16 research outputs found

    Polioencefalomalacia experimental induzida por amprólio em bovinos

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    Para estabelecer um modelo experimental para o estudo da etiologia, patologia e patogênese da polioencefalomalacia (PEM) em bovinos, a condição foi induzida em quatro novilhos pela administração oral de amprólio nas doses diárias de 500 e 350mg/kg de peso vivo, respectivamente por 22 e 26-28 dias. Todos os bovinos morreram espontaneamente ou foram eutanasiados in extremis após um curso clínico de 4-7 dias. Três bovinos que receberam 1.000mg/kg de amprólio e dois que receberam 500mg/kg morreram espontaneamente com quadro clínico agudo a subagudo sem desenvolverem sinais e lesões de PEM. Nos novilhos que PEM foi reproduzida, os sinais neurológicos incluíram marcada apatia, incoordenação, posição de cavalete, quedas ocasionais, hiperexcitabilidade, tremores musculares, cegueira, bruxismo, estrabismo, nistagmo, midríase, opistótono, decúbito lateral e movimentos de pedalagem. Os principais achados de necropsia eram restritos ao encéfalo e consistiam de tumefação, achatamento, amolecimento e amarelamento das circunvoluções cerebrais. Histologicamente, havia necrose neuronal segmentar e laminar (neurônios vermelhos) associada a edema, tumefação endotelial, separação das lâminas de neurônios do córtex telencefálico ou entre as substâncias cinzenta e branca e infiltração moderada a acentuada de macrófagos espumosos. Essas alterações eram mais acentuadas nos lobos telencefálicos frontal, parietal e occipital. Adicionalmente, lesões similares e moderadas foram detectadas no mesencéfalo e hipocampo. A necrose neuronal e o edema afetaram uniformemente as camadas de neurônios da substância cinzenta dos lobos telencefálicos frontal, parietal e occipital. Esse modelo experimental de PEM com administração oral de amprólio parece ser útil para o estudo da doença em bovinos, conforme observado anteriormente em ovinos.In order to establish an experimental model for the study of the etiology, pathology, and pathogenesis of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) in cattle, the condition was induced into four steers by oral administration of amprolium at daily doses of 500 and 350mg per kg of body weight respectively for 22 and 26-28 days. All steers died spontaneously or were euthanized in extremis after being sick for 4-7 days. Three steers that received the drug at 1,000mg/kg and two that received 500mg/kg died spontaneously with acute or subacute clinical signs and without lesions and signs of PEM. In those steers in which PEM was reproduced, the neurological signs included marked apathy, incoordination, sawhorse stance, occasional falls, hyperexcitability, muscle tremors, blindness, grinding of teeth, strabismus, nystagmus, mydriasis, opisthotonus, and lateral recumbency with paddling movements. Main gross lesions were restricted to the brain and included swelling, flattening, softening and yellow discoloration of the cerebral circumvolutions. Histologically, there was segmental laminar neuronal necrosis (red neurons) associated with edema, swelling of endothelial cells, cleavage of laminar neuronal layers or between gray and white matter and moderate to severe infiltration by foamy macrophages (gitter cells). These changes were more marked in the frontal, parietal and occipital telencephalic lobes. Additionally, similar and moderate lesions were detected in the midbrain and hippocampus. Neuronal necrosis and edema affected uniformly the neurons layers of the grey matter of the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes. This experimental model of PEM with oral administration of amprolium may be useful for the study in cattle, as previously observed in sheep

    Doenças de bovinos no Sul do Brasil: 6.706 casos

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    As doenças que acometem bovinos na região Sul do Brasil foram analisadas através de um estudo dos protocolos de necropsia de 6.706 bovinos examinados pelo Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Santa (LPV-UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, de 1964-2008. Desses, 20,9% foram necropsias realizadas no LPV-UFSM e 79,1% foram amostras de tecidos submetidos por veterinários de campo. Dos 6.706 exames, 62,9% tinham diagnóstico conclusivo. A autólise ou material insuficiente foram as principais razões para a ocorrência de casos com diagnóstico inconclusivo. A intoxicação por Senecio spp. foi a principal causa de morte de bovinos neste estudo. As plantas tóxicas e as toxiinfecções juntas, responderam por 22,8% dos casos com diagnóstico conclusivo. As doenças inflamatórias e as parasitoses juntas contribuíram com mais de 30% das doenças de bovinos e a tristeza parasitária bovina foi a principal doença nessa categoria. As demais categorias distribuíram-se na seguinte ordem: neoplasmas e lesões tumoriformes (13,87%), doenças causadas por agentes físicos (2,7%), doenças metabólicas e nutricionais (2,46%), distúrbios circulatórios (1,4%), doenças degenerativas (1,1%), distúrbios do desenvolvimento (0,54%), distúrbios iatrogênicos (0,16%), distúrbios imunogênicos (0,19%) e, outros distúrbios (0,21%). A alta prevalência de tumores em bovinos foi atribuída a ingestão crônica de Pteridium aquilinum, uma toxicose comum na região. As principais doenças de bovinos na região estudada estão relacionadas a fatores ambientais resultante do manejo característico de criação predominantemente extensiva adotado na região.The diseases affecting cattle in southern Brazil were studied through a review of the necropsy reports filed at the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (LPV-UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, and pertaining to the examination of 6.076 cattle during 1964-2008. Of those exams 29.9% were necropsies performed at the LPV-UFSM and 79.1% were mailed-in organ fragments from necropsies performed at the field by veterinary practitioners. Autolysis and non-representative sampling o mailed in organs were the main reasons for non-conclusive diagnosis. Poisoning by Senecio spp. was the main cause of death in cattle in this study and poisonous plants together with toxi-infections accounted for 22.8% of the cases with conclusive diagnosis. Inflammatory diseases together with parasitic diseases accounted for more than 30% of cattle diseases and babesiosis and anaplasmosis were the main diseases in this category. Other categories were distributed in the following order: neoplasms and tumor-like lesions (13.87%), diseases caused by physical agents (2.7%), metabolic and nutritional diseases (2.46%), circulatory disturbances (1.4%), degenerative diseases (1.1%), developmental disorders (0.54%), iatrogenic diseases and sundry lesions. The high prevalence of tumors in cattle in this study was attributed to the chronic ingestion of Pteridium aquilinum, a common toxicosis in the region. The main diseases in cattle from the studied region are related to environmental factors associated to the predominantly husbandry practices adopted in the region

    A commercially available SRP vaccine reduces prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 in feces of beef cattle under commercial feedlot conditions

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    Of all food safety challenges facing the beef industry, Escherichia coli O157:H7 has consistently presented the greatest economic remonstrance to meat packers and retailers. Cattle naturally shed E. coli O157:H7 in their feces, and it is a source of carcass contamination at harvest. If contaminated trim enters the food supply and is subsequently prepared incorrectly, it can lead to the human condition known as hemorrhagic colitis. In children or elderly people, an E. coli O157:H7 infection may lead to a more serious form known as hemolytic uremic syndrome, which is potentially lethal. Although the majority of previous research has been dedicated to reduction in contamination post-harvest, recent focus has shifted to pre-harvest mitigation of E. coli O157:H7. Post-harvest procedures are effective, so there is less room for improvement than in pre-harvest mitigation. Also, reducing the E. coli O157 burden entering the plant may improve the efficacy of post-harvest tools and ultimately reduce human illness. Most previous research efforts have been focused on controlling E. coli within the abbatoir. Over the last 10 years, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has estimated E. coli O157 to cost the industry $2.67 billion. The E. coli O157 siderophore-receptor and porin-based (SRP) vaccine has been shown to reduce fecal shedding of E. coli in cattle in laboratory conditions as well as field conditions. In 2007, the vaccine received conditional licensure from the USDA. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of the SRP vaccine by (1) quantifying the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 in vaccinated cattle under field conditions and (2) monitoring anti-SRP antibody titer levels immediately prior to harvest

    Effects of ceftiofur and chlortetracycline on the resistomes of feedlot cattle.

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    ABSTRACT.Treatment of food-producing animals with antimicrobial drugs (AMD) is controversial because of concerns regarding promotion of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). To investigate this concern, resistance genes in metagenomic bovine fecal samples during a clinical trial were analyzed to assess the impacts of treatment on beef feedlot cattle resistomes. Four groups of cattle were exposed, using a 2-by-2 factorial design, to different regimens of antimicrobial treatment. Injections of ceftiofur crystalline- free acid (a third-generation cephalosporin) were used to treat all cattle in treatment pens or only a single animal, and either chlortetracycline was included in the feed of all cattle in a pen or the feed was untreated. On days 0 and 26, respectively, pre- and posttrial fecal samples were collected, and resistance genes were characterized using shotgun metagenomics. Treatment with ceftiofur was not associated with changes to ?-lactam resistance genes. However, cattle fed chlortetracycline had a significant increase in relative abundance of tetracycline resistance genes. There was also an increase of an AMR class not administered during the study, which is a possible indicator of coselection of resistance genes. Samples analyzed in this study had previously been evaluated by culture characterization (Escherichia coli and Salmonella) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) of metagenomic fecal DNA, which allowed comparison of results with this study. In the majority of samples, genes that were selectively enriched through culture and qPCR were not identified through shotgun metagenomic sequencing in this study, suggesting that changes previously documented did not reflect changes affecting the majority of bacterial genetic elements found in the predominant fecal resistome. © 2018 American Society for Microbiology