7,415 research outputs found

    From intersubjectivity to interculturalism in digital learning environments

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    The paper presents the work of the research program “Studies on\ud Intermediality as Intercultural Mediation” a joint international venture that seeks\ud to provide blended-learning -both online and in-classroom- methodologies for the\ud development of interculturalism and associated emotional empathic responses\ud through the study of art and literary fiction.1\ud Technological development is consistent with human desire to draw on\ud previous information and experiences in order to apply acquired knowledge to\ud present life conditions and, furthermore, make improvements for the future.\ud Therefore, it is logical that human agentive consciousness has been directed\ud towards encouraging action at a distance by all possible means. The evolution in\ud media technologies bears witness to this fact.\ud This paper explores the paradoxes behind the growing emphasis on spatial\ud metaphors during the 20th-century and a dynamic concept of space as the site of\ud relational constructions where forms and structural patterns become formations\ud constructed in interaction, and where the limit or border becomes a constitutive\ud feature, immanently connected with the possibility of its transgression. The paper\ud contends that the development of mass media communication, and particularly the\ud digital turn, has dramatically impacted on topographical spaces, both sociocultural and individual, and that the emphasis on „inter‟ perspectives, hybridism,\ud ambiguities, differences and meta-cognitive articulations of awareness of limits\ud and their symbolic representations, and the desire either to transgress limits or to\ud articulate „in-between‟, intercultural „third spaces‟, etc. are symptomatic of\ud structural problems at the spatial-temporal interface of culture and its\ud representations. Finally, the paper brings into attention research on the\ud neuroscientific basis of intersubjectivity in order to point out the material basis of\ud human knowledge and cognition and its relationship to the archiving of historical\ud memory and information transfer through education. It also offers and brief\ud introduction to the dynamics of SIIM

    La Infraestructura Verde como alternativa ante la expansión urbana en Santiago de Chile

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    [EN] The urban expansionist perspective that governs the Modification of the Metropolitan Regulatory Plan of Santiago de Chile (MPRMS-100), and the absence of an integral management of natural and cultural landscape components, is threatening the integrity of the existing ecological matrix. Given this, the concept of Green Infrastructure is presented as a planning tool, capable of addressing land management aspects, from the spatial to the multifunctional that can reconcile urban growth, social prosperity and environmental protection. In that sense, the article aims to define, from the postulates of Landscape Ecology, the elements for the implementation of a primary Green Infrastructure system in San Bernardo, a peripheral commune of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago. This locality faces important challenges in the future urban context as it concentrates almost 40% of the land proposed to be urbanized by the Plan.[ES] La perspectiva expansionista que rige la Modificación del Plan Regulador Metropolitano de Santiago de Chile (MPRMS-100), y la ausencia de una gestión integral de los componentes paisajísticos de valor natural y cultural, está amenazando la integridad de la matriz ecológica existente. Ante esto, la Infraestructura Verde se presenta como una herramienta de planificación capaz de abordar los aspectos ligados a la gestión del suelo, desde lo espacial a lo multifuncional, que puede reconciliar el crecimiento urbano, bienestar social y protección ambiental. En ese sentido, el artículo tiene como objetivo definir, a partir de los postulados de la Ecología del Paisaje, los elementos para la implementación de un sistema primario de Infraestructura Verde en San Bernardo, una comuna periférica de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Esta localidad enfrenta importantes desafíos en el contexto urbano futuro ya que concentra el 40% del suelo urbanizable propuesto por el Plan. Lopez Varela, S.; Granados Ortiz, S. (2020). Green Infrastructure as an alternative facing urban expansion in Santiago de Chile. EN BLANCO. Revista de Arquitectura. 12(28):94-105. https://doi.org/10.4995/eb.2020.13017OJS941051228Alves d'Acampora, Bárbara Heliodora. "La conectividad ecológica en los paisajes de manglares de la región metropolitana de Florianópolis, costa Sur de Brasil." PhD diss., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2018.Astorkiza, Inmaculada y Ana María Ferrero. "Expansión urbana y sostenibilidad: Una dicotomía difícil de conciliar." Revista española de control externo 40 (2012): 47-78.Benedict, Mark A. and McMahon, Edward T. Green Infrastructure. Linking Landscapes and Communities. Washington: Island Press, 2006.BID. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. 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    What’s happening to the European electricity market?

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    This paper deals with market power and information issues in the ongoing process of the European Electricity Market. We present a regulatory game played among the key group of utilities, the customers and the regulatory authority. The development of the game allows us to state for a clear commitment to entry freedom reducing the informational strategic advantage of incumbents. As the assumption of such a commitment involves another game, we develop it and we conclude that the liberalisation of entry is also a key factor for credibility and effectiveness of flexible regulation and tariffs reduction as well.peer-reviewe

    Calidad de atención y humanización del personal de enfermería y su relación con la satisfacción de los padres de los neonatos internados en el servicio de neonatología del Hospital Regional Cusco - 2016

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    El estudio está orientado a determinar o establecer si la calidad de la atención y la humanización del personal de enfermería, va en relación con la satisfacción de los padres de familia, respecto a las atenciones desarrolladas por el personal de enfermería durante el año 2016, con los padres de los neonatos internados en el servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Regional de la ciudad del Cusco. El tipo de investigación es no experimental, el diseño es descriptivo explicativo (Sánchez y Reyes, 2006), considerando una muestra de 15 enfermeras del Hospital Regional del Cusco y 90 padres de familia quienes utilizan el Servicio de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos – UCIN e Intermedios Neonatales; elegidos a través del muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, de un total de 108 padres de familia a quienes se les aplicó los instrumentos para el recojo de datos, consecuentemente describir y analizar la correlación causal entre la calidad de atención del trabajador de enfermería, humanización del personal de enfermería y satisfacción de los padres. Se hizo uso del paquete estadístico IBM SPSS para la Ciencias Sociales, determinándose así las tablas con sus respectivas frecuencias y gráficos de barras, posteriormente se realizó el contraste de hipótesis con pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas, determinándose el coeficiente de correlación causal de las variables y sus dimensiones. El proceso de la metodología y los resultados obtenidos han demostrado el nivel de relación en las variables calidad de atención del trabajador en enfermería, humanización del trabajador en enfermería y satisfacción de los padres, el cual se estima en la tabla 21, se estima el consolidado por el total de las variables, donde se realiza un análisis descriptivo previo en la tabla de contingencia, lo cual evidencia dependencia entre ambas variables; de la aplicación de la prueba estadística correlación de Pearson, el valor del coeficiente de correlación “r”=0.715, determinando una correlación directa y significativa, determinando que a mayores niveles de calidad de atención y humanización del trabajador en enfermería, mejores niveles de satisfacción de los padres de los neonatos

    Extended pelvic lymphadenectomy in prostate cancer: is warranted in patients at low risk?

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    Determinar la incidencia de compromiso ganglionar de acuerdo a la clasificación de riesgo de D’amico en los pacientes llevados a prostatectomía radical con linfadenectomía pélvica ampliada (LDN). Identificar la proporción de subestadificación de cáncer de próstata por biopsia comparado con el estudio patológico ganglionar y determinar el riesgo de recaída bioquímica según la subestadificación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la historia clínica de los pacientes llevados a prostatectomía radical con linfadenectomía pélvica ampliada (LDN) en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INC) desde enero de 2006 hasta enero de 2012.: To determine the incidence of nodal involvement according to the classification of D'amico risk and the possible role of this procedure in patients with low risk prostate cancer taking into account the percentage of understaging by biopsy and its possible influence on the risk of biochemical. Materials and methods: We reviewed the medical records of patients undergoing radical prostatectomy with extended pelvic lymphadenectomy in the NCI from January 2006 to January 2012

    Charge delocalization and hyperpolarizability in ionic liquids

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    In this work the role that charge delocalization plays in the non-linear optical response of ionic liquids is evaluated. The first hyperpolarizability for the non-linear process of second harmonic generation (SHG) and second hyperpolarizability for the non-linear process of electro-optical Kerr-Effect (EOKE) of a large number of ionic liquid forming ions were estimated by means of density functional theory calculations. The results point to that both charge delocalization and molecular geometry are the key features that govern their hyperpolarizabilities. Our findings show that some of the most commonly used anions in ionic liquids are expected to present strong non-linear responses while common cations present a much more limited performance. However, this limitation can be overcome by a proper tailoring of cations to present charge delocalization over large molecular regions. The hypothesis of additivity of hyperpolarizabilities in ionic liquids is tested and exploited to obtain a map of second and third order non-linear susceptibilities of 1496 ion combinations. This map is intended to be a guide for future works on the hyperpolarizability of ILsComment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2021.11815

    Rhodium complexes in p-C bond formation: Key role of a hydrido ligand

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    Olefin hydrophosphanation is an attractive route for the atom-economical synthesis of functionalized phosphanes. This reaction involves the formation of P-C and H-C bonds. Thus, complexes that contain both hydrido and phosphanido functionalities are of great interest for the development of effective and fast catalysts. Herein, we showcase the excellent activity of one of them, [Rh(Tp)H(PMe3)(PPh2)] (1), in the hydrophosphanation of a wide range of olefins. In addition to the required nucleophilicity of the phosphanido moiety to accomplish the P-C bond formation, the key role of the hydride ligand in 1 has been disclosed by both experimental results and DFT calculations. An additional Rh-H··· C stabilization in some intermediates or transition states favors the hydrogen transfer reaction from rhodium to carbon to form the H-C bond. Further support for our proposal arises from the poor activity exhibited by the related chloride complex [Rh(Tp)Cl(PMe3)(PPh2)] as well as from stoichiometric and kinetic studies

    Animal Models of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, the consequent dopamine deficit in the striatum and the accumulation of aggregated α‐synuclein (α‐syn) in specific brain regions. The underlying pathophysiology of PD remains poorly understood. Animal models are the best tools to study the pathogenesis of PD. Most studies in PD animal models have focused on the motor features associated with dopamine depletion but still the molecular basis of PD and the molecular pathways of cell death remain unknown. While cellular models have helped to identify specific events, in vivo animal models have simulated most, although not all, of the hallmarks of PD and are useful for testing new neuroprotective approaches. In this chapter, we provide a summary of the most used PD animal models, including their advantages and limitations. Classically, in vivo PD animal models can be divided into those using environmental or synthetic neurotoxins (toxin‐based models) or those utilizing the in vivo expression of PD‐related mutations (genetic models). These models include 6‐hydroxydopamine (6‐OHDA), 1‐methyl‐1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), rotenone, and paraquat, as well as genetic models such as those related to α‐syn, PINK1, Parkin, DJ‐1, and LRRK2