2,140 research outputs found

    Framing Clement III, (Anti)Pope, 1080-1100. Preface

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    La vicenda terrena dell’(anti)papa Clemente III e gli sviluppi postumi della sua memoria sono esplorati per mettere in luce sia le complesse dinamiche in cui si inserisce questo ecclesiastico di rango assurto al soglio pontificio in una fase cruciale della riforma della Chiesa, sia le implicazioni legate al prefisso "anti"

    Angelitus vivere. Pier Damiani e la perfezione eremitica

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    This essay analyses Peter Damian’s idea of perfection, by taking into account his texts devoted to the eremitic conversatio avellanita: in particular, Epistles 18, 50, and 109. It answers to the following working question: how is it possible to achieve an ‘angelic’ condition? Particular attention is paid to the ideas of time, space and ascesis

    Introduzione: il pellegrinaggio medievale

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    Il pellegrinaggio non è un fenomeno esclusivamente cristiano, ma nel volgere dii pochi secoli diviene uno dei fenomeni che hanno contribuito nel modo più incisivo e profondo alla costruzione dello spazio cristiano medievale

    A elaboração do primado papal entre os séculos XI e XII

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    The reform of the Church cannot be read as a unique and one-way process. Linearity was indeed whatwas missing. Although it is undeniable that ecclesiastic institutions changed more between the eleventh andthirteenth centuries than in the previous hundreds of years, we should refer to this process resorting to the plural form “reforms”, a set of reforms. The reform consisted of different reforms of the ecclesiastical institutions which dialectically combined resulting in a radical change, which was not the result of a pre-established plot and had no single root. The reform of the papacy, the progressive acquisition of awareness of its universal authority and above all the creation of the pontifical primacy, was based on this multiplicity of reforms. Even within the papacy, however, there was no linearity – as exemplified by the figure of the (anti-)pope Clement III in the last twenty years of the eleventh century –, and there was no uniqueness of methods and perspectives. In the magmatic process reframing the Christian society and the ecclesiastical institutions between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, the papacy progressively shown a self-awareness, which resulted in a new position vis-à-vis imperial authority. The melting pot in which the papal ideology of primacy took shape, includes references to precise legacies of the past, a characteristic of the twelfth-century papacy.Es cierto que la reforma de la Iglesia no puede entenderse como un proceso unitario y unívoco; no hubolinealidad y es más apropiado hablar de reformas, de un conjunto de reformas. Aunque es innegable que las estructuras eclesiásticas cambiaron más entre los siglos XI y XIII que en los cientos de años anteriores, es apropiado utilizar el plural. La reforma consistió en una serie de reformas de las estructuras eclesiásticas que se combinaron de forma dialéctica entre sí produciendo un cambio radical, que no era fruto de un proyecto preestablecido ni tenía una raíz única. En esta multiplicidad de raíces se injertaron vigorosamente la reforma del papado, la progresiva adquisición de la conciencia de su autoridad universal y, sobre todo, la elaboración de la función del primado pontificio. Sin embargo, incluso dentro del papado no hubo univocidad – la historia del (anti)papa Clemente III en los últimos veinte años del siglo XI constituye un ejemplo claro –, ni hubo una unicidad incondicional de métodos y perspectivas. En el proceso magmático en el que se fue recomponiendo la sociedad cristiana y que supuso una reconfiguración de las estructuras eclesiásticas entre los siglos XI y XIII, se produjo, por lo tanto, una progresiva conciencia por partedel papado que dio lugar a una nueva posición frente al imperio imperial. autoridad. En el “melting pot” en que se construyó la ideología papal del primado, se destaca la referencia a herencias precisas del pasado, que será una característica del papado del siglo XII.Es cierto que la reforma de la Iglesia no puede entenderse como un proceso unitario y unívoco; no hubolinealidad y es más apropiado hablar de reformas, de un conjunto de reformas. Aunque es innegable que las estructuras eclesiásticas cambiaron más entre los siglos XI y XIII que en los cientos de años anteriores, es apropiado utilizar el plural. La reforma consistió en una serie de reformas de las estructuras eclesiásticas que se combinaron de forma dialéctica entre sí produciendo un cambio radical, que no era fruto de un proyecto preestablecido ni tenía una raíz única. En esta multiplicidad de raíces se injertaron vigorosamente la reforma del papado, la progresiva adquisición de la conciencia de su autoridad universal y, sobre todo, la elaboración de la función del primado pontificio. Sin embargo, incluso dentro del papado no hubo univocidad – la historia del (anti)papa Clemente III en los últimos veinte años del siglo XI constituye un ejemplo claro –, ni hubo una unicidad incondicional de métodos y perspectivas. En el proceso magmático en el que se fue recomponiendo la sociedad cristiana y que supuso una reconfiguración de las estructuras eclesiásticas entre los siglos XI y XIII, se produjo, por lo tanto, una progresiva conciencia por parte del papado que dio lugar a una nueva posición frente al imperio imperial. autoridad. En el “melting pot” en que se construyó la ideología papal del primado, se destaca la referencia a herencias precisas del pasado, que será una característica del papado del siglo XII.Certamente a Reforma da Igreja não pode ser entendida como um processo unitário e unívoco; não houvelinearidade e é mais apropriado falar de reformas, ou seja, de um conjunto de reformas. Embora seja inegável que as estruturas eclesiásticas mudaram mais entre os séculos XI e XIII do que nas centenas de anos anteriores, é apropriado usar o plural. A reforma consistiu numa série de reformas das estruturas eclesiásticas que se combinaram de forma dialética entre si, produzindo uma mudança radical, que não foi fruto de um projeto pré-estabelecido e não teve uma raiz única. A reforma do papado, a progressiva aquisição da consciência da sua autoridade universal e sobretudo a elaboração da função do primado pontifício foram vigorosamente inseridas nesta multiplicidade de raízes. Mesmo dentro do papado, contudo, não houve univocidade – a história do (anti)papa Clemente III nos últimos vinte anos do século XI constitui um exemplo claro –, e não houve singularidade incondicional de métodos e perspetivas. No processo magmático em que a sociedade cristã recompôs-se e que envolveu uma reconfiguração das estruturas eclesiásticas entre os séculos XI e XIII, houve, portanto, uma consciência progressiva por parte do papado que deu origem a uma nova posição face à autoridade imperial. No “melting pot” em que se formou a ideologia papal do primado, a referência às heranças precisas do passado será uma característica do papado do século XII

    Adaptation of an i-voting scheme to Italian Elections for Citizens Abroad

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    We adapt the Ara´ujo-Traor´e protocol to Italian elections, with emphasis on anti-coercion measures. In this short paper we focus on a new method for managing anti-coercion credentials for each voter

    Worsening of myocardial performance index in beta-thalassemia patients despite permanently normal iron load at MRI: A simple and cheap index reflecting cardiovascular involvement?

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    Abstract Background Iron Overload Cardiomyopathy (IOC) due to repeated transfusions still represents the main cause of death in Thalassemia major (TM) patients. Because iron overload remains asymptomatic for long time, it is important to stratify the patients based on the risk of developing IOC before the appearance of clinical signs of heart failure. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T2* may be useful but it is expensive and its MRI software has limited availability; conventional echocardiographic parameters, although easy availability, remain normal until advanced stages of IOC. Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) opened a new way to explore systolic and diastolic function directly or through derived index such as myocardial performance index (MPI) which has a prognostic value in different cardiomyopathies. Methods We enrolled 46 consecutive β-TM patients without clinical signs of heart failure and we tested them with echocardiography in 2011 and again in 2015. MPI of left and right ventricular lateral wall was calculated by TDI. All TM patients had a T2* MRI evaluation of the heart in the year before. Results Despite the absence of significant changes in morphological data at echo and at T2* evaluation, S′ waves of the lateral ventricular wall decrease while time passed, MPI worsened during the follow-up period and the derived systolic pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PAPs) increased in 2015 with respect to 2011. Conclusion TDI and MPI may reveal very early myocardial dysfunction in TM patients despite a normal T2* value. Together with PAPs they should be periodically checked in these patients

    Conversación en París con André Vauchez

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    A simplified genomic profiling approach predicts outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    The response of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) to the first-line conventional combination therapy is highly variable, reflecting the elevated heterogeneity of the disease. The genetic alterations underlying this heterogeneity have been thoroughly characterized through omic approaches requiring elevated efforts and costs. In order to translate the knowledge of CRC molecular heterogeneity into a practical clinical approach, we utilized a simplified Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) based platform to screen a cohort of 77 patients treated with first-line conventional therapy. Samples were sequenced using a panel of hotspots and targeted regions of 22 genes commonly involved in CRC. This revealed 51 patients carrying actionable gene mutations, 22 of which carried druggable alterations. These mutations were frequently associated with additional genetic alterations. To take into account this molecular complexity and assisted by an unbiased bioinformatic analysis, we defined three subgroups of patients carrying distinct molecular patterns. We demonstrated these three molecular subgroups are associated with a different response to first-line conventional combination therapies. The best outcome was achieved in patients exclusively carrying mutations on TP53 and/or RAS genes. By contrast, in patients carrying mutations in any of the other genes, alone or associated with mutations of TP53/RAS, the expected response is much worse compared to patients with exclusive TP53/RAS mutations. Additionally, our data indicate that the standard approach has limited efficacy in patients without any mutations in the genes included in the panel. In conclusion, we identified a reliable and easy-to-use approach for a simplified molecular-based stratification of mCRC patients that predicts the efficacy of the first-line conventional combination therapy

    May-Hegglin Anomaly, Sebastian Syndrome, Fechtner Syndrome, and Epstein Syndrome Are not Distinct Entities but Represent a Variable Expression of a Single Illness

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    May-Hegglin anomaly, Sebastian syndrome, Fechtner syndrome, and Epstein syndrome are autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenias distinguished by different combinations of clinical and laboratory signs, such as sensorineural hearing loss, cataract, nephritis, and polymorphonuclear Döhle-like bodies. Mutations in the MYH9 gene encoding for the nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA (NMMHC-IIA) have been identified in all these syndromes. To understand the role of the MYH9 mutations, we report the molecular defects in 12 new cases, which together with our previous works represent a cohort of 19 families. Since no genotype-phenotype correlation was established, we performed an accurate clinical and biochemical re-evaluation of patients. In addition to macrothrombocytopenia, an abnormal distribution of NMMHC-IIA within leukocytes was observed in all individuals, including those without Döhle-like bodies. Selective, high-tone hearing deficiency and cataract was diagnosed in 83% and 23%, respectively, of patients initially referred as having May-Hegglin anomaly or Sebastian syndrome. Kidney abnormalities, such as hematuria and proteinuria, affected not only patients referred as Fechtner syndrome and Epstein syndrome but also those referred as May-Hegglin anomaly and Sebastian syndrome. These findings allowed us to conclude that May-Hegglin anomaly, Sebastian syndrome, Fechtner syndrome, and Epstein syndrome are not distinct entities but rather a single disorder with a continuous clinical spectrum varying from mild macrothrombocytopenia with leukocyte inclusions to a severe form complicated by hearing loss, cataracts, and renal failure. For this new nosologic entity, we propose the term "MHY9-related disease," which better interprets the recent knowledge in this field and identifies all patients at risk of developing renal, hearing, or visual defects