222 research outputs found

    Metodología para el desarrollo de objetos de aprendizaje en la disciplina matemática de la universidad de las ciencias informáticas

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    Se propone una metodología que favorece el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de Objetos de Aprendizaje (OA) por parte de los docentes, en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de las asignaturas de la disciplina Matemática en la UCI. Se asumen las ventajas de los OA para la adquisición de habilidades y competencias matemáticas, a partir de las necesidades específicas de aprendizaje de los alumnos, se reconoce el papel de estos en el proceso de autogestión del contenido. El trabajo toma como referencia la experiencia devenida en el diseño de materiales educativos por un grupo de profesores de Matemática en la UCI, antes y después de la aplicación de la metodología de desarrollo propuesta

    Construction Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering at bachelor degree level: A guideline course

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    ABSTRACT: In general terms, construction rehabilitation is not sufficiently studied worldwide in civil engineering schools. This article proposes an international guideline course on construction rehabilitation for civil engineering students at the bachelor degree level. As we live in an increasingly globalized world, the course aims to prepare students in the same basic concepts so the course content and its focus can be common for all civil engineering programs worldwide. Nevertheless, the course should be considered as a general guideline. At each university, special attention should be paid to the topics that are most common due to the varying construction practices, preservation laws and regulations, and legal jurisdiction governing the scope of practice in construction rehabilitation that exist in the region/country in which the university is located. Moreover, the guideline course should be focused on existing building types, both significant historic ones and those that make up the day-to-day rehabilitation market. To achieve this, the initial step of the methodology was the study and integration of the results obtained in a survey sent to lecturers at 89 universities in 30 countries around the world. Then, a preliminary grouping was done of topics that could be included in the course, preassigning a teaching time to each topic. Later, various renowned experts in the matter audited the tentative guideline course. Finally, based on their opinions and comments, the definitive guideline course was rewritten. Through this course, civil engineering students will improve their ability to recognize, analyze, diagnose, and solve problems that commonly appear in existing buildings, and they will increase their knowledge about maintaining and conserving them

    Estudio sobre la patología, la idoneidad estructural y de materiales de la Iglesia de San Mamés (Cantabria-España): propuestas de rehabilitación

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    Como primer paso a la rehabilitación de una construcción es necesario conocer en profundidad el estado en que se encuentra la misma, de modo que la inversión que va a llevarse a cabo, normalmente grande en este tipo de trabajos, se haga con las suficientes garantías. Tal conocimiento se consigue a través de los denominados “Estudios previos a la rehabilitación”. En lo que sigue, se reflexionará sobre diferentes aspectos de los mismos que consideramos de interés y centraremos nuestra atención en una construcción: La iglesia de San Mamés (Cantabria, España), edificio construido a mediados del siglo XVIII y que responde a un modelo arquitectónico derivado del clasicismo. Si bien las ideas que subyacen en nuestro trabajo pueden extrapolarse fácilmente a otros edificios y a las obras públicas.Tópico 5: Intervenciones en construcciones con patologías estructurales y aplicación de refuerzos

    Comparison between minor destructive tests results and finite element models: the case of a sandstone masonry wall tested in laboratory

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    This work is a comparative between stress and strain results obtained from Minor Destructive Tests (MDT) for several load tests on a sandstone masonry wall performed in laboratory, and the numerical results obtained from finite element models, in order to draw conclusions about the challenges and kindness of the experimental technique employed. Laboratory tests correspond to simple flat jack tests performed on a masonry wall. In regard to the model, a macromodel has been used, assuming it consists of a single isotropic material with elastic behavior, pretending to be a first approximation from which the results can be refined. The parameters characterizing the material have been taken from laboratory results obtained from double flat jack tests. It is therefore a two-way analysis, where laboratory results are compared with those obtained from numerical calculation, and these, in turn, are fed with previous results. By numerical modeling we obtain the stress distribution on the wall, resulting, first, from the load application, and after, induced by the pressure on the flat jack. Thus, we can compare the stress distribution resulting from the application of the load with the values obtained from the simple flat jack tests to validate them, and then study the evolution of stress and strain the wall during the test in order to achieve a better understanding of the process

    Methodology for the generation of 3D city models and integration of HBIM models in GIS: Case studies

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    [EN] The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry increasingly demands the availability of semantic and interactive digital models with the environment, capable of simulating decision-making during its life cycle and representing the results achieved. This motivates the need to develop models that integrate spatial information (GIS) and construction information (HBIM), favouring the achievement of the Smart City and Digital Twin concepts. GIS & HBIM platform is a useful tool, with potential applications in the world of built heritage; but it still has certain inefficiencies related to interoperability, the semantics of the formats and the geometry of the models. The objective of this contribution is to suggest a procedure for the generation of 3D visualization models of existing cities by integrating HBIM models in GIS environments. For this, three software and two types of data sources (existing plans and point cloud) are used. The methodology is tested in four locations of different dimensions, managing to identify the advantages/disadvantages of each application.Carrasco, CA.; Lombillo, I.; Sánchez-Espeso, J. (2022). Methodology for the generation of 3D city models and integration of HBIM models in GIS: Case studies. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 7(2):74-87. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvioijats.2022.1880874877

    Simplified model to consider influence of gravity on impacts on structures: Experimental and numerical validation

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    Traditionally, the effect of gravitational force has not been considered in the study of impacts on structures, partly due to lack of knowledge. In most cases, it may be reasonable to disregard this effect, but it is not clear where the limit is and, therefore, in which cases its effect should be considered. Is this limit the same regardless of the type of structure? What criterion should be adopted? This paper develops a simplified model that allows, through a simple formulation, the calculation of the displacement and contact force in an impact considering the effect of the force of gravity on the structural response. In this article, the formulation has been validated with experimental impact tests on beams and also with finite element models. In addition, a coefficient is proposed which enables the evaluation, prior to any analysis, of whether the impact will be significantly influenced by the force of gravity, whatever the structure under study

    Fiber optic strain gages for stress analysis by means of the hole drilling technique

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    ABSTRACT: The article deals with the application of the hole drilling technique on structural elements of architectural heritage constructions by using eight fiber optic strain gages. The objective of the research is the on site deduction of the stress state on stone masonry of architectural heritage constructions. The hole drilling method is a Minor Destructive Testing (MDT) giving information about the Principal Stresses of the local stress state around the measured zone and, in consequence, it favours the estimation of the stresses associated with a certain direction, for example the vertical stress of a stone masonry element. Fiber optic technology allows the storage of the strains in the strain gages even when the unit of measure is temporarily not connected. Thus it will be able to monitor the stress measurements as a time function. The tests carried out have compared the applied loads in a laboratory machine with the results obtained by the hole drilling technique through fiber optic strain gages. Until now only resistive strain gages have been used. In this sense the contribution is innovative with an evident advance towards the complete structural characterisation of stone masonry structural elements

    Desarrollo de una herramienta completa de análisis y evaluación de riesgos en seguridad de presas

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    En los últimos años, se ha producido en el panorama internacional un acercamiento del campo de la seguridad de presas hacia las metodologías basadas en riesgo, en las que se combina la probabilidad de ocurrencia de eventos indeseados y sus consecuencias asociadas. Este acercamiento se comprueba por ejemplo en la publicación de un boletín de la Comisión Internacional de Grandes Presas (ICOLD) dedicado exclusivamente al tema y en que una de las sesiones del último Congreso Internacional de Grandes presas estuviese dedicada a ello. En cuanto a las realizaciones de análisis concretos, estas han variado desde las más simplificadas y cualitativas hasta aplicaciones cuantitativas completas. Ante este panorama, el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar una herramienta completa que permita realizar análisis de riesgos sobre cualquier presa o sistema de presas. En base a ello, el trabajo está dividido en cinco partes, que se resumen a continuación. La primera parte presenta los fundamentos teóricos del Análisis de Riesgo y trata de manera sistemática cada una de las variables que forman parte de un modelo de riesgo y las relaciones existentes entre ellas. A cada una de ellas se dedica un capítulo en el que se revisa el estado del arte en cuanto a su modelación, aportando también los conocimientos y visiones que se han ganado a lo largo del desarrollo de este trabajo. Esta parte del trabajo tiene asimismo una vocación de guía para la realización de Análisis de Riesgo. Por ello, se propone también un procedimiento general para llevar a cabo Análisis de Riesgo y se incluye un capítulo en el que se repasan los principales criterios de tolerabilidad de riesgo existentes a nivel internacional. En la segunda parte se desarrolla una conceptualización de los modelos de riesgo suficientemente general como para poder representar cualquier tipo de modelo de riesgo que se pueda emplear en seguridad de presas, pero también suficientemente intuitiva y compacta como para sSerrano Lombillo, AJ. (2011). Desarrollo de una herramienta completa de análisis y evaluación de riesgos en seguridad de presas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11400Palanci

    Dealing with epistemic uncertainty in risk-informed decision making for dam safety management

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    [EN] In recent years, the application of risk analysis to inform dam safety governance has increased significantly. In this framework, considering explicitly and independently both natural and epistemic uncertainty in quantitative risk models allows to understand the sources of uncertainty in risk results and to estimate the effect of actions, tests, and surveys to reduce epistemic uncertainty. In this paper, Indexes of Coincidence are proposed to analyze the effect of epistemic uncertainty in the prioritization of investments based on risk results, which is the key issue in this paper. These indexes allow consideration of the convenience of conducting additional uncertainty reduction actions. These metrics have been applied to the prioritization of risk reduction measures for four concrete gravity dams in Spain. Results allow for a better understanding of how epistemic uncertainty of geotechnical resistance parameters influence risk-informed decision making. The proposed indexes are also useful for probabilistic risk analyses of other civil engineering structures with high epistemic uncertainty environments, since they analyze whether existing uncertainty could have an impact on decision making, outlining the need for extra studies, surveys and tests.Morales Torres, A.; Escuder Bueno, I.; Serrano Lombillo, AJ.; Castillo-Rodríguez, J. (2019). Dealing with epistemic uncertainty in risk-informed decision making for dam safety management. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 191. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2019.106562S19