4,261 research outputs found

    The Spectrum of Pluto, 0.40 - 0.93 μ\mum I. Secular and longitudinal distribution of ices and complex organics

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    Context. During the last 30 years the surface of Pluto has been characterized, and its variability has been monitored, through continuous near-infrared spectroscopic observations. But in the visible range only few data are available. Aims. The aim of this work is to define the Pluto's relative reflectance in the visible range to characterize the different components of its surface, and to provide ground based observations in support of the New Horizons mission. Methods. We observed Pluto on six nights between May and July 2014, with the imager/spectrograph ACAM at the William Herschel Telescope (La Palma, Spain). The six spectra obtained cover a whole rotation of Pluto (Prot = 6.4 days). For all the spectra we computed the spectral slope and the depth of the absorption bands of methane ice between 0.62 and 0.90 μ\mum. To search for shifts of the center of the methane bands, associated with dilution of CH4 in N2, we compared the bands with reflectances of pure methane ice. Results. All the new spectra show the methane ice absorption bands between 0.62 and 0.90 μ\mum. The computation of the depth of the band at 0.62 μ\mum in the new spectra of Pluto, and in the spectra of Makemake and Eris from the literature, allowed us to estimate the Lambert coefficient at this wavelength, at a temperature of 30 K and 40 K, never measured before. All the detected bands are blue shifted, with minimum shifts in correspondence with the regions where the abundance of methane is higher. This could be indicative of a dilution of CH4:N2 more saturated in CH4. The longitudinal and secular variations of the parameters measured in the spectra are in accordance with results previously reported in the literature and with the distribution of the dark and bright material that show the Pluto's albedo maps from New Horizons.Comment: This manuscript may change and improve during the reviewing process. The data reduction and calibration is reliable and has been checked independently using different reduction approaches. The data will be made publicily available when the paper is accepted. If you need them before, please, contact the autho

    Rotationally resolved spectroscopy of (20000) Varuna in the near-infrared

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    Models of the escape and retention of volatiles by minor icy objects exclude any presence of volatile ices on the surface of TNOs smaller than ~1000km in diameter at the typical temperature in this region of the solar system, whereas the same models show that water ice is stable on the surface of objects over a wide range of diameters. Collisions and cometary activity have been used to explain the process of surface refreshing of TNOs and Centaurs. These processes can produce surface heterogeneity that can be studied by collecting information at different rotational phases. The aims of this work are to study the surface composition of (20000)Varuna, a TNO with a diameter ~650km and to search for indications of rotational variability. We observed Varuna during two consecutive nights in January 2011 with NICS@TNG obtaining a set of spectra covering the whole rotation period of Varuna. After studying the spectra corresponding to different rotational phases, we did not find any indication of surface variability. In all the spectra, we detect an absorption at 2{\mu}m, suggesting the presence of water ice on the surface. We do not detect any other volatiles on the surface, although the S/N is not high enough to discard their presence. Based on scattering models, we present two possible compositions compatible with our set of data and discuss their implications in the frame of the collisional history of the Kuiper Belt. We find that the most probable composition for the surface of Varuna is a mixture of amorphous silicates, complex organics, and water ice. This composition is compatible with all the materials being primordial. However, our data can also be fitted by models containing up to a 10% of methane ice. For an object with the characteristics of Varuna, this volatile could not be primordial, so an event, such as an energetic impact, would be needed to explain its presence on the surface.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to be published in A&

    Identification of Some Errors in the Genome Assembly of Bovidae by FISH

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    From an economic point of view, Bovidae represent the most important family of the Ruminantia suborder. Thus, the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of Bos taurus were among the first genomes to be sequenced after the sequencing of the human genomes. Over the millennia, the evolution of the genomes of the 3 main species belonging to the Bovidae family - B. taurus (BTA), Ovis aries (OAR), and Capra hircus (CHI) - has led to few chromosome rearrangements. Certainly, the availability and free access to the animal genomes significantly contributed to the improvement of animal genetics; however, some errors may exist due to the high automation in the genomic assembly construction process. In this work, some differences between the genomes of cattle, goat, and sheep highlighted by bioinformatics analysis have been verified by FISH, confirming that some errors persist even in the most recent genome assemblies. This type of approach has allowed us to detect a misassembly of a region belonging to BTA16 and to the homologues OAR12 and CHI16, a misassembly of a short tract in BTA22, OAR19, and CHI22, an incorrect mapping of a region of BTA21 and of CHI27 and OAR26, a discrepancy in the BTA26, OAR22, and CHI26 assemblies, a missed inversion in CHI1 compared to BTA1 and OAR1, and the exact assembly of a region of about 7 Mb in OAR10 and CHI12. Incorrect positioning of genomic tracts can cause unintended consequences in genetic analyses, especially when the data represent a starting point for the construction of genetic tools. In the new genomic assemblies published after the conclusion of our experiments, however, the accuracy in the construction of animal assemblies has been much improved, even if the new assemblies present more extended unmapped portions than the previous versions. The gap could be filled by comparative analyses between similar species or FISH

    The role of human ventral visual cortex in motion perception.

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    Visual motion perception is fundamental to many aspects of visual perception. Visual motion perception has long been associated with the dorsal (parietal) pathway and the involvement of the ventral 'form' (temporal) visual pathway has not been considered critical for normal motion perception. Here, we evaluated this view by examining whether circumscribed damage to ventral visual cortex impaired motion perception. The perception of motion in basic, non-form tasks (motion coherence and motion detection) and complex structure-from-motion, for a wide range of motion speeds, all centrally displayed, was assessed in five patients with a circumscribed lesion to either the right or left ventral visual pathway. Patients with a right, but not with a left, ventral visual lesion displayed widespread impairments in central motion perception even for non-form motion, for both slow and for fast speeds, and this held true independent of the integrity of areas MT/V5, V3A or parietal regions. In contrast with the traditional view in which only the dorsal visual stream is critical for motion perception, these novel findings implicate a more distributed circuit in which the integrity of the right ventral visual pathway is also necessary even for the perception of non-form motion

    Hormigón fabricado con asfalto triturado como reemplazo parcial de áridos naturales

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    The paper focuses on the reuse of crushed asphalt (GA) as a partial replacement (up to 20%) of natural aggregates for concrete manufacture. Addition of GA aggregates produced a positive effect on workability loss. The GA mixes, however, showed a significant tendency to bleed and segregate at the highest replacement percentage applied. GA led to a decrease of compressive strength in concrete (with respect to that of the reference concrete) up to 50% due to the weakness of the cement paste / recycled aggregate interface. To compensate for this negative effect, a reduction of w/c for the GA concretes was necessary. A decrease of w/c allowed the GA concretes to show drying shrinkage values substantially similar to those of reference concrete with the same cement factor. The experimental results confirmed the possibility of partial substitution (max. 15%) of natural aggregates with crushed asphalt for making concrete.El artículo se centra en la reutilización del asfalto triturado (AM) como reemplazo parcial (hasta 20%) de áridos naturales para la fabricación de hormigón. Los áridos de AM además produjeron un efecto positivo sobre la pérdida de la trabajabilidad. Las mezclas de AM mostraron una marcada tendencia a la exudación y segregación en el más elevado porcentaje de sustitución. El AM condujo a una disminución de la resistencia a la compresión en el hormigón (con respecto al hormigón de referencia) de hasta un 50% debido a la debilidad de la pasta de cemento. Para compensar este efecto, fue necesaria una reducción de agua-cemento (a/c) para hormigones AM. Se consiguieron valores de retracción de secado sustancialmente similares a los de hormigón de referencia con el mismo contenido de cemento. Los resultados experimentales confirmaron la posibilidad de sustitución parcial (máximo 15%) de áridos naturales por asfalto triturado para la fabricación de hormigón

    The neurodevelopmental continuum towards a neurodevelopmental gradient hypothesis

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    In contrast to the categorical approach of the current nosographic system, in the last decades increasing literature is suggesting that psychiatric disorders may be better conceptualized as a continuum, which would feature as a common basis a neurodevelopmental alteration. The “neurodevelopmental continuum” (NC) is a theoretical framework supported by several empirical evidences in multiple fields of research. The conceptual core of this model is that an alteration in brain development, the expression of which would be determined by the intertwined relationships between genetic and environmental factors, may constitute the common underpinning of different kinds of mental disorders. Moreover, the NC theory also implies that psychiatric conditions could be placed along a gradient, where autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with intellectual disabilities would be the most severe expression of an alteration of the “social brain development”, followed by other DSM-5 neurodevelopmental phenotypes characterized by a milder impairment. This model would subsequently include, along a decreasing neurodevelopmental gradient, other psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and mood disorders as well as eating and anxiety disorders, encompassing also non-psychopathological personality traits. From a cognitive point of view, the link between neurodevelopmental alterations and vulnerability towards psychopathology could be identified in an impairment of the proprioceptive experience and of the interoceptive inference, which would prevent the patient to properly define his own subjectivity and to adequately place him-self in the relational space. The conceptual framework proposed here may allow significant changes in both research and clinical settings, eventually leading to improve therapeutic and prevention strategies

    From individual-based mechanical models of multicellular systems to free-boundary problems

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    In this paper we present an individual-based mechanical model that describes the dynamics of two contiguous cell populations with different proliferative and mechanical characteristics. An off-lattice modelling approach is considered whereby: (i) every cell is identified by the position of its centre; (ii) mechanical interactions between cells are described via generic nonlinear force laws; and (iii) cell proliferation is contact inhibited. We formally show that the continuum counterpart of this discrete model is given by a free-boundary problem for the cell densities. The results of the derivation demonstrate how the parameters of continuum mechanical models of multicellular systems can be related to biophysical cell properties. We prove an existence result for the free-boundary problem and construct travelling-wave solutions. Numerical simulations are performed in the case where the cellular interaction forces are described by the celebrated Johnson-Kendalli-Roberts model of elastic contact, which has been previously used to model cell-cell interactions. The results obtained indicate excellent agreement between the simulation results for the individual-based model, the numerical solutions of the corresponding free-boundary problem and the travelling-wave analysis

    Dynamics of Snoring Sounds and Its Connection with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Snoring is extremely common in the general population and when irregular may indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea. We analyze the overnight sequence of wave packets --- the snore sound --- recorded during full polysomnography in patients referred to the sleep laboratory due to suspected obstructive sleep apnea. We hypothesize that irregular snore, with duration in the range between 10 and 100 seconds, correlates with respiratory obstructive events. We find that the number of irregular snores --- easily accessible, and quantified by what we call the snore time interval index (STII) --- is in good agreement with the well-known apnea-hypopnea index, which expresses the severity of obstructive sleep apnea and is extracted only from polysomnography. In addition, the Hurst analysis of the snore sound itself, which calculates the fluctuations in the signal as a function of time interval, is used to build a classifier that is able to distinguish between patients with no or mild apnea and patients with moderate or severe apnea

    model of reversible breakdown in hfo2 based on fractal patterns

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    We propose a model of the kinetics of reversible breakdown in metal-insulator-metal structures with afnia based on the growth of fractal patterns of defects when the insulator is subject to an external voltage. The probability that a defect is (or is not) generated and the position where it is generated depend on the electric field distribution. The new defect moves accordingly to fractal rules and attach to another defect in a tree branch. When the two electrodes sandwiching the insulating film are connected a conductive filament is formed and the breakdown takes place. The model is calibrated with experiments inducing metastable soft breakdown events in Pt/HfO2/Pt capacitors