89 research outputs found

    Sublevel open stoping : design of the O640, L651 and N659 sub-level open stopes in the 3000 orebody of the Mount ISA copper mines, Queensland, Australia

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    This dissertation will explore the process followed in the design of a sub-level open stope (SLOS) by using examples of actual stopes scheduled to be in production between August 2006 and February 2007. The main objective is to give the reader an understanding into sub-level open stoping and the design process followed. The objective here is to present a design methodology applicable to sublevel open stoping, but also to then bridge the gap between theory and practice by applying said methodology to an actual design example. The design examples used in this dissertation is based on the O640, L651 and N659 stopes in the 3000 Orebody of Xstrata Copper Operation’s Mount Isa Mine, located in North-West Queensland, Australia. The actual design reports as required by the mine are attached in Annexure 1 through 3. Given the similarities of the designs, only O640 will be analysed comprehensively within the main content of this report, with L651 and N659 discussed specifically insofar issues that were unique to these stopes. With the design of O640, all aspects or design considerations as stipulated in the design process were discussed and analysed so as to define the final stope shape. These design considerations include: Faulting Grade Contours Existing Development Surrounding Fill masses Rock Mechanics Once the the final stope shape has been set, options regarding stope extraction will take place. This is where the initial stope layout takes place and where the engineer looks at the advantages and disadvantages of all the different options available in mining the stope. In this phase, the most effective extraction option is decided upon. Once the engineer have decided a final stope shape and extraction option, the stope will be analysed in further detail referring to drilling, the amount of drawpoints, ventilation and other stoping requirements. These are all defined as stope design features and are considered a general summary of the stope design. The design features phase is closely followed with all the safety considerations that have been taken into account since the stope design started. Main concerns and stope specific safety issues are discussed and possible solutions given. It is part of the work of the mine planning engineer to anticipate all possible safety issues and make the production department aware of what can be expected during the development, mining and filling activities of every stope. At this stage the design of the stope nears completion. The remainder of the design now goes into more detail and addresses the critical tasks that from part of sub-level open stoping. These include: Reserves and Scheduling Development and Drilling Production and Firing (Blasting) Ventilation Services Filling Economic Analysis Although all of the abovementioned have already been mentioned during the design features phase, it is still required to give additional details so the different departments involved have an accurate idea of what to expect, when to expect it and therefore be able to sufficiently plan for it. It must be noted that it does happen that something may be “discovered” during any stage of the final design, which may render the current design undesirable. When this happens the stope must be re-designed until all issues have been resolved or at the least have been managed appropriately. Even though this report does not go into detail with the L651 and N659 designs, these designs are included as they bring to light issues that may arise that are unique to individual stopes. L651 looks at how a design drastically changes when ore not planned for is discovered. N659 looks at what happens when a stope is the first to be mined in an area with inadequate infrastructure. The main content of the dissertation discusses and explains the design procedure as it would take place at Mount Isa Mines, but it is still quite difficult to follow logically. For this reason a flowchart was included to give the reader a more comprehensive summary of the design process.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Mining Engineeringunrestricte


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    Human rights reveal contradictory argumentation. The network of values that has been produced is based on the fiction of the existence of universal content, which reveals the desire for a single foundation. However, the crystallized conceptual plot is insufficient to encompass the dual character of the human being’s right. Making concepts malleable, showing clearly their antagonisms, enables adjustments and resistance to the actives forces. The purpose of this article is to analyze the human rights contradictions concerning its scope, language and ideals, revealing the movement that makes it possible both social emancipation and the instrumentalization for control. The method utilized in the present work consists of a literature review, conceptual review and an approach of concepts. The results demonstrate that the discourses of human rights are linked to the historical and political situation of each place and it is clear that its use is not always linked to the effective defense of man

    Implicações da nova legislação na certificação energética de edifícios existentes

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    O desenvolvimento deste trabalho teve como principal objetivo obter uma primeira avaliação da nova proposta de revisão do Regulamento das Características do Comportamento Térmico de Edifícios (RCCTE), relativamente à certificação energética de edifícios existentes. Inicialmente foi feito um estudo da regulamentação térmica de edifícios em Portugal relativamente ao desempenho energético de edifícios. De seguida abordou-se o caso de estudo, onde para uma fração autónoma existente se compara a aplicação do RCCTE com a nova proposta de revisão. Este estudo comparativo foi realizado através de um método detalhado e um outro simplificado, que no caso do RCCTE está relacionado com a Nota Técnica NT-SCE-01 para a certificação térmica de edifícios existentes. Após obtidos os resultados das necessidades energéticas para todas as metodologias, referidas no parágrafo anterior, foi elaborada uma proposta de melhoria e a respetiva análise económica, de acordo com o Fundo de Eficiência Energética, FEE. As medidas de melhoria preconizadas, de acordo com este fundo, foram a substituição das janelas existentes por janelas eficientes e a utilização de coletores solares térmicos para preparação de água quente sanitária, AQS. Por fim, é feita uma análise dos resultados obtidos relativos às necessidades energéticas da fração autónoma, antes e após da proposta de melhoria.This project aimed to obtain a first assessment of the new proposed revision of Portuguese building standard named by Regulamento das Características do Comportamento Térmico de Edifícios (RCCTE), related to the energy certification of existent buildings. Initially was made a study of the thermal regulation of buildings in Portugal regarding the energy performance of buildings. The case study, where an existing autonomous fraction the current RCCTE and the new proposal of revision regulation was compared. This study was done in two different ways: A detailed and a simplified method (the letter is related with Technical Note NT-SCE-01 for thermal certification of existing buildings). As soon as the results of the energy needs were obtained for both methodologies and regulations (present and future), an improvement plan and an economic analysis based on the Fundo de Eficiência Energética, FEE was done. Therefore, according to the FEE, the replacement of existing windows by efficient windows and the use of solar thermal collectors for domestic hot water, DHW, were proposed. All the results for the autonomous fraction related to energy needs before and after the improvement plan were analyzed

    Cantinho das ciências : Temática da luz e cor

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    Relatório Final de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO presente relatório insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II (PES II) do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e contempla três partes distintas correspondentes à caraterização do contexto educativo, a um estudo com enfoque na criação do cantinho das ciências e por fim uma reflexão final sobre toda a prática de ensino supervisionada desenvolvida em contexto pré-escolar. A prática de Ensino Supervisionada desenvolveu-se num Jardim-de-Infância do concelho de Viana do Castelo da rede pública. Neste contexto foi desenvolvido um estudo no âmbito das ciências. O estudo referido desenvolveu-se em torno da questão de investigação “Qual o contributo do cantinho das ciências na aprendizagem de conceitos relacionados com a temática da luz e cor, abordados em contexto pré-escolar com crianças dos 3 aos 6 anos?”. Para a sua concretização optou-se por um paradigma interpretativo, apoiado numa metodologia qualitativa e num desenho de estudo de caso, recorrendo-se a diferentes técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. Como participantes envolveu 20 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 6 anos de idade. Ao longo do estudo foram desenvolvidas cinco atividades em torno de temáticas de luz e cor desenvolvidas em pequeno grupo e em contexto de cantinho das ciências. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que as crianças evidenciaram as suas ideias prévias, manifestando as suas opiniões, reveladoras de conhecimentos sobre os diferentes conceitos a serem explorados. A exploração de atividades práticas do tipo POER, relacionadas com a temática da luz e cor, revelaram-se pertinentes, constatando-se que a maioria das crianças conseguiu ampliar as suas aprendizagens. A criação do cantinho das ciências, apetrechado com diferentes atividades e materiais do uso comum, revelou-se uma mais-valia para uma nova exploração das atividades práticas de forma autónoma, bem como, na consolidação das aprendizagens das crianças. Potenciou de igual modo uma maior proximidade entre as crianças, uma vez que em vários momentos de áreas se dirigiram para o cantinho em pares.This report was developed within the subject “Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II” (PES) in the Preschool Education Master. It comprises three different parts: the characterization of the educational context, a study focusing on the creation of the corner of science and, lastly, a final reflection on the entire teaching supervised practice developed in preschool context. The practice of Supervised Education was developed in a public kindergarten in the Municipality of Viana do Castelo. In this context, it was developed a study about science. This work was developed around the research question "What is the contribution of a science corner in learning concepts related to the theme of light and color, worked in preschool context with children from 3 to 6 years old?”. For its implementation we chose an interpretative paradigm, supported by a qualitative methodology and a case study, using different techniques and data collection tools. This study involved 20 children between 3 and 6 years old. Throughout this work, five activities were developed around themes of light and color in small groups and supported by the corner of science. The results show that children exposed their previous ideas, expressing their opinions, revealing knowledge about the different explored concepts. The exploration of practical activities such as “POER” type, related to the theme of light and color, proved to be relevant, noticing that most children managed to extend their learning. The creation of the corner of science, prepared with different activities and with common use materials, proved to be an asset for a new exploration of the practical activities autonomously, as well as in the consolidation of children learning. It equally maximized a greater proximity between children because several times children went to the corner in pairs

    Brazilian Federal State, the relationships among its powers, the right of popular participation and the metropolitan regions

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    Análise da organização metropolitana na Constituição Federal Brasileira de 1988 e na Constituição Estadual de São Paulo de 1989. Estudo Comparativo das Leis Complementares instituidoras das regiões metropolitanas nos Estados do Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco e São Paulo. Comentários à Lei Complementar n. 760, de 1o de agosto de 1994.Analysis metropolitan areas organization in the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution and the 1989 São Paulo Constitution. Comparative study of the Lawwhich stablished metropolitan areas in the following states: Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco and São Paulo. Coments about the São Paulo State Law n. 760, dated August 1st., 1994

    Nível de conhecimento e prática de hidratação em praticantes de atividade física

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    Water is an essential nutrient for body homeostasis and human survival. Staying hydrated is essential for any individual, especially for those who practice physical activity who, due to the wear and tear caused by the practice of physical exercise, have greater water loss. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and hydration strategies adopted by practitioners of physical activity. This is an observational, cross-sectional study, in which an exploratory methodology was used, using descriptive research. The sample was for convenience, being recruited practitioners of physical activity over 18 years old, of both sexes, self-reported as healthy. The research was carried out through an online self-administered questionnaire that contained personal information, questions about hydration, physical activity, frequency and weighing habits. The questionnaire was prepared and made available on the Google Forms platform. The link to answer the questionnaire was sent to professionals in the sports field and made available on social media. The inclusion of participants was subject to their agreement and signing of the Informed Consent Form. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results, being presented as mean ± standard deviation and percentage distribution. In general, participants have basic knowledge about hydration. However, it was found that these individuals have low water intake in relation to their individual needs. As for knowledge, they present a low level related to hydration strategies, which may be associated with the emergence of dehydration symptoms in the studied population.A água é um nutriente essencial para a homeostase corporal e sobrevivência humana. Manter-se hidratado é fundamental para qualquer indivíduo, especialmente para os praticantes de atividade física que, devido aos desgastes proporcionados pela prática do exercício físico, possuem maiores perdas hídricas. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o nível de conhecimento e as estratégias de hidratação adotadas por praticantes de atividade física. Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, na qual foi empregada uma metodologia exploratória, utilizando uma pesquisa do tipo descritiva. A amostra foi por conveniência sendo recrutados praticantes de atividade física com idade superior a 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, autorreferidos como saudáveis. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um questionário on-line de autopreenchimento que continha informações pessoais, questões sobre hidratação, atividade física praticada, periodicidade e hábitos de pesagem. O questionário foi elaborado e disponibilizado na plataforma Google Forms. O link para responder ao questionário foi encaminhado a profissionais da área esportiva e disponibilizado em mídias sociais. A inclusão dos participantes foi condicionada à concordância e assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Foi utilizada estatística descritiva para análise dos resultados, sendo apresentados em média ± desvio padrão e distribuição percentual. De modo geral, os participantes apresentam ter conhecimentos básicos sobre hidratação. No entanto, verificou-se que estes indivíduos apresentam baixa ingestão hídrica em relação às suas necessidades individuais. Quanto ao conhecimento, apresentam baixo nível relacionado às estratégias de hidratação, o que pode estar associado ao surgimento de sintomas de desidratação na população estudada

    Reemerging Leptospirosis, California

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    Leptospirosis is a reemerging infectious disease in California. Leptospirosis is the most widespread zoonosis throughout the world, though it is infrequently diagnosed in the continental United States. From 1982 to 2001, most reported California cases occurred in previously healthy young adult white men after recreational exposures to contaminated freshwater. We report five recent cases of human leptospirosis acquired in California, including the first documented common-source outbreak of human leptospirosis acquired in this state, and describe the subsequent environmental investigation. Salient features in the California cases include high fever with uniform renal impairment and mild hepatitis. Because leptospirosis can progress rapidly if untreated, this reemerging infection deserves consideration in febrile patients with a history of recreational freshwater exposure, even in states with a low reported incidence of infection