1,023 research outputs found

    Sensor Array Optimization for Multiple Harmonic Sound Source Separation and DOA

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    INTRODUCTION In the last years a lot of researches about source separation have been realized, like extraction of a signal of interest (vocal recognition application), identification of which source gives which sound (motor engine applications) or noise source characterization (environmental application). Most of these techniques for sound source estimation use the signal-subspace approach, where the number of emitting sources is determined by the multiplicity of the lowest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix. The problems arise when the number of microphones is equal to the number of sources radiating, hence the noise subspace could not exist. This Master Thesis investigates how to realize a Goniometer Antenna to record communications, as well as the implementation of an algorithm to optimize the location of the sensors with the intend of separating the different sound sources in the at-worst case(number of sources equal number of sensors). It has been achieve using the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix of the received signals and the delay between microphones. Finally, measurements in the anechoic chamber verified the proposed approach. METHODS An acoustic goniometer is a system that measures the angle between a source and a receptor using the phase delay, thereby obtaining the source direction. The design dwell on two sensors (microphones) collocated in the 2D space in a concrete geometry. The implementation of each algorithm was done in Matlab based on two parts: the time delay estimation used in source localization by computing the azimuth in [2], and also an adaptation of the MPE block carried out in [4]. Likewise different methods based on the properties of the correlation matrix have been studied for delay estimating like in [3]. Apart from that, in [1] is explored the relation between sensor array geometry and eigenvalues to obtain the optimal sound sources separation and detection. This theory has been put into practice in programming in Matlab: minimization of the distance between microphones such that accomplish the condition of sources separation or sources detection. The optimization procedure has been done using two different SQP Methods: Active Set and Interior Point. Moreover, an optimization approach is presented for a system composed by two sensors and three sound sources. Several options based on mathematical theory has been considered for solving the problem. Eventually, taking advantage of the procedure followed in [1] and combined with the circumcenter calculation, the optimal distance for the microphones can be found. RESULTS Afterwards all this work, different simulations with the code in Matlab were tested reaching successful results. Then, a process of validation is required in the anechoic chamber for more realistic measurements. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion is demonstrated by theoretical calculation at first and then by experimental measurements that the optimal array geometry could help to improve the sound source separation approach. Forthcoming works will consist in extending this work for larger bandwidth and much more sound sources. Also, taking into consideration a more realistic model with reflections, interfering signals or noise corrupted

    Utilizando TouchMath para enseñar nociones de Aritmética a un niño con TEA

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    El objetivo de este artículo es describir una experiencia didáctica desarrollada con un niño diagnosticado con TEA, (Trastorno de Espectro Autista), en la enseñanza de las nociones básicas de Aritmética, tales como, los números naturales, el conteo de los números naturales,las relaciones de orden entre los números naturales:mayor, menor e igual y las operaciones de suma, resta y multiplicación. Esta experiencia didáctica cubre un período de dos años aproximadamente y, para la enseñanza de todas estas nociones y procedimientos, se utilizó el método TouchMath, pero con la implementación de otras estrategias,en donde también se incluyeron elementos multisensoriales, en un entorno de estudio adecuado, adaptados a las necesidades del niño. El resultado de esta experiencia fue exitoso, evidenciándose que el aprendizaje de las nociones básicas de Matemática, en este caso de la Aritmética básica es completamente factible en algunos niños y personas con TEA, si se emplean los apoyos adecuados

    Tourist towns in Languedoc-Roussillon: projects and discourse for mass tourism

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    Greenfield tourist towns in Languedoc-Roussillon, built in the 1960s, are some of the best examples of the application of modern principles in the production of architecture and space for mass tourism. Contributions of the Modern Movement in the construction of tourist facilities are thus exposed through the analysis of the theoretical proposals put into practice by Georges Candilis and Jean Balladur, modern architects of the third generation in France, in two of the tourist projects on the Languedoc-Roussillon coastline: La Grande-Motte and Port Leucate-Barcarès

    Amphiphilic oxygenated amorphous carbon-graphite buckypapers with gas sensitivity to polar and non-polar VOCs

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    To precisely control the emission limit of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) even at trace amounts, reactive nanomaterials of, e.g., carbon are demanded. Particularly, considering the polar/non-polar nature of VOCs, amphiphilic carbon nanomaterials with a huge surface area could act as multipurpose VOC sensors. Here, for the first time, a buckypaper sensor composed of oxygenated amorphous carbon (a-COx)/graphite (G) nanofilaments is developed. Presence of the oxygen-containing groups rises the selectivity of the sensor to polar VOCs, such as ethanol and acetone through formation of hydrogen bonding, affecting the electron withdrawing ability of the group, the hole carrier density, and, thus, the resistivity. On the other hand, the electrostatic interactions between the toluene aromatic ring and the π electrons of the graphitic crystals cause a formation of charge-transfer complexes, which could be the main mechanism of high responsiveness of the sensor towards non-polar toluene. To the best of my knowledge, an amphiphilic carbon nanofilamentous buckypaper has never been reported for gas sensing, and my device sensing polar/non-polar VOCs is state of the art for environmental control

    Comparison among models to estimate the shielding effectiveness applied to conductive textiles

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a comparison among two models and its measurement to calculate the shielding effectiveness of electromagnetic barriers, applying it to conductive textiles. Each one, models a conductive textile as either a (1) wire mesh screen or (2) compact material. Therefore, the objective is to perform an analysis of the models in order to determine which one is a better approximation for electromagnetic shielding fabrics. In order to provide results for the comparison, the shielding effectiveness of the sample has been measured by means of the standard ASTM D4935-99

    Exact Solvability of Superintegrable Systems

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    It is shown that all four superintegrable quantum systems on the Euclidean plane possess the same underlying hidden algebra sl(3)sl(3). The gauge-rotated Hamiltonians, as well as their integrals of motion, once rewritten in appropriate coordinates, preserve a flag of polynomials. This flag corresponds to highest-weight finite-dimensional representations of the sl(3)sl(3)-algebra, realized by first order differential operators.Comment: 14 pages, AMS LaTe