1,899 research outputs found

    Construção e avaliação de software educacional sobre cateterismo urinário de demora

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    Tratando-se de uma era na qual a informação constitui abertura concernente aos benefícios que dela advêm, o campo da informática em enfermagem ganha seu momento. Este estudo teve como objetivo construir um software educativo para o ensino-aprendizado da técnica de cateterismo urinário de demora e comparar a apreensão do conhecimento sobre a técnica de cateterismo urinário de demora antes e após a aplicação de um software educativo. Pesquisa descritiva de abordagem quantitativa tendo como fundamentação pedagógica na construção do software as teorias de Piaget e Vygotsky. Posteriormente, avaliou-se o processo ensino-aprendizagem através de um questionário composto por 10 questões de múltipla escolha, anterior à utilização do software, e o mesmo teste após o manuseio do software, resolvidos por 60 alunos participantes. Os dados obtidos demonstraram significativa contribuição do software após a aplicação do mesmo, sendo bastante útil no processo ensino-aprendizagem

    Guidelines for the recording and evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man: the International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG)

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    The International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG) presents updated guidelines summarising the requirements for the recording and computerised evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man. Since the publication of the first pharmaco-EEG guidelines in 1982, technical and data processing methods have advanced steadily, thus enhancing data quality and expanding the palette of tools available to investigate the action of drugs on the central nervous system (CNS), determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of novel therapeutics and evaluate the CNS penetration or toxicity of compounds. However, a review of the literature reveals inconsistent operating procedures from one study to another. While this fact does not invalidate results per se, the lack of standardisation constitutes a regrettable shortcoming, especially in the context of drug development programmes. Moreover, this shortcoming hampers reliable comparisons between outcomes of studies from different laboratories and hence also prevents pooling of data which is a requirement for sufficiently powering the validation of novel analytical algorithms and EEG-based biomarkers. The present updated guidelines reflect the consensus of a global panel of EEG experts and are intended to assist investigators using pharmaco-EEG in clinical research, by providing clear and concise recommendations and thereby enabling standardisation of methodology and facilitating comparability of data across laboratories

    Cholesteryl hemiazelate causes lysosome dysfunction impacting vascular smooth muscle cell homeostasis

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    In atherosclerotic lesions, vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) represent half of the foam cell population, which is characterized by an aberrant accumulation of undigested lipids within lysosomes. Loss of lysosome function impacts VSMC homeostasis and disease progression. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying lysosome dysfunction in these cells is, therefore, crucial. We identify cholesteryl hemiazelate (ChA), a stable oxidation end-product of cholesteryl-polyunsaturated fatty acid esters, as an inducer of lysosome malfunction in VSMCs. ChA-treated VSMCs acquire a foam-cell-like phenotype, characterized by enlarged lysosomes full of ChA and neutral lipids. The lysosomes are perinuclear and exhibit degradative capacity and cargo exit defects. Lysosome luminal pH is also altered. Even though the transcriptional response machinery and autophagy are not activated by ChA, the addition of recombinant lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) is able to rescue lysosome dysfunction. ChA significantly affects VSMC proliferation and migration, impacting atherosclerosis. In summary, this work shows that ChA is sufficient to induce lysosomal dysfunction in VSMCs, that, in ChA-treated VSMCs, neither lysosome biogenesis nor autophagy are triggered, and, finally, that recombinant LAL can be a therapeutic approach for lysosomal dysfunction

    Grounding language in perception for scene conceptualization in autonomous robots

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    In order to behave autonomously, it is desirable for robots to have the ability to use human supervision and learn from different input sources (perception, gestures, verbal and textual descriptions etc). In many machine learning tasks, the supervision is directed specifically towards machines and hence is straight forward clearly annotated examples. But this is not always very practical and recently it was found that the most preferred interface to robots is natural language. Also the supervision might only be available in a rather indirect form, which may be vague and incomplete. This is frequently the case when humans teach other humans since they may assume a particular context and existing world knowledge. We explore this idea here in the setting of conceptualizing objects and scene layouts. Initially the robot undergoes training from a human in recognizing some objects in the world and armed with this acquired knowledge it sets out in the world to explore and learn more higher level concepts like static scene layouts and environment activities. Here it has to exploit its learned knowledge and ground language into perception to use inputs from different sources that might have overlapping as well as novel information. When exploring, we assume that the robot is given visual input, without explicit type labels for objects, and also that it has access to more or less generic linguistic descriptions of scene layout. Thus our task here is to learn the spatial structure of a scene layout and simultaneously visual object models it was not trained on. In this paper, we present a cognitive architecture and learning framework for robot learning through natural human supervision and using multiple input sources by grounding language in perception

    Recurrent lower gastrointestinal bleeding from idiopathic ileocolonic varices: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Varices of the colon are a rare cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding, usually associated with portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis or other causes of portal venous obstruction. Idiopathic colonic varices are extremely rare. Recognition of this condition is important as idiopathic colonic varices may be a cause of recurrent lower gastrointestinal bleeding.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 21-year-old Asian man from north India who presented with recurrent episodes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Colonoscopy revealed varices involving the terminal ileum and colon to the sigmoid. Thorough evaluation was undertaken to rule out any underlying portal hypertension. Our patient underwent subtotal colectomy including resection of involved terminal ileum and an ileorectal anastomosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Colonic varices are an uncommon cause of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Idiopathic colonic varices are diagnosed after excluding underlying liver disease and portal hypertension. Recognition of this condition is important as prognosis is good in the absence of liver disease and is curable by resection of the involved bowel.</p

    Detection and Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) in Conventional and Organic Broiler Chickens

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    ABSTRACT Enteropatogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and shigatoxigenic E. coli (STEC), are generally poultry and poultry product isolate and can cause serious human infections. Many strains may become resistant to various antimicrobials, which can hinder the treatment of bacterial diseases. Organic farming seeks to avoid the selection and frequency of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. This study aims to verify the resistance of EPEC and STEC from organic and conventional (industrial) broiler isolates to antimicrobials. All isolates were submitted to disk diffusion test with tetracycline, gentamicin, enrofloxacin, ceftriaxone and amoxicillin + clavulanate (TET, GEN, ENO, CTX, AMC) and PCR to detect specific virulence genes for EPEC and STEC. A total of 297 E. coli strains were isolated, 213 from conventional. In organic broiler, 84 strains were isolated. The strains from the conventional broiler isolates were resistant to five antimicrobials tested: TET 48.82% (104/213), ENO 28.17% (60/213), CTX 15.49% (33/213), GEN 14.55% (31/213), and AMC 7.04% (15/213), and 9.86% (21/213) were considered multidrug-resistant. Organic chicken strains were resistant to four of the antimicrobials tested: TET 35.7% (30/84), ENO 9.5% (8/84), CTX 2.4% (2/84), GEN 4.8% (4/84). Of the strains from the organic broiler chicken isolates, only 1.2% (1/84) was considered multidrug-resistant. No EPEC and STEC were found in the organic chicken samples. The multidrug resistance was characterized in 9.52% (2/21) of the EPEC and 4.76% (1/21) of the STEC. The study demonstrated the absence of EPEC and STEC strains in organic broilers and carcasses and a lower frequency of multiresistant strains compared to conventional breeding

    Occupational and leisure time physical activity in contrasting relation to ambulatory blood pressure

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    Background: While moderate and vigorous leisure time physical activities are well documented to decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease, several studies have demonstrated an increased risk for cardiovascular disease in workers with high occupational activity. Research on the underlying causes to the contrasting effects of occupational and leisure time physical activity on cardiovascular health is lacking. The aim of this study was to examine the relation of objective and self-report measures of occupational and leisure time physical activity with 24-h ambulatory systolic blood pressure (BP). Methods: Results for self-reported physical activity are based on observations in 182 workers (60% male, mean age 51 years), while valid objective physical activity data were available in 151 participants. The usual level of physical activity was assessed by 5 items from the Job Content Questionnaire (high physical effort, lifting heavy loads, rapid physical activity, awkward body positions and awkward positions of head or arms at work) and one item asking about the general level of physical activity during non-working time. On a regular working day, participants wore an ambulatory BP monitor and an accelerometer physical activity monitor during 24 h. Associations were examined by means of Analysis of Covariance. Results: Workers with an overall high level of self-reported occupational physical activity as well as those who reported to often lift heavy loads at work had a higher mean systolic BP at work, at home and during sleep. However, no associations were observed between objectively measured occupational physical activity and BP. In contrast, those with objectively measured high proportion of moderate and vigorous leisure time physical activity had a significantly lower mean systolic BP during daytime, while no differences were observed according to self-reported level of leisure time physical activity. Conclusions: These findings suggest that workers reporting static occupational physical activities, unlike general physically demanding tasks characterized by dynamic movements of large muscle groups, are related to a higher daily systolic BP, while high objective levels of moderate and vigorous leisure time physical activity are related to lower daytime systolic BP. Ambulatory systolic BP may be a physiological explanatory factor for the contrasting effects of occupational and leisure time physical activity

    Development of a LAMP assay for detection of Leishmania infantum infection in dogs using conjunctival swab samples

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    Background: Leishmania infantum infections in dogs play a crucial role in the transmission of pathogens causing visceral leishmaniasis to humans in the Gansu province, northwest China. To be able to control zoonotic transmission of the parasite to humans, a non-invasive loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay to specifically detect L. infantum infections in dogs was developed. Methods: The primers used in the LAMP assay were designed to target kinetoplast DNA minicircle sequences of the L. infantum isolate MCAN/CN/90/SC and tested using DNA isolated from promastigotes of different Leishmania species. The LAMP assay was evaluated with conjunctional swab samples obtained from 111 and 33 dogs living in an endemic and a non-endemic region of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in the Gansu province, respectively. The LAMP assay was also compared with conventional PCR, ELISA and microscopy using conjunctional swab, serum and bone marrow samples from the dogs, respectively. Results: The LAMP assay detected 1 fg of L. infantum DNA purified from cultured promastigotes which was 10-fold more sensitive than a conventional PCR test using Leishmania genus-specific primers. No cross reaction was observed with DNA isolated from promastigotes of L. donovani, L. major, L. tropica, and L. braziliensis, and the L. infantum reference strain MHOM/TN/80/IPT1. The L. infantum-positive rates obtained for field-collected samples were 61.3%, 58.6%, 40.5% and 10.8% by LAMP, PCR, ELISA and microscopy, respectively. As only one out of the 33 samples from control dogs from the non-endemic region of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis was positive by the LAMP assay and the PCR test, the observed true negative rate (specificity) was 97% for both methods. Conclusion: This study has shown that the non-invasive, conjunctional swab-based LAMP assay developed was more sensitive in the detection of leishmaniasis in dogs than PCR, ELISA and microscopy. The findings indicate that the LAMP assay is a sensitive and specific method for the field surveillance of domestic dogs, particularly of asymptomatic canines, in ZVL-endemic areas in western China
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