255 research outputs found

    Impulso pirandelliano para Pértega Teatro

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    Argumentación e hipótesis en los sonetos de Francisco de Quevedo

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    Este artículo estudia y delimita el corpus quevediano compuesto por los poemas encabezados con la conjunción condicional «si». Se parte para el estudio de dos artículos de Alatorre y Pozuelo Yvancos profundizando en sus conclusiones y añadiendo comentarios prácticos de poemas tanto de Quevedo como de otros autores del Siglo de Oro. This article studies and delimits the quevedian corpus of poems which begins with the conditional conjunction «if». It uses two previous articles by Alatorre and Pozuelo Yvancos, deepening in their análisis and adding commentaries to Quevedo’s poems and others by authors from the Golden Age

    The effects of endocrine disruptors on the male germline: an intergenerational health risk

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    [EN] Environmental pollution is becoming one of the major concerns of society. Among the emerging contaminants, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), a large group of toxicants, have been the subject of many scientific studies. Besides the capacity of these compounds to interfere with the endocrine system, they have also been reported to exert both genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects. Given that spermatogenesis is a coordinated process that requires the involvement of several steroid hormones and that entails deep changes in the chromatin, such as DNA compaction and epigenetic remodelling, it could be affected by male exposure to EDCs. A great deal of evidence highlights that these compounds have detrimental effects on male reproductive health, including alterations to sperm motility, sexual function, and gonad development. This review focuses on the consequences of paternal exposure to such chemicals for future generations, which still remain poorly known. Historically, spermatozoa have long been considered as mere vectors delivering the paternal haploid genome to the oocyte. Only recently have they been understood to harbour genetic and epigenetic information that plays a remarkable role during offspring early development and long-term health. This review examines the different modes of action by which the spermatozoa represent a key target for EDCs, and analyses the consequences of environmentally induced changes in sperm genetic and epigenetic information for subsequent generationsSIThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project AGL2014-53167-C3-3-R; PhD Grant BES-2015-071885

    Paternal Inheritance of Bisphenol A Cardiotoxic Effects: The Implications of Sperm Epigenome

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    [EN] Parental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to a greater incidence of congenital diseases. We have demonstrated that BPA induces in zebrafish males an increase in the acetylation of sperm histones that is transmitted to the blastomeres of the unexposed progeny. This work is aimed to determine whether histone hyperacetylation promoted by paternal exposure to BPA is the molecular mechanism underlying the cardiogenesis impairment in the descendants. Zebrafish males were exposed to 100 and 2000 µg/L BPA during early spermatogenesis and mated with non-exposed females. We analyzed in the progeny the expression of genes involved in cardiogenesis and the epigenetic profile. Once the histone hyperacetylation was confirmed, treatment with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an inhibitor of histone acetyltransferases, was assayed on F1 embryos. Embryos from males exposed to 2000 µg/L BPA overexpressed the transcription factor hand2 and the receptor esr2b, showing their own promoters—as well as that of kat6a—an enrichment in H3K9ac. In embryos treated with EGCG, both gene expression and histone acetylation (global and specific) returned to basal levels, and the phenotype was recovered. As shown by the results, the histone hyperacetylated landscape promoted by BPA in the sperm alters the chromatin structure of the progeny, leading to the overexpression of the histone acetyltransferase and genes involved in cardiogenesisSIThis work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project AGL2014-53167-C3-3-R; PhD Grant BES- 2015-071885) and it was awarded by Fundación Carolina Rodríguez (Universidad de León) in the 24th edition of “Premios Mariano Rodríguez para jóvenes investigadores

    Salomón de la Selva: de la poesía a la trinchera y viceversa

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    Resumen: El artículo realiza un recorrido por la vida, obra y participación en la I Guerra Mundial del poeta nicaragüense Salomón de la Selva, discípulo y traductor de Rubén Darío. Gracias a su amistad con diferentes jóvenes poetas estadounidenses, Salomón de la Selva comenzó a estudiar y a ejercitarse tan profundamente en la métrica y la musicalidad de la poesía anglófona que su obra poética fue reconocida como una de las voces de la nueva poesía en diferentes revistas e incluso en la famosa antología The Book of American Poetry. Se alistó como soldado en el ejército de Inglaterra y registró en sus versos la experiencia. Salomón de la Selva llama con su poesía innovadora a las futuras generaciones a no olvidar nunca las lecciones de esa tinta imperecedera de la guerra; y es justamente en este llamado en el que radica su mayor esperanza. Palabras clave: Salomón de la Selva, Rubén Darío, Poesía anglófona, testimonio, Gran Guerra Abstract: The article takes a journey through the life, work and participation in World War I of the Nicaraguan poet Salomón de la Selva, a disciple and translator of Ruben Dario. Thanks to his friendship with various young American poets, de la Selva began an in depth study of the metrics and musicality of English-language poetry. His own poetry was recognised as one of the voices of new poetry by various magazines and even in the famous anthology The Book of American Poetry. He enlisted as a soldier in the British army and recorded this experience in his verses. With his innovative poetry, de la Selva called to future generations to never forget the lessons of the war, and it is precisely in this call that his greatest hope lies. Key words: Salomón de la Selva, Rubén Darío, Anglophone Poetry, testimony, WWI doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20318/revhisto.2016.310

    "La gritería de las ranas"

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    Sin entrar en la histórica polémica sobre la suerte que han tenido las traducciones de la obra de Juan Rulfo en Italia, este breve estudio pretende comparar las cuatro traducciones al italiano que existen del cuento “Macario”, uno de los cuentos más representativos del estilo y del universo rulfianos, concentrándose principalmente en las soluciones a las que llegaron los traductores al enfrentarse con el primer fragmento del texto, para identificar los objetivos con los partió cada uno de ellos y evaluar sus resultados. Abstract: Without going into the historical controversy over the fate of the translations of Juan Rulfo’s work in Italy, this brief study aims to compare the four existing Italian translations of the story “Macario”, one of the most representative stories of the style and of the Rulfian universe, concentrating mainly on the solutions that the translators arrived at when faced with the first fragment of the text, to identify the objectives with which each one of them departed and evaluate their results.Abstract: Senza entrare nella storica polemica sulle sorti delle traduzioni dell'opera di Juan Rulfo in Italia, questo breve saggio si propone un confronto tra le quattro traduzioni che ci sono in italiano del racconto "Macario", uno dei testi più rappresentativi sia dello stile sia dell'universo rulfiani, per concentrarsi principalmente nelle soluzioni trovate dai traduttori nella traduzione del primo frammento del racconto, con lo scopo d'identificare gli obiettivi dai quali partiva ogni uno di essi e valutare i loro risultati

    Rodrigo Cacho Casal, La poesía burlesca de Quevedo y sus modelos italianos. Universidade, Santiago de Compostela, 2003; 410 pp.

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    Se reseñó el libro: La poesía burlesca de Quevedo y sus modelos italianos

    La importancia de llamarse Macario: posibles huellas de incestos griegos en un cuento de Juan Rulfo

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    La sobriedad estilística y la consecuente ambigüedad que caracterizan las obras de Juan Rulfo dejan amplio espacio para diferentes interpretaciones y lecturas. En este trabajo se propone una hipótesis de interpretación del cuento “Macario” según el mito griego de Eolo, con el que parecería compartir algunos elementos y núcleos simbólicos. La sobrietà stilistica e la conseguente ambiguità che contraddistinguono le opere di Juan Rulfo lasciano ampio spazio per diverse interpretazioni e letture. In questo lavoro si propone una nuova interpretazione del racconto “Macario” basata sul mito greco di Eolo, con il quale sembrerebbe condividere alcuni elementi e nuclei simbolici

    Caso de Remo

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