1,309 research outputs found

    El hombre delincuente en relacion con la antropología, la jurisprudencia y la psiquiatría

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    El fin que me propuse al publicar este atlas es el de ofrecer al lector el medio para controlar por si mismo la verdad de mis afirmaciones, sin afectar, por otro lado, la economía de espacio que exige un libro. Entonces, este atlas es, no solo una parte integrante de la obra, sino la más importante.Traducción de Celeste LeonardiFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    El hombre delincuente : Prefacio del autor a la cuarta edición

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    Este libro, comparable al humilde insecto que, sin saberlo, transporta, el polen fecundante, dio origen a un germen que sólo dará sus frutos dentro de varios años. Permitió gracias a los trabajos de los señores Liszt, Kraepelin, Biliakow, Troiski, Körnfeld, Knecht, Holtzendorf, Sommer, Kirchenheim, Mendel, Pulido, Echeverria, Zanches, Drill, Kowalewski, Likaceff, Minzloff, Kolokoloff, Espinas, Letourneau, Tonnini, Reinach, Soury, Corre, Motet, Orchanski, Manouvrier, Fioretti, Le Bon, Bordier, Bournet, Roussel, Ribot, Heger, Albrecht, Warnott, Lenhossek, Tamburini, Frigerio, Laschi, Mayor, Majno, Benelli, Fulci, Pavia, Aguglia, Sergi, Tanzi, Campilli, Barzilai, Pugliese, Morello, Lessona C., Cosenza, Lestingi, Colucci, Turati, Marro, Venezian, y especialmente gracias al trabajo de los señores Lacassagne, Flesch, Benedikt, Beltrán-Scalia, Virgilio Morselli, Garofalo, Puglia y Ferri, que naciera una nueva escuela. Escuela que vino a llenar las enormes lagunas de las primeras ediciones de este libro, al tiempo que determinó las aplicaciones prácticas ,desde el punto de vista jurídico. No sé de que manera manifestar mi reconocimiento a esos ilustres científicos. Gracias a ellos, y por primera vez, pude distinguir exactamente al criminal nato, no sólo del criminal ocasional, sino además del loco y del alcohólico, a quien consagraré dos monografías especiales. Además, gracias a ellos, pude ampliar mis investigaciones sobre las formas primordiales del crimen en el salvaje, en el niño y en el animal, pude completar el estudio anatómico, pude iniciar el estudio fisiológico, especialmente los que tratan las anomalías de la sensibilidad, de la reacción vascular y el reflejo, fenómenos que nos explican esta subordinación paradoxal de la salud que reencontramos, tan a menudo, en individuos enfermos desde su nacimiento, como lo son los criminales.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Black (or) Italians? The Construction of Blackness in Italian Context - Past and Present

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    Black (or) Italians? The Construction of Blackness in the Italian Context – Past and Present. In the last 30 years Italy experienced relevant changes due to its new configuration as a postcolonial country and land of transnational migrations, without ceasing to be an emigration country. From the official end of Italian colonialism and, later, from the Berlin Wall fell, the seas around Italy no longer constitute insuperable barriers but rather borders that are continously crossed. The arrival, the transition or the stable settlement of people coming from the Global South, the daily deaths in the Mediterranean Sea, the increasing presence of the so-called “second generations of migration” and the consequent social and demographic changes force Italy to deal with its postcolonial and, as Cristina Lombardi-Diop proposed, postracial status. The new social balances created by migration flows and the increasingly presence of Afroitalians have two simultaneous effects: on one hand they are re-defining the concepts of “being Italian” and of national belonging; on the other hand they are revealing that the racial identity of the Italians has been built up as uniformly white, with the consequent foreclosure of people who are not included in this “chromatic norm”. In this paper I focus on the construction processes of blackness in the frame of Italian historical and geopolitical context. Connecting the postcolonial present with the colonial past, I examine how the definition of the concept of blackness has been influenced by specific social phenomena linked to specific historical periods (as colonialism, migrations etc). I analyze both the representations of blackness in today’s Italy and how the common idea that “black Italian” is an oxymoron is increasingly challenged by the “second generations”

    Inimigas da moral sexual e dos bons costumes : um estudo dos discursos jurídico-criminológicos sobre as prostitutas

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    Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Katie Silene Cáceres ArgüelloCoorientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Priscilla Placha SáDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito. Defesa : Curitiba, 23/03/2018Inclui referências: p.219-236Área de concentração: Direito do EstadoResumo: A prostituição feminina é um objeto de estudo pouco explorado pelas ciências criminais. Propõe-se refletir sobre os significados atribuídos à prostituição pelos discursos jurídicos e criminológicos. Se na Criminologia Positivista (lombrosiana) a prostituta era encarada num viés estigmatizante, na Criminologia Crítica é notável a sua ausência, déficit que vem sendo paulatinamente suprido pelas Criminologias Feministas. Por outro lado, no Direito, sobretudo na esfera penal, prevalecem entendimentos conservadores sobre o meretrício, tendência que pode ser verificada a partir dos recentes Projetos de Lei que abordaram a prostituição, das obras contemporâneas de penalistas brasileiros e das correntes jurisprudenciais, tanto dos tribunais superiores (STF e STJ) como da corte estadual (TJPR), analisadas no período compreendido entre 2010 e 2016. Confirmando a hipótese inicial, conclui-se que, mesmo após a reforma realizada em 2009 no Código Penal, a maior parte dos juristas (doutrinadores penalistas e magistrados) se mantém vinculada à moral sexual e aos bons costumes. Defende-se, ainda, a descriminalização do entorno da prostituição, regulamentando a profissão como alternativa aos impasses jurídicos vivenciados pelas prostitutas. Palavras-chave: prostituição; Criminologia Crítica; Criminologia Feminista; regulamentação; feminismo interseccional.Abstract: Female prostitution is an object of study little explored by the criminal sciences. It is proposed to reflect the meanings attributed to prostitution by legal and criminological discourses. If in the Positivist Criminology (lombrosian) the prostitute was faced with a stigmatizing bias, Critical Criminology is notable for its absence, a deficit that has been gradually supplied by Feminist Criminology. On the other hand, regarding to Law, especially in the criminal sphere, conservative understandings on prostitution prevail, tendency that can be verified from the recent bills that somehow approached sex work, the contemporary books written by criminalists, and the jurisprudential currents (STF, STJ and TJPR), analyzed during the period between 2010 and 2016. Confirming the initial hypothesis, it is concluded that, even after the reform carried out in 2009 in the Penal Code, most of the jurists (criminalists and judges) remain linked to sexual morality and good manners. It is also defended the decriminalization of prostitution, regulating the profession as an alternative to legal obstacles experienced by prostitutes. Keywords: prostitution; Critical Criminology; Feminist Criminology; regulation; intersectional feminism

    Alle origini della prova scientifica: la scuola di polizia di Salvatore Ottolenghi = The origins of scientific evidence: Salvatore Ottolenghi’s police school

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    - DOI: https://doi.org/10.22197/rbdpp.v7i2.597Trata sobre o nascimento da Escola de Polícia Científica, cujo objetivo era ensinar aos policiais da segurança pública e da polícia investigativa um método científico para o melhor desempenho de suas funções. Afirma que a pesquisa dá a oportunidade enfocar um período culturalmente animado e de entusiasmo fideísta pelas chamadas ciências auxiliares (antropologia, psicologia, medicina legal, estatística etc.), que entram em cena no julgamento criminal, graças também ao impulso da Escola Positiva. Dá atenção especial à antropometria, desenvolvida por Bertillon, e à papiloscopia (datiloscopia), graças aos estudos do italiano Gasti


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    COLÔNIA COLONY Carlos Petit*** RESUMO: O uso do termo colonia ao longo do tempo, desde o termo latino, deu-lhe múltiplos sentidos que se foi somando em uma dispersão de significados, empregos e usos. Suas ambiguidades passam a diversas línguas em um emprego que traz uma forma transversal ao pensarmos no uso mais corrente, a expansão e o domínio das potencias europeias. Poderia se dizer que o conceito é constitutivamente confuso. Mas, o entendimento que colonia atua como centro de uma rede descritiva de múltiplas experiências de poder suscetíveis de análise com significados, no fundo, bastante homogêneos, seria uma possibilidade de entendimento bastante recorrente. Com a persistência do vocábulo em qualquer das línguas europeias se observa uma certa homogeneidade morfológica, e o leque de aplicabilidade se torna um labirinto de novas experiências linguísticas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Colônia. Termo-Conceito. Linguística. História Do Direito. ABSTRACT: The use of the term colony over time, from the Latin term, gave it multiple meanings that have been adding into a dispersion of meanings, employments and uses. Its ambiguities passed to several languages in an employment that brings a transversal shape when we think about the more common use, the expansion and the domain of European powers. It could be said that the concept is constitutively confuse. However, the understanding that colony acts as the center of a descriptive network of multiple power experiences susceptible of analysis with meanings, basically, quite homogeneous, would be a possibility of fairly frequent understanding. With the persistence of the word in any of the European languages it is observed a certain morphological homogeneity, and the range of applicability becomes a maze of new linguistic experiences. KEYWORDS: Colony. Term – Concept. Linguistics. Legal History. * Professor catedrático da Universidade de Huelva, Espanha.** Projeto de pesquisa nº BJU 2000-1174 (Ministério espanhol de Ciência e Tecnologia). Cedo à solicitação de Mario Da Passono e reproduzo, com mínimas reelaborações e umas quantas notas, o texto de minha intervenção no encontro sobre Le colonie penali nell’Europa dell’Ottocento (Porto Torres, 25 de maio 2001).*** Tradução de Jairdilson da Paz Silva, doutor em História do Direito Constitucional pela Universidade de Salamanca, Membro Investigador do Grupo de Investigação sobre as Independências da Universidade de Salamanca – INDUSAL

    Raskolnikov: Not the Typical Criminal Man

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    Criminologists in the nineteenth century gave much effort to identify, classify, and understand the physical, social, and psychological characteristics of the world’s criminals. Using the lens of these early criminological theories and the scholarly interpretations of Dostoevsky’s Raskolnikov, this paper explores the dimensions of Raskolnikov as a criminal character. Ultimately, these developing psychological and criminal anthropological theories are not successful in explaining the character of Raskolnikov. This exploration sheds light on a fundamental characteristic of human nature that Dostoevsky understands. Just as Raskolnikov is unable to be fully characterized by his utilitarian social theories, and by the theories of early criminologists, humanity is fundamentally unable to be reduced to a theory

    disrupting routine: the expansion of precedent

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    Iconic architecture has presented a preferential nature to the establishment of architectural work. Academically, only the architectural a-side is presented to students. It is used as a means to develop, measure, and identify good work. Meanwhile, the architectural B-side is deliberately hidden away and censored by the profession. It exploits the perverse - displaying all of architecture’s failures, glitches, and anomalies.1 However, the notion of the a and b sides also presents problematic consequences. Prescribing architecture as either a or b side is problematic - it creates a divide between iconic architecture and all the other works deemed ‘insignificant’. Even the manner in which the architectural routine has catered to the development of iconic works must be challenged. The process or \u27routine\u27 of architectural development does not provide a means for exploration into other affinities or even allow the ability to explore in \u27non-traditional\u27 methods; instead, it prioritizes efficiency rather than production. Originally aiming to exposé the preferential nature of the architectural icons through the architectural a and b sides, this thesis will serve as a means of developing architectural investigations to expand the references and, in turn the voices that are included within the dialog of architectural design

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