119 research outputs found

    Estudo da viabilidade da utilização de carepa de aço na produção de concreto

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    A carepa de aço é um resíduo sólido gerado na fabricação do aço, normalmente depositado ao ar livre no pátio desiderúrgicas. O presente trabalho visa avaliar a possibilidade de incorporação da carepa de aço em concretos de cimentoPortland, como substituição à areia natural quartzosa. Foram produzidos concretos com traços 1:3,5; 1:5,0 e 1:6,5, comdiferentes teores do resíduo (0%, 10%, 25% e 40%) e abatimento de 110±10mm, para determinação da resistência àcompressão absorção de água. Os concretos com carepa de aço exigiram maior quantidade de água para manutençãoda trabalhabilidade fixada. A análise dos resultados indicou para concretos com relações água/cimento 0,55 e 0,65redução da resistência à compressão e maior absorção de água à medida que o teor de carepa de aço aumenta.Palavras-chave: Carepa de aço, concreto, resistência à compressão, absorção de água

    Estudo do Desenvolvimento dos Líderes no Sul de Santa Catarina

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    A liderança é uma linha de pesquisa que está cada vez mais acessível, isto devido aos pesquisadores estar continuamente atualizando este cenário. Com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa nesta área, percebe-se um aumento com relação à estudos relacionado ao empoderamento (SLACK, 2002; RANDOLPH, 1995), sendo uma técnica que gera resultados de satisfação do colaborador, também qualifica o líder no processo decisório, tendo em vista que o mesmo estará focado na parte estratégica da empresa.Nesse sentido, este estudo tem por objetivo expor as melhorias que o líder adquire em sua função, trabalho em sua equipe e sua organização

    Waste Reuse in a food establishment for the production of organic fertilizer in Manaus - Amazonas

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    Organic waste has been a threat to society and the environment, both by the amount generated and the inadequate treatment. Seeking solutions to these wastes, composting becomes an efficient process through accelerated biodegradation. The present study aimed to analyze the reuse of organic waste generated in a food establishment in Manaus-AM. The quantitative methodology presented two steps, weighing for three (3) weeks daily, (i) the waste generated in the kitchen and (ii) discarded by consumers, in addition to the total compost generated by the compost, as a basis for treatment of this material, as way of minimizing the amount of these wastes, analyzing the productive activities of this establishment. Given the results obtained it was observed a disposal of almost 30 kg / week, which if estimated, can reach a value of 0.5 tons / year, for each type of disposal evaluated, totaling a value that can reach 1 ton of organic waste disposed of by this small food establishment. Analyzing the composting process, the data show that there is a reduction in the amount of materials generated, due to their transformation into organic fertilizer, obtaining 50% of the total value produced from the waste, thus indicating a solution to the problems arising from the incorrect disposal of waste. organic matter, which is close to 54% of this waste generated in Brazil. In addition, currently about 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted and there are on average about 815 million hungry people in the world, proving to be an alternative of economic, social and ecological viability

    Rainwater Use in the FAMETRO Manacapuru Unit for Non-Potable Purposes

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    Water is the fundamental element for the existence of life on earth is one of the essential natural resources used by humans. The use of alternative sources of water in public and private bodies has been the most constant form in recent years, this time aiming to reduce the demand for drinking water. The management of water use and the search for alternative sources of supply such as rainwater use fall within the context of sustainable development, which proposes the use of natural resources in a balanced way and without harming future generations. Thus, the design of the reservoir for the use of rainwater at the Manacapuru Metropolitan Faculty of Manacapuru - UEA, by the methods provided by the NBR 15527/2007 guidelines were satisfactory. With ten-year rainfall data from 04/2008 to 12/2017, in the municipality of Manacapuru, the volume found for the reservoir to meet the analyzed rainwater demand was 37.17 m³, with a supply of approximately 80% of non-potable water consumption at Manaus Metropolitan Faculty Manacapuru unit. Thus the economic advantages, the implementation of this sustainable system can bring benefits to the environment, so all the water collected will help to minimize the occurrence of floods and the improper consumption of treated water

    Health changes during Covid-19: a nationwide study with dental students

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the changes in stress levels, social behavior, dietary and parafunctional habits, oral hygiene, among other conditions perceived by dental students in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic and evaluated the correlations between stress level and other variables. METHODS: An online questionnaire was developed and validated. Undergraduates enrolled in private and public dental schools were recruited by convenience sampling. Data were collected on the perceived changes regarding stress levels, financial and social characteristics, dietary habits, oral hygiene, health conditions, and parafunctional habits. Quantitative variables were expressed as absolute and relative frequencies. Wilcoxon test evaluated comparisons between perceived changes, and correlations between changes in stress levels and other variables were analyzed by Spearman correlation (α = 0.05). RESULTS: A total of 638 dental students, mean age of 22.95 ± 4.10 years, participated in the study. During the pandemic, the reported stress levels increased while household income decreased (p < 0.05). Late dinners and mindless eating increased in frequency, whereas oral hygiene decreased (p < 0.05). Most of the health conditions and parafunctional habits assessed changed (p < 0.05). Perceived stress levels showed poor negative correlations with household income (rS = −0.14), poor positive correlations with the pressure to contribute financially in the household (rS = 0.19), and poor positive correlations with food choice frequency (rS = 0.15) (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Dental students reported perceived changes in stress levels, dietary habits, oral hygiene, health conditions, parafunctional habits, and social behavior. Moreover, the results showed poor correlations, as students with higher stress levels tended to have the lowest household income, feel pressured to contribute financially in the household, and present a high meal intake frequency

    O processo de implantação das unidades de pronto atendimento no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o processo de implantação das unidades de pronto atendimento no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se análise documental, entrevistas com 24 coordenadores estaduais de urgência e um painel de especialistas. Analisaram-se questões relativas a: antecedentes e trajetória da política; atores envolvidos na implantação; processo de expansão; avanços, limites e dificuldades de implantação; e capacidade de coordenação estadual. Utilizou-se o referencial teórico da análise da conduta estratégica da teoria da estruturação de Giddens. RESULTADOS: As unidades de pronto atendimento foram implantadas a partir de 2007, inicialmente na região Sudeste, e em 2016 existiam 446 unidades de pronto atendimento considerando todas as regiões. Atualmente, há 620 unidades de pronto atendimento em construção, indicando expectativa de expansão. O financiamento federal foi um forte indutor da implantação. Os estados planejaram suas unidades de pronto atendimento, mas a existência de negociação direta entre os municípios e a União contribuiu com o significativo número de unidades de pronto atendimento construídas que não funcionam. Em relação à rede de urgência, há tensão com o hospital pela insuficiência de leitos no país, gerando internação na unidade de pronto atendimento. A gestão das unidades de pronto atendimento é predominantemente municipal, com a maioria das unidades de pronto atendimento localizadas fora das capitais e classificadas como Porte III. Os principais desafios identificados foram: o sub-financiamento e a dificuldade de contratar médicos. CONCLUSÕES: A unidade de pronto atendimento tem o mérito de ter recursos tecnológicos e ser arquitetonicamente diferenciada, mas só será bem-sucedida dentro de uma rede de urgência. A indução federal gerou respostas contraditórias, pois nem todos os estados consideram a unidade de pronto atendimento como prioritária. O fortalecimento da gestão estadual foi identificado como desafio para a implantação da rede de urgências.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the process of implementation of emergency care units in Brazil. METHODS: We have carried out a documentary analysis, with interviews with twenty-four state urgency coordinators and a panel of experts. We have analyzed issues related to policy background and trajectory, players involved in the implementation, expansion process, advances, limits, and implementation difficulties, and state coordination capacity. We have used the theoretical framework of the analysis of the strategic conduct of the Giddens theory of structuration. RESULTS: Emergency care units have been implemented after 2007, initially in the Southeast region, and 446 emergency care units were present in all Brazilian regions in 2016. Currently, 620 emergency care units are under construction, which indicates expectation of expansion. Federal funding was a strong driver for the implementation. The states have planned their emergency care units, but the existence of direct negotiation between municipalities and the Union has contributed with the significant number of emergency care units that have been built but that do not work. In relation to the urgency network, there is tension with the hospital because of the lack of beds in the country, which generates hospitalizations in the emergency care unit. The management of emergency care units is predominantly municipal, and most of the emergency care units are located outside the capitals and classified as Size III. The main challenges identified were: under-funding and difficulty in recruiting physicians. CONCLUSIONS: The emergency care unit has the merit of having technological resources and being architecturally differentiated, but it will only succeed within an urgency network. Federal induction has generated contradictory responses, since not all states consider the emergency care unit a priority. The strengthening of the state management has been identified as a challenge for the implementation of the urgency network

    Process of inter organizational knowledge sharing and womens entrepreneurship

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    The present study aims to identify how the process of interorganizational knowledge sharing contributes to women’s entrepreneurship in the south of Santa Catarina State. A descriptive and exploratory methodological procedure with qualitative approach was carried, through a field research carried out with the associated women entrepreneurs of the State Council of Woman Entrepreneurs (CEME). The interorganizational knowledge sharing happens during meetings and events held by the CEME and in the Centers, as well as during interactions and informal dialogues among the participants, when tacit knowledge sharing occurs. Knowledge sharing causes organizational learning and contributes to the entrepreneurship of women participating on these events as following: (1) increase in knowledge; (2) creation of unity and connections; (3) information exchange; (4) motivation; (5) personal improvement; (6) employee development; (7) promotion of necessary changes and (8) networking

    Cellular changes diagnosed by cérvico-vaginal cytology in a public health laboratory of Teresina-PI

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    Objective: to verify the frequency of cellular alterations of the female genital tract of women assisted by a public clinical laboratory in Teresina – Piaui in 2016, as well as to evaluate the relation between patients’ education levels and the frequency of atypia found. Methodology: data from the 9040 forms of cervical-vaginal oncocytology (SUS standard) from the 2016 year were collected. Results: 9040 reports were analyzed, among which 8,095 (89.55%) had negative and 945 (10.45%) were positive to oncologic abnormalities. It was identified squamous cells of indeterminate significance with 5.84%, low-grade intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) with 1,97%, high-grade intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) 1.33%, glandular cell atypia (ACG) with 1.25% and invasive squamous cell carcinoma 0.06%. Regarding the level of schooling, women who attended elementary and high school corresponded to the higher percentage of patients. Conclusion: it is concluded that the incidence of atypia was considerably higher than described in the previous literature. Thus, it is recommended the adoption of strategies to improve the adherence and the awareness of the population regarding the necessity of this exam