8 research outputs found

    Spontaanse parameetrilise allamuundamise võimendamine pinnaplasmonite ja dielektriliste pinnalainetega

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKvantpõimitust loetakse kvantmaailma üheks suurimaks „veidruseks“. Üheks näiteks on põimitud valguskvantide (footonite) paarid – ühe footoni mõõtmistulemusest sõltub hetkeliselt ka teise footoni mõõtmistulemus hoolimata paariliste vahelisest kaugusest. Einstein võttis nähtuse kokku sõnadega „tontlik kaugmõju“ (inglise keeles „spooky action at a distance“) ja pidas seda liiga veidraks, et olla tõsi. Tänaseks päevaks vaadeldakse seda „veidrust“ kui kvantmaailma olulisimat omadust, seda toetavad ka paljud kvantpõimitust demonstreerivad Belli katsed, ja on asutud looma kvantpõimitusel põhinevaid rakendusi: kvantkrüptograafia, kvantarvutid, jne. Kõikide nende tulevikurakenduste eelduseks on efektiivne kvantpõimitud osakeste allikas. Põhiline meetod põimitud footonpaaride genereerimiseks on spontaanne parameetriline allamuundamine mittelineaarsetes kristallides. See seisneb valguse väikseima osakese, footoni, „poolitamisel“ kaheks madalama energiaga footoniks. Kahjuks on see meetod väga ebaefektiivne. Antud doktoritöö eesmärgiks on põimitud footonpaaride allika efektiivsuse tõstmine kasutades spetsiaalseid pinnalaineid, mis on seotud vabade elektrilangute võnkumisega metalli pinnal. Optiliste protsesside võimendamist pinnalainetega on uuritud palju ning efekti on korduvalt eksperimentaalselt demonstreeritud. Sellest hoolimata pole meile teadaolevalt uuritud pinnalainete kasutamist spontaanse parameetrilise allamuundamise võimendamiseks. Käesoleva doktoritöö raames töötati välja uued arvutusmeetodid, millega uuriti pinnalainete mõju spontaansele parameetrilisele allamuundamisele. Töö käigus võrreldi kolme eri tüüpi pinnalaineid ja kaardistati võimendustegurid, nõudmised objektile ning võimalikud protsessi takistavad tegurid. Töö eksperimentaalses osas disainiti ja ehitati goniomeetriline mõõtesüsteem spontaanse parameetrilise allamuundamise uurimiseks ning viidi läbi esialgsed mõõtmised. Doktoritöö käigus valminud arvutusmeetodeid saab ka edaspidi kasutada uut tüüpi objektide disainimeseks, modelleerimiseks ning optimeerimiseks. Töös esitatud arvutustulemused ja mõõtesüsteemi kirjeldus on oluliseks sisendiks edasisele eksperimentaalsele tööle.Quantum entanglement is considered to be one of the biggest “quirks” of quantum mechanics. One example is entangled pairs of photons – the measurement of one photon instantaneously influences the measurement outcome of the other photon despite the distance between them. Einstein considered it too strange to be true and called the phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance”. Today, this “quirk”, proved in several Bell test experiments, is considered to be the most important property of quantum mechanics and development of several applications based on it is in-progress: quantum cryptography, quantum computing, etc. The prerequisite for all of those future applications is an effective source of entangled particles. The most common source of pairs of entangled photons is spontaneous parametric down-conversion in nonlinear crystals. Essentially, the smallest quanta of light, photon, is split into two photons with a smaller energy due to a nonlinear interaction with matter. Unfortunately, this method is highly inefficient. The goal of this thesis is to enhance the efficiency of the entangled photon pair source by surface waves at the interface of a metal film. The enhancement of optical processes by surface waves is well established and experimentally verified. Despite it, the enhancement of spontaneous parametric down-conversion by surface waves is virtually unstudied to best of our knowledge. In this thesis, new computational methods were developed in order to study the enhancement of photon pair generation by surface waves. New methods were used to compare the effect of three different types of surface waves. In the experimental part of the thesis, a goniometric measurement setup was designed and built for investigating the enhancement of entangled pair generation and initial measurements were conducted. In conclusion, the computational methods developed in this work could be used in future to design, model and optimize a new type of objects. Moreover, the theoretical results and the description of the measurement setup is an important input to the future experimental work

    Spontaanse kiirguse võimendamine plasmonefektide abil

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    Counterintuitive Increase in Optical Scattering Efficiency during Negentropic Orientational Transition in Dilute ZnO Nanowire Suspensions

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    We demonstrate experimentally that the electrophoretic manipulation of a ZnO nanowire (NW) suspension in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) causes a remarkable change in optical scattering. Counterintuitively, as an electric field is applied to the suspension and a negentropic orientational transition from a chaotically oriented state to a partially ordered (aligned) state is induced, the geometrical cross-section of the particles decreases whereas the scattering efficiency increases significantly, indicating an increase in the scattering cross-section. The alignment of the longer axis of oblong ZnO nanoparticles in the direction of incident light unexpectedly resulted in up to a 40% decrease in transmittance in the middle of the visible spectral range in the case of 150 mm thick composite films with below 0.1 vol% NW concentration. A prepared prototype smart window device exhibited spontaneous restoration of transmittance, persistent electro-optical performance (0% change in contrast after more than 10 cycles), and temporal stability against nanoparticle sedimentation and agglomeration

    Reversible photodoping of TiO2 nanoparticles

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    Observations on strong photochromic effect of crystalline TiO2 quantum dots (mean size ≈ 4 nm) are presented. The synthesized quantum dots consist of irregularly shaped anatase TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) and are dispersed in butanol (8 % by mass). Obtained NPs exhibit a dramatic photo-response to UV light, enabling effective transmittance modula-tion of in a broad wavelength range extending from visible to near-infrared region, and even the thermal black body radiation regime beyond 10 μm. The exceptional photo-response is attributed to hole-scavenging by butanol, TiO2 self-reduction, injection of electrons to the conduction band, and consequent localized surface plasmon resonances in NPs. Observed optical effect is reversible and the initial high transmittance state can be restored simply by exposing the NPs to air. Applied NP synthesis route is economic and can be easily scaled for applications such as smart window technol-ogies.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe