3,683 research outputs found

    Erythrocyte as a link between basic and clinical research

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    © 2011 – IOS Press and the authorsWe review the major hemorheological experimental studies that show the erythrocyte aggregation as a link between basic and clinical research. The results of the clinical cross-sectional and longitudinal studies presented here will highlight the possible association between erythrocyte aggregation and plasma fibrinogen. Basic studies conducted in vitro are also mentioned as for its relevance in answering questions raised in clinical settings, as well as and in understanding the underlying influent factors in the erythrocyte tendency to aggregate and disaggregate.This work was supported by “Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

    Evidence that the degree of band 3 phosphorylation modulates human erythrocytes nitric oxide efflux – in vitro model of hyperfibrinogenemia

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    © 2011 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reservedRecent evidence has shown that plasma fibrinogen, a major cardiovascular risk factor, interacts with the erythrocyte membrane and acts to influence blood flow via erythrocyte nitric oxide (NO) modulation. In the present pioneer in-vitro study, whole blood samples were harvested from healthy subjects and aliquots were incubated in the absence (control aliquots) and presence of fibrinogen at different degrees of band 3 phosphorylation, and the levels of NO, nitrite, nitrate and S-nitroglutathione (GSNO) were determined. Hyperfibrinogenemia interferes with erythrocyte NO mobilization without changing its efflux in a way that seems to be dependent of the degree of band 3 phosphorylation. In presence of higher fibrinogen concentrations the NO efflux is reinforced when band 3 is phosphorylated (p < 0.001). Higher levels of nitrite, nitrate and GSNO were documented (p < 0.05). However, the mechanisms by which fibrinogen signalling modulates erythrocyte function remain to be clarified and are currently under study. These conditions may be considered an approach to be followed in blood storage for transfusions.This study was supported by grants from the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (project reference PTDC/SAU-OSM/73449/2006

    Dithiothreitol revisited in red cells : a new head for an old hat

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    © 2010 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reservedIn the present article the authors make an approach over the applications of dithiothreitol (DTT) in its different clinicallaboratory, potential and up-to-date sources. Dithiothreitol is a chemical reagent with a wide actuation spectrum not only from a laboratorial view but also from a therapeutic standpoint, more clinical and practical. DTT (i) is frequently used in a variety of experiences that involve proteins or peptides, protecting sulfhydryl groups from oxidation and reducing disulfide bonds between cysteines; (ii) is also used in the study of disulfide exchange reactions of protein disulfides; (iii) is able to keep glutathione in the reduced state; (iv) acts as an “antidote” enabling the activity of detoxification systems; (v) participates in cellular mechanisms such as vesiculation, cell morphology, signal transduction pathways (hormone-‘like’ role), etc.; (vi) can be used in the treatment approach of diseases like cystinosis or medical conditions resulting from ion or metal toxicity. In erythrocytes, there’s literature pointing that DTT may trigger changes on the normal discoid shape following metabolic depletion, and additionally modulate the exovesiculation kinetics as demonstrated by us. The present article dissects in detail recent findings in our Unit concerning the DTT influence on human erythrocytes

    Energy-lowering and constant-energy spin flips: Emergence of the percolating cluster in the kinetic Ising model

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    After a sudden quench from the disordered high-temperature T0→∞ phase to a final temperature well below the critical point TF≪Tc, the nonconserved order parameter dynamics of the two-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice initially approaches the critical percolation state before entering the coarsening regime. This approach involves two timescales associated with the first appearance (at time tp1>0) and stabilization (at time tp>tp1) of a giant percolation cluster, as previously reported. However, the microscopic mechanisms that control such timescales are not yet fully understood. In this paper, to study their role on each time regime after the quench (TF=0), we distinguish between spin flips that decrease the total energy of the system from those that keep it constant, the latter being parametrized by the probability p. We show that observables such as the cluster size heterogeneity H(t,p) and the typical domain size ℓ(t,p) have no dependence on p in the first time regime up to tp1. Furthermore, when energy-decreasing flips are forbidden while allowing constant-energy flips, the kinetics is essentially frozen after the quench and there is no percolation event whatsoever. Taken together, these results indicate that the emergence of the first percolating cluster at tp1 is completely driven by energy decreasing flips. However, the time for stabilizing a percolating cluster is controlled by the acceptance probability of constant-energy flips: tp(p)∼p−1 for p≪1 (at p=0, the dynamics gets stuck in a metastable state). These flips are also the relevant ones in the later coarsening regime where dynamical scaling takes place. Because the phenomenology on the approach to the percolation point seems to be shared by many 2D systems with a nonconserved order parameter dynamics (and certain cases of conserved ones as well), our results may suggest a simple and effective way to set, through the dynamics itself, tp1 and tp in such systems

    Overview of machine learning methods for Android malware identification

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    Mobile malware is growing and affecting more and more mobile users around the world. Malicious developers and organisations are disguising their malware payloads on apparently benign applications and pushing them to large app stores, such as Google Play Store, and from there to final users. App stores are currently losing the battle against malicious applications proliferation and existing malware. Detection methods based on signatures, such as those of an antivirus, are limited, new approaches based on machine learning start to be explored to surpass the limitations of traditional mobile malware detection methods, analysing not only static characteristics of the app but also its behaviour. This paper contains an overview of the existing machine learning mobile malware detection approaches based on static, dynamic and hybrid analysis, presenting the advantages and limitations of each, and a comparison between the reviewed methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    LATTES: a novel detector concept for a gamma-ray experiment in the Southern hemisphere

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    The Large Array Telescope for Tracking Energetic Sources (LATTES), is a novel concept for an array of hybrid EAS array detectors, composed of a Resistive Plate Counter array coupled to a Water Cherenkov Detector, planned to cover gamma rays from less than 100 GeV up to 100 TeVs. This experiment, to be installed at high altitude in South America, could cover the existing gap in sensitivity between satellite and ground arrays. The low energy threshold, large duty cycle and wide field of view of LATTES makes it a powerful tool to detect transient phenomena and perform long term observations of variable sources. Moreover, given its characteristics, it would be fully complementary to the planned Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) as it would be able to issue alerts. In this talk, a description of its main features and capabilities, as well as results on its expected performance, and sensitivity, will be presented.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Busan, South Korea. Presented by R. Concei\c{c}\~{a}o. 8 pages; v2: correct affiliation + journal referenc

    O capital social nas relações sociais de agricultores parceiros dos projetos Tipitamba e Raízes da Terra, no Nordeste Paraense.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o capital social em comunidades rurais do nordeste paraense. As ferramentas utilizadas para coleta de dados foram: o Questionário Integrado para Medir Capital Social ? QI MCS e entrevistas semi-estruturadas a partir QI MCS composto de perguntas abertas e fechadas. Dos 32 agricultores entrevistados 100% fazem parte da associação e dos projetos Tipitamba e Raízes da Terra, porém 44% destes agricultores participam de outros diferentes grupos dentre os quais destacamos: futebol, igreja, mutirão, conselho escolar, associação de meliponicultores de Igarapé Açu, grupo de agricultor São Sebastião e horta orgânica. Quanto à participação dos agricultores parceiros ou membros de sua família nas atividades em grupo, as mais citadas foram: reuniões na associação, intercâmbio, mutirão, dia de campo. Os dados apontam que os agricultores das comunidades São João, Novo Brasil e Aparecida participam mais de grupos que os agricultores de Nova Olinda e Nossa Senhora do Rosário. Os agricultores das comunidades de São João, Nova Olinda e Novo Brasil e Aparecida são os que melhor interagem interna e externamente a comunidade, porque participam mais das reuniões das associações, dos dias de campo e dos intercâmbios

    LATTES: A new gamma-ray detector concept for South America

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    Currently the detection of Very High Energy gamma-rays for astrophysics rely on the measurement of the Extensive Air Showers (EAS) either using Cherenkov detectors or EAS arrays with larger field of views but also larger energy thresholds. In this talk we present a novel hybrid detector concept for a EAS array with an improved sensitivity in the lower energies (~ 100 GeV). We discuss its main features, capabilities and present preliminary results on its expected perfomances and sensitivities.This wide field of view experiment is planned to be installed at high altitude in South America making it a complementary project to the planned Cherenkov telescope experiments and a powerful tool to trigger further observations of variable sources and to detect transients phenomena

    The efficacy of the old way/new way methodology on the correction of an automated technical error and its impact on the athlete’s psychological skills: case study in tennis

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    The aim of this study was to evaluated the efficacy of the OldWay/New Way methodology (Lyndon, 1989/2000) with regard to the permanentcorrection of a consolidated and automated technical error experiencedby a tennis athlete (who is 18 years old and has been engaged inpractice mode for about 6 years) in the execution of serves. Additionally,the study assessed the impact of intervention on the athlete’s psychologicalskills. An individualized intervention was designed using strategies thataimed to produce a) a detailed analysis of the error using video images;b) an increased kinaesthetic awareness; c) a reactivation of memory error;d) the discrimination and generalization of the correct motor action. Theathlete’s psychological skills were measured with a Portuguese version ofthe Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports (Cruz &amp; Viana, 1993). Afterthe intervention, the technical error was corrected with great efficacy andan increase in the athlete’s psychological skills was verified. This study demonstratesthe methodology’s efficacy, which is consistent with the effects ofthis type of intervention in different contexts

    Distribuição diametrica do número de árvores e da área basal de uma floresta primaria de terra firme no Amapá.

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    As florestas tropicais estão entre os ecossistemas mais complexos conhecidos. Apesar da aparente desordem de seus componentes, encontram-se padrões mensuraveis de dinamica, composicao e estruturas. enquanto estes, entre outros aspectos, detalham riqueza e diversidade floristica, indicadores físicos da massa arborea e ocupação horizontal e vertical do espaço, em termos de dinamica, destacam-se, mortalidade e o crescimento da massa arborea.bitstream/item/97850/1/CPAF-AP-1998-Distribuicao-diametrica.pd