7 research outputs found

    Performance of innovative cropping systems diversified with oilseeds and protein crops: identification and resolution of methodological issues, using the Syppre experimental network as a case study☆

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    Agroecological transition requires that innovative and diversified cropping systems be developed. Conducting system experiments is an approach well-suited to the analysis of performance of cropping systems when subjected to soil, weather and biotic stresses. Conducting system experiments nevertheless gives rise to methodological challenges. Using the Syppre network of experiments, consisting of five sites in France, we present an original case study that provides valuable methodological and agronomic lessons on system experiments. The innovative cropping systems tested there are based on crop diversification (including oilseeds and protein crops), as well as flexible tillage, technical innovations and optimized crop management. From a methodological standpoint, we show that (i) mixed models are adapted to a range of experimental questions and constraints; (ii) multifactorial analysis enables the characterization of relationships between performance indicators; (iii) a multisite experimental network is an efficient approach not only for answering agronomic questions, but also for addressing methodological issues. From an agronomic standpoint, we showed that reconciling multiple indicators of performance is still challenging. Overall, innovative and diversified systems improved the performance of input utilization and environmental impacts, but with lower productivity and profitability. Introducing legume crops is a promising strategy because this contributes significantly to reductions in mineral N fertilizer use, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, without major trade-offs against other performance indicators. Finally, we showed that the nature of the production situation had a major influence on the performance profile. This led us to be cautious in making overall analyses especially with regard to general conclusions

    GASCON : Gestion agro-écologique de la santé des cultures et des organismes nuisibles

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    Le croisement des sciences agronomiques, de l’écologie appliquĂ©e Ă  la gestion des agroĂ©cosystĂšmes,et des sciences humaines et sociales, qu’implique la transition agroĂ©cologique, pose de nouveaux dĂ©fis pour rĂ©pondre aux enjeux agricoles: intĂ©grer des connaissances de diffĂ©rentes disciplines et produites Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles d’organisation pour agir en situation; dĂ©velopper des cadres d’analyse et dĂ©marches intĂ©grant la diversitĂ© de situations Ă  gĂ©rer par les acteurs et permettant de construire des rĂ©ponses adaptĂ©es Ă  chaque situation; et concevoir et mettre en Ɠuvre des pratiques d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, qui dotent les apprenants de capacitĂ©s Ă  penser leur action en contexte, en mobilisant des savoirs et savoir-faire multiples en termes de contenus disciplinaires et des savoir-ĂȘtre pour construire des solutions avec une diversitĂ© d’acteurs. Dans le champ de la formation, ces dĂ©fis nĂ©cessitent dĂšs lors de revisiter les contenus des enseignements dispensĂ©s, les modalitĂ©s pĂ©dagogiques et les dispositifs de formation existants, de maniĂšre Ă  apprĂ©hender au mieux la complexitĂ© des processus Ă  l’Ɠuvre. Pour autant, peu de travaux s’attardent sur les modalitĂ©s pratiques de ce changement et de ses implications, alors mĂȘme que de nombreuses initiatives en matiĂšre de pĂ©dagogie et d’agroĂ©cologie se dĂ©veloppent ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. L’objectif de ce sĂ©minaire est de promouvoir une information partagĂ©e et l’échange d’expĂ©riences pour rĂ©pondre aux enjeux posĂ©s par l’agroĂ©cologie dans la formation (transversalitĂ©, pluridisciplinaritĂ©, approche systĂ©mique, pĂ©dagogies actives). Ces enjeux peuvent se dĂ©cliner suivant plusieurs entrĂ©es : les thĂ©matiques enseignĂ©es (agriculture, Ă©levage, territoire, alimentation, ...); les pratiques et les dispositifs pĂ©dagogiques mis en Ɠuvre pour aborder ces questions (enseignement numĂ©rique, dispositifs expĂ©rimentaux, projets professionnels, rĂ©fĂ©rentiels, ...);les publics d’apprenants: Ă©lĂšves, Ă©tudiants, professionnels, ..

    ProthÚses discales lombaires MobidiscŸ implantées sur deux niveaux (étude prospective clinique et radiologique, multicentrique avec un recul de 24 mois)

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    L'implantation monosegmentaire des prothĂšses totales discales lombaires Mobidisc , Ă  l'heure actuelle, dans le cadre des lombalgies d'origine discogĂ©nique est reconnue comme une alternative efficace Ă  l'arthrodĂšse. Pour le traitement des doubles discopathies, la place des PTDL est encore discutĂ©e et leur implantation sur plusieurs niveaux n'est pas validĂ©e actuellement. L'implantation sur deux niveaux des prothĂšses discales lombaires Mobidisc , dans notre sĂ©rie de 39 cas et avec un recul de 24 mois, a montrĂ© une amĂ©lioration certaine en terme de douleur, de qualitĂ© de vie, et de diminution du handicap. Cette implantation sur deux niveaux de la PTDL Mobidisc s'est montrĂ©e Ă©galement efficace en terme de restauration et de maintien des mobilitĂ©s intersegmentaires lombaires. Ces rĂ©sultats favorables sont comparables aux implantations monosegmentaires et aux sĂ©ries de la littĂ©rature. De plus ils ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus au prix d'une morbiditĂ© et d'un taux de reprise similaire Ă  l'implantation monosegmentaire des PTDL. Le traitement des doubles discopathies par arthroplastie totale discale semble efficace dans notre sĂ©rie. Ces rĂ©sultats devront ĂȘtre nĂ©anmoins confirmĂ©s par des Ă©tudes avec un recul et un niveau de preuve supĂ©rieur.NANTES-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Performance of innovative cropping systems diversified with oilseeds and protein crops: identification and resolution of methodological issues, using the Syppre experimental network as a case study

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    Agroecological transition requires that innovative and diversified cropping systems be developed. Conducting system experiments is an approach well-suited to the analysis of performance of cropping systems when subjected to soil, weather and biotic stresses. Conducting system experiments nevertheless gives rise to methodological challenges. Using the Syppre network of experiments, consisting of five sites in France, we present an original case study that provides valuable methodological and agronomic lessons on system experiments. The innovative cropping systems tested there are based on crop diversification (including oilseeds and protein crops), as well as flexible tillage, technical innovations and optimized crop management. From a methodological standpoint, we show that (i) mixed models are adapted to a range of experimental questions and constraints; (ii) multifactorial analysis enables the characterization of relationships between performance indicators; (iii) a multisite experimental network is an efficient approach not only for answering agronomic questions, but also for addressing methodological issues. From an agronomic standpoint, we showed that reconciling multiple indicators of performance is still challenging. Overall, innovative and diversified systems improved the performance of input utilization and environmental impacts, but with lower productivity and profitability. Introducing legume crops is a promising strategy because this contributes significantly to reductions in mineral N fertilizer use, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, without major trade-offs against other performance indicators. Finally, we showed that the nature of the production situation had a major influence on the performance profile. This led us to be cautious in making overall analyses especially with regard to general conclusions

    Whole-body MR imaging in suspected physical child abuse: comparison with skeletal survey and bone scintigraphy findings from the PEDIMA prospective multicentre study

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    International audienceObjectives: To assess the contribution of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WBMRI) and bone scintigraphy (BS) in addition to skeletal survey (SS) in detecting traumatic bone lesions and soft-tissue injuries in suspected child abuse.Methods: In this prospective, multicentre, diagnostic accuracy study, children less than 3 years of age with suspected physical abuse were recruited. Each child underwent SS, BS and WBMRI. A blinded first review was performed in consensus by five paediatric radiologists and three nuclear medicine physicians. A second review investigated discrepancies reported between the modalities using a consensus result of all modalities as the reference standard. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity and corresponding 95% confidence interval for each imaging modality (SS, WBMRI and BS) and for the combinations [SS + WBMRI] and [SS + BS].Results: One hundred seventy children were included of which sixty-four had at least one lesion. In total, 146 lesions were included. The sensitivity and specificity of each examination were, respectively, as follows: 88.4% [95% CI, 82.0-93.1] and 99.7% [95% CI, 99.5-99.8] for the SS, 69.9% [95% CI, 61.7-77.2] and 99.5% [95% CI, 99.2-99.7] for WBMRI and 54.8% [95% CI, 46.4-63.0] and 99.7% [95% CI, 99.5-99.9] for BS. Sensitivity and specificity were, respectively, 95.9% [95% CI, 91.3-98.5] and 99.2% [95% CI, 98.9-99.4] for the combination SS + WBMRI and 95.2% [95% CI, 90.4-98.1] and 99.4% [95% CI, 99.2-99.6] for the combination SS + BS, with no statistically significant difference between them.Conclusion: SS was the most sensitive independent imaging modality; however, the additional combination of either WBMRI or BS examinations offered an increased accuracy.Key points: ‱ SS in suspected infant abuse was the most sensitive independent imaging modality in this study, especially for detecting metaphyseal and rib lesions, and remains essential for evaluation. ‱ The combination of either SS + BS or SS + WBMRI provides greater accuracy in diagnosing occult and equivocal bone injuries in the difficult setting of child abuse. ‱ WBMRI is a free-radiation technique that allows additional diagnosis of soft-tissue and visceral injuries

    Protection agroécologique des cultures pour une production agricole durable

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    International audienceCrop losses from pests threaten global food security and safety. In the last six decades, pest control using chemical pesticides has resulted in important yield gains per unit area, worldwide. However, the long-term sustainability of chemical pest control has been increasingly thrown into doubt due to the negative impact on human health, biodiversity, and the environment. Consequently, there is an urgent need to improve the science of crop protection in order to tackle the five key challenges of 21st century agriculture holistically: (i) maintaining or improving agricultural productivity, (ii) producing healthy food, (iii) reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on ecosystem and human health, (iv) ensuring the economic viability of farms, and (v) adapting agriculture to climate change. Agroecological Crop Protection (ACP) can be a powerful approach to address these challenges, as we demonstrate in this paper. ACP is the application of the principles of agroecology to crop protection in order to promote virtuous and sustainable changes in agriculture and food systems. ACP combines multiple approaches and disciplines including ecology, agroecology, and Integrated Pest Management. It promotes a crop protection system compatible with healthy agricultural and food systems, agroecological principles and the “one health” approach. We predict that ACP will meet the challenge of pesticide-free agriculture in the future. In this paper, we will first present the scientific, agricultural and social components of ACP. We will then analyze the research approaches, questions, methods and tools needed to adopt ACP. Finally, we suggest key mechanisms to facilitate the transition to ACP, which will ultimately provide sustainable food, feed, and fuel in a context of major global change