243 research outputs found

    Thickness effect on electric resistivity on polystyrene and carbon black- based composites

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    Changes on electrical resistivity were experimentally studied for polystyrene and carbon black-based composites respect to the temperature. 22% w/w carbon black composite films at 30 μm, 2mm y 1cm thick were submitted to thermal heating-cooling cycles from room temperature to 100°C, slightly up to Tg of the composite. For each cycle changes on electrical resistivity constituent a hysteresis loop that depends on the sample thickness. The changes during the heating stage could be explained as a consequence of the thermal expansion and mobility of the polymer chains at Tg, producing a disconnecting of the electrical contacts among carbon black particles and an important increasing (200%) of the electrical resistivity. For each cycle, the hysteresis loop was observed in thicker samples, whereas for 30 ? m thickness sample the hysteresis loop was lost after four cycles.CONACY

    Laser ablated carbon nanodots for light emission

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    The synthesis of fluorescent carbon dots-like nanostructures (CNDs) obtained through the laser ablation of a carbon solid target in liquid environment is reported. The ablation process was induced in acetone with laser pulses of 1064, 532, and 355 nm under different irradiation times. Close-spherical amorphous CNDs with sizes between 5 and 20 nm, whose abundance strongly depends on the ablation parameters were investigated using electron microscopy and was confirmed using absorption and emission spectroscopies. The π- π* electronic transition at 3. 76 eV dominates the absorption for all the CNDs species synthesized under different irradiation conditions. The light emission is most efficient due to excitation at 3.54 eV with the photoluminescence intensity centered at 3. 23 eV. The light emission from the CNDs is most efficient due to ablation at 355 nm. The emission wavelength of the CNDs can be tuned from the near-UV to the green wavelength region by controlling the ablation time and modifying the ablation and excitation laser wavelength

    Vulneración de la normatividad que regula la certificación ambiental en construcciones de vías terrestres en la Amazonía peruana

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir las consecuencias que se generan por la vulneración de la normatividad que regula la certificación ambiental en construcciones de vías terrestres en la Amazonía peruana, teniendo como referente que la Ley N°30723 que declara de interés nacional la construcción de vías de acceso terrestre, aunado a ello también contribuyen a que se vulneren derechos y se deteriore el ambiente, la falta de cultura ambiental, la corrupción y la ausencia de criterio ambiental unificado y descentralizado de todos los organismos que velan por el cumplimiento de las normas ambientales, haciendo que se salten etapas del procedimiento y se deje de lado temas como la consulta previa y el respeto irrestricto a las comunidades indígenas y el ecosistema en su conjunto. Asimismo, la presente investigación se enmarca en un enfoque cualitativo, método inductivo, diseño fenomenológico, tipo descriptivo, para ello se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista individual semi estructurada. Llegando a la conclusión que no se está tomando en cuenta el marco jurídico para otorgar la certificación ambiental. La protección de las comunidades indígenas en aislamiento voluntario y contacto inicial; y la consulta previa. Lo cual denota una deficiencia en los procedimientos para otorgar la certificación ambiental en la construcción de vías de acceso terrestre

    The high-resolution NMR structure of the R21A Spc-SH3:P41 complex: Understanding the determinants of binding affinity by comparison with Abl-SH3

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    BACKGROUND: SH3 domains are small protein modules of 60–85 amino acids that bind to short proline-rich sequences with moderate-to-low affinity and specificity. Interactions with SH3 domains play a crucial role in regulation of many cellular processes (some are related to cancer and AIDS) and have thus been interesting targets in drug design. The decapeptide APSYSPPPPP (p41) binds with relatively high affinity to the SH3 domain of the Abl tyrosine kinase (Abl-SH3), while it has a 100 times lower affinity for the α-spectrin SH3 domain (Spc-SH3). RESULTS: Here we present the high-resolution structure of the complex between the R21A mutant of Spc-SH3 and p41 derived from NMR data. Thermodynamic parameters of binding of p41 to both WT and R21A Spc-SH3 were measured by a combination of isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry. Mutation of arginine 21 to alanine in Spc-SH3 increases 3- to 4-fold the binding affinity for p41 due to elimination at the binding-site interface of the steric clash produced by the longer arginine side chain. Amide hydrogen-deuterium experiments on the free and p41-bound R21A Spc-SH3 domain indicate that binding elicits a strong reduction in the conformational flexibility of the domain. Despite the great differences in the thermodynamic magnitudes of binding, the structure of the R21A Spc-SH3:P41 complex is remarkably similar to that of the Abl-SH3:P41 complex, with only few differences in protein-ligand contacts at the specificity pocket. Using empirical methods for the prediction of binding energetics based on solvent-accessible surface area calculations, the differences in experimental energetics of binding between the two complexes could not be properly explained only on the basis of the structural differences observed between the complexes. We suggest that the experimental differences in binding energetics can be at least partially ascribed to the absence in the R21A Spc-SH3:P41 complex of several buried water molecules, which have been proposed previously to contribute largely to the highly negative enthalpy and entropy of binding in the Abl-SH3:P41 complex. CONCLUSION: Based on a deep structural and thermodynamic analysis of a low and high affinity complex of two different SH3 domains with the same ligand p41, we underline the importance of taking into account in any effective strategy of rational design of ligands, factors different from the direct protein-ligand interactions, such as the mediation of interactions by water molecules or the existence of cooperative conformational effects induced by binding

    Fuzzy logic tuning of a PI controller to improve the performance of a wind turbine on a semi-submersible platform under different wind scenarios

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    The integration of renewable energy sources in power systems, specially wind energy, is growing as environmental concerns arise in society. Nevertheless, the low amount of viable sites onshore or in shallow waters restricts the use of wind energy. In this sense, offshore semi-submersible platforms appear as an option, which in addition enables the integration of complementary elements, for instance wave energy converters. However, the complexity of the system increases due to the interactions between the platform movements and the wind turbine, and traditional control techniques do not enable to cope with these interactions in an easy way, hence limiting the efficiency of energy harvesting. Intelligent control techniques are an option with a great potential to take full account of the said interactions and to improve energy production efficiency. Still, it is required to have simulation models including those effects beforehand, so that the effects of a designed controller on the system can be evaluated. This paper presents an original fuzzy logic controller that tunes a reference controller, improving its performance according to a developed methodology that allows evaluation of controllers for wind turbines in semi-submersible platforms. The resulting fuzzy logic controller allows higher efficiency concerning mechanical loads in the system, electric energy production and tracking error of the speed reference.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Desdén y Derroche

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    Este ensayo corresponde a las reflexiones surgidas de la novela titulada “Corazón invisible, un romance liberal”, cuyas explicaciones de los fenómenos socioeconómicos sugieren que los individuos han dejado de lado sentimientos altruistas y de cooperación, incurriendo, en cambio, en excesos al tomar decisiones bajo principios de racionalidad económica

    Interfacing Neurons with Nanostructured Electrodes Modulates Synaptic Circuit Features

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    Understanding neural physiopathology requires advances in nanotechnology-based interfaces, engineered to monitor the functional state of mammalian nervous cells. Such interfaces typically contain nanometer-size features for stimulation and recording as in cell-non-invasive extracellular microelectrode arrays. In such devices, it turns crucial to understand specific interactions of neural cells with physicochemical features of electrodes, which could be designed to optimize performance. Herein, versatile flexible nanostructured electrodes covered by arrays of metallic nanowires are fabricated and used to investigate the role of chemical composition and nanotopography on rat brain cells in vitro. By using Au and Ni as exemplary materials, nanostructure and chemical composition are demonstrated to play major roles in the interaction of neural cells with electrodes. Nanostructured devices are interfaced to rat embryonic cortical cells and postnatal hippocampal neurons forming synaptic circuits. It is shown that Au-based electrodes behave similarly to controls. Contrarily, Ni-based nanostructured electrodes increase cell survival, boost neuronal differentiation, and reduce glial cells with respect to flat counterparts. Nonetheless, Au-based electrodes perform superiorly compared to Ni-based ones. Under electrical stimulation, Au-based nanostructured substrates evoke intracellular calcium dynamics compatible with neural networks activation. These studies highlight the opportunity for these electrodes to excite a silent neural network by direct neuronal membranes depolarization