61 research outputs found

    The Role of Snow-Related Environmental Variables in Plant Conservation Plans in the Mediterranean Mountains

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    This study aims to analyze the effects that snow cover may have on the survival of one-year-old seedlings from 15 different taxa in the Mediterranean high mountains (Sierra Nevada National Park, SE Spain) in order to have clearer criteria for the planning and management of restoration efforts in these environments. Additionally, the influence of variables that have been scarcely explored up to now is also revised. We use the survival rates of the seedlings observed from the ecological restoration trial as reference values. The survival data analyzed are based on six variables to evaluate their effects. The results confirm that the permanence of snow is a favorable factor for seedlings, independent of the plant community. Contrastingly, a specific type of foundation (stones and rocks) stands out for being clearly unfavorable, regardless of other variables. For both altitude and solar radiation, a worsening of the survival ratio has been observed as they increase. The species’ geographic ranges are all shown to be unfavorable for taxa of a boreo-alpine distribution. Finally, the plant community does not have a significant influence on the survival of seedlings. These results provide novel indications to improve the results of the first stages of restoration work in the Mediterranean high mountains. They are also valuable for the management and cataloging of threatened flora, as well as having direct applications in recovery plans and protection lists.EAFRD (exp. 701/2010/M/00) fundsERDF (exp. 980/2007/M/00) fund

    La recuperación de la Antigüedad vernácula en Aragón en el siglo XVII a través de la figura del conde de Guimerá

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    Los humanistas y anticuarios ponían toda su atención en los descubrimientos de Roma hasta el siglo XVI cuando un nuevo fenómeno se extendió por Europa, la recuperación de la Antigüedad vernácula. El interés se fijó en los restos arqueológicos que salían a la luz en ambientes locales. Los dirigentes y aristócratas se apropiaron de la simbología de estas piezas para, de ese modo, identificarse con un pasado glorioso que reafirmara su prestigio. Asimismo, los artistas retomaron modelos y formas a partir de los hallazgos arqueológicos locales. En este contexto destacó en Aragón la figura de Gaspar Galcerán, conde de Guimerá (1584-1638). Se trataba de un erudito aragonés que se interesó por recuperar, valorar y estudiar los vestigios que afloraban en su entorno. Gracias a su labor, plasmada en multitud de manuscritos, en la actualidad se puede tener noticia de piezas ya desaparecidas o del estado original de monumentos dañados con el tiempo

    Glucose-Responsive Enzyme-Controlled Mesoporous Nanomachine with a Layer-by-Layer Supramolecular Architecture

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    American Chemical Society[EN] Here we describe the construction of an integrated and pH-sensitive nanomachine with layer-by-layer supramolecular design and enzymatic control for on-command delivery. The nanodevice comprises a first layer of ß-cyclodextrin-coated gold nanoparticles as capping element of benzimidazole functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles, and a second control layer based on an adatamantane-modified glucose oxidase derivative. The nanomachine was selectively fuelled by glucose and successfully employed for the autonomous release of doxorubicin in HeLa cancer cells.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects CTQ2014-58989-P, CTQ2015-71936-REDT, CTQ2017-87954-P, and MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R) and generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2018/024) is gratefully acknowledged.Jimenez-Falcao, S.; De Luis-Fernández, B.; García-Fernández, A.; Llopis-Lorente, A.; Diez-Sánchez, P.; Sánchez, A.; Sancenón Galarza, F.... (2019). Glucose-Responsive Enzyme-Controlled Mesoporous Nanomachine with a Layer-by-Layer Supramolecular Architecture. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2(8):3321-3328. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.9b00338S332133282

    Le canyon de la Pardina et ses estives : approche archéologique d’un territoire de haute montagne dans le parc national d’Ordesa et du mont Perdu (Fanlo, Huesca, Espagne)

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    Le Puerto Bajo de Góriz fait partie des vastes surfaces pastorales subalpines du parc national d’Ordesa et du mont Perdu. Le paysage actuel n’est pas strictement naturel, car il a été modifié tout au long du temps par des activités anthropiques, notamment l’élevage, qui a abaissé la limite des pâturages en les étendant sur des surfaces qui devraient être occupées par la forêt. Depuis 2014, des prospections et sondages archéologiques ont été engagés pour appréhender les premières manifestations de cet impact anthropique et voir si des transformations sont déjà perceptibles au cours de la préhistoire, antérieurement, donc, à la documentation médiévale bien connue. Trois campagnes ont permis de renseigner 59 points d’intérêt archéologique dont des grottes, abris, enclos et cabanes de bergers. Dix-sept d’entre eux ont été sondés et deux étudiés en fouilles extensives. Les premiers résultats confirment l’occupation et exploitation du territoire depuis le iiie millénaire cal. BC.The Puerto Bajo de Góriz is one of the pasture areas in the National Park of Ordesa and Monte Perdido, within the subalpine floor zone. The current landscape is not strictly natural: human activities (shepherding) have modified it, lowering the pastures level to altitudes that should be occupied by forests. Starting in 2014, we have carried out archaeological surveys and excavations in order to test when the human impact can be detected in the area and if those affections were already visible during prehistoric times, before the well-known medieval documentation. After three fieldwork campaigns we have explored 59 archaeologically relevant spots comprising caves, rockshelters, pens and herder huts; test-pits have been carried out in 17 of them, while 2 have been excavated in full. First results confirm the occupation and exploitation of this territory at least since the 3rd millennium cal. BC

    Toward chemical communication between nanodevices

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    [EN] Although many nanodevices have been described in recent years, nanoparticles capable of communicating with each other have been barely reported. Traditional communication technologies cannot be applied on the nanoscale, but a potential approach to achieve this goal is to mimic how nature communicates by exchanging information using molecules. Based on these concepts, some examples using DNA, enzymes and small molecules for information processing, nanoparticles capable of modulating chemical communication between cells and nanoparticles that can communicate with each another have been reported. Communication between nanodevices may find applications in different areas and a number of future new results are envisioned in this research field. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.A. Llopis-Lorente is thankful to the La Caixa Banking Foundation for his PhD grant. The authors are grateful to the Spanish Government (MINECO Projects MAT2015-64139-C4-1, CTQ2014-58989-P, CTQ2015-71936-REDT and AGL2015-70235-C2-2-R) and the Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEOII/2014/047). The authors also thank the Comunidad de Madrid (S2013/MIT-3029, Programme NANOAVANSENS) for support.Llopis-Lorente, A.; Diez-Sánchez, P.; Sánchez, A.; Marcos Martínez, MD.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Martinez-Ruiz, P.; Villalonga, R.... (2018). Toward chemical communication between nanodevices. Nano Today. 18:8-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nantod.2017.09.003S8111

    The New Antitumor Drug ABTL0812 Inhibits the Akt/mTORC1 Axis by Upregulating Tribbles-3 Pseudokinase

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    Purpose: ABTL0812 is a novel first-in-class, small molecule which showed antiproliferative effect on tumor cells in phenotypic assays. Here we describe the mechanism of action of this antitumor drug, which is currently in clinical development. Experimental design: We investigated the effect of ABTL0812 on cancer cell death, proliferation, and modulation of intracellular signaling pathways, using human lung (A549) and pancreatic (MiaPaCa-2) cancer cells and tumor xenografts. To identify cellular targets, we performed in silico high-throughput screening comparing ABTL0812 chemical structure against ChEMBL15 database. Results: ABTL0812 inhibited Akt/mTORC1 axis, resulting in impaired cancer cell proliferation and autophagy-mediated cell death. In silico screening led us to identify PPARs, PPARα and PPARγ as the cellular targets of ABTL0812. We showed that ABTL0812 activates both PPAR receptors, resulting in upregulation of Tribbles-3 pseudokinase (TRIB3) gene expression. Upregulated TRIB3 binds cellular Akt, preventing its activation by upstream kinases, resulting in Akt inhibition and suppression of the Akt/mTORC1 axis. Pharmacologic inhibition of PPARα/γ or TRIB3 silencing prevented ABTL0812-induced cell death. ABTL0812 treatment induced Akt inhibition in cancer cells, tumor xenografts, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients enrolled in phase I/Ib first-in-human clinical trial. Conclusions: ABTL0812 has a unique and novel mechanism of action, that defines a new and drugable cellular route that links PPARs to Akt/mTORC1 axis, where TRIB3 pseudokinase plays a central role. Activation of this route (PPARα/γ-TRIB3-Akt-mTORC1) leads to autophagy-mediated cancer cell death. Given the low toxicity and high tolerability of ABTL0812, our results support further development of ABTL0812 as a promising anticancer therapy

    Oral saliva swab reverse transcription PCR for Covid-19 in the paediatric population

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    8Pág. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA)To evaluate the performance of oral saliva swab (OSS) reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) compared with RT-PCR and antigen rapid diagnostic test (Ag-RDT) on nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) for SARS-CoV-2 in children.The study was funded by: Project PI20/00095, from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness) and cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund, by Infanta Sofia University Hospital and Henares University Hospital Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation (FIIB HUIS HHEN), and by SERMAS-Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital 12 de Octubre. EC-C is supported by the Spanish Society of Paediatrics (Asociación Española de Pediatría); Grant COVID-19 EPICO-AEP 2020. JMM is funded by SERMAS-Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Infanta Sofía y del Henares and by Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain. MdlS is funded by Grant Cantera de Investigación Santander, Fundación Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain. ED is funded by the Juan de la Cierva–Incorporación granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. DB-G is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation—Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fondos FEDER by ’Contratos para la intensificación de la actividad investigadora en el Sistema Nacional de Salud, 2020 (INT20/00086)’.Peer reviewe

    Development of the serotonergic cells in murine raphe nuclei and their relations with rhombomeric domains

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    La oferta turística de la ciudad de Zaragoza

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    Dentro del proyecto de investigación sobre La construcción de la imagen de la ciudad de Zaragoza y su entorno realizado en la Universidad de Zaragoza durante los años 2000-2001 y dirigido por la profesora Ángela López, se analizó la oferta turística como una de las principales vías que tiene la ciudad para mostrarse al visitante y por lo tanto proyectarse al exterior. En esta comunicación exponemos las principales características de los servicios turísticos así como algunas observaciones y sugerencias.Zaragozako Unibertsitatea 2000-2001 urteetan burutu eta Ángela López irakasleak zuzendu zuen Zaragoza hiriaren eta inguruaren irudia eraikitzeari buruzko ikerketa proiektua bat. Horren barnean, turismo eskaintza aztertu zen hori baita hiria bisitariari erakusteko eta, beraz, kanpora proiektatzeko biderik garrantzitsuenetariko bat. Komunikazio honetan turismo zerbitzuen ezaugarri nagusiak azaltzen ditugu, bai eta gaiaren inguruko zenbait oharpen eta iradokipen ere.Dans le projet de recherche sur la construction de l'image de la ville de Saragosse et ses alentours réalisé à l'Université de Saragosse durant les années 2000-2001 et dirigé par la professeur Ángela López, on a analysé l'offre touristique comme l'une des principales voies que possède la ville pour se montrer au visiteur et donc pour se projeter à l'extérieur. Dans cette communication, nous exposons les principales caractéristiques des services touristiques ainsi que quelques observations et suggestions.Within the research project on The construction of the image of the town of Zaragoza and its environment accomplished in the University of Zaragoza during 2000-2001 and directed by Professor Angela López, the touristic offer was analysed as one of the main processes that the town has to show the visitor and therefore to project itself abroad. In this motion we show the main characteristics of the touristic services and we also provide some observations and suggestions