4,037 research outputs found

    Abastecimiento Eficiente: El Efecto Cola en los Hospitales.

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    15 p.Se diseñó un sistema de verificación experimental sobre la base de un prototipo, destinado a cuantificar el efecto cola de los inventarios. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que un hospital puede reducir su inventario hasta en un 40%, mediante el uso de un sistema centralizado de información

    Beneficios de un Centro de Distribución Regional de Medicamentos.

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    10 p.Las organizaciones de diversas industrias se han visto obligadas a enfrentar demandas inciertas, para esto han aplicado técnicas con “just-in-time” (JIT), han debido implantar programas de respuesta rápida, sin embargo el éxito no ha sido el esperado (Fischer, 1994). Mediante el método de simulación, se modeló la operación de tres hospitales atendiendo infartos cardiacos y suponiendo que la función distribución de probabilidad de llegada de infartados sigue una Poisson de media tres, se concluyó que es más eficiente contar con un centro de distribución que cuente con la información de demanda e inventario de cada hospital, a que cada hospital tenga su propio inventario

    Atualização da informação geológica e estratigráfica das jazidas de dinossáurios de La Rioja. Paleodiversidade do Cretácico Inferior do Grupo Enciso em Peña Cárcena (Igea, Espanha)

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    ABSTRACT: The discovery of new vertebrate fossil sites with skeletal remains in the Enciso Group of Igea (La Rioja) is showing the relevance of the area to study the palaeobiodiversity of Early Cretaceous vertebrate faunas from the Iberian Peninsula. At Peña Cárcena hill two sedimentary environments have been inferred: a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate lacustrine environment that is dominant at the outcrops, overlaid by a splay delta in an avulsion-belt. The vertebrate remains are especially abundant in the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate lacustrine deposits with two partially articulated skeletons (a theropod and a large-sized dinosaur), teeth and a fragment of a left maxilla of baryonychines, a pterosaur tooth that differs from those of Prejanopterus, a Goniopholis tooth, chelonian shell fragments that might belong to Camerochelys, a fairly complete lepisosteiform, teeth and dorsal fin spines of hybodontiforms. At the delta deposits, vertebrate fossils are rather scarce, with a single lepisosteiform skeleton and indeterminate bone fragments.RESUMO: A descoberta de novas jazidas com restos osteológicos de vertebrados no Grupo Enciso em Igea (La Rioja) comprova a importância da região para o estudo da paleobiodiversidade das faunas de vertebrados do Cretácico Inferior da Península Ibérica. Na colina de Peña-Cárcena, tem-se inferido dois ambientes sedimentares: o predominante nos afloramentos corresponde a um ambiente lacustre, siliciclástico-carbonatado misto, que se encontra sobreposto por depósitos de transbordo deltaico em cinturão abandonado. Restos de vertebrados são abundantes nos depósitos lacustres, incluindo dois esqueletos parciais articulados (de um terópode e de outro dinossáurio de grande porte), dentes e um fragmento de maxila esquerda de barionicinos, um dente de pterossáurio distinto de Prejanopterus, um dente de Goniopholis, fragmentos da carapaça de quelónios que poderão pertencer a Camerochelys, um lepisosteiforme praticamente completo, dentes e espinhos de barbatanas de hybodontiformes. Fósseis de vertebrados são escassos nos depósitos deltaicos, com apenas um esqueleto de lepisosteiforme e fragmentos indeterminados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determination of heat wave definition temperatures in Spain at an isoclimatic level: time trend of heat wave duration and intensity across the decade 2009–2018

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    Background: In line with WHO guidelines for the implementation of public health prevention plans targeted at the impacts of high temperatures, a heat wave defnition temperature (Tthreshold) was calculated for 182 so called “isoclimatic zones” (IZ) in Spain. As the dependent variable for determining this Tthreshold, we analysed daily all-cause mortality data (ICD-10: A00-R99) for each IZ across the period 2009–2018. The independent variable used was the mean value of the maximum daily temperature of the summer months recorded at meteorological observatories in each IZ. We used Box–Jenkins models to ascertain mortality anomalies, and scatterplots to link these anomalies to the temperatures at which they occurred, thereby determining the Tthreshold for each IZ. We then calculated how many heat waves had occurred in each IZ, as well as their intensity, and analysed their time trend over this period. Results: The results showed that in 52.5% of the IZ, the percentile of the maximum temperatures series of the summer months to which Tthreshold corresponded was below the 95th percentile of the meteorological heat wave defnition in Spain: indeed, it only coincided in 30.7% of cases. The geographical distribution of these percentiles displayed great heterogeneity as a consequence of the local factors that infuence the temperature–mortality relationship. The trend in the number of heat waves analysed indicated an overall increase in Spain at a rate of 3.9 heat waves per decade, and a similar rise in mean annual intensity of 9.5 °C/decade. These time-trend values were higher than those yielded by analysing the trend in meteorological heat waves based on the 95th percentile. Conclusions: The results obtained in this study indicate the need to use a heat wave defnition based on epidemiological temperature–mortality studies, rather than on values based on meteorological percentiles. This could be minimising estimated health impacts in analyses of future impacts attributable to heat.Acknowledgements and funding The authors would like to express their gratitude for the following grants from the Carlos III Institute of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III/ISCIII) for the ENPY 304/20, and ENPY 436/21 projects.S

    Salmon Aquaculture and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Marine Environment

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    Antimicrobials used in salmon aquaculture pass into the marine environment. This could have negative impacts on marine environmental biodiversity, and on terrestrial animal and human health as a result of selection for bacteria containing antimicrobial resistance genes. We therefore measured the numbers of culturable bacteria and antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in marine sediments in the Calbuco Archipelago, Chile, over 12-month period at a salmon aquaculture site approximately 20 m from a salmon farm and at a control site 8 km distant without observable aquaculture activities. Three antimicrobials extensively used in Chilean salmon aquaculture (oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid, and florfenicol) were studied. Although none of these antimicrobials was detected in sediments from either site, traces of flumequine, a fluoroquinolone antimicrobial also widely used in Chile, were present in sediments from both sites during this period. There were significant increases in bacterial numbers and antimicrobial-resistant fractions to oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid, and florfenicol in sediments from the aquaculture site compared to those from the control site. Interestingly, there were similar numbers of presumably plasmid-mediated resistance genes for oxytetracycline, oxolinic acid and florfenicol in unselected marine bacteria isolated from both aquaculture and control sites. These preliminary findings in one location may suggest that the current use of large amounts of antimicrobials in Chilean aquaculture has the potential to select for antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in marine sediments

    Effect of Lifestyle Intervention in the Concentration of Adipoquines and Branched Chain Amino Acids in Subjects with High Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes: Feel4Diabetes Study

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    Introduction: The global prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing rapidly, especially in low- and middle-income countries and has a high number of associated comorbidities. Plasmatic concentrations of branched chain amino acids (BCAA) and retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) have been shown to be elevated in T2D subjects in cross-sectional studies. However, the effect of lifestyle community-based interventions on BCAA and RBP4 concentrations has not yet been analyzed. Material and methods: The Feel4Diabetes study is a school and community-based intervention that identified 360 European families with a high risk of developing T2D according to the FINDRISC questionnaire. Families were randomized in control and intervention groups were followed-up from 2016 to 2018. In the Spanish families, the concentration of BCAA and RBP4 was determined in 266 subjects (115 control and 151 intervention group) that attended the three time-point assessments by colorimetric and ELISA reaction, respectively. Results: Baseline BCAA levels showed positive correlations with the FINDRISC score and glucose impairment (baseline glucose, insulin, and glycated hemoglobin), body mass index, and body weight. The participants receiving the community-based intervention showed a significant decrease in glycated hemoglobin and BCAA levels compared to the control group (p = 0.011 and p < 0.001, respectively). However, baseline RBP4 did not show significant correlations with anthropometric and glycemic parameters, and no significant change was observed in anthropometric parameters and RBP4 concentrations throughout the follow-up. Conclusion: A community-based intervention on lifestyle led to a significant reduction in BCAA levels regardless of weight loss. These findings suggest that this interventional approach could be promising in T2D prevention

    How stable are visions for protected area management? Stakeholder perspectives before and during a pandemic

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    Envisioning processes enable protected area managers to chart a course for future management to reach desired goals, but unexpected changes that could affect future visions are not usually considered. The global COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to explore changes in stakeholder visions, the values that underpin the visions, and their perceptions of landscape changes and the underlying drivers (e.g. climate change, mass tourism and demographic trends). Through a mixed-methods approach in this post-evaluation study, we gathered comparative data on these issues from stakeholders in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, Spain, between July 2019 (pre-pandemic) and October 2020 (mid-pandemic). Our qualitative analysis demonstrates that pre-pandemic, differences in visions for protected area management were largely spurred by different perceptions of drivers of change, rather than differences in values or perceived landscape changes, which were similar across different vision themes. One year later, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of stakeholders reported that their values, visions and perceptions of drivers did not change despite this large-scale disturbance. Of the 20%-30% of stakeholders that did report changes, visions generally shifted towards greater prioritization of biodiversity and nature conservation as a result of heightened perceptions of the impacts of drivers of change associated with an increase in the numbers of park visitors. These drivers included mass tourism, mountain recreation, lack of environmental awareness, and change in values and traditions. Our findings reinforce the importance of adaptive and inclusive management of protected areas, including enhancing transparency and communications regarding factors driving change in the landscape, and integration of local and traditional knowledge and stakeholder perceptions of changes and drivers. Furthermore, management plans integrating stakeholder values have the potential to stay relevant even in the face of wildcard events such as a pandemic. To enhance the relevancy of visions and scenarios in conservation and land-use planning, scenario planning methodologies should more strongly consider different potential disturbances and how drivers of change in the near and far future can be affected by wildcard events such as a pandemic. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.Peer reviewe

    DNA microarray analysis of genes differentially expressed in diet-induced (cafeteria) obese rats.

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    Objective: To better understand the molecular basis of dietary obesity, we examined adipose tissue genes differentially expressed in an obesity model using DNA microarray analysis. Research Methods and Procedures: We assessed the expression level of over 12,500 transcripts in epididymal fat pads from (cafeteria) obese and control rats with the aid of the array technology. Results: Cafeteria (obese) rats weighed 50% more and had 2.5-fold higher levels of epididymal fat and elevated levels of circulating leptin. Adipose genes differentially expressed in obese and control rats were categorized into five groups: macronutrient metabolism, transcription factors, hormone receptor and signal transduction, redox and stress proteins, and cellular cytoskeleton. Interestingly, the expression levels of a number of genes involved in lipid metabolism such as glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, stearoyl coenzyme A desaturase, together with the transcription factors implicated in adipocyte differentiation (CAAT/enhancer binding protein-alpha and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma), were significantly increased in obese animals compared with control. The most up-regulated transcripts were the ob (49.2-fold change) and the fatty acid-binding protein genes (15.7- fold change). In contrast, genes related to redox and stress protein were generally down-regulated in obese animals compared with the control. Discussion: Our study showed that in diet-induced obesity, the expression levels of some important genes implicated in lipid metabolism were up-regulated, whereas those related to redox and stress protein were down-regulated in obese animals compared with control. This pattern of gene expression may occur in human obesity cases after high-fat intake