165 research outputs found

    Funds of Identity and Education: The Journey of a Latina Educator from Linguistic Erasure to Linguistic Empowerment

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    This study had three aims: to present a case study and explain the funds of identity of a Latina educator; to use this as an opportunity to connect heritage language to ideological clarity and humanizing pedagogies in educator preparation programs; and to illustrate how pedagogy and language education can include transformational and healing elements when educators are engaged in culturally and linguistically affirming professional development. By understanding ourselves as teachers in relation to the communities in which we teach, we are able to develop ideological clarity and reject deficit perspectives that serve to erase non-English languages spoken at home in order to effectively serve and advocate for our multilingual, emerging bilingual and heritage language students. This case study of one Latina’s journey to linguistic empowerment may serve as an example of how future teachers can transform their own experiences of language loss into empowerment and reclaim their own culture, language, and values not only for themselves but for their students as well

    El marketing directo en una empresa comercial de Puente Piedra, 2022

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    La tesis titulada el Marketing directo en una empresa comercial de Puente Piedra 2022, tuvo como objetivo conocer que características tiene el marketing directo en una empresa comercial de Puente Piedra, 2022. La metodología fue cualitativa, perteneció a un diseño no experimental, la presente investigación fue dar a conocer las características que tiene el marketing directo para la captación de clientes como a la fidelización en una empresa comercial en Puente Piedra, 2022. Se concluyó que la empresa comercial se preocupa por entablar una comunicación directa con su público objetivo, para logar empatizar y entender mejor a los clientes al cual se dirige ofreciéndole así la calidad que busca y de esa forma construir un vínculo fuerte con los clientes y ala ves como resultado aumenten su rentabilidad

    Innovation in family firm from developing countries: the role of ‘Familiness’

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    Family in business and innovation are considered vital for firm performance and economic growth. Scholars claim that studying this relationship is important, as there are ‘strong theoretical reasons’ to believe that a firm’s innovation, hence firm performance, is positively and/or negatively influenced by the family. Research on the interception of the two fields is growing in developed countries, but is still nascent in developing country contexts. Hence, this study seeks to explore and further existing knowledge on this relationship in such a context. This investigation’ explores how family influences the firm’s innovation activities. It explores particularly the concept of ‘familiness’, which depicts those resources unique to a firm due to the involvement of the family members. Two approaches to ‘familiness’ are adopted, dimensions and resources. Concerning dimensions, three characteristics: components of involvement, essence and organisational identity were explored. The resources approach in this study includes four elements: financial, physical, human and social. In addition to this, the positive or negative nature of the family influence on each resource is considered. These two approaches of ‘familiness’ serves as the theoretical lens for understanding innovation comprehensively by taking into account the types, magnitudes, strategies and sources. This study adopted a qualitative approach to explore this phenomenon. Data were collected from six Colombian family firms through a self-administered questionnaire, followed by in-depth semi-structured interviews with family and nonfamily members in the form of a multi-case study design within purposefully selected firms. Triangulation was achieved by using different sources of information, such as documents, catalogues, newspapers, websites, and academic case studies. Due to the deductive and inductive nature of this study, data were explored and thematically analysed by coding into pre-existing categories suggested by the initial conceptual framework, while new themes emerged from the data. Results showed that when all three ‘familiness’ dimensions are present, there is an impact on the innovation activities within family firms. With respect to resources, the study highlighted the importance of the family influence on the firm’s human resource, and its impact on organisational innovation. This is particular the case when non-family members are more involved in top management teams. An intriguing finding is the relationship between the family’s foreign background and its influence of the firm’s overall innovation activities. In addition to this, by viewing the findings in this study as a whole, it is demonstrated that family firms in developing countries are innovative, which is contrary to existing studies on this subject area. Furthermore, it is advocated that this phenomenon would be better understood and further captured through the entrepreneurship lens. Hence, this is in line with recent views calling for a closer interception of family business and entrepreneurship. This study addresses these issues by weaving in Schumpeter’s ‘creative destruction’ and Kirzner’s ‘entrepreneurial discovery’ approaches to innovation to reconciliate inconsistent findings in the field of ‘innovation and family firms’. This is due to all firm’s engaging in innovative activities in an incremental (Kirznerian) nature, as opposed to a ‘radical’ (Schumpeterian) one, whereby the latter has been the main focus of previous studies. This thesis advocates the need for public and private institutions to implement family business and innovation courses at various levels throughout the country, in order to enable young generations to be expose to the challenges and opportunities that globalisation brings to developing economies. The study highlights the importance of exploring this phenomenon using the family itself as the unit of analysis, as opposed to the firm, in order to move the field forwards. Future research should test the conceptual framework that emerged from this study, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in family firms from other industries, and context within Latin America or beyond

    Marketing Plan for the Fruit Pulp Produced By the Association 12 de Diciembre del Cantón Naranjito

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    This article proposes a marketing plan for the extension of the line of natural frozen fruit pulp in the markets near the Nueva Unión campus such as the Naranjito, Bucay, and Cumandá areas. The marketing plan was developed based on the characterization of the targeted markets and the identification of business opportunities through marketing strategies focused on the product, branding, positioning, price, distribution, marketing, and promotion. The correct application of the plan can help position the pulp of FRUTOS DEL CAMPO fruit produced by the DECEMBER 12 association. Recently, there has been a huge surge in the number of people eating outside due to multiple occupations despite being aware of the importance of healthy eating. The survey of the targeted markets showed that the fruit pulp produced by the association of DECEMBER 12 was majorly demanded and supplied for the preparation of cocktails, ice creams, or juices. This has created opportunities for suppliers generating fruit pulp that facilitate the preparation of these food items and presenting an excellent quality that can satisfy customer requirements. Keywords: marketing plan, fruit pulp, target market, branding, marketing. Resumen El presente documento contiene un plan de mercadeo para extender su mercado a zonas aledañas del recinto Nueva Unión como Naranjito, Bucay y Cumandá con su línea de pulpa de fruta natural congelada, para ello esta investigación asentó su propósito con ánimo de contribuir con información necesaria que permita la caracterización del mercado objetivo y la identificación de oportunidades de negocio mediante estrategias de mercadeo enfocadas en el producto, branding, posicionamiento, precio, distribución, comercialización y promoción que permitan elaborar un plan de mercadeo que mediante su correcta aplicación ayuden a posicionar la pulpa de fruta FRUTOS DEL CAMPO producida en la asociación 12 de DICIEMBRE, ya que en los último años se ha observado un incremento en el número de personas que ingieren alimentos fuera del hogar debido a las múltiples ocupaciones a pesar de que son conscientes de la importancia de alimentarse de una manera sana y saludable. La información contenido es el resultado de una investigación de mercado para la pulpa producida por la asociación 12 de DICIEMBRE determinando la oferta y demanda de pulpa de fruta ya sea para hacer cocteles, helados o jugos, con encuestas aplicadas al mercado al que se pretende expandir, es decir, al mercado meta. Esta situación, ha creado oportunidades para los proveedores, generando materias primas que facilitan la preparación de aquellos alimentos que tienen como materia prima la pulpa de fruta y que a su vez posea una excelente calidad y satisfaga los requerimientos de los clientes. Palabras Clave: plan de mercadeo, pulpa de fruta, mercado meta, branding, comercialización

    Corte Suprema e participação cidadã: reflexões a partir de uma audiência pública da Corte argentina

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    Las audiencias públicas que en la última década han instaurado los altos tribunales de Latinoamérica han sido consideradas uno de los puntos más novedosos en las prácticas constitucionales que abren la promesa de un vínculo más estrecho entre las instituciones judiciales y la ciudadanía. En este sentido, la apertura a la participación de la ciudadanía es la dimensión que ha acaparado las miradas de la teoría constitucional democráticamente orientada. Este trabajo se pregunta sobre los términos de la participación ciudadana en el ámbito de la Corte Suprema argentina, sobre el tipo de tensiones que se generan cuando ingresan al espacio cortesano actores ajenos a sus quehaceres y con ellos, nuevas formas de expresión y nuevas narrativas sobre los casos. Para ello, nos detenemos en una audiencia particular celebrada en noviembre de 2016, en un caso emblemático de lo que en su momento se denominó “la nueva Corte”, instaurada luego de la crisis de 2001. En el artículo ofrecemos una reflexión situada sobre lo que está en juego en las audiencias y en esta audiencia en particular, con base en registros etnográficos,entrevistas, observaciones de campo, análisis del expediente y fuentes secundarias, a la luz de los planteos teóricos del constitucionalismo democrático.In the last decade, many Supreme Courts in Latin America have adopted public hearings as a part of their decision-making process. This novel phenomenon in these tribunals’ constitutional law practice has been seen as a unique opportunity to tight the links between the judiciary and the citizenry. Matter-of-factly, the highest courts’ decision to open up decision-making to public participation has been stressed by a constitutional theory that advances democracy in judicial adjudication. This work inquires on public participation in the context of Argentine Supreme Court by pointing out the tensions, discourses, and different perspectives on the cases that the coming of new actors to the judicial arena— other than those who usually stand before the Court—instantiate. To do so, we focus on a particular public hearing held by the Argentine Court in November 2016, in a landmark case decided by the so-called new Court, established in the aftermath of the 2001 crisis. From the ethnographic data collected from interviews, field observation, analysis of the case file, and secondary sources, we propose a situated reflection on the issues at stake in public hearings, in this hearing in particular, through the lens of the democratic constitutional theory.As audiências públicas que na última década têm instaurado os altos tribunais de Latino- América têm sido consideradas um dos pontos mais inovadores nas práticas constitucionais que abrem a promessa de um vínculo mais estreito entre as instituições judiciais e a cidadania. Neste sentido, a apertura à participação da cidadania é a dimensão que tem dominado os olhares da teoria constitucional democraticamente orientada. Este trabalho se pergunta sobre os termos da participação cidadã no âmbito da Corte Suprema Argentina, sobre o tipo de tensões que se geram quando ingressam ao espaço cortesão, atores alheios a seus afazeres e com eles, novas formas de expressão e novas narrativas sobre os casos. Para isto, detemo-nos em uma audiência particular celebrada em novembro de 2016, em um caso emblemático do que em seu momento denominou-se “a nova Corte” instaurada após da crise de 2001. No artigo oferecemos então uma reflexão situada sobre o que está em jogo nas audiências e nesta audiência em particular, em base a registros etnográficos, entrevistas, observações de campo, análises do expediente e fontes secundárias, à luz das propostas teóricas do constitucionalismo democrático.Fil: Barrera Lopez, Leticia. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sáenz, María Jimena. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Evaluation of stress responses to water molds in embryos of Physalaemus albonotatus (Anura: Leptodactylidae)

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    Infections by water molds of the genus Saprolegnia (Oomycetes) have been associated with the death ofeggs and embryos in many anuran species; however, how water molds induce physiological responses in early andsusceptible developmental stages of anurans is poorly known. To assess whether or not embryos of Physalaemusalbonotatus (immobile and susceptible life stages) respond to Oomycetes infection, we performed a 4-d experimentexposing early stage embryos to the water mold Saprolegnia-like sp. We assessed mortality, hatching time, andoxidative stress (antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation levels). Presence of water molds in infectedembryos was not evident to the naked eye until 1 to 1.5 d after inoculation. Mortality was significantly higher in thewater mold treatment than in the control treatment. Embryos exposed to Saprolegnia-like sp. hatched 24 h earlierthan those in control treatment. Among enzymatic activities, only catalase enzyme showed a significant depletionin embryos exposed to water molds compared to control groups. These results emphasize the need to exploreoxidative stress markers along with embryonic development at key stages, focusing on those early stages wherehatching is induced by water molds infection.Fil: Ghirardi, Romina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Cazenave, Jimena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Javier Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Antoniazzi, Carolina Elisabet. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Perotti, Maria Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte; Argentin

    Geoarchaeology in the Fueguian Steppe, southern Argentina. Effects of geomorphological processes on archaeological remains from surficial deposits

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    Results from the geoarchaeological analyses carried out at two archaeological localities in the hinterland steppe of Tierra del Fuego (southernmost Argentina), are herein presented. Processes of seasonal running water, mass-wasting and aeolian erosion-accumulation occur over concentration of scarce remains usually recorded at the surface. The two studied cases (the Amalia 5 site and the Duna O´Connor find) come from similar environments of shallow lake surroundings. Each case-study was exposed to different geomorphological processes that altered not only each piece itself but also the integrity and resolution of the archaeological contexts. Wind and water were identified as the main agents acting upon the archaeological remains. The lithic materials were analyzed following several indicators: raw material (lithology and texture), artifact size, percentage of cortex on the lithic surface, degree of fragmentation and surface alteration (polishing and abrasion). Likewise, a detailed description of the geomorphological setting and processes that took place in these sites was done, to identify the possible link between these processes and the characteristics of the archaeological record. The Amalia 5 site is located within a gully excavated on aeolian deposits, some of them edaphized, and overlying finegrain sedimentary rocks and conglomerates. Collectors for sediments were installed, to control dimensions of materials that could be blown by wind. In both localities topographic and stratigraphic profiles were surveyed using Total Station and a differential GPS. In spite of the differences related to the geomorphological and archaeological contexts, the results have shown strong similarities in the use of the raw materials, in the type of artifacts found and in the taphonomic processes that took place over the assemblages. Though both assemblages come from shallow lake environments, they were located in different landforms. The preservation of both contexts shows low variability concerning the degree of abrasion and polishing, depending on the dominant processes in each shallow lake shores (either running water or wind). From the view point of human occupation, the available lithic resources in both localities are different. The local geomorphology and/or the different availability of raw material, allowed to identify different ways in the use of space; whereas the gully of the Amalia 5 site should have been a place where cobbles and pebbles were available for knapping artifacts (demonstrated by the high frequency of recorded items), in the Duna O´Connor the space could have operated as a place to look for animal resources, since lithic raw material was not available.Este trabajo muestra los resultados del análisis geoarqueológico de dos localidades emplazadas en el interior de la estepa de Tierra del Fuego (sur de Argentina), donde dominan procesos de escorrentía estacional, remoción en masa y erosión-acumulación eólica. El registro arqueológico en este sector está representado, en general, por concentraciones poco densas de materiales en superficie, fuertemente condicionadas por la baja visibilidad ambiental vinculada a la cubierta vegetal continua y a la movilización de sedimentos. En los dos casos estudiados, registrados en la costa o en la periferia de lagunas semipermanentes, los conjuntos arqueológicos fueron hallados en superficie, expuestos a diferentes procesos geomorfológicos que alteraron no solo la preservación de las piezas, sino también la integridad y resolución de estos contextos arqueológicos. Se trata del sitio Amalia 5, emplazado en una cárcava de erosión remontante y de los hallazgos aislados en Duna O´Connor, dispuestos superficialmente entre sedimentos eólicos edafizados. Se presentan los conjuntos arqueológicos y se estudian indicadores que evidencian la alteración – tamaño, abrasión y pulido – de los materiales líticos. Asimismo, se describen detalladamente los emplazamientos geomorfológicos y los procesos actuantes en ambos casos con el fin de identificar la vinculación posible entre dichos procesos y las características del registro arqueológico.Fil: Oria, Jimena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Villarreal, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Coronato, Andrea Maria Josefa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; ArgentinaFil: Salemme, Monica Cira. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Carlos Ramiro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentin

    Effect of defect accumulation on ion-beam damage morphology by electronic excitation in lithium niobate: A MonteCarlo approach

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    We present a MonteCarlo approach to the non-radiative exciton-decay model recently proposed to describe ion-beam damage in LiNbO3 produced in the electronic excitation regime. It takes into account the statistical (random) spatial distribution of ion impacts on the crystal surface. The MonteCarlo approach is necessary to simulate the evolution of the damage morphology with irradiation fluence from the single track regime to the overlapping track regime. A detailed comparison between the morphologies found for sub-threshold and above threshold irradiations is presented. Moreover, a good representation of the Avrami’s type kinetics for amorphization has been achieved and it is in fair accordance with experiment. For moderate fluences where homogeneous amorphous layers are generated, the new approach predicts that the amorphous and crystalline layers are separated by a diffuse (thick) boundary that includes a mixed amorphous-crystalline composition

    Factores de riesgo de la lumbalgia ocupacional en el personal del Servicio de Pediatría del Hospital Sergio E. Bernales en Lima, 2022

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    Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo de la lumbalgia ocupacional en el personal del servicio de pediatría del hospital Sergio E. Bernales en Lima, 2022. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio con un diseño de tipo descriptivo, observacional. Con una muestra de 80 personales del servicio de pediatría. Se empleó como instrumento a la encuesta para el estudio de las variables de la investigación. Resultados: se encontró que el rango de edad oscila entre los 18 hasta 29 años. El sexo predominante fue el femenino. En cuanto al cargo desempeñado, el interno de medicina presentó una alta frecuencia. La jornada laboral y las actividades realizadas manifestaron que un 48 % presentó problemas por mala postura. El 25 % manifestó tener obesidad. Para las actividades físicas, un 62 % no realiza este tipo de actividades. El estrés laboral obtuvo un 88.75 % en los trabajadores. Finalmente, los problemas mecánicos evidenciaron que un 46.25 % de los trabajadores los presentaron. Conclusiones: no se identificó una conexión en medio de los factores de riesgo de la lumbalgia ocupacional. (p = 0,778 > 0,05), en el personal del servicio de pediatría del hospital Sergio E. Bernales en Lima, 2022

    Optimización de las condiciones de biobalística de baja presión para análisis de expresión transitoria de genes heterólogos en hojas de tabaco cultivadas in vitro

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    Los estudios de expresión transitoria de genes heterólogos de interés biotecnológico son un paso previo a su expresión estable en plantas transgénicas. El objetivo del trabajo fue optimizar las condiciones de biobalística para realizar ensayos de expresión transitoria de genes heterólogos en Nicotiana tabacum va-riedad Xanthi (tabaco) utilizando la pistola de genes de baja presión Helios® Gene Gun (BioRad®). Como gen heterólogo se utilizó al promotor 35S de CaMV fusionado al gen uidA (GUS) clonado en el vector pBI121. Las condiciones evaluadas fueron: presión de disparo, número de disparos y distancia de disparo sobre discos de hojas u hojas completas de tabaco cultivadas in vitro. La expresión de GUS se evalúo como el promedio del número de puntos azules observados en los tejidos bombardeados. Únicamente se observaron puntos azules cuando se utilizaron hojas completas de tabaco. Se observó un mayor número de puntos azules cuando se utilizó una presión de 160 psi, cuatro disparos y un bombardeo directo sobre hojas completas. Para confirmar las condiciones obtenidas se utilizó el vector pCAMBIA 1305.2, obser-vándose un alto número de puntos azules en los tejidos bombardeados, indicativo de la eficiencia de las condiciones optimizadas en el presente trabajo