32 research outputs found

    Glomerular Basement Membrane Selective Permeability in Short-term Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats

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    In diabetes, the glomerular basement membrane undergoes thickening and structural alterations with loss of glomerular permselectivity properties. However, the onset of the alterations at early phases of diabetes is unclear. Aiming to determine the functional and structural alterations of the glomerular wall in the early stages of diabetes, we have studied the distribution of endogenous circulating albumin and type IV collagen in the glomerular basement membrane, using the immunocytochemical approach. The streptozotocin-injected hyperglycemic rat was our animal model. Renal tissues were examined after 10 days, 2, 4 and 6 months of hyperglycemia. Upon immunogold labelings, changes in the glomerular permeability to endogenous albumin were found altered as early as upon ten days of hyperglycemia. In contrast, no structural modifications were detected at this time point. Indeed, glomerular basement membrane thickening and an altered type IV collagen labeling distribution were only observed after four months of hyperglycemia, suggesting that functional alterations take place early in diabetes prior to any structural modification. In order to evaluate the reversibility of the glomerular alterations, two-month-old diabetic animals were treated with insulin. These animals showed a significant restoring of their glomerular permselectivity. Our results suggest a link between glycemic levels and alteration of glomerular permeability in early stages of diabetes, probably through high levels of glycated serum proteins

    Expression and distribution of adenosine diphosphate-ribosylation factors in the rat kidney111Present address is: Renal Unit & Program in Membrane Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 149, 13th Street, 8th Floor, Boston, MA, 02129, USA

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    Expression and distribution of adenosine diphosphate-ribosylation factors in the rat kidney.BackgroundAdenosine diphosphate (ADP)-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are small guanosine triphosphatases involved in membrane traffic regulation. Aiming to explore the possible involvement of ARF1 and ARF6 in the reabsorptive properties of the nephron, we evaluated their distribution along the different renal epithelial segments.MethodsARFs were detected by immunofluorescence and immunogold cytochemistry on renal sections, using specific anti-ARF antibodies.ResultsARF1 was detected in proximal and distal tubules, thick ascending limbs of Henle's loops, and cortical and medullary collecting ducts. By immunofluorescence, labeling was mostly localized to the cell cytoplasm, particularly in Golgi areas. By electron microscopy, the Golgi apparatus and the endosomal compartment of proximal and distal tubular cells were labeled. ARF6 immunofluorescence was observed in brush border membranes and the cytoplasm of proximal convoluted tubular cells, whereas it was restricted to the apical border of proximal straight tubules. ARF6 immunogold labeling was detected over microvilli and endocytic compartments of proximal tubular cells.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates the following: (a) the heterogeneous distributions of ARF1 and ARF6 along the nephron, (b) the existence of cytosolic and membrane-bound forms for both ARFs, and (c) their association with microvilli and endocytic compartments, suggesting an active participation in renal reabsorption

    Reclutamiento de corales escleractinios en sustrato artificial en isla Fuerte, Caribe colombiano

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    Coral recruitment can be used as an indicator of the health status and resilience of the reef ecosystem. The use of artificial substrates can be used to evaluate the recruitment of individuals and/or the system repopulation by scleractinian corals. El Inglés reef, in Isla Fuerte (Colombian Caribbean) is being exposed to the influence of Sinú and Magdalena rivers. Coral recruitment was quantified in artificial substrates using terracotta plates of 15x15 cm, at three depths (4-6, 12-14, 22-24 m) with replacement every two months for a year. Additionally, sediment deposited on plate surface was collected for each sample. A total of 30 recruits (1 to 6 recruits for sample) were registered, showing differences between the density of recruits over time, being higher between June-August coinciding with a reduction in the sediment loads. No differences in recruits density by depth were observed. The quantity of sedimentation showed differences over time and depth; only an inverse correlation (r2= -0.34, p=0.04, n=36) between recruits density of and sediment amount in deep areas was found in the reef, indicating that the larger load the sediments produced a negative effect on recruits. Coral recruitment registered was low compared with other reefs in the Caribbean, suggesting its vulnerability to high sedimentation by the Sinú River, particularly silt+clays during February-April-June. However, registered recruitment suggests that dominant and survival adult species in the reef as A. tenuifolia, P. astreoides, P. porites and S. siderea, maintain their reproductive activityEl reclutamiento coralino permite inferir sobre el estado de salud y la resiliencia del ecosistema arrecifal. El uso de sustratos artificiales in situ facilita evidenciar la llegada de nuevos individuos y/o repoblamiento de corales escleractinios al sistema. El arrecife El Inglés, en Isla Fuerte (Caribe colombiano), está expuesto a la influencia de los ríos Sinú y Magdalena. Allí se cuantificó el reclutamiento coralino en sustrato artificial, usando placas de terracota de 15x15 cm, a tres profundidades (4-6, 12-14, 22-24 m), con recambio cada dos meses durante un año. Así mismo, se recolectó el sedimento depositado en la superficie de las placas en cada muestreo. Se registraron 30 reclutas en total (1 a 6 reclutas por muestreo), encontrando diferencias entre la densidad de reclutas a través del tiempo, siendo mayor entre junio-agosto, coincidiendo con reducción en la cantidad de sedimento. No hubo diferencias en la densidad de reclutas por profundidad. La cantidad de sedimento presentó diferencias en el tiempo y con la profundidad. Solo en la zona profunda del arrecife se encontró una correlación inversa (r2= -0,34, p=0,04, n=36) entre la densidad de reclutas y la cantidad de sedimento, indicando que a mayor carga de sedimento menor densidad de reclutas. El reclutamiento coralino registrado fue menor, en comparación con otros arrecifes evaluados en el Caribe, lo cual sugiere su vulnerabilidad a la alta sedimentación proveniente del río Sinú, particularmente de limos+arcillas entre febrero-abril-junio. No obstante, el reclutamiento registrado sugiere que, especies adultas dominantes y sobrevivientes en el arrecife, como A. tenuifolia, P. astreoides, P. porites y S. siderea, mantienen su actividad reproductiva

    Coastal subsidence increases vulnerability to sea level rise over twenty first century in Cartagena, Caribbean Colombia

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    Cartagena is subsiding at a higher rate compared to that of global climate-driven sea level rise. We investigate the relative sea level rise (RSLR) and the influence of vertical land movements in Cartagena through the integration of different datasets, including tide gauge records, GPS geodetic subsidence data, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations of vertical motions. Results reveal a long-term rate (\u3e 60 years) of RSLR of 5.98 ± 0.01 mm/yr. The last two decades exhibited an even greater rate of RSLR of 7.02 ± 0.06 mm/yr. GPS subsidence rates range between − 5.71 ± 2.18 and − 2.85 ± 0.84 mm/yr. InSAR data for the 2014–2020 period show cumulative subsidence rates of up to 72.3 mm. We find that geologically induced vertical motions represent 41% of the observed changes in RSLR and that subsidence poses a major threat to Cartagena’s preservation. The geodetic subsidence rates found would imply a further additional RSLR of 83 mm by 2050 and 225 mm by 2100. The Colombian government should plan for the future and serve as an example to similar cities across the Caribbean

    Control del vector del dengue utilizando fracciones etéreas de dos plantas (asteraceae) como larvicidas

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    Objetivo Evaluar la actividad larvicida de dos fracciones etéreas de Heli opsisoppositifolia (L.) Drucey Jaegeria hirta (Lag.) Less en larvas de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (L.) de 3-4 ínstar, en el municipio de Armenia, Quindio.Métodos Se realizó la colecta y análisis fitoquímico preliminar de dos especies vegetales, H. oppositifolia y J. hirta. Fueron preparadas fracciones etéreas de las dos especies. Con estas fracciones, fueron evaluadas 11 concentraciones para determinar las concentraciones letales CL50, CL90 y CL95 después de 24 y 48h. Con los resultados de las CL50,CL90 y CL95, se simuló y construyó un modelo que describe la dinámica población-concentración letal.Resultados La marcha fitoquímica preliminar permitió caracterizar en H. oppositifoliay J. hirta la presencia de: Taninos, flavonoides, quinonas, glicósidos cardiotónicos, esteroles, lactonas, terpenos, coumarinas y alcaloides. Las CL, 48 después para J. hirta (CL5024 CL9070 y CL9593 ppm) fueron menores que H. oppositifolia (CL5039, CL9077y CL9594 ppm). El ANOVA factorial confirmó esta tendencia, J. hirta (66 %, F=18.5, p and lt;0.05) y H. oppositifolia (34 %, F=18.5, p and lt;0.05). La simulación matemática sugiere que la aplicación cada 15 días de la CL50, y cada 30 días de las CL90 y CL95 de cualquiera de las dos especies, tienen la misma respuesta que la utilización de las CL90 y CL95 cada 30 días o la CL50 cada 15 días.Conclusión Ambas especies poseen efecto larvicida. Sin embargo, J. hirta se mostró más promisoria como futuro bioinsecticida para el control de estados inmaduros de Ae. aegypti

    Coastal subsidence increases vulnerability to sea level rise over twenty first century in Cartagena, Caribbean Colombia

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    Cartagena is subsiding at a higher rate compared to that of global climate-driven sea level rise. We investigate the relative sea level rise (RSLR) and the influence of vertical land movements in Cartagena through the integration of different datasets, including tide gauge records, GPS geodetic subsidence data, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations of vertical motions. Results reveal a long-term rate (\u3e 60 years) of RSLR of 5.98 ± 0.01 mm/yr. The last two decades exhibited an even greater rate of RSLR of 7.02 ± 0.06 mm/yr. GPS subsidence rates range between − 5.71 ± 2.18 and − 2.85 ± 0.84 mm/yr. InSAR data for the 2014–2020 period show cumulative subsidence rates of up to 72.3 mm. We find that geologically induced vertical motions represent 41% of the observed changes in RSLR and that subsidence poses a major threat to Cartagena’s preservation. The geodetic subsidence rates found would imply a further additional RSLR of 83 mm by 2050 and 225 mm by 2100. The Colombian government should plan for the future and serve as an example to similar cities across the Caribbean

    Violence against women in three cities in Colombia: Pasto, Cartagena and Cali. Reflection from the figures for regional observatories 2005-2009

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    This article presents a research that demonstrates the seriousness of the situation of violence against women in intimate relationships. The contribution of the research lies in the collection of figures from regional centers in Cali, Pasto and Cartagena, which refer to the main problems identified, and dynamics of violations, types of offenders, forms of violence and even periods when these phenomena are increased. It ends with some proposals concerning the strengthening of public policy, state and institutional response mechanisms, and designing of access to justice for women, given the serious situation described in intimate partner violence in the context of domestic violence.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que evidencia la gravedad de lasituación de violencia contra la mujer con un examen específico de este fenómeno en lasrelaciones de pareja. El aporte de las investigadoras radica en la documentación de losprincipales problemas referidos a la dinámica de las vulneraciones, tipologías de agresores, formas de violencia e incluso períodos en que se incrementan estos fenómenos a partir de las cifras de los Observatorios Regionales de Cali, Pasto y Cartagena (Colombia). Finaliza con unas propuestas relacionadas con el fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas, respuesta estatal e institucional y diseño de mecanismos de acceso a la justicia para las mujere

    Violencia contra las mujeres en tres ciudades de Colombia: Pasto, Cartagena y Cali. 2005-2009

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    This article presents a research that demonstrates the seriousness of the situation of violence against women in intimate relationships. The contribution of the research lies in the collection of figures from regional centers in Cali, Pasto and Cartagena, which refer to the main problems identified, and dynamics of violations, types of offenders, forms of violence and even periods when these phenomena are increased. It ends with some proposals concerning the strengthening of public policy, state and institutional response mechanisms, and designing of access to justice for women, given the serious situation described in intimate partner violence in the context of domestic violence.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que evidencia la gravedad de lasituación de violencia contra la mujer con un examen específico de este fenómeno en lasrelaciones de pareja. El aporte de las investigadoras radica en la documentación de losprincipales problemas referidos a la dinámica de las vulneraciones, tipologías de agresores, formas de violencia e incluso períodos en que se incrementan estos fenómenos a partir de las cifras de los Observatorios Regionales de Cali, Pasto y Cartagena (Colombia). Finaliza con unas propuestas relacionadas con el fortalecimiento de las políticas públicas, respuesta estatal e institucional y diseño de mecanismos de acceso a la justicia para las mujere

    Expedición Caribe sur : Antioquia y Chocó costeros

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    RESUMEN: Hasta el momento el conocimiento que se tenía de la región Darién-Urabá-Caribe antioqueño era fragmentario: los estudios no se habían realizado de manera simultánea a lo largo del litoral, y así había poca interacción entre las disciplinas de las ciencias del mar. El objetivo de este estudio fue construir una base de datos sobre las características geomorfológicas, oceanográficas, forestales y faunísticas de los manglares, a lo largo del litoral comprendido entre cabo Tiburón (Acandí-Chocó) y quebrada Peñoncito (Arboletes, Antioquia). Se realizó una expedición en la que participaron científicos de diferentes ciencias del mar, para recolectar información de campo sobre diferentes componentes temáticos, a lo largo de los 609 km del contorno costero (...

    Acondicionamiento sostenible de la vivienda de interés social, como medio saludable para los habitantes. Caso de estudio Urbanización Tierra Tayrona en Bosa, Bogotá D.C.

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónLa vivienda como el espacio de mayor permanencia de las personas, se configura como el lugar en donde el cuerpo es mas vulnerable a enfermedades, en la sostenibilidad se identifican estrategias que mejoran los espacios construidos, como herramienta de transformación a partir del concepto de Biofilia; Permitir procesos y elementos naturales en el entorno construido genera un mejor estado de salud.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. ESTADO DEL ARTE 3. MARCO TEÓRICO 4. METODOLOGÍA 5. RESULTADOS 6. ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS 7. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAMaestríaMagíster en Diseño Sostenibl