4 research outputs found

    Autistic adults' personal experiences of navigating a social world prior to and during Covid-19 lockdown in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic brought significant movement restrictions and national lockdowns. These drastic changes impacted routines, social life and support networks for the autistic community. AIMS: This study investigated the lived experiences of autistic adults with social expectations before and during the first Covid-19 lockdown in Spain. METHODS: A qualitative Reflexive Thematic Analysis was applied to 10 Photo Elicitation Interviews using images provided by five autistic adults. Interviews were conducted at two time points, before the pandemic and during the first lockdown. FINDINGS: Three themes before the pandemic were identified: (1) everyday interactions, (2) finding sense of belonging, and (3) fractured wellbeing, which revealed the participants' eagerness to fit in socially whilst experiencing rejection, weakening their mental health. During the first Covid-19 lockdown, two master themes were identified: (1) daily, positive experiences, and (2) surfacing failures, which emphasised an increased lived stigma as well as an ineffective autism support network, contributing to a heightened anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides further support to the recent findings highlighting lack of appropriate mental health support for the autistic communities during the pandemic, across the world. Future research should aim to provide more data on the experiences and needs of autistic communities when sudden societal changes are imposed


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    Este artículo presenta los resultados en 1996 de una muestra aleatoria de 108 explotaciones lecheras gallegas estratificadas en función de su cuota, para un intervalo de confianza del 95% y un error de estimación inferior al 6%, que se comparan con los publicados por la Xunta de Galicia. La dimensión media de las explotaciones es de 12,4 ha de SAU y 18 vacas, que producen 5326 L de leche y consumen 1871,6 kg de concentrado por vaca y lactación. El 66,7 % del Coste Variable (20,5 ptas/L) corresponde a los alimentos comprados, del que el 86,9% es pienso para vacas. Las partidas más importantes del Coste fijo (11,8 ptas/L) son las Amortizaciones y la Seguridad Social familiar que representan el 39,3% y el 29,5%, respectivamente. Las diferencias observadas entre estratos respecto del Coste Total (56,5 ptas/L) son debidas fundamentalmente al valor del Coste de Oportunidad (24,2 ptas/L). Sólo a partir de las 120 t de producción el beneficio es positivo y el precio de venta de la leche se sitúa por encima del Umbral de Rentabilidad con Coste de Oportunidad incluid

    The Marche Film Commission: a Tool for Promoting Territorial Development and Regional Tourism

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    The level of attractiveness of a tourist destination due to several tangible and intangible elements, which usually have a high degree of interdependence and reciprocity. The film is thus both a communication channel guide is a reference market of the destination. Many areas offer a wide variety of potential movie sets, thanks to the scenic splendor that characterizes different environmental and artistic and monumental heritage, also varied for the different origins of the architectural structures. This paper aims to highlight the role played by the Film Commission, which allow you to have a vision of cinema that goes beyond the original one, as they can think of it not only as a cultural activity, but also as a possible tool for development economic territory, able to promote and enhance the same resources and places of historical, artistic and natural and economic benefits are linked precisely to the revival of tourism and the possible revenues appropriated by the producers of the film/television industry.Il livello di attrattività di una destinazione turistica deriva da molteplici elementi materiali ed immateriali, che di solito possiedono un elevato grado di interdipendenza e reciprocità. Il cinema rappresenta quindi sia un canale di comunicazione turistica sia un mercato di riferimento della destinazione. Molti territori offrono una grande varietà di potenziali set cinematografici grazie allo splendore paesaggistico che caratterizza diverse tipologie ambientali e all’immenso patrimonio artistico e monumentale, anch’esso vario per le diverse provenienze delle strutture architettoniche. Il presente lavoro intende evidenziare il ruolo svolto dalle  Film Commission, le quali permettono di avere una visione del cinema che va al di là di quella originaria, poiché consentono di pensare ad esso non più solo come attività culturale, ma anche come possibile strumento di sviluppo economico per un territorio, in grado di promuovere e valorizzare contestualmente le risorse e i luoghi di interesse storico, artistico e naturalistico e di produrre benefici economici, legati appunto al rilancio del turismo e ai possibili proventi stanziati dai produttori del settore cinematografico/televisivo

    A global perspective on carotenoids: Metabolism, biotechnology, and benefits for nutrition and health

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