588 research outputs found

    Effect of Water-deficit Stress on Cotton During Reproductive Development

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    Water deficit is a major abiotic factor limiting plant growth and crop productivity around the world. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is considered to be relatively tolerant to drought and the effects of water stress on leaf physiology and metabolism have been extensively documented. However, information is lacking on the effect of water-deficit stress on the cotton flower. It was hypothesized that water-deficit stress would impair gas exchange functions which consequently would result in perturbation of carbohydrates of cotton reproductive units. To investigate this hypothesis growth room studies and field studies were conducted with the objectives being to document the physiological and biochemical changes that take place in cotton flowers and their subtending leaves when subjected to limited water supply. Additionally, the effect of the ethylene inhibitor 1-Methylcyclopropene under conditions of water stress was investigated as well as the response of leaf and ovary polyamine metabolism of two cotton cultivars differing in drought tolerance. Results indicated that water-deficit stress during flowering significantly compromised leaf gas exchange functions resulting in decreased stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, respiration and water potential. However, cotton reproductive units appeared to be less drought-sensitive compared to the leaves possibly due to higher water potential and glutathione reductase activity. Limited supply of water significantly affected carbohydrate metabolism of both leaf and pistil resulting in carbohydrate accumulation. Contrary to expectations, application of the ethylene inhibitor 1-MCP had no effect on leaf gas exchange function, however, it reversed the effect of water stress on pistil sucrose concentrations. Finally, water-deficit stress during flowering had a significant effect on polyamine metabolism of both leaf and pistil, resulting in increases in putrescine, spermidine and spermine in drought-sensitive cultivars. The differential response of polyamine metabolism between drought-sensitive and tolerant cultivars suggests that polyamines could be effective tools not only in selection of drought-tolerant cultivars, but also in drought tolerance engineering, however further research is needed in order to elucidate the exact pathways of their action


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    Comparison of growing media for container grown plants

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    Greenhouse and growth chamber experiments are conducted worldwide in efforts to produce solutions that would increase yields of agronomic crops. However, the results of those experiments vary due to the many growth media being used. An experiment was conducted in the fall of 2010 to identify a broadly acceptable growth media that would produce uniform stands and optimum results in greenhouse and growth chamber settings. A total of six growth media were tested on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) at the Arkansas Agricutural Research and Extension Center’s Altheimer Lab in Fayetteville. The plants grown in each medium were harvested six weeks after planting and the measurements performed included plant height, plant dry matter, leaf area, and nutrient analysis. The results indicated that a positive, significant difference (P \u3c 0.05) existed between “Sunshine” mix (MIX1) and the other media. Plants grown in MIX1 experienced greater plant height, dry matter, leaf area, and also experienced higher leaf tissue levels of N, P, and S. “Sunshine” (Mix1) is a readily available growth medium that produces optimum plant growth and uniform results in growth chamber and greenhouse experiments


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    ABSTRAK Minyak goreng merupakan salah satu bahan pokok yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia, terutama didalam rumah tangga. Konsumsi minyak goreng biasanya digunakan sebagai media menggoreng bahan pangan dan penambah cita rasa. Banyaknya penggunaan minyak goreng menyebabkan minyak jelantah dalam jumlah tinggi, menyadari adanya bahaya kosumsi minyak jelantah menyebabkan berbagai penyakit maka dilakukan upaya untuk memanfaatkan agar tidak terbuang dan mencemari lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan tonggol jagung pada minyak jelantah sehingga dapat menyerap senyawa karsinogenik yang terdapat pada minyak jelantah. Minyak jelantah tersebut di perbaiki dengan mengadsorpsi bau tengik, menyerap warna, dan mereduksi senyawa-senyawa karsinogen yang terdapat pada minyak tersebut. Minyak jelantah yang digunakan untuk proses ini di ambil dari pedangan gorengan. Dengan konsentrasi tonggol jagung 0,2 ; 0,4 ; 0,6 ; 0,8 gram dan untuk ukuran partikel sebesar 120 mesh, 100 mesh dan 80 mesh. Analisa yang di lakukan terhadap pemurnian minyak jelantah yaitu kadar air, asam lemak bebas dan angka penyabunan. Dari pemurnian minyak maka dapat diperoleh kadar airnya sebesar 2,5 %, Kadar FFA 0,1173 %, dan Angka penyabunan yang di dapat adalah sebesar 149,3662 %.Kata Kunci : Minyak jelantah, Tonggol jagung, karsinogenik, karsinoge

    Kan tillsats av ett kommersiellt inokulum öka koloniseringen av mykorrhiza och förbÀttra vÀxters vigör?

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    Vi lever i en evigt förÀnderlig vÀrld dÀr dagens miljöförÀndringar i samband med en ökad population stÀller höga krav pÄ vÄra bönder att producera starka och motstÄndskraftiga grödor. Ett sÀtt att bemöta dessa problem kan vara att anvÀnda sig av naturliga biostimulanter i sin odling som förbÀttrar vÀxternas allmÀnna tillstÄnd. En naturlig biostimulant som finns pÄ marknaden idag Àr jordtillsattser som innehÄller sporer frÄn arbuskulÀra mykorrhizasvampar, kallade inokulum. ArbuskulÀr mykorrhiza Àr en symbios mellan vÀxters rötter och jordlevande svampar som anses ha en positiv pÄverkan pÄ plantans tillvÀxt och stresstÄlighet. I denna rapport beprövades ett kommersiellt inokulum som finns pÄ marknaden. Inokulering gjordes pÄ en vild art inom potatisslÀktet som heter besksöta (Solanum dulcamara). Besksöta Àr en art som kan vÀxa i mÄnga olika habitat och fÄr dÄ varierande utseende beroende pÄ miljö. För att ta reda pÄ ifall det gÄr att öka kolonisation av arbuskulÀr mykorrhiza i besksöta utformades ett försök som delades upp i diverse moment dÀr frön tagna frÄn vilda populationer som kommer frÄn olika habitat först planterades och drevs upp i en odlingskammare. Det fanns Àven ett intresse att ta reda pÄ ifall det fenotypiska uttrycket hos besksötan varierar beroende pÄ vilket habitat moderplantan till fröna kommer ifrÄn om plantor drivs upp under samma förutsÀttningar. Ett inokulum applicerades till hÀlften av plantorna i odlingskammaren för att jÀmföra om denna behandling ledde till ökad kolonisation och vigör i vÀxterna. Samma inokulum applicerades Àven till besksötaplantor pÄ friland för att ta reda pÄ ifall det Àr lÀttare eller svÄrare att lyckas med applikationen i odlingskammare eller pÄ friland. Resultat frÄn inokuleringen visar att det kommersiella inokulumet som valts inte Àr dugligt nog för att lyckas öka kolonisation av svampar i rötterna hos besksöta varken i odlingskammare eller pÄ friland. Vid mÀtningar av plantor visade det sig dock att lÀngdtillvÀxt hos plantor pÄ friland Àr större hos plantor som blivit behandlade med inokulum, detta skulle kunna vara en effekt av nÀringen som finns i inokulumet snarare Àn svamparna, eller de andra svampendofyter som pÄtrÀffades i inokulerade vÀxter. Det framkom Àven att det fanns en viss fenotypisk skillnad mellan besksötaplantor som drivits upp frÄn frön baserat pÄ vilket habitat moderplantan kommer ifrÄn.We live in a world that is forever changing where today's environmental changes in connection with an increased population place high demands on our farmers to produce strong and resilient crops. One way to address these problems could be to use natural biostimulants to improve the general condition of our plants. A natural biostimulant available on the market today is soil additives that contain spores from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, called inoculum. Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a symbiosis between plant roots and soil living fungi that has a positive effect on plant growth and resistance against stress. In this report, we examined the effects of a commercial inoculum of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that exists on the market, on a wild species in the potato genus called bittersweet nightshade (Solanum dulcamara). Bittersweet nightshade is a species that can be found in many different habitats, their appearance varies depending on the environment they grow in. An experiment was designed to find out if it is possible to increase the colonization of arbuscular mycorrhiza equally in plants originating from different types of habitats by adding a commercial inoculum. The experiment was divided into various steps where seeds taken from wild populations in different habitats were first planted and raised in a cultivation chamber. There was also an interest in finding out if the phenotypic expression of bittersweet nightshade varies depending on which habitat the mother plant of the seeds comes from, even if the plants were raised under the same conditions. An inoculum was then applied to half of the plants in the cultivation chamber. The same inoculum is also applied to bittersweet nightshade plants in a trial field to find out if the application was more successful in the cultivation chamber or under field conditions. Results from the inoculation show that the commercial inoculum failed to increase the colonization rates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots, both in the cultivation chambers and in the field. When plants were measured, it turned out that the overall growth of plants from the field was greater in plants that had been treated with the inoculum, this may be an effect of the nutrients present in the inoculum rather than the fungi or the dark septate endophytes found in inoculated plants. Results also indicate that there is a phenotypic difference between plants of bittersweet nightshade grown from seeds based on which habitat the mother plant comes from

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Kepemilikan Manajerial Sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of capital structure on firm value with managerial ownership as a moderation variable. The population in this study is a manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample was determined using Purposive Sampling method with certain criteria. The sample of the research is 43 companies. The analysis used classical assumption test, multiple regeresis analysis and hypothesis test with SPSS 21 assistance. The results of this test show the hypothesis is rejected that managerial ownership does not strengthen the relationship of capital structure to firm value

    Church unity in the sacrament of the eucharist /

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    Master's thesis in Theology. School of Mission and Theology, December 201


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    The study aims to investigate the translation of ellipsis and event reference in JK Rowling‘s‘ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In this present study, a qualitative content analysis method was employed. In translating the ellipsis and event reference, semantic and syntactic referents should be taken into account. Concerning with reference to eventualities, three forms of referents namely verb phrase ellipsis, so anaphora and pronominal event reference are analysed. Some adjustments such as literal translation, explicitation, omission, and the like are made


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    ABSTRAK Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen pembelajaran yang berperan penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Materi pelajaran yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran lebih efektif daripada pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran yang ada di sekolah diharapkan lebih menarik dan pengalaman belajar peserta didik dapat meningkat. Tari Condong Legong Kraton merupakan tari berkarakter gesit, ceria dan lincah yang mengisahkan tentang pengasuh putri raja di sebuah kerajaan. Ciri khas gerakannya, seperti ngocok langse, tayung ngotes, kipekan telu, dan sidekep, yang menunjukan keseriusan dan kecerdasan. Fungsi tari Condong Legong Kraton sebagai hiburan dan digunakan sebagai standarisasi dalam mengembangkan tari Bali. Iringan tari Condong Legong Kraton biasanya menggunakan gamelan pelegongan, laras pelog 5 nada, dengan tempo sedang, cepat dan lambat Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan video pembelajaran tari Condong Legong Kraton dan hasil validasi video pembelajaran tersebut melalui uji perorangan dan kelompok kecil. Tahapan penelitian ini dari proses pembuatan video pembelajaran tari Contong Legong Kraton, validasi video pembelajaran melalui uji perorangan dan validasi melalui uji kelompok kecil. Berdasarkan penilaian ahli seni tari dan ahli media pembelajaran diperoleh hasil bahwa VCD pembelajaran tari Condong Legong Kraton sangat layak dan tidak perlu direvisi. Penilaian VCD pembelajaran tari Condong Legong Kratonoleh guru seni tari SMP Negeri 3 Selemadeg Timur sangat layak. Hasil VCD di uji coba perorangan dan kelompok kecil pada siswa SMP yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler seni tari hasinyal menunjukkan video pembelajaran tari Legong Lasem masuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan,video pembelajaran, tari Condong Legong Krato
