234 research outputs found

    Pacific oyster holobiont in the changing environment :a microbial perspective

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    Animal's fitness does not depend only on its own traits, as almost every aspect of animal's biology is profoundly affected by its associated microbiota. Among other, the microbiota play an important role in health and disease: they protect their host against infections as well as act as opportunistic pathogens. The latter usually occurs if host's immune defense has been compromised due to abiotic or biotic stress. Global climate change can promote such shifts towards pathogenicity, as rising temperatures impose stress on the host and at the same time may cause increase in virulence of microbes. One example of such environmentally-dependent disease outbreaks involving opportunistic pathogens are the summer mortalities of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Although the climate change supported the spread of this invasive intertidal bivalve to coastal habitats all over the world, it also caused the mortality events to ocurr always farther north. Involved in these mortalities are the oyster commensals and opportunistic pathogens of the genus Vibrio sp., which impose strong selection pressure and thus cause rapid adaptation of Pacific oysters to their local Vibrio populations. The Pacific oyster is also an important aquaculture species that is being routinely translocated for commercial purposes to new habitats, where it is exposed to foreign microbes. Response of the oyster-associated microbial communities to this new biotic environment or to changes in abiotic conditions is largely unknown. However, understanding how the oyster microbiota are shaped by (a)biotic disturbances...Die Fitness eines Tieres hängt nicht nur von seinen eigenen Merkmalen ab - praktisch jeder Aspekt der Biologie von Tieren wird tiefgreifend von mit ihnen assoziierten Mikroorganismen beeinflusst. Mikroorganismen spielen unter anderem eine wichtige Rolle für den Gesundheitszustand: sie schützen ihren Wirt vor Infektionen, sind gleichzeitig aber auch opportunistische Pathogene. Letzteres tritt vor allem dann auf, wenn die Immunabwehr des Wirtstiers durch biotischen oder abiotischen Stress geschwächt ist. Der globale Klimawandel kann solche Verschiebungen zu pathogenem Verhalten begünstigen, da steigende Temperaturen Stress für den Wirt bedeuten und gleichzeitig die Virulenz von Mikroorganismen erhöhen können. Ein Beispiel für solche umweltabhängigen, durch Bakterien hervorgerufenen Krankheitsausbrüche ist die Sommersterblichkeit einer Muschel, der Pazifischen Auster (Crassostrea gigas). Auch wenn der Klimawandel die Ausbreitung dieser Art in Küstenökosystemen weltweit unterstützt hat, breiten sich auf Grund steigender Temperaturen gleichzeitig die sommerlichen Austernsterben immer weiter nach Norden aus. Hervorgerufen wird das Austernsterben durch kommensalische, opportunistisch pathogene Bakterien der Gattung Vibrio, die einen starken Selektionsdruck ausüben und eine schnelle Anpassung der Austern an lokale Vibrio-Populationen bewirken. Als eine bedeutende Art in der Aquakultur und wird die Pazifische Auster aus kommerziellen Gründen häufig in neue Habitate eingeführt, wo sie neuen Mikroorganismen ausgesetzt ist. Wie mit den Austern assoziierte Mikroorganismen-Gemeinschaften auf solche neuen biotischen Umgebungen und auf Veränderungen der abiotischen Bedingungen reagieren, ist weitgehend unbekannt. Zu verstehen, wie Mikroorganismen in Austern durch (a)biotische Störungen beeinflusst werden, ist jedoch eine Voraussetzung für die Abschätzung ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Fitness von Austern..

    Source geometry from exceptionally high resolution long period event observations at Mt Etna during the 2008 eruption

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    During the second half of June, 2008, 50 broadband seismic stations were deployed on Mt Etna volcano in close proximity to the summit, allowing us to observe seismic activity with exceptionally high resolution. 129 long period events (LP) with dominant frequencies ranging between 0.3 and 1.2 Hz, were extracted from this dataset. These events form two families of similar waveforms with different temporal distributions. Event locations are performed by cross-correlating signals for all pairs of stations in a two-step scheme. In the first step, the absolute location of the centre of the clusters was found. In the second step, all events are located using this position. The hypocentres are found at shallow depths (20 to 700 m deep) below the summit craters. The very high location resolution allows us to detect the temporal migration of the events along a dike-like structure and 2 pipe shaped bodies, yielding an unprecedented view of some elements of the shallow plumbing system at Mount Etna. These events do not seem to be a direct indicator of the ongoing lava flow or magma upwelling

    Collections of foreign rare books from the 16th century in the libraries of the Croatian Franciscan Province of Ss Cyril and Methodius: Franciscan monastery of St Catharine in Krapina.

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    Hrvatska franjevačka provincija sv. Ćirila i Metoda od 2011. godine sustavno obrađuje građu svojih knjižnica, ponajprije najvrijednije zbirke, prema međunarodnim standardima (ISBDM) primjenom suvremenih informatičkih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. Time su podatci o toj građi odmah nakon obrade dostupni javnosti u elektroničkome mrežno dostupnome katalogu Provincije ( Zbirka stranih rijetkih knjiga 16. stoljeća u knjižnici Franjevačkoga samostana u Krapini je brojem jedinica (85), odnosno naslova (98) djela, malena, ali svojim sadržajem zanimljiva i predstavlja svojevrstnu rijetkost. Ovaj rad donosi katalog te zbirke i komentare o autorima, drugim sudionicima u stvaranju te građe kao i o samoj građi. U Zbirci se uz tri Biblije (1515., 1527. i 1569.), građu koja tumači biblijske tekstove (T. Graminaeus, B. Pererius), odnosno duhovnu literaturu tematski povezanu s biblijskim (novozavjetnim) tekstovima (J. Perion, L. Granatensis, V. Bruno, G. Pico dela Mirandola, J. C. Gerson), kao i onu namjenjenu vjerničkome puku na njemačkome jeziku (Hans von Leonrodt, Otto von Passau), nalazi i znatan broj naslova filozofsko-teološke i temeljne teološke tematike (F. Titelmans, P. da Fonseca, J. Duns Scot, T. Golius, P. Canisius, G. Witzel, Innocentius III. papa, Defensor de Liguge, J. de Combes, B. Claravallensis, T. Hibernicus), kojoj treba dodati brojem naslova dosta opsežnu podgrupu tiskovina protureformacijske tematike (P. de Soto, J. Maier von Eck, T. Stapleton, R. Bellarmino, G. B. Confalonieri, J. de Damhouder, Tridentinski sabor), među kojima je i djelo švicarskoga reformacijskog teologa (S. Castellion), protivnika Calvina i njegove vjerske netolerancije, te građa pastoralnoga karaktera (propvijedi, priručnici, životi svetaca) brojnih autora (Pelbartus de Themeswar, A. Broicky a Koenigstein, Haimo von Halberstadt, C. Musso, Johannes de Segovia, T. Stapleton, F. Diez, Luis de Granada, F. Incarnato, H. Savonarola, J. de Voragine). Građa s povijesnom tematikom malobrojna je (Herodot), kao i građa iz područja medi cine (Realdi Columbi chremonensis ... De re anatomica libri 15., Paris, 1572.). Filologija i leksikografija zastupljene su s tri primjerka izdanja rječnika A. Calepina (1510. – 1513., 1558., 1590.). Svojevrsna osobitos te zbirke je znatan broj naslova iz područja latinske književnosti: antičke (Publije Ovidije Nazon) i daleko veći broj pjesničkih radova različitih novolatinskih pjesnika iz Šleske, Saske (Lužica) i Češke: N. Reusner, J. Wanckel, J. Cyaneus, H. C. von Teufel, B. Praetorius, J. Vyver, H. Arconatus, S. Frenzel, J. Carolides, N. Bets, K. Rittershausen, S. Radeschinsky, A. T. Langenhardt, G. Volckart, B. Martinovsky, H. Buchner, L. Pollio, J. Heidenreich, H. Treutler, I. Maior, L. Schwartzmaier, T. Fischer i drugi, kao i stihovi engleskoga Irca (W. Quin). Ta je građa sačuvana u istoj zbirci, iako su autori pripadnici različitih reformacijskih denominacija. Neki primjerci građe iz te zbirke imaju u katalogu poveznicu s digitalnim oblikom istoga naslova u nekoj od europskih baza podataka. Zbirka stranih rijetkih knjiga 16. stoljeća u knjižnici Franjevačkog samostana u Krapini još je jedno svjedočanstvo višestoljetne kulturne tradicije maloga grada Krapine i Hrvatske, zemlje bogate europske kršćanske kulture i uljudbe.Croatian Franciscan Province of Ss Cyril and Methodius since 2011 systematically itemizes holdings of its libraries in accordance to the international standards (ISBDM). The focus of this catalogue is on the most precious holdings and modern standardization through usage of informatics and communication technologies. With such an approach, the processed material is available in digital catalogue publicly open on the web-address Collection of foreign rare books from the sixteenth century in the library of the Franciscan monastery in Krapina does not hold many books in total, only 85 items/volumes with 98 titles. However, its content is quite interesting and kind of unique. This article reveals catalog of the Collection itself, including the comments and necessary explanations regarding the most interesting titles and their authors. The library keeps three editions of Bible (from 1515, 1527 and 1569), manuscripts with biblical comments (T. Graminaeus, B. Pererius), spiritual literature that is thematically related to the biblical texts of the New Testament (J. Perion, L. Granatensis, V. Bruno, G. Pico dela Mirandola, J. C. Gerson), as well as texts meant for faithful flock, which were written in German (Hans von Leonrodt, Otto von Passau). Moreover, one can find there interesting philosophical and theological holdings (F. Titelmans, P. da Fonesca, J. Duns Scot, T. Glius, P. Canisius, G. Witzel, Innocentius III pope, Denfensor de Liguge, J. de Combes, B. Claravallensis, T. Hibernicus), which are enriched with quite an extensive collection of the Counter-Protestant printings (P. de Soto, J. Maier von Eck, T. Stapelton, R. Bellarmino, G. B. Confalonieri, J. de Damhouder, Council of Trento). Among these studies one can find also works of Swiss Reform theologian, S. Castellion, who was opponent of J. Calvin and his religious intolerance. Besides these works, there are several pastoral manuals and collections of sermons (Pelbartus de Themeswar, A. Broicky a Koenigstein, Haimo von Halberstadt, C. Musso, Johannes de Segovia, T. Stapelton, F. Diez, Luis de Granada, F. Incarnato, H. Savonarola, J. de Voragine). On the other hand, there are no many books with historical thematic (Herodotus), and the same can be sad regarding the medical literature (Realdi Columbi Chremonensis … De re anatomica libri 15, Paris 1572). Regarding philology and lexicography, this Collection contains three copies of dictionary by A. Calepino (1510-1513, 1558, and 1590). Moreover, the library keeps several items in the field of the Latin literature: antique (Publius Ovid Naso), and far more publications of various neo-Latin poets from Silesia, Saxony (Lusatia), and Bohemia (N. Reusner, J. Wanckel, J. Cyaneus, H. C. von Teufel, B. Praetorius, j. Vyver, H. Arconatus, S. Frenzel, J. Carolides, N. Bets, K. Rittershausen, S. Radeschinsky, A. T. Lagenhardt, G. Volckart, B. Martinovsky, H. Buchner, L. Pollio, J. Heidenreich, H. Treutler, I. Maior, L. Schwartzmaier, T. Ficher etc.). Furthermore, there are also some verses of English Irishman W. Quin. All these publications are preserved in this Collection, although their authors were members of various Protestant denominations. Some of the items from the Collection already have a bibliographical description with digital image and direct link to the digitized copy kept in some of the European libraries. In this way users can easily browse these holdings in the library. This Collection of foreign rare books from the sixteenth century in the Library of the Franciscan monastery in Krapina clearly witness about long lasting spiritual and cultural tradition of the Croatian Franciscans from the small town of Krapina


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    Franjevci dolaze u Senj sredinom XIII. stoljeća, gdje već 1272. godine imaju svoju crkvu izvan gradskih zidina. U toj se crkvi u idućim stoljećima pokapaju knezovi krčki (kasnije Frankopani) i članovi njihovih obitelji. Početkom XVI. stoljeća pred naletom turske sile grad se utvrđuje, ruše se svi objekti izvan gradskih zidina, a na brežuljku iznad grada gradi se utvrda za obranu grada i cijeloga Primorja i Istre od Turaka. Ruši se i franjevački samostan, a na zamolbu Frankopana gradačko Ratno vijeće gradi franjevcima u središtu grada novi samostan i crkvu sv. Franje. Taj samostan i crkvu franjevci koriste sve do kraja XVIII. stoljeća kada privremeno napuštaju samostan zbog smještaja vojske koja ratuje na granici s Otomanskim carstvom. Zbog nastojanja senjskoga i modruškoga biskupa Ivana Krstitelja Ježića da u samostanu osnuje i smjesti biskupijsku visoku bogoslovnu školu i bogoslovni zavod te zbog niza drugih okolnosti, više se nikada ne vraćaju. Poznato je da prema odluci Općeg franjevačkog generalnog kapitula iz 1593. godine svaki samostan treba nabavljati knjige za potrebe samostanske zajednice, odnosno mora imati svoju knjižnicu. Tako je i senjski samostan imao svoju knjižnicu koju su franjevci napustivši Senj zajedno s arhivom prenijeli u trsatski samostan. Hrvatska franjevačka provincija sv. Ćirila i Metoda od 2011. godine sustavno obrađuje građu svojih bogatih knjižnica primjenom suvremenih informatičkih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i metoda. Time čini tu građu dostupnom javnosti. U knjižnici trsatskoga samostana najprije su obrađene zbirke s najstarijom građom: inkunabule i strane knjige XVI. stoljeća. Među tim knjigama nalaze se i tri inkunabule koje su, kako se vidi po bilješkama u njima, nekada pripadale franjevačkome samostanu u Senju ili su došle iz Senja. U ovome radu opisuju se te knjige i donose relevantni podatci povezani s tom građom, koje su ostatci knjižnice senjskoga franjevačkoga samostana i dragocijeni dokumenti društvenoga, vjerskoga i kulturnoga života franjevaca i grada Senja.The Franciscans who were welcomed in Senj in the mid-13th century abandoned it in 1807 because their monastery in the centre of the city was intended for the diocese seminary by the Hungarian government and which in 1806 was opened by the Senj-Modruš bishop Ivan Krstitelj Ježić. With it was taken the monastery’s archive and library which is today an integral part of the library of the Franciscan monastery of Trsat. The Croatian Franciscan Province of St. Cyril and Methodius from 2011 has been systematically processing the material of its rich library with the application of modern information and communication technologies and methods. Thus in the library of the Trsat monastery the oldest material of the collection is being dealt with first: the incunabula and foreign books of the 16th century. Amongst the incunabula are also located three incunabula which, as can be seen from their markings, once belonged to the Franciscan monastery in Senj and which came from Senj. The first incunabulum which was owned by Senj’s Franciscans is: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Add: Titulos de restitutionibus or Incipit Summula confessionis utilissima ..... It was a handbook for confessors, as well as for penitent women, which was written by Antoninus Florentinus, a Dominican and archbishop of Florence. Printed in 1473 in Venice in the print workshop of Bartholomeusa Cremonensis. In that incunabulum is written by hand ex libris: Conventus Segnensis. In the second incunabulum is Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae (cum add. Hieronymi Tornieli), a work written by Angelum de Clauasio (Angelum de Clauasio), and an epistle – a letter in the preface of Girolamo Tornielli. It was printed in 1486 in the village of Chiavasso in the print workshop of Jacobinusa de Suigo de sancto Germano. For this book, which also deals with the problem of confession, sin and examination of the conscience, it cannot be said that it belonged to the Senj Franciscan monastery, but from the notes from 1659 it is known that it was in Senj and that it was owned by Stjepan Pribinović, who had handed it to a friar L.V. The third incunabulum is one from an edition of a collection of papal decretals: Noua decretalium compilatio Gregorii IX. ... feliciter explicit or under the general title Decretales cum glossa, which was composed by an order of Pope Gregory 9th, by his chaplain and legal expert Raymond of Peñaforte (Pennafort), and the author of the comments of this publication Bernard from Botone or Parmensis, professor of the University of Bologna. The book was printed by Thomas de Blavis in Venice in 1489. This book has marks in two places which show its affiliation with the Franciscan monastery and the year 1804. These books are a part of the great literary wealth of Croatian cultural heritage but they also testify to the centuries of theological, ecclesiastical, cultural and legal traditions of the Franciscan community, the Franciscan monastery in Senj and in Trsat. They are precious monuments to the faith, culture and scientific traditions of the town of Senj and Croatia, the country’s rich European, Christian culture and civilisation


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    Franjevci dolaze u Senj sredinom XIII. stoljeća, gdje već 1272. godine imaju svoju crkvu izvan gradskih zidina. U toj se crkvi u idućim stoljećima pokapaju knezovi krčki (kasnije Frankopani) i članovi njihovih obitelji. Početkom XVI. stoljeća pred naletom turske sile grad se utvrđuje, ruše se svi objekti izvan gradskih zidina, a na brežuljku iznad grada gradi se utvrda za obranu grada i cijeloga Primorja i Istre od Turaka. Ruši se i franjevački samostan, a na zamolbu Frankopana gradačko Ratno vijeće gradi franjevcima u središtu grada novi samostan i crkvu sv. Franje. Taj samostan i crkvu franjevci koriste sve do kraja XVIII. stoljeća kada privremeno napuštaju samostan zbog smještaja vojske koja ratuje na granici s Otomanskim carstvom. Zbog nastojanja senjskoga i modruškoga biskupa Ivana Krstitelja Ježića da u samostanu osnuje i smjesti biskupijsku visoku bogoslovnu školu i bogoslovni zavod te zbog niza drugih okolnosti, više se nikada ne vraćaju. Poznato je da prema odluci Općeg franjevačkog generalnog kapitula iz 1593. godine svaki samostan treba nabavljati knjige za potrebe samostanske zajednice, odnosno mora imati svoju knjižnicu. Tako je i senjski samostan imao svoju knjižnicu koju su franjevci napustivši Senj zajedno s arhivom prenijeli u trsatski samostan. Hrvatska franjevačka provincija sv. Ćirila i Metoda od 2011. godine sustavno obrađuje građu svojih bogatih knjižnica primjenom suvremenih informatičkih i komunikacijskih tehnologija i metoda. Time čini tu građu dostupnom javnosti. U knjižnici trsatskoga samostana najprije su obrađene zbirke s najstarijom građom: inkunabule i strane knjige XVI. stoljeća. Među tim knjigama nalaze se i tri inkunabule koje su, kako se vidi po bilješkama u njima, nekada pripadale franjevačkome samostanu u Senju ili su došle iz Senja. U ovome radu opisuju se te knjige i donose relevantni podatci povezani s tom građom, koje su ostatci knjižnice senjskoga franjevačkoga samostana i dragocijeni dokumenti društvenoga, vjerskoga i kulturnoga života franjevaca i grada Senja.The Franciscans who were welcomed in Senj in the mid-13th century abandoned it in 1807 because their monastery in the centre of the city was intended for the diocese seminary by the Hungarian government and which in 1806 was opened by the Senj-Modruš bishop Ivan Krstitelj Ježić. With it was taken the monastery’s archive and library which is today an integral part of the library of the Franciscan monastery of Trsat. The Croatian Franciscan Province of St. Cyril and Methodius from 2011 has been systematically processing the material of its rich library with the application of modern information and communication technologies and methods. Thus in the library of the Trsat monastery the oldest material of the collection is being dealt with first: the incunabula and foreign books of the 16th century. Amongst the incunabula are also located three incunabula which, as can be seen from their markings, once belonged to the Franciscan monastery in Senj and which came from Senj. The first incunabulum which was owned by Senj’s Franciscans is: Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Add: Titulos de restitutionibus or Incipit Summula confessionis utilissima ..... It was a handbook for confessors, as well as for penitent women, which was written by Antoninus Florentinus, a Dominican and archbishop of Florence. Printed in 1473 in Venice in the print workshop of Bartholomeusa Cremonensis. In that incunabulum is written by hand ex libris: Conventus Segnensis. In the second incunabulum is Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae (cum add. Hieronymi Tornieli), a work written by Angelum de Clauasio (Angelum de Clauasio), and an epistle – a letter in the preface of Girolamo Tornielli. It was printed in 1486 in the village of Chiavasso in the print workshop of Jacobinusa de Suigo de sancto Germano. For this book, which also deals with the problem of confession, sin and examination of the conscience, it cannot be said that it belonged to the Senj Franciscan monastery, but from the notes from 1659 it is known that it was in Senj and that it was owned by Stjepan Pribinović, who had handed it to a friar L.V. The third incunabulum is one from an edition of a collection of papal decretals: Noua decretalium compilatio Gregorii IX. ... feliciter explicit or under the general title Decretales cum glossa, which was composed by an order of Pope Gregory 9th, by his chaplain and legal expert Raymond of Peñaforte (Pennafort), and the author of the comments of this publication Bernard from Botone or Parmensis, professor of the University of Bologna. The book was printed by Thomas de Blavis in Venice in 1489. This book has marks in two places which show its affiliation with the Franciscan monastery and the year 1804. These books are a part of the great literary wealth of Croatian cultural heritage but they also testify to the centuries of theological, ecclesiastical, cultural and legal traditions of the Franciscan community, the Franciscan monastery in Senj and in Trsat. They are precious monuments to the faith, culture and scientific traditions of the town of Senj and Croatia, the country’s rich European, Christian culture and civilisation


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    U nizu velikana senjske povijesti i čuvara hrvatske baštine ističe se osebujni lik Senjanina Ante Glavičića, kustosa i dugogodišnjega ravnatelja Gradskoga muzeja Senj. Živeći i radeći u sredini iz koje je ponikao i u kojoj je teško biti "prorok u svome zavičaju" učinio je više nego mnogi na razini Hrvatske, koji su imali puno bolje uvjete, političke podrške i sve druge okolnosti. Posvetivši svoj cjelokupni privatni i javni život senjskoj kulturno-povijesnoj, a time i hrvatskoj baštini djelovao je u financijski oskudnome okruženju, ali bogatom inspiracijom, poticajima i izazovima baštine. Iz poštovanja i milja zvali smo ga"šjor Ante" – mnogi su ga zvali samo "profesor" – jer je uistinu bio profesor, ali i plemeniti gospodin, vitez – ponekad i Don Kihot – senjskoga, hrvatskoga duha, kulture, baštine, identiteta. Njegov najveći uspjeh nisu njegovi opsežni graditeljsko restauratorski poduhvati (palača Vukasović, tvrđava Nehaj), već je to Senjski zbornik kojim se Senj i Hrvatska i danas promoviraju diljem svijeta. Tu treba dodati i obilježavanje brojnih senjskih obljetnica, zaslužnih Senjana i senjskoga udjela u hrvatskoj i europskoj povijesti. Veselio se je neovisnoj, slobodnoj Hrvatskoj za koju je svim svojim duhovnim i fizičkim silama radio, čije je ostvarenje i pripremao. Posebno vrijedi istaknuti činjenicu da je dobro iskoristio ogromni potencijal Senjana "u svitu" i senjskih prijatelja, istaknutih intelektualaca, znanstvenika i društveno utjecajnih ličnosti, kao i značenje Senja i njegove baštine u nacionalnim i širim razmjerima. O tome najbolje svjedoči veliki broj suradnika, zavidna kvaliteta Senjskoga zbornika i svih izdanja Gradskoga muzeja i Senjskoga muzejskoga društva, poput pretisaka senjskih glagoljskih izdanja. To je put koji trebaju slijediti njegovi nasljednici, kojim treba nastaviti djelovati Gradski muzej Senj i Senjsko muzejsko društvo, ne odustajući od osnovnih "šjor Antinih" principa djelovanja (ljubav prema Senju i Hrvatskoj), ali prilagođenih novome vremenu, koristeći nove pristupe i nove tehnologije. Iako je "šjor Ante" svime što je učinio, pokrenuo i potaknuo – bio je spiritus movens najvećega dijela senjskih i mnogih opće hrvatskih kulturnih manifestacija – sam sebi podigao neuništivi spomen, svakako zaslužuje da mu Senj i Senjani vanjskim znakovima, činima iskažu priznanje, zahvalnost, poštovanje. Stoga očekujemo da se i jedna senjska ulica nazove njegovim imenom, da mu Senj podigne dostojan spomenik, ali ponajviše da Gradski muzej i Senjsko muzejsko društvo nastave radom i žarom, radošću i požrtvovnošću kao što je to radio prof. Ante Glavičić. "Šjor Ante" ostaje u našem sjećanju i u našim srcima čvrsto poput senjske fortice koja već stoljećima odolijeva neprijateljima, zubu vremena i tami zaborava. I neka tako bude. Amen.In the line of greats of Senj’s history and guardians of Croatian heritage the distinctive character of Senj’s Ante Glavičić, curator and long time director of the Senj City Museum stands out. Living and working in the environment from where he originated and in which it is difficult to be “a prophet in one’s own native land” he did more than many on the Croatian level, who had better conditions, political support and all other circumstances. Dedicating his entire private and public life to Senj’s cultural-history, and thereby Croatian heritage too he worked in a financially meagre environment, although with a rich inspiration, the incentives and the challenges of heritage. Out of respect and affection they called him "signor Ante" – many just called him "professor" – because in truth he was a professor, but also a noble gentleman, a knight – sometimes also Don Quixote – of Senj’s, Croatia’s spirit, culture, heritage and identity. His greatest successes were not his extensive architecturalrestoration ventures (the Vukasović Palace, the Nehaj fortress), but the Senj Almanac with which Senj and Croatia are promoted throughout the world even today. Added to this also should be the numerous anniversary celebrations of deserving people from Senj and Senj’s part in Croatian and European history. He enjoyed the independent, free Croatia for which he worked for with all his spirit and physical strength, the realisation of which he prepared. Especially worth mentioning is the fact that he made good use of Senj’s huge potential "in the world" and his Senj friends, prominent intellectuals, scientists and influential social personalities, as well as the importance of Senj and its heritage in national and wider dimensions. This is best witnessed in the large number of collaborators, the enviable quality of Senj’s Almanacs and all the publications of the Senj City Museum’s Society, such as the reprints of Senj’s glagolitic editions. This is the path which his successors should follow, which should be continued by the Senj City Museum and Senj’s Museum Society, not giving up on the basics of “signor Ante’s” principles of activity (love for Senj and Croatia), but towards the adaptations of new times, using new approaches and new technologies. Although in everything that “signor Ante” did, initiated and encouraged – he was spiritus movens the greatest part of Senj’s and many general Croatian cultural events – he raised himself as an indestructible monument, certainly deserving of Senj and the people of Senj to outwardly express with deeds their recognition, gratitude and respect for him. Therefore we are waiting for one of Senj’s streets to be named after him, that Senj erects a worthy monument to him, but mostly that the Senj City Museum and the Senj Museum Society continue with the work and zeal, the joy and dedication which Prof. Ante Glavičić showed. "Signor Ante" remains in our memory and in out hearts firm like the Senj fort which for centuries had resisted the enemy, the ravages of time and darkness of oblivion. And let it be so. Amen


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    Hrvatska franjevačka provincija sv. Ćirila i Metoda od 2011. godine sustavno obrađuje građu svojih knjižnica, ponajprije najvrjednije zbirke, prema međunarodnim standardima (ISBDM) primjenom suvremenih informatičkih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. Time su podatci o toj građi odmah nakon obrade dostupni javnosti u elektroničkome, mrežno dostupnome katalogu Provincije ( Zbirka stranih rijetkih knjiga 16. stoljeća u knjižnici franjevačkoga samostana u Samoboru, kojoj je 1982. godine pridružena i knjižnica franjevačkoga samostana u Jastrebarskome (Jaska), brojem jedinica (68), odnosno naslova (73) je malena, ali svojim sadržajem zanimljiva i predstavlja svojevrsnu rijetkost. Ovaj rad donosi katalog te zbirke i komentare uz najzanimljivije naslove. U zbirci se uz relativno velik broj jedinica koje donose biblijske tekstove i komentare na te tekstove nalaze i brojni pastoralni priručnici (Stapleton, Polanco, Menghi) i knjige propovijedi (Haimo, de Voaragine, Musso, Feucht, Eck, Diez, Helm), građa teološke (Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, Dionysius Cartusianus, Defensor de Liguge, Bonaventura, Hibernicus, Coster, Naussa) i filozofske (Aristoteles, Liebler) tematike, zatim, raskošno opremljena grafikama, građa povijesnoga karaktera (Iosephus Flavius, Hegessipus, Carranza), jedna knjiga posebno zanimljiva putopisnog sadržaja (Varthema), nekoliko medicinskih i farmakoloških priručnika (Paracelsus, Ryff, Wolff), jedno izdanje latinsko-njemačkoga i njemačko-latinskoga rječnika (Venuti) te jedno djelo enciklopedijskoga karaktera (Zwinger). Primijetiti je kao posebnu zanimljivost te zbirke to što ona sadrži i osam naslova čiji su autori pripadnici različitih smjerova reformirane vjeroispovijedi. Ta građa obrađuje ne samo neutralna područja (medicina, Aristotelova etika i sl.) već su tu i propovijedi kao i priručnici za liturgiju, odnosno tumačenja nekih dijelova Staroga zavjeta (Davidovi psalmi). Veći dio građe iz te zbirke ima u bibliografskome opisu poveznicu s digitalnom slikom istoga naslova u nekoj od europskih knjižnica ili nekih drugih baza digitalizirane knjižne građe čime je korisniku omogućen, u nedostatku digitalne slike primjerka iz tih knjižnica, uvid u cjelokupan sadržaj toga naslova. Zbirka stranih rijetkih knjiga 16. stoljeća u knjižnici franjevačkoga samostana u Samoboru (i Jastrebarskome) još je jedno svjedočanstvo višestoljetne duhovne i kulturne tradicijehrvatskih franjevaca, grada Samobora i Jastrebarskoga, tj. Hrvatske, zemlje bogate europske kršćanske kulture i uljudbe.Croatian Franciscan Province of Ss Cyril and Methodius since 2011 systematically itemizes holdings of its libraries. The focus of this catalogue is on the most precious holdings and modern standardization through usage of informatics and communication technologies. With such an approach the processed material is available in publicly open digital catalogue on the address Collection of rare foreign books from the sixteenth century in the library of the Franciscan monastery in Samobor, which was in 1982 enriched with the holdings (68 volumes, i.e. 73 titles) of the library of the Franciscan monastery in Jastrebarsko (Jaska), does not hold many books in total. However, its content is quite interesting and kind of unique. This article reveals catalog of the Collection itself, including the comments and necessary explanations regarding the most interesting titles. Relative majority of the kept volumes are related to the biblical text and their commentaries. Besides these texts, there are several pastoral manuals (Stapleton, Polanco, Menghi), books of sermons (Haimo, de Voaragine, Musso, Feucht, Eck, Diez, Helm), theological primary sources (Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita, Dionysius Cartusianus, Defensor de Liguge, Bonaventura, Hibernicus, Cosster, Naussa), and philosophical materials (Aristotle, Liebler). Moreover, one can find there historiographical texts enriched with valuable graphic art (Iosephus Flavius, Hegessipus, Carranza) and an especially interesting journal (Varthema). Furthermore, there are several medical and pharmacological manuals (Paraceslsus, Ryff, Wolff) and one edition of Latin-German and German-Latin dictionary (Venuti). At the end, it is important to note one encyclopedia (Zwinger) This collection is particularly interesting because it contains eight (8) titles written by various protestant authors, and these volumes cover different fields from medicine, classic philosophy, ethics, up to pastoral texts (sermons and liturgical manuals) and Old Testament (Psalms of David). Majority the books were published in German speaking countries, Apennine peninsula (Venice), and in France of Belgium. Some of them are published in Gothic scripture and in German, but most of them are published in Latin letters and in Latin or Italian. Significant part of these books has illustrations, some of them in xylography or plate techniques. Book covers in this collection are of different age. The oldest bindings consist of wood coated in parched leather with floral ornaments, impressions of important contemporaries, or pictures of saints and years, bounded with metal buckles. Such original bindings preserved many titles in different formats, and its originality gives them a certain bibliophilic and artistic value. Just minor part of the books is in rather bad condition, with damaged leather covers. Most of the items from the Collection already have a bibliographical description with digital image and direct link to the digitized copy kept in some of the European libraries. In this way users can easily browse holdings of this library. This Collection of foreign rare books from the sixteenth century in the Library of the Franciscan monastery in Samobor (and Jastrebarsko) clearly witness about long lasting spiritual and cultural tradition of the Croatian Franciscans from Samobor and Jastrebarsko


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    Tijekom povijesti veliko je zanimanje putopisaca za Senj, što govori o važnosti grada i luke te zaleđa koje je Senju gravitiralo. U XIX. stoljeću pojačano je zanimanje engleskih putopisaca za istočnojadransku obalu. Motivi njihova putovanja su različiti: od upoznavanja "egzotičnih" krajeva, otkrivanja nepoznate europske kulturne baštine, pa sve do snimanja stanja i odnosa političkih snaga nakon kolapsa susjednoga Turskoga carstva i jačanja samosvijesti slavenskih naroda na području Austro-ugarske monarhije. Britanski arhitekt, povjesničar, konzervator i pisac Sir Thomas Graham Jackson (1835-1924) putovao je 1882., 1884. i 1885. godine istočnojadranskom obalom od Grada i Akvileje do Boke kotorske i Cetinja i dokumentarnom preciznošću opisao ljude i krajeve (riječju i slikom), bilježio arhitektonske spomenike, povijesne događaje i prirodne fenomene. To je objavio u kapitalnom djelu: Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria with Cetigne in Montenegro and the Island of Grado, koje je 1887. godine tiskano u Oxfordu. Jacksonov opis Senja i podvelebitske obale sve do Karlobaga oskudan je, posebno u usporedbi s opisima dalmatinskih gradova i kvarnerskih otoka. Njegovo zanimanje za Senj zasnovano je na povijesnim izvorima o senjskim uskocima, u prvome redu onim mletačkim, njegov putopisni opis Senja je u sjeni velikoga priloga o povijesti uskoka. U tome opisu uskočke povijesti Jackson ne donosi ništa novoga, već samo osvježuje i aktualizira izvore iz kojih crpi podatke, a sada je sve to u novoj funkciji istočne politike britanske imperije. Međutim, njegovi opisi, ako se odbace povijesno-politički komentari, sadrže dragocjene podatke i svjedočanstva o tim krajevima i ljudima, čime se dobiva uvid u poglede i mišljenje drugih, tj. stranaca. To je dokumentacija koja je autoritetom izuzetne Jacksonove ličnosti oblikovala javno mnijenje engleskoga govornoga područja i šire. Danas su ti stavovi i mišljenja mnogima možda čudni, jer su povijesno neutemeljeni, nekima nerazumljivi i neprihvatljivi, ali su to stavovi koji su znatno utjecali na političke odluke anglosaksonskih zemalja, u prvome redu Velike Britanije krajem XIX. i tijekom XX. stoljeća, a što se može prepoznati i danas u politici i mnogim postupcima tih država. U ovome radu se nastoji dati uz prijevod dijelove Jacksonova putopisa, koji se odnose na Kvarner, grad Senj, podvelebitsku obalu sve do Karlobaga (bez kvarnerskih otoka), i na povijest senjskih uskoka, i uvid u epohu, okolnosti nastanka ovoga putopisa kao i komentari i objašnjenja, tj. što kompleksniji osvrt, čime se omogućava bolje razumijevanje ovoga Jacksonova djela.During the 19th century there was especially increased interest in the eastern Adriatic coastline by English travel writers. Their motives for travelling varied: from getting to know ‘exotic’ regions, discovering unknown European culture heritage, even to recording the conditions and relations of political forces after the collapse of the neighbouring Ottoman Empire and the strengthening of selfconsciousness of the Slavic peoples within the Austro-Hungary monarchy. Especially interesting for them was the history of the Uskoks, they came to Senj, where with luck they found the locations connected to the events. British architect, historian, conservator and writer Sir Thomas Graham Jackson (1835-1924) travelled, many times (1882, 1884 and 1885) to the eastern Adriatic coast from Boka Kotorska and Cetinje, and in 1885 he was in Senj. Jackson wrote with documentary precision about the people and river regions and with pictures, he noted architectonic monuments, historical events and natural phenomena. He published this is his work: Dalmatia, the Quarnero and Istria with Cetigne in Montenegro and the Island of Grado, which was printed in Oxford in 1887. Jackson\u27s description of Senj and the Velebit coast to Karlobag is scant, especially in comparison with the descriptions of the Dalmatian towns and islands of Kvarner. His interest in Senj is based on some historical sources of Senj’s Uskoks, primarily those of Venice, and his travelogue description of Senj in the shadow of the great stories about the history of the Uskoks which does not bring anything new, only refreshing and updating the old arguments and positions, and now it is all in the new function of the eastern policy of the British Empire. However, his descriptions, if you reject the historical-political comments, do contain valuable Information and testimony about those regions and the people. Therewith to get an insight into the views and opinions of others or strangers. This is the documentation that with the authority of Jackson\u27s extraordinary personality shaped public opinion of English-speaking areas and beyond. Today, these attitudes and opinions of many, perhaps strange, some incomprehensible, largely historically unfounded and partly objectionable, but these are attitudes that are significantly influenced by the political decisions of Great Britain and the United States at the end of 19th during the 20th century, which can be recognised today in the policies and procedures of these countries. This paper provides the translation parts of Jackson\u27s travelogue, which is related to Kvarner, Velebit, the town of Senj and the coast all the way to Karlobag (without the islands of Kvarner) and the history of Senj’s Uskoks and review of all economic, political and cultural relations and the situation in Senj and Croatia that could be conditioned by the attitudes and claims that Jackson has in his travelogue. It is also the view of the era and circumstances of this travelogue as well as comments and explanations of Jackson’s certain points of view, claims and animosity, enabling a better understanding of not only this but his actions and the history of the Uskoks in the light of recent historical evaluation and research. It attempts with an objective critique and historical facts to refute some of the biased and historically unsubstantiated opinions, but also understands Jackson, and give objective reasons for such. This is an opportunity to give an overview of the local history and heritage, which, unfortunately, is little known and is under valued not only in the Croatian but also in the European context

    FESTUNG NEHAJ – EIN DENKMAL DES WELTERBES Der Vorschlag zum Einordnen von Nehaj Festung an die UNESCO Liste des Welterbes

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    Tvrđava Nehaj, jedinstveni spomenik fortifikacijske arhitekture nastao sredinom XVI. stoljeća (1558. godine) na zahtjev generala Ivana Lenkovića i Gradačkog ratnoga vijeća predstavlja jedinstveni primjer fortifikacijske arhitekture na prijelazu iz srednjega vijeka u renesansu. Građena dijelomično materijalom porušenih crkava, samostana i ostalih zgrada koje su se nalazile izvan senjskih gradskih zidina kao važan strateški objekt obrane od Turaka predstavlja dio ne samo hrvatske već i europske baštine, obilježava vrijeme i duh koji je branio i sačuvao Europu i njezin identitet u vremenima prodora Turaka – Osmanlija. Dobro je uščuvana, održavana, nije izgubila svoju izvornost. Danas predstavlja vrijedan spomenik nacionalne kulture, zaštitni znak jednoga povijesnoga razdoblja kao i senjskoga kraja, te je vrlo zanimljivi dio turističke ponude ovoga dijela Hrvatske. U radu autor iznosi razloge zbog kojih smatra da navedeni objekt treba biti predložen kao kandidat za UNESCO-vu Listu svjetske baštine.The Nehaj Tower is a unique monument of fortification architecture built in the 16th century (1588) on the demand of General Ivan Lenković and Graz Military Council. Therefore its represents a unique example of fortification architecture on the crossroads of Medieval and Renaissance periods. It is built partly from the material of the dilapidated churches, monasteries and other buildings, which were placed outside the town of Senj’s ramparts. It was an important strategic building for defence from Ottoman attacks and by its characteristics represents a part, not only of Croatian, but of European heritage, as well which is marked by the time and spirit when it was necessary to protect Europe and its identity during the period of the Ottoman invasions. The building is well preserved and conserved and it has not lost its originality. Today it represents a valuable monument of national culture and it is a recognisable sign of a historical period and the Senj region. The tower is also an interesting part of the tourist attractions of this part of Croatia. In the paper the author presents the reasons why he believes that the building should be proposed as a candidate for the UNESCO List of World Heritage.Die Festung Nehaj, das einzigartige Denkmal der fortifikatorischen Architektur entstand in der Mitte des XVI. Jahrhunderts (1558) auf Forderung des Generals Ivan Lenković und des Kriegsrates von Gradec. Die Festung stellt das einzigartige Beispiel der fortifikatorischen Architektur dar, auf Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Renaissance. Die Festung wurde teilweise durch Materialien der zerstörten Kirchen, Klöster und andere Gebäude gebaut, die sich außerhalb Senjer Stadtmauern befanden, als ein wichtiges strategisches Verteidigungsbjekt von Osmanen. Mit ihren Charakteristiken stellt einen Teil, nicht nur kroatisches, sondern europäisches Erbe dar, bezeichnet eine Zeit und Geist, die Europa und seine Identität in den Zeiten der Eroberung von Osmanen verteidigte und bewahrte. Die ist gut bewahrt, erhalten und ihre Originalität ist nicht verloren. Heute stellt ein wertes Denkmal der Nationalkultur, ein Schutzzeichen einer historischen Zeit und Senjer Gebiet dar, sie ist auch sehr interessanter Teil des touristischen Angebotes in diesem Teil Kroatiens. In diesem Artikel begründet der Autor, warum das angeführte Objekt als Kandidat für die UNESCO-Liste des Welterbes vorgeschlagen sein sollte


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    Hrvatska franjevačka provincija sv. Ćirila i Metoda od 2011. godine sustavno obrađuje građu svojih knjižnica, ponajprije najvrjednije zbirke, prema međunarodnim standardima (ISBDM) primjenom suvremenih informatičkih i komunikacijskih tehnologija. Time su podatci o toj građi odmah nakon obrade dostupni javnosti u elektroničkome mrežno dostupnome katalogu Provincije ( Zbirka stranih rijetkih knjiga XVI. stoljeća u knjižnici Franjevačkoga samostana u Kloštar Ivaniću brojem jedinica (50), odnosno naslova (54) je malena, ali svojim sadržajem zanimljiva i predstavlja svojevrsnu rijetkost. Ovaj rad donosi katalog te zbirke, komentare i informacije o autorima uz svaki naslov, tj. djelo. U zbirci su dvije Biblije, od kojih je jedna remek-djelo njemačkog tiskarstva, opremljena grafikama frankfurtskog gravera i tiskara Sigismunda Feyerabenda, a koju je preveo i uredio Martin Luther, što je posebna zanimljivost te zbirke, te manji broj izdanja s komentarima na pojedine dijelove Biblije i biblijske teme (Rampegollo, Thomas Hibernicus, Allot, Haimo, Theophylactus, Witzel), kao i pomoćna biblijska literatura (Thesaurus bibliorum). Tu je i velik broj izdanja neophodnih za pastoralno djelovanje: propovijedi (Pelbartus, Polygranus, Nas, Royaerds, van den Prieele, Raulin, Guicciardi, Diez, Voragine, Luis de Granada, Lopez), pastoralni priručnici (Guido de Monte Rochen, Alagona, Stapleton, katekizmi), građa teološke tematike (Bonaventura, Dionysius Cartusianus, Hugo Argentinensis, Bellarmino), ali i građa teološkog i pravno-filozofskog karaktera (Witzel, Braun). Zasebnu cjelinu čine djela autora klasične antičke (rimske) književnosti i govorništva (M. T. Cicero, N. P. Ovidius. Afer Terentius, M. V. Martialis) novolatinske literature (M. A. Muret, B. Castiglione, J. Sannazzaro) te lingvističke rasprave (A. Manuzio). Malu grupu čine djela pravno-upravnog karaktera (Artis Notariatus, D. de Covarrubias, A. Erstenberger). Povijesna tematika zastupljena je samo dvama djelima (P. Morigia, D. de Covarrubias), a političke i opće društvene prilike opisao je sa svoga gledišta C. Tolomei. Zasebnu grupu čine tri djela medicinsko-ljekarničkoga karaktera (W. H. Ryff, L. Lemnius), literatura kojom su se koristila braća ljekarnici i ranarnici u tom samostanu. Svojom monumentalnošću i opsežnošću ističe se kao zasebna cjelina višejezični rječnik (Dictionarium Ambrosii Calepini), kapitalno djelo europske klasične filologije talijanskoga leksikografa, augustinskoga redovnika Ambrogija Calepija. Neki primjerci građe iz te zbirke imaju u bibliografskome opisu poveznicu s digitalnom slikom istoga naslova u nekoj europskoj knjižnici ili u nekoj bazi digitalizirane knjižne građe, čime je korisniku omogućen, u nedostatku digitalne slike primjerka iz te knjižnice, uvid u cjelokupan sadržaj toga naslova. Zbirka stranih rijetkih knjiga XVI. stoljeća u knjižnici Franjevačkoga samostana u Kloštar Ivaniću još je jedno svjedočanstvo višestoljetne duhovne i kulturne tradicije hrvatskih franjevaca Kloštar Ivanića, grada Ivanića i Hrvatske, zemlje bogate europske kršćanske kulture i uljudbe.Croatian Franciscan Province of Ss Cyril and Methodius since 2011 systematically itemizes holdings of its libraries in accordance to the international standards (ISBDM). The focus of this catalogue is on the most precious holdings and modern standardization through usage of informatics and communication technologies. With such an approach, the processed material is available in digital catalogue publicly open on the web-address The collection of rare books from the sixteenth century in the library of the Franciscan monastery in Kloštar Ivanić does not consist of many items (50 books i.e. 54 titles) but its content is quite interesting and kind of unique. This article reveals catalog of the Collection itself, including the comments and necessary explanations regarding the most interesting titles and their authors. The collection holds two Bibles, and one of these is a masterpiece of German printing. This copy includes graphics of Sigmund Feyerabend, who was quite known engraver and printer from Frankfurt. Moreover, this Bible text is a translation from Hebrew done by Martin Luther, which makes this particular copy quite an attraction. Some other items contain commentaries on Biblical themes or thoughts on other Biblical themes (Rampegollo, Thomas Hibernicus, Allot, Haimo, Theophylactus, Witzel), and in this context one must not omit mentioning Thesaurus bibliorum. Furthermore, the collection embraces many publications necessary for regular pastoral work: sermons (Pelbartus, Polygranus, Nas, Royaerds, van den Prieele, Raulin, Guicciardi, Diez, Voragine, Luis de Gradana, Lopez), works of theological character (Bonaventura, Dionysius Cartusianus, Hugo Argentinensis, Bellarmino), but also works of legal and philosophical character (Witzel, Braun). A separate part of this collection are works of classical (Roman) authors covering topics of literature and oratory (M.T. Cicero, N.P. Ovidius, Afer Terentius, M.V. Martialis), neo-Latin literature (M.A. Muret, B. Castiglione, J. Sannazzaro), and linguistics studies (A. Manuzio). Another small part of the collection consists of works covering legal and administrative topics (Artis Notariatus, D. de Covarrubias, A. Erstenberger). Similarly, historical studies are represented only with two titles (P. Morigia, D. de Covarrubias), and political and social circumstances are covered only in the work of C. Tolomei. Another separate part of the collection is consisted of three studies of medico-pharmaceutical character (W.H. Ryff, L. Lemnius), and this was literature used by friars who were pharmacists and surgeons in this monastery. At the end it is important to emphasize monumental and voluminous multilingual dictionary (Dictionarium Ambrosii Calepini), a major work of European classical philology written by Italian lexicographer and Augustinian monk Amrogio Calepio. Most of the books in the collection are printed and published in German speaking countries, Apennine peninsula (Venice), or some territories of present-day France and Belgium. A small part of the books are printed in Gothic letters and in German language, and the most of the books are printed in Latin letters and in Latin language. Many of these books have impressive graphical illustrations (initials, vignette, and xylography). Bookcovers in this collection are of different age. The oldest bindings consist of wood coated in parched leather with floral ornaments, depictions of famous contemporaries, pictures of saints, and years of publication. Most of the volumes of the smaller format are bounded with metal buckles on the covers. It seems that these books are preserved in their original bindings, which makes them interesting not only in bibliophilic sense but also regarding their artistic value. Newer bindings (18th – 19th c.) have cardboard covers sometimes clothed in smooth, mostly cowhide, leather. Still, quite a large number of these books have bindings from the late nineteenth century, and some of them (after the recent restoration) have bindings from the late twentieth or from the beginning of the twenty-first century. Some of the catalogued items contain clearly visible ex libris or other proprietary inscriptions, among which the most interesting is D(omi)ne gressus meos dirige. Ant. Vramecz (33). Some of these items are in really bad shape, with broken bindings and damaged covers. Most of the items from the Collection already have a bibliographical description with digital image and direct link to the digitized copy kept in some of the European libraries. In this way users can easily browse these holdings in the library. This Collection of foreign rare books from the sixteenth century in the Library of the Franciscan monastery in Kloštar Ivanić clearly witness about long lasting spiritual and cultural tradition of the Croatian Franciscans from the town of Kloštar Ivanić