2,669 research outputs found

    Professionals calling in lifelong learning centers

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    Purpose: This study aims to understand how the way people see their work and the authentizotic character of their organizational climate contribute to the building of a Great Place to Work. Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents the results of a quantitative investigation that correlate the perceptions of organizational climate and the work orientations of professionals with different occupations on Portuguese lifelong education centers. Findings: The study indicates that all the core elements of an authentizotic organization contribute to explain what people potentially expect from their companies: adequate material conditions plus a meaningful contribution. Practical implications: The study has implications in the future for National Qualification Agency directors, education politicians and human resource managers who are responsible for providing good expectations within a healthy context of talent retention. Originality/value: The novel contribution of this paper is the finding that employee’s work orientations and authentizotic climate are related to each other in a Lifelong learning Center in the public education sector.Peer Reviewe

    Psychological Capital Profiles and Their Relationship With Internal Learning in Teams of Undergraduate Students

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between psychological capital profiles and internal learning in teams. The participants in this study were 480 undergraduate students. We performed a cluster analysis using the SPSS and yielded four distinct psychological capital profiles. The student profile with the highest scores in self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience (Profile 2-Fully PsyCap) exhibited also the highest scores of internal learning in teams. On the other hand, the student profile with the lowest scores in self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience (Profile 1- Empty PsyCap) presented the lowest scores of internal learning in teams. It is also noteworthy that there was no significant relationship between the profile with a positive combination between self-efficacy and hope (profile 4) and the profile that presents the optimism as the only positive psychological capability (profile 3), in the way they relate to internal learning in teams, which led us to reject the second hypothesis of the study. This study reinforces the role of psychological capital in academic settings and suggests that psychological capital profiles can affect internal learning in teams differentially

    Enhancing Internal Learning in Teams: The Role of Network Centrality and Psychological Capital of Undergraduate Students

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    This study aims to analyze the mediating role of psychological capital (PsyCap) in the relationship between network centrality and internal learning in teams. A questionnaire was administered to 480 undergraduate students to test this relationship. The results confirmed the positive relationship between network centrality and internal learning in teams, and a mediating role of PsyCap in the relationship between student network centrality and internal learning in teams. This study suggests that it is important to promote centrality in advice networks among undergraduate students. In addition, this study might raise awareness among students, teachers, and public policymakers about the need to promote a socially responsible environment in higher education institutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The influence of psychological capital on internal learning in teams: The mediating role of the perceived team structure

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    Whereas past research on internal learning has focused on evaluating how the observed learning rates affect collaborative interactions among the various actors, we extend this literature by analyzing internal learning in teams and the role of psychological capital in this process. This study aims to analyze the mediating role of the perceived team structure in the relationship between positive psychological capital and internal learning in teams. Therefore, a self-report questionnaire was applied to 480 college students to test this relationship, using structural equation modeling. The results confirmed the mediating role of the perceived team structure in the relationship between psychological capital and internal learning in teams. Our work underlines the role of psychological capital in academic settings. On the other hand, due to rapid changes in today’s society, university students who will be future employees need to cultivate psychological capital in order to achieve better learning outcomes

    Kinetics of Oxygen Ingress into Wine Bottles Closed with Natural Cork Stoppers of Different Qualities

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    Research NoteThe kinetics of oxygen ingress into bottles closed with natural cork stoppers was investigated by a nondestructive colorimetric measurement method using the oxidation of an indigo carmine solution. In order to encompass the natural variability of cork regarding its oxygen ingress into the bottle, 600 natural cork stoppers from different quality classes and produced from cork planks of different calipers were analyzed. The kinetics of oxygen transfer was similar in all cases and could be adjusted to logarithmic models. A significant variability was found for oxygen ingress into the bottles closed with natural cork stoppers: ingress at 12 months ranged from 0.3 to 4.8 mg; 21% of the stoppers reached the limit of oxygen quantification along the experiment. The results suggest that the variation of oxygen ingress is a consequence of the natural differing features in the cell dimensions and air volume within the stopper’s structureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Giving Out But Not Giving Up: The Port of Lisbon Authority (1907-2005)

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    This article explores the way government has been managing the antagonism between institutional forces towards efficiency and those towards control in the international seaport of Lisbon. We conclude that the antagonism emerges in the presence of certain institutional forces, like economic downturns and political changes, that stimulate the adoption of new adequate templates. Governments have come to manage this antagonism through the separation between the strategic and operational structures, and by controlling strategic issues while giving operational autonomy. As such, organizational transformations have reflected this way to manage the antagonism. Given the emergence of new institutional templates (e.g. corporate governance) we also identify major challenges governments will face to integrate contradictory institutional forces

    Qualidade de vida dos idosos submetidos a cirurgia da anca

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    Enquadramento: Envelhecer com qualidade de vida é um desafio e também um objectivo desejável para a população. Para a Enfermagem de Reabilitação que valoriza o ser humano e neste caso o idoso em manter o seu funcionamento, sendo um aspecto da saúde da maior importância para as pessoas de idade, pelo seu impacto na sua qualidade de vida. Objectivos: Caracterizar se a Qualidade de Vida dos idosos que são submetidos a um maior número de sessões de reabilitação registam percepções mais satisfatórias no seu estado de saúde. Apreender se a enfermagem de reabilitação contribui para uma melhoria da percepção do estado de saúde do idoso. Analisar e explorar as relações entre as variáveis independentes na percepção da qualidade de vida dos idosos. Métodos: O modelo de investigação adoptado, é do tipo quantitativo, quaseexperimental, descritivo e transversal. Participaram no estudo 60 idoso internados no CHBA, EPE divididos por dois grupos: grupo experimental (GE n= 30) que estavam envolvidos no programa de enfermagem de reabilitação, investigando o impacto que este programa teria sobre a sua qualidade de vida e grupo de controlo (GC n=30) que apenas estaria envolvido no programa de reabilitação clássico. A maioria dos idosos (65%) pertence ao sexo feminino e a média de idades é de 82 anos. Foi aplicado um questionário que permitiu caracterizar a amostra no que concerne a dados pessoais, e dados durante o internamento e para recolher informações sobre a Qualidade de vida foi utilizada a versão portuguesa da SF 36 (MOS SF- 36 Medical Outcomes Study Shirt Form- 36 Health Survey). Resultados: Os dados demonstram que os indivíduos do GC apresentaram pontuação significativamente inferior em todos os domínios da SF-36 considerados, comparativamente aos sujeitos do GE. O primeiro modelo de análise de variância mostra a igualdade de variâncias em todas as subescalas com excepção da função física (p= 0.000) e componente físico (p=0.031) apresentando o grupo experimental índices médios mais elevados, condizentes com uma melhor qualidade de vida, do que o GC em todos os factores da escala com diferenças estatísticas altamente significativas. Comprova-se que a intervenção do programa produziu como uma melhor percepção na qualidade de vida dos idosos que foram submetidos a cirurgia da anca. Palavras-chave: Envelhecimento; Idoso; Qualidade de Vida; Enfermagem de Reabilitação

    Os estabelecimentos hoteleiros e a informação turística

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Planeamento em TurismoA tese que aqui apresentamos, insere-se no tema do comportamento de busca de informação turística e o seu objecto de estudo foca-se numa fonte de informação específica, os hotéis. Esta fonte tem sido pouco investigada pela literatura e, podemos até considerar, que de um modo geral a sua importância tem sido desvalorizada. Isto pode ser explicado pelo facto de o objecto de actividade dos hotéis nada ter a ver com o fornecimento de informação turística. No entanto este pensamento reveste-se de alguma ingenuidade, uma vez que os hotéis são locais de concentração de visitantes no destino e têm com eles uma relação de grande proximidade. Estes factos fazem deles fontes de informação com um grande potencial para influenciar os visitantes, o que poderá resultar em benefícios quer para os próprios hotéis, quer para os destinos. Para a investigação deste tema, procedemos a uma revisão de literatura sobre a procura de informação turística e sobre as variáveis que influenciam este fenómeno. Foi também dada uma especial atenção à Internet enquanto canal de comunicação e aos websites de hotéis, dado que, este é um mecanismo amplamente utilizado pelos estabelecimentos hoteleiros para fornecer informação aos seus potenciais hóspedes. Exploramos o papel de conceitos como o planeamento de viagem e a tomada de decisão, assentando sobre eles a construção um modelo teórico de busca de informação turística, passível de ser utilizados noutros estudos. A metodologia adoptada incidiu sobre três modalidades (análise de websites, entrevistas in-depth e inquérito por questionário), cujos objectivos passaram por avaliar a informação turística fornecida pelos hotéis (no seu espaço físico, e no seu website) e identificar o perfil dos turistas mais sensíveis a esta fonte de informação. Por último, procurou-se compreender se poderiam daí resultar benefícios para o hotel e para o destino. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os hotéis são realmente fontes de informação importantes, nas fases antes e durante a viagem, podendo desempenhar um papel importante para a valorização de toda a oferta turística do destino.The thesis presented here, fits into the theme of the tourist information search behavior of and study’s object focuses on a specific information source, the hotels. This source has received little attention by the literature and we can even consider that in general, its importance has been devalued. This can be explained by the fact that the hotels object of activity has nothing to do with providing tourist information. However, this thought is naive, since the hotels are places of concentration of visitors at the destination and they have with them a very close relationship. These facts make them sources of information with great potential to influence your visitors, which could result in benefits for both, the hotels and destinations. To investigate this issue, we undertook a literature review on the demand for tourist information, considering the variables that influence this phenomenon. It was also given a special attention to the Internet as a communication channel and to the websites of hotels, since they are a mechanism widely used by hotels to provide information to potential guests. Some close concepts such as travel planning and decision making are explored, in order to rely on them to build a theoretical model of tourist information search, which can be used in other studies. The methodology focused on three methods (analysis of websites, in-depth interviews and survey questionnaire), whose objectives were the evaluation of the tourist information provided by the hotels (in its facilities, and on its website) and the identification of the tourists profile that are more sensitive to this source of information. Finally, we tried to understand if there might be benefits to the hotel and the destination. The results show that hotels are really important sources of information in the stages before and during the trip and may play an important role in the enhancement of the destination offer

    Processos de melhoria na gestão do chão de fábrica

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    Mestrado Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO presente trabalho propõe-se a descrever a implementação de medidas de melhoria dos processos de uma empresa produtora de capacetes de motociclismo, através do desenvolvimento de um método de medição de trabalho, o estudo de tempos, e, da reorganização da secção de costura da empresa em células de produção. A implementação das células de produção teve por objetivos principais melhorar problemas de baixa produtividade, elevadas deslocações e baixa polivalência. O estudo dos tempos foi fundamental para a implementação das células, contribuindo com um método estruturado de recolha dos tempos de produção, inexistente na empresa, permitindo ainda uma correta definição dos valores da produtividade, auxiliando a determinação de custos de produção de novos produtos, entre outros.The present study describes the implementation of tools to improve the processes of a company that produces motorcycle helmets, through the development of a work measurement method, the stopwatch time study, and, through reorganizing the sewing section of the company in manufacturing cells. The implementation of manufacturing cells aimed to improve problems of low productivity, high worker movements and low worker polyvalence. The stopwatch time study was critical to the implementation of the cells, contributing to a structured process of collecting the standard production times, nonexistent in the company, while allowing a correct definition of productivity figures, assisting the determination of production cost of new products, among other