activity across voxels associated with each memory. Predictable patterns of activity across voxels associated with specific memories could be detected in MTL structures, including the hippocampus, on the side contralateral to the HS, indicating their functional viability. By contrast, no discernible memory representations were apparent in the sclerotic hippocampus, but adjacent MTL regions contained detectable information about the memories. These findings suggest that MVPA in fMRI memory studies of TLE can indicate hippocampal functional reserve and may be useful to predict the effects of hippocampal resection in individual patients
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